Siren's song

he hummed softly into the kiss, kissing her back just as needfully running his tongue against her lips, groaning softly. he would ask her not to tell anyone else that she was pregnant until later...well save Tom, she could tell tom, hell there was probably no stopping her. right then he was more interested in keeping contact with her, his tongue gently running along her lips as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly.

Harry sulked at Blaise. "no i did NOT get lost! i just... was exploring and now i decided to...erm, rest..." he lied leaning into the touch on his hair, his eyes closing a he enjoyed the sensation, how long had it been, since someone had touched him so gently? it felt nice, he smirked a little. "ok i was lost..."
Fydra moaned softly, kissing him back, relaxing and marveling in the gentle touch of his hands. For once, calm and collected, because this... only draco could make her feel like this. And as pleasure coursed through her body, it opened her power, letting it flair against their skin as she pulled away just enough to meet his eyes, panting softly.Drawn into them. For a moment, lost. Before the world sharpened, showing her what kind of man draco malfoy was. Kind, caring, arrognant...things she knew, but as she soulgazed into him, she felt it all the way to the bone. Not realizing that was she looked over his memories of his life, and how he'd become who he was, he was seeing the same thing....only about her.

Blaise laughed softly drawing away from him, "Let's get you unlost then before you wander into lucius's bedroom."He said leading the other out of the hallway, flickering a glance towards the closed door. Hoping that the lord of the manor wasn't in there. "Is it safe to go anywhere near draco's room?"He asked, assuming harry'd left fydra in draco's care.
Draco moaned softly as he kissed her, his breath hitching as their eyes met, his eyes widening as he stared into her eyes, swaying once they broke eye contact, seeing every significant moment in her life left him a little dizzy. "wha...what just happened?" he asked blinking rather stupidly. "i saw you..." he admitted rubbing his eyes. "i saw your that possible?" well obviously, since it had just happened, but he was still a little woozy.

Harry snorted a little and crossed his arms. "Lucius doesn't frighten me." he stated simply. "and no, it's not safe to go near Draco's room, well, i think that was Draco's room, it might have been my room he shrugged a little. "it was one of the two." he admitted with a small chuckle. "anyway, show me around would you? i want to see those peacocks that Draco is so proud of...and maybe the bath?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows at Blaise. he had no trouble molesting, and getting molested by Blaise, Harry knew that Ron was being taken care of, yes he had been raped, but Blaise could wash the filth off of harry.
"I...I don't know.I was."She bit her lup, shifting closer, leaning against his chest. Trembling ever so slightly."I saw...I saw you.Without anything hiding who you really are."She said in soft wonder,"You love me."she said eyes wide and teary as she kissed him softly.

Blaise looked starled,"No, fydra's.She must have given me the guest room next to hers so we could...uh...she's sleeping in draco's, so its not like she'd need her bed."He said stuttering a little, blushing slightly as he walked with the other outside, heading for the gardens."And it's not draco who likes the damned things, fydra loves the peacocks."
He blinked rather stupidly still before he smiled at her. "you doubted?" he teased smiling a little as he kissed her back and then nuzzled her. "i'm glad you could see who i really am." he admitted wrapping his arms around her. "i don't know what that was, but it was very nice." he admitted smiling. "because now i know, that you really love me too."

Harry snickered a little looking amused. "would you like to share my bed with me tonight?" he asked looking hopeful. "i'll even say please." he offered grinning a little. 'i have nightmares when i sleep alone." he admitted looking a little frightened. "we don't have to do anything of your not ready, i just...don't want to be alone." he admitted setting his head on Blaise's shoulder as they walked, examining the gardens with a small grin. "i bet Draco was chased by them when he was little.
"I don't know either, but it was nice."She said blushing ever so softly, moaning softly as he nuzzled her. It felt nice."I..."She blushed more looking up at him. Not sure how to explain how she'd been feeling."I had a little bit.....I heard you talking to lucius and..."She shrugged a little, looking away, waving it off."I know in my head you didn't mean it,but my heart hurt..."She sighed kissing him softly.

