Siren's song

Harry smiled a little. "i'll have to find some all black ones." he admitted smiling a little. "white doesn't match my color scheme." "potter what do you know about color scheme?" "more than you do apparently." Harry teased smirking a little as his hand settled onto Blaise's knee under the table, gently stroking the skin.

Draco smirked a little and wrapped his arms around Fydra's waist, giving her a small kiss to the cheek, making a small face as soon as she looked away, Harry looking amused as he polished off his toast. "i want a place like this." Harry admitted looking around. "i wonder if i could possibly buy a place like this and still not have visitors?"
Blaise laughed softly, shaking his head."Definately not. If no one else, miss priss over there would have to come to decorate."He said laughing softly as fydra visibly bristled, well, at least angry was better then sad.

"Don't call me that!"Fydra snapped looking up already annoyed at being forced to move away frm draco, she wasn't willing to put up with teasing before she'd had her coffee."Draco, we have to teach him about decorating also. He needs to know what to do if he really is going to buy a house like this."She said looking thoughtful.
Harry snorted a little. "i might not be good at self fashion, but home decoration is definitely my thing." he stated simply looking rather insulted. "i bet you twenty galleons that i can out decorate both Draco AND Fydra!" he stated crossing his arms and scowling. "i spend the entire summer cleaning up that horrid Black house and making it look livable, i think i know about interior decorating." he stuck his nose up in the air, giving them all the snub.

Draco had to laugh at Harry, shaking his head. "Potter just because you fixed up a house, doesn't mean you know anything about interior decorating...but i'll take that bet, twenty galleons to you if you manage to out decorate me." "your on!" Harry growled a dark little smirk on his lips. "be prepared to lose your pride you girly boy." that caused Draco to sputter and go red with a mix of horror and rage. "we'll use the three guest rooms on the left wing, they need to be remodeled anyway! and when you LOSE potter don't start crying!"
Lucius smirked watching the two."Mr. Potter, I wouldn't be betting money that you do not have. After all, you're going to lose."He smirked wider as he left the room.

Fydra snickered a little, reaching over, absently running a hand over draco's arm, not able to stand seeing him upset. Because it made her react. She was used to being the smallest person in a room, but if draco, her protector, the man she trusted was angry, she was scared. More a instictive reaction to teh anger in a sensory memory then anything else."Can we finish breakfast first?"She asked, keeping her voice from shaking. very proud of herself for it.
Harry smirked a little. "i have money." he stated simply. "when my Godfather died i got the Black Family Fortune." he admitted simply. "that, along with the Potter fortune, and the money that my Mother collected in her lifetime, the only person richer than myself is you Lord Malfoy." harry admitted looking amused. "besides, i don't bet unless i know very well that i'm going to win."

Draco had calmed instantly at seeing Fydra's reaction, offering her a small smile watching his father leave before kissing her cheek. "it's alright love." he murdered softly so that no one else could hear them. "of course we can finish breakfast." Harry chirped simply pausing for a moment. "i think the Lady Malfoy should be out judge." Narcissa giggled a little. "only if Fydra and Blaise are as well." she chirped simply, grinning a little. "after all, we're all a bit biased." she teased chuckling a little as Harry laughed and nodded. "an excellent idea. i'll make sure to do the room up so well that you all have no choice but to vote for me!" "you are so full of it!" Draco complained, looking both amused and annoyed and Harry smirked. "yes, yes i am."
Blaise snickered,"Now draco. No cheating and decorating things the way you know fydra likes. No making it look like her room, or yours.That'd just be cruel making her say her own decorating skills suck."he said laughing shaking his head as he looked at harry."And you...well you don't get to go into slytherin, so I think we're safe from your biased decorating skills.Maybe."

Fydra snickered, the fear well hidden as she cuddled into draco's side, relaxing as she shook her head."Go decorate you two. I'm going to sit here and eat."She said though she was finishing her breakfast, and sipping her coffee.
Draco smirked a little and wiggled his pinky finger. "oh come now, i'm a slytherin." he teased smirking rather viciously. "we're known for our cheating." he teased snickering a little. Harry snorted shaking his head a little, "that's ok, Gryffindors are too, we just hide it better." he admitted with a laugh and skipped off, following Draco to the guest rooms that needed to be redone.

when they where both done, they went up and got Narcissa Blaise and Fydra, competition blazing in their eyes, both certain that they would win. Draco's room was first, it was something you might see in a roman palace, white marble trimmed with gold, a fountain in the middle, a huge bed with hangings a see through material gathered around the top. artistic designs crawled along the walls, adding a touch of artistic culture to the room. there was a huge rug across the floor with a roaring lion, fighting a giant serpent, just for a touch of mockery. it was very well done, just like a Malfoy the attention to detail was specific and intense.

