Siren's song

Lucius smiled as he started eating again. Pleased that the potter boy seemed to know what good things were. Content to just eat, and see how him and his kids acted around each other.

Blaise smiled starting to fill his plate, "As long as you don't burp, or throw up on draco, I think you're safe to do what you want."He said with a snicker, before tilting his head, wrinkling his nose."Well, and don't eat that. That's veal and chocolate.... Fydra sometimes has weird tastes.Even when...she's not being fincky."He said, almost saying pregnant.

Fydra rolled her eyes, starting to eat, looking at draco. Wondering when they should bring up where everyone was sleeping. Cause well, blaise and harry could have rooms next to each others-oh the nicities of rooms that have connecting doors- but there was no way she was sleeping anywhere but draco's bed."You left your element back in the store Harry."She said smiling at him."I think finally, you are fit to be in my presence."She teased.
Harry hesitated but shrugged and started to put a little of everything on his plate, more than willing to try anything once, and he even liked the Veal and Chocolate a small smirk on his face as he enjoyed his meal, using his best table manners. "my element?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "my dear Fydra, i have ALWAYS been worthy of standing in your presence, i just didn't realize it until i got a better look." he teased smirking a little as he took a large sip of one of his drinks and choked violently, coughing hard as the MoonWine (lol i made a pun, moon-wine, moonshine, get it!? XDD)burned his throat, and then his nasal passages, and then his lungs, Draco struggling not to laugh at Harry's grabbing Lucius's glass instead of his own. putting those two so close together had been an accident at first, but was funny as hell now. "ugh....sorry.." Harry wheezed eyes watering as he held his sinuses tightly. "i think i just swallowed Lava..."
"No. You just swallowed a mouthfull of MoonWine."Fydra snickered, pouting a little. Wishing she could have her drink. And really, the look on lucius's face..

"That would be my drink mr. potter. Get your own."Lucius said taking the cup back, holding it out to the house elf, and ordering it to get him a new glass. As if he was to good to touch it after harry drank from it.

"You might want to try water. It'll help."Blaise said passing harry a glass of water, smirking a little.
Harry nodded taking a drink of the water Blaise had offered, swallowing it down carefully, trying to recover from the accidental drink, shaking his head. "very sorry about that Lord Malfoy." he wheezed shaking his head as he picked up the glass he'd meant to grab and examined it carefully to make sure it wasn't alcohol and taking a sip of that instead. "well now that i am completely mortified beyond human capacities why doesn't Draco do something embarrassing this time?" "because i am better than you potter and am above such mistakes." Draco stated simply, Harry giving Draco the 'ahaha your SO funny' sarcastic look Narcissa giggling a little as she took a sip of her own wine, glad that Draco and Harry where getting alone. "you might be above such mistakes Draco, but i'm still better than you." Harry teased flashing the blond a smirk, Draco flushing violently red. "Your only better at quidditch because you cheat!" "of course i cheat, that's the point of quidditch, it's not MY fault that no one catches me at it." Draco just sputtered and harry snickered into his glass looking far to amused at Draco's infuriated face.
Fydra snickered a little, leaning over to kiss draco's cheek."Ah, but love, I can think of something you're better at then he is."She said smirking,forgetting that they had a audience that included not only her brother, but her adopted mother and lucius.

Lucius sputtered, nearly choking on his drink. raising a eyebrow as he looked at the two.No. Definately not happening. He was not going to have a half breed in his family.
Draco smirked a little looking amused as Harry laughed a little. "oh, he only THINKS he's better." Harry teased smirking a little. "i'd LOVE to show him." Draco blanched and sputtered again, looking utterly horrified as Harry laughed a little and nibbled on his food. "in any case, i don't think adults enjoy this conversation." "oh now, i find it very entertaining." Narcissa teased looking intensely amused. "remember when we where children Lucius? my mother, thought you where the biggest horn dog, she had ever met."
Lucius smirked a little tilting his head."She did. Though my mother thought you were corrupting her precious little boy."He said snickering.

Fydra blushed, eating her food."Oh no, I'm sure he's better.I think he's better."She said giving her twin a look. "Stop teasing him."She said softly.