Blaise nodded a little, wrapping a arm around his waist."I'd be happy to sleep with you tonight."he smirked a little, heading into the gardens as he tilted his head towards the white peacock walking around."Oh probably. He was probably jealous cause they got all fydra's hugs."
he grimaced a little and he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "i hurt saying those things." he admitted softly. "i felt bad saying those things...felt like i was betraying you, even though i was only doing it to protect you." he admitted closing his eyes as he gently kissed her neck. "my heart still hurts for it, i made you hurt..."

Harry smiled, looking relieved chuckling as he gently tangled his fingers with Blaise's feeling safe and content as he watched the Peacocks. "they are kind of pretty." Harry admitted watching them closely. "i think Draco just hates everything that Fydra paid more attention to." he admitted snickering a little. "he still hasn't forgiven me for pretending to Date her."
Fydra moaned softly, shifting nuzzling his neck as she pressed a kiss to his neck, biting down gently."I'm sorry. Harry said you didn't mean it, and I knew you didn't.And I'm sorry you hurt for trying to protect me...I'm just..."She shrugged a little, knowing he'd probably seen just how broken she was in the soulgaze.Shifting she slid her hands under his shirt pressing him closer, needing him touching her, needing to feel the connection to forget what ron had done to her for a moment.

Blaise snickered."I wouldn't hold your breath for that apology.. He'll probably never get over it."He said sitting down on one of the benches."He'll hate anything she pays attention to more then him. Always has.It wont change now that she's..."He trailed off, because he knew draco would be more obsessive now that the girl was hurting.
Draco chuckled a little and kissed her forehead, shaking his head. "your the only person i would ever willingly hurt for." he admitted smiling as he gently stroked her cheek. "i'm so sorry." he whispered gently pulling her into a tight hug. "i'm so sorry." because he had seen how broken she was, he understood, he felt better now that he truly understood her pain, he could help easier. he wasn't sure what to do, but he figured if he continued being gentle and patient, she would recover...

Harry snickered. "thats ok, because i found the whole thing greatly amusing." he admitted snickering a little as he laid his head on Blaise's shoulder again, watching the Peacocks. "Draco loves her even more." he admitted chuckling a little. "he's always going to love her, he always has, their Soul mates." he admitted smirking a little. "the more obstacles they overcome, the stronger their love for each other becomes.
Fydra smiled up at him,stepping back from him,taking his hand and heading for his bedroom.Wanting to sleep, wanting to cuddle. Slipping into the room she stripped her clothes off, pausing as she tugged on her shorts and a tank top, diving under the blankets with a shiver. Comfortable, but cold."I can't believe you have this many blankets on the bed."She said laughing a little as she hid under the about 7 blankets. Wanting to just be held, and maybe enjoy some kissing. That would be nice.

Blaise nodded, turning his head and pressing a kiss to harry's head. "IT is greatly amusing."he smiled slightly."You're more worried about her then you are yourself aren't you?Such a gryfindor."He teased, looking down at him.Knowing that the gryffindor fussed almost as much draco did.
Draco chuckled a little and stripped down to his boxers joining her under the blankets. "hey, i get cold." he complained snuggling into her, holding her gently smiling a little. "i love you." he murmured softly chuckling a little as he gently nuzzled her neck nibbling on her ear with a playful chuckle.

Harry snickered a little and paused before nodding. "i'm used to things like this." harry admitted. "being attacked and beaten, being raped....she's not." he stated simply, softly. "i mean, i've had people trying to kill me since i was a year old, it was tough up or die, Fydra... she has no experience with things like this...i'm afraid that it will break her, and that Draco won't be able to put her back together."
"Love you to."She smiled softly, moaning a little as he nibbled at her ear ,shifting to nuzzle him back, hands absently exploring his chest. Feeling the soft skin under her fingers. Gently biting down on his neck, sucking. Leaving a hickey.Snickering a little as she looked at him."I can warm you up."

