Siren's song

Fydra smiled a little as she stepepd into the room, wrapping her robe around herself as she surveyed her twin."You do realize, normal people are asleep right now."she pointed out, sitting down across from him. Looking content and smiling, even though a nightmare to had driven her out of bed.Though she'd gotten up to keep from waking draco up. She didn't want him to worry.
Harry glanced up at Fydra and sighed a little. "had a nightmare..." he admitted softly closing his book. "couldn't get back to sleep so i thought i would try reading some 'classy literature''s not bad." he admitted at his sister. a small scowl on his face. "what are you doing up so early?"
Fydra laughed softly, "Same thing."She said yawning as she shifted, curling up in her seat."Draco was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him up."She said smiling slowly, resting her cheek on her hand. Looking content and at ease. Despite the bad nightmare, she was relaxed. Blushing a little as she thought over draco and her evening.That was...a very good memory in face of her nightmare.
he nodded a little looking amused. "same with Blaise." Harry admitted chuckling a little. "it always amazes me how BIG he is." he admitted grinning a little. "makes me wish i could have seen him naked, but he kept his dang boxers on all night." he admitted sighing a little as he shook his head again..."sometimes...i wonder how he could want me when i'm so defiled." he admitted looking up at his sister. "i try not to let it get to me but..." he shuddered a little. "even in my dreams he haunts me." he admitted picking up a letter that Ron had sent him, unopened. "and he's still taunting me..." he was too afraid to open the letter, he knew the words written would only serve to rip him apart all over again.
Fydra swallowed hard, reaching across and taking the letter from him. Eyes haunted.Because she didn't want to think about ronald weasley. Not here, in her home, her sanctuary. But...She sighed as she opened the letter,starting to read,absently alking to harry."Well, if we wait long enough we'll both have a red haired reminder."She said shuddering a little, not sure what she thought about having a kid yet."Blaise is blaise. He's a mystery even to other slytherins."She said smiling a little. Because she wondered the same thing, she wondered how draco could still want her.
it was a common enough letter from ron, explaining about what a good time he was having at home with his family, a dig at harry's friendless, and family-less life. Ron also commented that he was going to get Harry a great present, probably a warning. and of course the read headed bastard 'couldn't wait to see him after break', a promise to keep raping him until harry agreed to be his boyfriend, or until Harry managed to kill himself...whichever came first. Harry watched her read the letter with hooded eyes, swallowing thickly.