Blaise laughed a little, smirking."See draco, I think that's a invite to make sure she knows your the best."He said trying to help. Worried that fydra would never again be able to handle being touched. That was a truly depressing thought.
Harry chuckled a little looking amused. "alright alright, but only because you asked me to." he promised to Fydra, sighing a little as he took a bite of Veal covered in chocolate like it was the rarest delicacy in the world, hell it probably was. Draco flushed harder and lifted his nose into the air arrogantly but said nothing, he didn't want his father to realize that Draco had already slept with his 'sister'. "EVERYONE knows i am better than you Apes." Draco stated firmly, Harry laughing a little. "i with women, at least." Harry chirped looking a great deal amused as he sipped on his glass of fruit juice and glanced at Lady Malfoy, feeling rather puzzled. Lucius seamed like a jerk, but he treated Narcissa so well, was it just an act or did the elder Malfoy truly care for her? Harry couldn't even find a way to find out.
Lucius barely hid a cringe as he got to his feet, kissing his wife's cheek."I have some paperwork to be finishing."He said nodding goodbye to teh children before he left.

Fydra rolled her eyes looking at draco. amused at the act, but worried what lucius would do when he found out that they'd already slept together. "So, do you like it?"she said snickering as she looked at harry, leaning back with a contented sigh, full and happy about it.

Blaise smiled a little."Though this just means I get to tease him more. Draco, you only like woman cause you haven't found the right guy."
Draco chuckled as he watched his father leave, leaning over and muttering in Fydra's ear that he was going to go and talk to father before he stood up and headed after his father, offering Blaise a finger making Harry laugh eagerly as he winked at Fydra. "i don't know what Blaise was talking about, Chocolate covered Veal is delicious!" "well i'm certainly glad that there is someone else who enjoys it, i don't know how anyone can eat that." Narcissa admitted with a small giggle.

"Father." Draco stated striding to catch up to his father, that well known glint in his eyes, it was one Lucius sported often, a lust for power. "would you mind sparing a moment for me?" he asked a small smile on his lips. 'i have...gained some new interests as of late." he admitted glancing up at his father. "i want to help you, i don't really know what your up to yet, but i know it will give the Malfoy name even more Prestige than it already has, if we're going to be the most powerful family the wizarding world has ever seen, then i want to have my hand in it as well."
Fydra smiled contentedly, watching draco leave.before looking at her mother."Its good.'She said before stretching looking at the other two."Are you done eating?I'll give you a tour before I go to bed."She said looking torn. Wanting to go to draco's bed, but not sure how to go about making sure narcissa nor lucius would give her a hard time about it.

Lucius nodded slightly looking at his son, directing him into his study, and shutting the door before he sat down at the desk."and what would those interests be?Your sister?"He sneered a little. Wondering what was going n, wondering if draco was just using her. After all, it'd be a very malfoy thing to do.To use a lover to get something back.If her reactions to potter were anything, fydra could be pwerful beyond just being a siren.
Harry smiled a little. "i would love a tour." he admitted grinning a little as he stood up, popping one last piece of food into his mouth as he bowed lightly to Narcissa. "my thanks for accepting me into your home, i'm having a wonderful time." he admitted smiling a little at her before he followed Fydra.

Draco scoffed at his fathers assumptions. "Fydra is too week to be anything but a pawn." he stated simply. "a few words of comfort and a reassurance that i lover her here and there and she does whatever i want her to." he admitted a small smirk on his lips. "she's a wonderful girl but certainly nothing more than a tool. i don't know what it is about her, but she is very powerful, a good weapon in case i ever need anything." he admitted licking his lips. "plus she keeps Harry in line, which means I don't have to deal with him being an ignorant mudblood."
Fydra smiled, as blaise went back to discussing things with narcissa. Seemingly content. But really just giving the twins a chance to talk...and for fydra to work herself around to going to bed.After all, if she was having trouble being held, it probably meant she fretted about he distracted the lady malfoy,and gave her the chance to talk to harry.