Blaise sighed,wrapping a arm around his shoulders,pressing a kiss to his head."She's been treated like a princess...and has discovered that the world wont treat her like one."He smiled a little."Sometimes the strongest steel is forged in hellfire. She'll survive."He said, remembering his talk with draco.Feeling as if he was the only one who was completely sure that this wouldn't break her completely.
he smirked a little and shook his head a little gasping as she bit his neck, moaning softly as he closed his eyes, enjoying the attention as he panted softly smirking at her. "mmm i'd rather warm you up." he growled playfully attaching his mouth to her neck, biting and nibbling and sucking hard as he teased her flesh, leaving his own hickey with a small snicker. "mmm yummy." he growled playfully his fingers settling onto her belly, unwilling to take it any further without her taking the first step, not wanting to push her.

Harry sighed a little and nodded. "i know she'll survive, she's a Riddle, riddles can survive anything." he admitted looking worried. "i'm more afraid that she'll change into someone that she hates." he admitted softly. "like.." he stopped himself, but the silent self accusation was still there. 'like me.' harry really did hate himself, he was a riddle, he had tried to kill his father so many times, all because he'd had a crappy abuse riddled childhood Dumbledore had been able to manipulate him like he hadn't even had a brain, it just wasn't fair.
Fydra tensed a little at the touch, swallowing hard as he touched her, before relaxing. Kissing him again as she ran her hands down his chest, kissing him slowly. Gentle fingers closing around his cock gently stroking, biting her lip.Nervous and jittery, but wanting him again. Needing it, but nervous anyways."Why don't we both warm up?"She said smiling as she shifted, pressing close to him,sighing as her bare legs tangled with his.

"Don't think it."Blaise sighed kssing his head because he didn't know how to help the ther, holding him tightly. "We'll deal with it if she does. For now...lets get her better."He said smiling.
he pulled away when she tensed, and relaxed when she relaxed, kissing her back gasping in surprise when she grabbed hold of his cock, shivering at the intimate touch, moaning eagerly. it had been so long since Draco had been touched, the blond didn't masturbate, he was above that, plus it was messy and he didn't want to deal with that, even with magic. "are you sure?" he asked breathlessly panting softly gently nuzzling her. "don't feel like you have to..."

Harry snorted. "telling me not to think is like telling Draco not to be a smartass, it just can't be done!" he teased smirking a little as he traced patterns onto Blaise's hand. "anyway, i'm tired." he admitted sighing a little. "shopping wore me out, i've never had so much fun." he admitted grinning a little. "let's head back inside."
"I'm sure.Not I want to touch you."She smiled looking at him. Knowing he didn't masterbate, because it was messy.And she'd been sleeping with she sort of felt guilty for it, but mostly...she just wanted to touch him.Squirming down she smiled as she eased the boxers down, licking the tip like she would a lollipop before sliding her mouth down over him, closing her eyes.Enjoying herself.

Blaise smiled getting up, still holding the other's hand as he headed inside."Yes, it is prett hard to get draco to stop being a ass."He said heading up to fydra's room. Pausing as they passed draco's door, raising a eyebrow at the breathless moan that escaped from the other side."...I'm going to be scarred for life."He said laughing as he pulled harry past the door.
Draco nodded, smiling at her gently stroking her cheek. "don;t force yourself." he whispered softly love in his eyes, she could stop right there and he wouldn't mind the least. he gasped loudly when she pulled down his boxers, and released a breathy ,oan as she pulled him into her mouth, arching a little into it and groaning, lifting his hips. "oh, f..fuck, yes. feels good...aah F..Fy1"

Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "how do you think i feel?" he demanded smirking crookedly. "she's my sister of all things." he admitted shaking his head. "and He's been my enemy ever since i saw him." he shook his head and headed into the designated bedroom, yawning as he started to strip down before pausing. "ah.. i usually sleep in the you mind or should i put on some boxers?" because he also didn't wear underwear under his clothes.
Fydra smiled a little, sucking slowly. Taking her time pleasuring her before lifting her head, panting ever so softly. Smirking as she rested her cheek on his thigh, gently stroking her hand over him, taking her tie to do what she knew he found pleasurable."Still good?"