Harry's room was next, and it was, for lack of a better word, wild. there was a touch of darkness to it, a waterfall sliding along one of the walls pooling on the floor into a small 'pool' at the bottom that didn't overflow, vines littered the wall, real ones that swayed lightly as if there was a breeze. there was grass on the floor, soft and tender, cool, a soft mist fluttering through the air giving the room a fresh clean feeling to it. the two rooms where very different, but who would win? "oh my." Narcissa mumbled softly. "i don't think i can choose..." "MOTHER! Your Supposed to. "Shut up Draco don't pressure the judges!" Harry ordered glaring at the blond who pouted.
Blaise snickered as he looked around at the rooms. Walking back and forth between the two as he tried to decide."Yes draco, no annoying us."He said absently before smirking. "Harry.I gotta admit, I like the pool."He said smirking wider, looking over at the woman who looked beautifully torn.

Fydra looked at her twin, then her lover. Before pointing to them both."I'm not judging. This is riddiculous."She said, doing a good impression of draco as she stuck her nose in the air, turning on her heel and walking off. Not wanting either angry at her, so it meant she wouldn't chose. She just couldn't handle the thought of either angry over this.

Blaise snickered watching her go, looking at draco."If your not careful, she's going to start acting like you."
Harry chirped happily, smirking as he wiggled his eyes at Blaise, silently promising him physical pleasure later as he paused, frowning at Fydra, Draco groaning as he smacked himself in the forehead at Fydra's refusal to play along, Narcissa sighing a little. "i have to go with Draco's room." she admitted Draco and Harry glancing at each other. "we need an impartial judge..." Harry muttered shaking his head. "it can't be a TIE!" "why not?" Narcissa asked looking confused, Draco and Harry answering at the same time. "Because that means i lose!" so competitive. had it been anyone else, Harry would have willingly accepted the tie vote, but it was Draco, harry's pride would not allow a tie.
"You could always go bribe fydra."Blaise snickered looking at the two."Come on, think like slytherins. She'll choose because otherwise you'd have to ask lucius, and well..she wont want that.Go bother her."He said waving the two off.

Fydra meanwhile frowned looking at the malfoy elder as she stepped down the stairs, refusing to turn and run back to draco."Hello."

Lucius sneered."You'd do well leaving him alone. After all, your a mudblood, there is no way he will love you."He said softly watching her pale. Smirking.

Fydra swallowed hard before she looked at him anger flashing through those blue eyes. She was pissed, and didn't care if he saw it.. didn't care that she'd ruin everything, for that moment she took all the anger she had towards ron and the fear draco'd leave and directed it towards lucius."I might be a toy, but he'll never be a toy to me. Which is what he is to you."She scowled before walking back upstairs, studying the three still there, cold and beautiful in her anger. Before making a face, struggling for calm."I declare that I am the winner of this battle, because neither of you will fight ME for the title."She said watching the two. Smirking. It made no sense, but hey, she wasn't going to let them try and beg and whine their way into her judging.
Harry smirked a little at Blaise. "no because Lucius will vote for Draco simply because he doesn't want his son to loose, he's too biased." he stated simply Draco scowling a little as he realized harry was right, poking his lip out. "we could always call Crabbe and Goyle..." "their too stupid." Harry shot him down pondering. "and i don't have any freinds other than you three." he tapped his lips and snapped his fingers. "we'll duel for it! quidditch game!" "no way! your too good at that! Chess." "but i can't play chess!" harry complained as they turned towards Fydra walking back to them, closing their mouths with a click as they realized that she was pissed.