Fydra smiled walking out with harry, pausing as she tilted her head at the closed door.Though even through the wood, she could hear some of what was being said.Pain flashing over her face before she hid it, heading upstairs with harry, pointing out harry's room."You can have the guest room next to blaise's.The good thing about this one is this."She smiled showing him the door that connected the two.

Lucius nodded well pleased.Glad that his son understood the girl's real place in the world."For the moment, there is not much you can do with the plan, but until such a time as you can, help fydra train, and help harry teach her. Surely the mudblood can be good for target practice with her spells."
Harry smiled a little and gently wrapped his fingers with Fydra's. "calm down." he mumbled softly smiling at her. "whats wrong sis?" he asked gently brushing the hair away from her face. "has Draco been bothering you? or is it..." he glanced down at her belly, more worried about her than about the fact that his and Blaise's rooms connected. "do you need to sleep in my room tonight?" he wouldn't mind, she could even steal his bed.

he snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "they can't POSSIBLY hurt each other." he stated with a small sneer. "granted if it wasn't for her i never would have befriended harry." he admitted shaking his head. "Harry and Fydra fit well together, their both fools and easily led." he admitted smirking darkly. "i'll try to train Fydra but right now her skill exceeds my own for the most part, i can't seam to get stronger than her." he admitted with a dark scowl. "i'm not so sure she's all human."
Fydra sighed sitting on the edge of the bed. Biting her lip as she avoided looking up at him."No, draco hasn't been bothering me."She snickered softly at the idea. REally, if anything draco was babying her more then she ever thought he would. "And it's not...this."She sighed rubbing a hand against her stomach."Its...we passed lucius's study...they're talking about me."She bit her lip, trying to remember that draco loved her. but..."He said I was a pawn."She whispered, the words going straight to her heart.Any other time in her life, she'd just brushed it off as draco's widdling lucius, but she was hurting, and afraid he was looking for a way to get out out of the relationship but didn't want to tell her.

Lucius sneered."Shes not.'He sighed a little, leaning back in his chair."I can't believe I sheltered the little half breed but your mother's whims are to eb indulged to keep a peaceful home.Even if it was for a mudblood."
Harry stared at her and then laughed and kissed her forehead. "You know Very well that Draco is only trying to get on Lucius's good side." he stated simply. "this way, Lucius approves of you two being together, AND he gets in with his fathers plotting and planning." he admitted smirking a little. "he loves you so very much, you know that, and you love him and nothing will ever tear you two apart. not me, not Lucius, and certainly not Draco." he promised grinning a little. "Draco is only winding Lucius up, nothing more. you'll see."

Draco scoffed a little. "she can be a little Hellcat when she wants to be, mother can." he agreed wrinkling her nose. "and her decision to keep Fydra is in out best interests now." he admitted smirking a little. "she will be a good weapon in convincing Harry that Dumbledore is an old fool, not worth the crown he wears. Potter is already starting to Darken, Ronald Weasley helped with that, i never thought i would ever feel the need to thank that stupid blood traitor but his actions tipped harry right into the palm of my hand." he admitted snickering a little. "a few good prods, and Harry will solely be dependent on myself and Fydra, he'll beleive anything we say. then he can take care of Dumbledore and Voldemort and we just have to encourage him."
Fydra nodded, leaning against him, smiling slightly as she sighed, smiling a little. Glad that he'd found the idea so riddiculous...because well, if harry thought it wasn't possible, then it meant that draco would think she was insane if she told him what she'd been thinking."I know...I just..."She shuddered a little, realizing she could talk to him, because draco...she worried about worrying draco more then she already did. She couldn't make him even more afraid for her."I'm hurting...I feel....hurt. Broken."She bit her lip looking at him."hell, even know I can barely sleep. Barely stand to be touched even casually. I can only stand him touching me if I'm the first one to touch him...or if he walks up in front of me, so that I can see it's him and not someone else"

Lucius sneered a little.Yes, he did like the idea of being the only one in charge. "Yes, it is a surprising day to be thankful to the blood traitor."He sighed a little,waving his son out."Go. We will talk more later."
Harry nodded and gently wrapped his arms around her. "Broken things can be fixed." he admitted smiling at her. "you can get better. he's doing everything he can to help you, that alone tells you how much he loves you. anyone else he'd have abandoned at the first sign of work." he'd done it before, Draco wasn't usually good at the whole relationship thing. he kissed her temple and smiled a little. "you'll recover." he promised chuckling a little. "and he'll wait as long as it takes."