"Yea, the sibling-enemy thing would be wierd."He said before stripping out his shirt, shaking his head as he blushed a little."No.It's fine."He said stripping down to his boxers and rawling into bed, yawning."This will take the in-law fights to a whole new level."
Draco moaned and whimpered and whined a little as he bucked his hips a little, panting hard, whining in need when she pulled off of him, shivering underneath her. "good." he groaned nodding. "very good, please...good."

Harry snorted a little looking amused. "it's pretty sad that my best friend is also my worst enemy." he admitted stripping off his clothes, bringing light to the fact that he wasn't wearing any underwear before he crawled into bed after Blaise, yawning softly as he snuggled into the other, sighing and relaxing as he enjoyed the small comfort of having someone sleeping next to him.
Fydra smirked a little, torturing him for a moment, her breath ghosting over him before she lowered her mouth again, deep throating him. Sucking around the length in her mouth as she trembled a little. Squirmed.Dammit she'd only had sex once that she'd wanted, and this was so not cool that she was to frightened to try more. But she was glad to help draco find pleasre.Really, it was amazing to be able to undo him like that.

Blaise laughed a little,"Hmmm but at least you'll know what he tells you is the truth,cause he's a enemy who's also a friend.He wont worry about hurting your feelings, even though you're family."He said yawning as he started falling asleep, wrapping his arms tightly around the other.
Draco moaned arching into him again tossing her head back trembling against him gripping the bed tightly. "fu...fuck, Fydra, gonna...cum Gah." she groaned squirming against him licking his lips hard, his cock throbbing in her mouth. "!" and then he released, moaning hard.

Harry smiled a little. "i know, that's why i like him so much." he admitted snuggling into Draco with a small groan and closing his eyes, more than ready to fall asleep, happy and content. there was only one problem. he squirmed against Blaise and flipped so that he could press his face into the others chest and then sighed, much more pleased as he closed his eyes, and went to sleep. "mmm gnight." he mumbled softly. tomorrow, Harry's training would begin, he had a bad feeling that Draco, Fydra, and Blaise where going to be ruthless in their 'training' of his 'etiquette.'
Fydra yelped startled as he came, raising her head, cum splattering her face before she drew, away wiping her face off, licking her lips.Smiling slowly, though she looked nervous and sad.She wanted that...she wanted that blissful release...if only she could stand to be touched. Smiling slightly as she shifted to lay next to him, cuddling against his chest, resting her head on his shoulder."Good?"She said purring a little, smiling as she relaxed even more.Teasing because she knew it had been. But...she was nervous and needed the reassurance, despite the soulgaze.
Draco smiled a little and nodded at her question. "felt amazing." he whispered gently kissing her neck. "would you like me to...?" he offered softly, more then ready to let her say no, he just wanted to help. "you amazes me every time how your the only woman who has ever put their lips on my dick." he admitted chuckling a little. "and your so good at it too!"
"N-no."She stuttered a little, as much as she wanted to, she couldn't. Not yet. Blushing as she looked up at him."well good."She said oddly proud that she was the only one who'd done it. Yawning she sighed, settling down against him, starting to fall asleep.Trying to keep from crying because she wanted him...she just couldn't stand the thought of doing anything.Sniffling a litttle she sighed, drifting to sleep.
he smiled a little. "it's ok love." he murmured gently nuzzling her. "i'll wait, for however long it takes, i'll even buy a vibrator so you can relive yourself." he teased chuckling a little as he kissed her cheek. "even if you can't bear to be touched for the rest of our lives, i still love you, and always will." with that said, Draco just couldn't stay awake anymore, and he closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

in the morning, Harry was the first up, and if Blaise was to feel the bed, he'd been up for some time. hours ago he'd had another nightmare, it was tame in comparison but he could never go back to sleep after one, so from four in the morning to then, he sat in the library and read a book and waited for the rest of the world to wake up.
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