"Blaise is a lot different than i expected." he admitted looking amused. "i always thought he would be sort of grumpy, since he always had a scowl on his face whenever i saw him. but really he's very sweet, and kind, and protective." he admitted smiling a little. "i'm scared he won't want me anymore though, if Ron gets to me again, or if he finds out that i almost managed to kill myself... so far only you and Draco and To..." he paused a strange look in his eyes. "Father." he stated firmly. "knows what happened to me." so harry had accepted the Dark Lord as his family, good news for Tom! "what happens if Blaise finds out...and he hates me for being so weak?"
Fydra smiled a little tossing the letter onto the side table before summoning fire to burn it before answering him."Then it'll be a matter of who gets to ron first. Draco, Blaise know."She said, even though she believed that tom was her father, she wasn't ready to accept him as family. As far as she was concerned, draco narcissa harry and blaise were her family. She didn't know hw to acept someone else."Anyways, he's not coming back from break.You know that."He said smiling a little." And blaise was only grumpy because he didn't want involved with pansy. It would make anyone grumpy to be hounded by her. Walk up behind draco sometime and pretend to be her,he'll jump out of his skin."She said snickering a little.
Harry watched the letter burn, swallowing thickly and closing his eyes. "honestly... i have to admit i almost feel guilty about killing Ron." he admitted softly. "Mr and Mrs Weasley have always been like family to me." he admitted sucking on his lip. "and the twins..." he shook his head a little. "not to mention Ginny." he shook his head a little. "these days, it seams like no matter what i do, i end up feeling bad." he admitted sighing a little before grinning. "i'll have to remember that." he teased snickering a little as he fingered his throat for a moment then. "Dracy poo!" he wailed, sounding exactly like pansy, a sadistic little smirk on his lips. as he vanished the spell. he wanted to see the terror on Draco's face when Harry wrapped his arms around him and cried out that he'd missed him. and then the horror as he finally realized who it was making kissy faces at him, it was going to be so priceless.
Fydra laughed shaking her head."That's disturbing."She snickered, almost looking forward to seeing it before she grew serious, looking at the floor.">..If I could stand to be held, I'ld feel bad.As it stands...he robbed me of something. I'm going to make sure he can't hurt anyone else like that."She said, the siren coldly looking out fydra's eyes. She was vicious, when she had to be. And it wouldn't be because she'd been hurt-espite what she'd said-it was because harry had been.She was a vicious enemy-because she was such a fierce protector.
Harry nodded. "it's not killing ron that makes me guilty." he admitted a low growl falling from his lips. "he's going to suffer a slow and painful death for what he did to us." he was more focused on hurting him for Fydra's sake then his own, but that was only to be expected, Harry's eyes fixed on Fydra's and he smirked a little, a strange sort of fury swimming in his eyes. "no one hurts my sister" he promised shaking his head. "i just feel guilty that i'm going to make his family suffer for this, can't exactly tell them WHY ron is going to suffer a tortured and painful slow death." he admitted sighing a little as he flipped open his book again. "so, when are we starting my 'pureblood' training?"
She laughed softly, biting her lip."As soon as the other two get up...which should be any time now. I'm actually amazed draco didn't wake up when I left."She said looking amused as she looked over at him."First thing, don't loose your temper.It gives others to much power over you.And they feel off balance if they dont know how angry you are."
Harry nodded a little. "i knew that." he admitted sighing softly. "but it's hard to control my temper, when all my life i've had a good reason to be pissed." he admitted scowling a little as he flipped through the book, not even reading it now, just staring at the words. "i wonder if i could talk Father into killing my bastard muggle family for me...." he forgot that he'd already had that conversation with the Dark Lord.
Fydra smirked a little."He already said he would. While you were drugged... you asked him."She said waving off the question, closing her eyes as she reached across and took the book from him, flipping through it. trying to see if there was anything mildly interesting."Ron'll be his first thing done, because well...we have to go to scool with him. Then he'll deal with your family."She said rationally
Harry nodded a little. "oh, right. i forgot about that..." actually, he didn't remember it at all. "i wish i could talk to him more." Harry admitted sighing softly. "i've accepted that he's my father...but i can't decide if i accept him or not, he could still be a complete jackass for all i know." he admitted rubbing his face. "why does everything always have to get complicated all at the same time?"
Fydra smiled a little."Because that usually happens when someone's trying to use you."She said shivering a little. Knowing things could get much uglier then it already was.After all, she knew how bad lucius could make things. Standing up she walked over, bending to kiss his forehead."I'm going to wake draco, then we'll get breakfast, and start training.You can wake blaise."She said snickering, heading back to draco's room. Walking in, sliding under the covers, hands roaming his chest as she kissed him softly."Love."She muttered.
Harry snickered a little and nodded. "that's true." he admitted sighing a little. "i just wish getting used didn't HURT so much." he admitted heading through the balls back to his room, slipping into bed next to Blaise, a smirk on his lips as he started kissing the others neck, gently straddling him, looking for all the world like he was going to molest Blaise awake. "oh Blaise." he whispered smirking a little. "come on Blaise, wakey wakey." harry was fully dressed, but how long would it take Blaise to notice that?

Draco groaned and rolled over, yanking the covers over his head in an effort to not be bothered, groaning again as he squirmed a little. "i don't wanna get up, it's vacation...." he whined rather pathetically. "i want to sleep in..." but he was already starting to get up, rubbing his eyes a little as he slowly sat up, his stomach growling loudly. "...your already dressed..." he stated looking startled. "how long have you been up for?"
Blaise whined, squirming against him a little, "Potter, it's vacation."He whined a little. Not wanting to get up...well at least not wanting to leave bed. Leaving potter in bed with him, was sounding better and better."You're dressed?"He growled raising his head to look at him. Blinking blearily as he studied the brunette.

Fydra laughed softly kissing him, brushing the blanket away as he sat up."Awhile."She said blushing a little. Not wanting to tell him that her sleep had been disturbed hours before. Because he'd want to know why, and she wasn't willing to tell him she'd dreamed so vividly it'd shocked her out of a sound sleep."Come on. harry's getting blaise, and it's time to eat."she said patting his stomach as it growled again.
Harry chuckled a little. "i've been up for a while." he admitted grinning a little. "but now i'm hungry and i', too scared to go down by myself. come on Blaise get up and get dressed! if you do, i'll suck you off under the table." he teased his eyes laughing wickedly at his new found boyfriend. "come on Blaise, i'm hungry!"

he groaned a little but slid out of bed, shuffling for the closet, grimacing as she patted his belly, the traitorous belly letting off another growl. "fiiine." he whined pathetically, getting dressed as slowly as he could manage. finally heading for the door. "did you sleep well at least?" he asked offering her a small smile, his head tilted a little.
Blaise looked startled as he laughed, getting out of bed and dressing. Heading downstairs with the other before grinning."I'm pretty sure your sister, or at the very least,draco would have something to say about you under the table."He said laughing. Though that did sound like a good idea, glad that his pants weren't horribly snug as his body reacted to teh thought.