Draco grinned a little and nodded. "of course father." he stated offering his father a gentle bow. "i will talk to you later then, rest well father." he stated grinning as he turned and headed out into the hall, heading for his bedroom, pausing to catch sight of Blaise and his Mother talking, that meant that Harry and Fydra where talking, it meant that something was upsetting his lover.
Fydra sniffled a little rubbing her eyes as she took comfort in the words. Knowing she could never ask draco, because comforted and as reassuring as harry was there was just some things you couldn't say to a man you loved."He really isn't one to work at something if he doesn't want to."She muttered with a watery smile, cuddling close at the sound of footsteps.She knew that lightly falling footsteps."Dray?"She called as he passed the door.
Draco looked relieved when he saw her, moving into the room. "i was worried." he admitted. "Blaise was in talking to mother so i thought maybe something was wrong." he admitted gently taking her hand in his gently kissing her forehead. "are you alright?" he asked softly his head tilted, still looking worried Harry chuckling a little. "See Fy, i told you." he teased smiling a little as he nudged his sister playfully.
Fydra blushed, giving harry a look as she shifted, getting up and wrapping her arms around draco,resting her head on his chest.Looking small and breakable against his chest. Even as tall and lithe as her lover was, there was no denying the fact that fydra was just over 5 feet tall, and fit and trim, not a ounce of fat on her frame."I'm fine."She said not giving harry a half hearted glare, she didn't want him to tell draco what they'd been talking about. Knowing it'd hurt him. And yet...the small woman was worried and fretting still despite the reassurances."Just showing harry around the house since he's not used to a house big enough to get lost in."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "honestly why in the hell would anyone need a house this big?" he demanded crossing his arms and sulking a little shaking his head. " there where only three people living there, who needed so many rooms? Draco snickered a little and shook his head, rolling his eyes a little as he draped his arm around her shoulder. "anyway, i have Father eating out of the palm of my hand.' he admitted smirking a little before pausing. 'oh and. sorry, you couldn't hear me but i insulted you a little." he admitted sounding upset about himself. "but he thinks i'm only using you, so we won't get the stink eye now, and he thinks that Potter is under our control, so for the next week we're going to be teaching Harry how to be a proper pureblood." "good, i need to, after all it only befits a prince."
Fydra chuckled a little looking over at harry, smiling easily, relaxed now that draco had said something."You're not enough of a prince."she said laughing a little as she cuddled against draco's chest, before looking up at him."You're forgiven."She said, relaxing even more. No longer worried about it, just relaxed and happy to be in love with a man who loved her.
Harry smirked a little and lifted his head high. "i am SO a prince!" he growled loftily a smirk on his lips as he brandished a hairbrush like a sword. "i am the Prince of Darkness! BOW DOWN AND GROVEL YOU DOG!" he ordered indicating Draco. "Lavish your attention upon my sisters feet where you belong!" Draco just blinked at him and Harry sighed. "Blaise would have entertained me....where is Blaise anyway?" "amusing my mother." Draco admitted smiling a little. "they enjoy each others attention." "ah, well i'm going to go make HIM give me a tour then, your too BORING for my tastes." he teased, winking at Fydra Draco snorting a little as Harry stalked off to find the dining room, only ending up getting himself lost in the many hallways, the brunette could only hope that he didn't run into Lucius or something.
Fydra snickered looking up at him."Blaise will be perfectly happy to give him his just rewards on his knees."he said laughing as she kissed her lover, wrapping her arms around him deepening the kiss as she pressed closer. Needing to trust him a little, needing to heal. She needed this.

Blaise snickered watching him walk down the hall, smirking slightly."Get lost?"He said running his fingers through the other's hair.
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