"Hey, now calm down." Harry muttered softly. "it's only a game Fydra." he murmured softly Draco gently taking her hand in his looking worried. "besides why would we battle YOU!? we ALL know you'd win." Harry nodded. "i agree, besides this was only to prove i was good at interior decorating, and i am!" "...i dunno i think you still need lessons." "i do not! that is my own personal; bedroom in the Black Family house right there." "oh! so your completely hopeless?" "...someday Draco, i am going to make you pay." that just made Draco laugh, mostly because everyone knew that Harry was going to get even through petty childish pranks.
Fydra looked between them, shaking her head."We're going for a ride.Come along."She said gently shoving draco towards the stairs, being nice about to to show it wasn't tehm that had pissed her off. "All of you, come along."

Blaise smirked a little as he let fydra herd them towards the stairs, heading oustide. Wondering what she was agiated about but willing to go on a trail least he might get some alone time wiht harry.
Harry blinked a little. "a Ride? what are we riding?" he asked looking excited. "i've only ever ridden a hippagriph and a Kestril." he admitted Draco pausing to stare at Harry. "you've ridden those cursed things!?" "well...yeah that's how i got to the ministry in our fifth year, their really very sweet." "your insane!" "yeah, i know." harry admitted looking amused. "well anyway, i've never ridden a horse before, so Blaise has to teach me."

"Alright, Blaise has to stay behind and teach Harry." Draco agreed smirking a little as he took Fydra's hair, glancing at her. "whats wrong love?" he asked softly, looking worried. "we didn't upset you did we? it was only a game Fy..." he promised gently kissing her cheek. "Harry and i are just competitive, it's mostly in fun, honest."
"Yes, I'll teach him to ride."Blaise smirked as he ducked into the stables, pulling harry in after him and getting the horses ready for them all. Letting draco talk to fydra in semi privacy.

Fydra sighed, running her fingers through her hair."No, I ran into Lucius."She shuddered pain showing on her face before she sighed. Smiling slowly."No, I'm used to you two arguing, I was just upset with lucius."She said stroking her fingers through his hair.
Harry grinned as he stroked the horses nose grinning a little. "he's gorgeous." harry murmured gently nuzzling the horse and smirking at Blaise. "you know, we could 'get lost' while riding and spend the whole evening to ourselves." he teased grinning a little at Blaine. "call a house elf for a picnic lunch, it would be fun."

Draco growled a little his eyes narrowing a little. "that man pisses me off." he hissed furiously pulling her into a tight hug kissing her cheek. "well ignore him, he's wrong, we're just pawns to him anyway, he doesn't know anything, don't forget that you saw that i truly love you, and i won't ever stop loving you."
Blaise smirked as he put the saddle n the horses, gathering the reins in his hands."Oh, I'm sure we can do that. After all, they wont mind so alone time. And I wouldn't mind not being a target if Fydra gets pissed again."HE said smirking a little, leading the horses outside passing his reins to harry to hold two of them ,before holding out reins towards draco."Come on you two. Play kissy face later."

Fydra's laughter was muffled against draco's chest, relaxing and letting her anger leave her. Smiling as she stepped back."I know you do."She muttered kissing draco's cheek before looking at the other two, raising a eyebrow."you're plotting something zabini."
Harry smirked a little and nodded looking a little puzzled by the saddle biting his lip a little. he'd never used one of those before, he had a bad feeling that it was going to feel very uncomfortable on his nads. taking the reins for his horse and following Blaise outside, smiling as he watched Draco and Fydra, glad that the two could be happy together.

Draco smiled at her and gently kissed her forehead closing his eyes a little before glaring at Blaise. "i don't trust you one bit." he growled as Harry snickered a little. "oh calm down, me n Blaise are just going to get 'lost' on the trails so we can have some alone time, we won't be able to when we get back to Hogwarts." he stated simply shaking his head a little. "if only i had listened to that damn hat."
Fydra snickered moving away from draco, balacing easily in the saddle, looking down at draco as she nudged her horse around."Just think, you could have learned to ride ages ago."She teased taking the reins from harry. Looking every inch the elegant lady in the saddle.