Fydra smiled wrapping a arm around his waist as they walked, "Well enough."She said vaguely, not wanting to tell him, but not able to outright lie to him. That'd be bad. She just couldn't lie to him. even before they were dating, she couldn't lie well
Harry smirked a little. "i never said it was going to be THIS table. i think it would be pretty easy to sneak under the Slytherins table during Dinner or something." he admitted looking rather wicked at the thought of sucking Blaine off in front of the entire school without anyone knowing. it made his smirk grow even larger.

he hesitated a moment looking at Fydra. "whats wrong?" he demanded frowning a little. she couldn't even keep secretes without Draco keying in on it apparently. "Father said something didn't he?" he demanded a scowl on his face, looking utterly furious as he gently stroked her cheek. "you can tell me anything you know that right?"
Blaise growled softly, swallowing hard."Maybe.Now stop it with the visuals, otherwise I'm not going to make it through breakfast and I want to eat."He growled stepping into the dining room, smiling easily at the sight of lucius and narcissa.Ha!That'd make harry behave for the moment until he was under control again.

Fydra sighed leaning her cheek into the touch,"No, he didn't say something."She shuddered a little, stepping close, hugging him as she trembled."I just had a dream about...."She trembled as she trailed off. Not wanting to tell him exactly what, because if she did he was going to be wickedly pissed.
Harry smirked a little. "well, i could always go hide in the room, tie myself up with magic, spread chocolate sauce and whipped cream all over myself and then wait for you." he teased smirking a little as he headed into the dining room. "and don't think this will save you." he teased snickering as he offered Blaise a small squeeze on the ass when no one was looking before sitting down. "good morning Lord and Lady Malfoy."

Draco scowled a little and gently wrapped his arms tightly around her, simply holding her. "next time wake me up." he murmured softly rubbing her back. "i'll cuddle with you until your not so scared." he promised smiling a little as he gently stroked her cheek. "ok? promise?" he couldn't help her get better, if he couldn't help with her nightmares.
Blaise swallowed hard sitting down, reaching for the breakfast food as he tried not to think of what harry had told him. Dammit this was bad.Where was draco when he needed a distraction?

Lucius smiled slightly, watching the two."Good morning. Where are my son and daughter this morning?"He asked curious. Having assumed the two would be worried enough to leave harry alone with him that they'd appear right away.

Fydra sighed softly, resting her head on his chest."You were sleeping. I hate waking you up, cause you sleep badly anyways."she said leaning back to look at him before sighing, taking his hand as she headed down the stairs with him again."Fine.I promise I'll wake you up."
Harry smirked at Blaise but behaved himself as he buttered a piece of toast and nibbled at it. "last i saw, Fydra was trying to drag Draco out of bed by his toes. and he was complaining that it was break, and that he was going to sleep in." he admitted glancing at Lucius his head tilted. "you have an amazing Garden sir, i particularly liked the Peacocks, where did you get them all one color like that?" he asked, honestly curious. "do they come in black?"

Draco smiled a little and kissed her forehead. "i might sleep badly, but that just means that i'm used to sleep deprivation." he teased grinning a little his hand in hers as he headed for the kitchen. "thank you." he purred kissing her neck before leading the way into the kitchen. "Good morning everyone." he chirped simply, looking as regal as he always did.
"The far east actually."Lucius said looking slightly startled that he was having a almost pleasant conversation with the man. It was disturbing. Almost more disturbing then the sight of draco and fydra coming in together."I have heard rumors of pure black ones, but I have not seen one personally."He added after a moment

Blaise smiled looking at the two, sipping his coffee."So glad you didn't decide to spend all morning in bed. I have serious need of slytherin company."He stated, his body still responding to the idea of what harry had said to him. Really, he was abused.This was slytherin abuse.

Fydra snickered a little sitting down at te table, getting a piece of toast and eating it, avoiding looking at any of them, even as she cuddled almost in draco's lap once he'd sat in his chair. Still more disturbed by her dream then she'd let the other two know.

"Fydra. Stop."Lucius snapped, tilting his head as she slowly obeyed, going back to acting like a proper woman as she sat and ate. Well, at least now he knew he'd keep his breakfast down. He knew he'd survive the idea of her and draco, as long as he just remembered draco was using her.
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