Blaise laughed giving draco his reins, before moving around to help harry up into the saddle, smiling once he was in it."At least he didn't fall off. Like draco did the first time we put him on one."He snickered getting up himself making sure harry had the reins. Looking every inch the patient teacher, and having every intent of getting lost.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "i know how to ride, it can't be any harder than riding a hippogryph, besides i've ALWAYS had superior balance." he admitted smirking at Draco who glared furiously at him as Harry squirmed in his saddle. "mm, these things are uncomfortable, i think i like bareback more." he admitted accepting the reins from Blaine gently patting his horses neck, grinning a little. "now how do you make it go?" "like this." Draco stated smacking Harry's horses bottom, making it squeal and lunge forward, Harry shrieking in surprise as Draco snickered a little, watching harry rush off. "aaw, i was certain he'd fall off."
Blaise rolled his eyes."That wasn't funny."He said though he barely hid a grin as he drove his heels into his horse's sides, taking off after harry, as they got near the gardens he grabbed the reins, jerking the horse to a hard stop. Smirking as he look at harry."Now, that had to be uncomfortable on the nads."He said snickering.

Fydra sighed softly nudging her horse into a walk, looking at draco. "You really know he could have hurt himself."she said conversationally, reaching out for his hand, knowing they were both good enough to not need both hands to ride. "Though I do like their idea of getting 'lost'" she said sounding vaguely interested. In the light of day her fear fading.
Harry was laughing when Blaise finally got his horse to stop. "that was AMAZING! i've never gone so fast before!" he admitted grinning brightly. "a broom is NOTHING compared to a horse!" he admitted shifting on his saddle. "but yeah, my nads hurt." he admitted grimacing a little as he smirked at Blaise. "remind me to kick Draco's ass later." he ordered picking up his Reins again. "so how do you really make this thing go?...and stop, figuring out how to stop would be good too."

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "nah, Harry's balance is too good to fall off." he stated simply, holding Fydra's hand as they rode, smiling a little. "i think it's a good idea too, maybe near evening we could rejoin Harry and Blaise and camp out by the lake?" he suggested grinning a little. "tell ghost stories and make smores and stuff." he smirked a little. "go skinny dipping."
"I will."He smirked a little."Ok, nudge her with your heels to go forward, and gently tug on the reins if you want to stop. Or in the direction you want to turn."he said snickering, looking over his shoulder."You know. I think he'd let you kick his ass right about now."

Fydra blushed ducking her head."Dipping.Swimming.Yea...that would be nice."She stuttered smiling at him, the anger she'd felt towards lucius totally gone as she relaxed."Wait.I'm related to one of them, I don't want to see him naked."She pointed out."Different tents.And soundproof ones. And lots of ghost stories."She giggled, looking like the 16 year old she was for once, laughing as she thought about it
Harry nodded and gently kicked his legs into the horses sides grimacing a little as the thing turned stubborn and started to eat at the grass, chewing slowly as harry scowled at it and kicked it harder. "no fair! Draco broke my horse!" harry whined, sulking a little as he glanced at Blaise and pouted. "it's not working." the horse just knew that harry was a pushover. "make it go."

he snickered a little."Harry won't mind." he teased grinning a little. "or we could both go to separate area's of the lake." he teased chuckling a little. "and definitely sound proof, i think Harry is planning on molesting Blaise." he admitted, "he seams to have this need to be physically affectionate i've noticed, even with you, he's always touching your arm and giving you hugs." he shook his head. "sometimes i forget he;s your brother, and i have this intense desire to rip his head off."
Blaise laughed softly, jerking on the other's reins hard to get the horse's attention, heading further into the woods.Having every intent of finding a nice place to get lost in."Draco did nothing to your horse. She just knows your not a hard ass."He said snickering.

Fydra laughed softly, nodding."He does.We've...both gotten bad about it since.."She trailed off shrugging laughing at his admittance."No killing the gryffindor. He do like him most of the time."she said heading for the back gardens, having every intent of doing some molesting of her own.And maybe getting molested in return."Yea, sound shields are definately required. There are somethings I should not be subjected to."
Harry snorted and scowled as the horse obeyed Blaise rolling his eyes. "so i'm not cruel to animals, so sue me." he teased smirking a little as he started riding with Blaise looking around the woods with his head tilted. "it certainly is pretty out here, i love wild things." he admitted. "remind me sometime to show you my secrete place in the Forbidden Forest." he chirped simply laying his forehead on Blaise's shoulder as they rode, following a horse path.

he nodded and wrapped his fingers in hers. "no, it's not just after..." he shook his head. "he used to do it to Hermione and..." he swallowed a little. "and he even does it to me now and's almost as if he's craving affection." he admitted shivering a little. "anyway we should find something else to talk about." he decided pausing for a moment then. "so...Tom's your real father..." he glanced at her. "how do you feel about that?"
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