Siren's song

Draco sighed a little and tipped his head back, groaning a little. "shame, i would love to move away to some remote island and be alone with you." he admitted smiling a little. "we could make breakfast in the mornings, and eat lunch out on the beach." he chuckled and kissed her forehead. "alright, lets go back, hopefully Harry isn't crying."

Harry blinked at him, a small look of hurt crossing his face when Blaise started to laugh, grimacing a little at the comment of kissing Draco, turning his head away at the kiss before whipping it back around, staring wide eyed at Blaise. "you like me?" he demanded, sounding about as incredulous as he could get, Fydra knew i liked you, i told her." he admitted biting his lip. "she must have told Draco...or i did, i have a bad habit of talking in my sleep...and babbling, i babble a lot too." he admitted chuckling nervously. "like i am now...i am going to KILL Draco for this." harry groaned rubbing the bridge of his nose shaking his head. "at least i can pretend i'm not a total freak when he's around."
Blaise snickered a little, shaking his head."I'm not sure that's possible. You and draco tend to atweird around each other."He pointed out, looking up as the man in question came in."Finished playing kissy face with your girlfriend?Good timing, we're almost to london."He said tilting his head to the town coming into view.

Fydra snikered a little walking in, yawning a little."We weren't making out."She said blushing a little,shaking her head."Though I think we should go shopping today rather than later. Less time to spend at home."She said, leaving off it meant she didn't have to tell anyone just yet she was pregnant.
Harry snorted a little. "Draco and i have always been a little...awkward around each other." harry admitted smirking a little. "i mean, we've hated each other from the second we met, and that was even before the train! now that we aren't trying to kill each other we're just trying to figure out how to act around each other." he admitted running a hand through his hair as he watched Fydra walk in, relaxing visibly as he smiled at her. "no, he was too busy fawning over your neck to play kissey face." "what!? she has a nice neck!" Draco complained sulking a little as Harry smirked, but decided to ignore the many things he could have said. "i would really appreciate shopping first, i don't want to show up at your house looking like a servant." he didn't want to give Lucius or Narcissa any reason to pick on him.
she nodded before sitting down, twisting to look at draco, frowning."What do you mean?I have a nice neck?"She said confused, having not found anyhing odd about him fawning over her. He'd always done it, even before they were dating. Before looking at harry,"Just say it. You're gong to give yourself a stomach ache with trying not to say what you want to."

Blaise snickered looking up at her."He always has. Even to the extent of not getting kisses. It's truly sad."He teased smirking a little.
he chuckled a little and nuzzled her neck. "i like neck." he admitted smiling a little. "they always smell so good, their their smooth and soft and always so sensitive." he admitted giving her neck a nibble. "he's just weird, you know how there are people out there who have fetishes for feet and hands and stuff? he has one for necks." Harry taunted smirking as Draco chuckled a little, kissing her neck. "mmm so? you have a fetish for black men." "i already told him." Harry admitted glaring at Draco. "i still need to murder you." Pan would hate you." "she'll get over it."
Fydra whimpered softly, biting her lip to keep from moaning, rolling her eyes as they talked."No I wouldn;t."She said looking at them.

Blaise laughed softly,"Come on you two. We're stopping now.I want to shop.An put harry in clothes that actually look good."He said getting up as the train pulled into platform 8 3/4. Smirking a little as he looked at draco."As for your fetishes, there's others that we could tell her about. I've had to listen to you bemoan the fact you couldn't touch her for years,I think I can describe each part you love in detail."He snickered walking out, ignoring the bright blush on fydra's face.

"I...I'm getting off now."She said getting up, befroe blushing more."Getting off the knwo."She muttered following blaise off the train
Harry snorted a little looking amused as he tipped his head to the side watching her and Draco, looking much less jumpy now that Fydra was back in the room, Harry couldn't help but feel very nervous when Fydra was gone. he was probably overprotective of her but she was his sister, he'd never had one before AND she'd gotten hurt because of him, he couldn't help but be nervous when she wasn't safe right next to him.

"I agree with Blaise!" Harry chirped looking utterly disgusted at his much too big for him clothes. "AND i need a haircut, and DON'T think your getting out of my earring Draco Malfoy!" he ordered glaring at the blond who groaned a little but nodded getting to his feet and helping Fydra stand before flushing furiously at Blaise. "you...wouldn't...DARE!" he hissed his eyes narrowed darkly. "or i'll tell Harry all of YOUR nasty little kinks and fetishes! horny pervert!" "oooh Blaise is a pervert?" harry asked looking eager smirking a little. "i LIKE perverts." Draco groaned and threw his hands up in the air. "i can't win!"
Blaise laughed softly."I'd tell her if I didn't have a feeling you'd told her some of it.Of course, there was always..."He stopped snickering a little."Fine. I wont tell her, if you buy me food."He said smirking as he looked at fydra, "Of course, I think he's not weaseling out of anything. I think fy's gonna buy the whole lingerie section."

Fydra blushed, wrapping a arm around draco's waist, pressing her flushed face against his shoulder, avoiding looking at any of them as she headed off the platform. Knowing narcissa or lucius would never demean themselves and come pick up their grown children. Tilting her head she siled."Walking or taking a cab?"She said watching the yellow cabs go in and out of the parking lot, shifting her bag over her shoulder.
Draco looked horrified at Blaise as they stepped off the train before it morphed into rage as he caught sight of the red headed Weasley clan, Ron turning and smirking brightly at them, his eyes narrowed as he patted his own belly, as if mocking the fact that he had gotten Fydra pregnant, trying to make her feel guilty or ashamed. Draco sneered back at him and dragged his pointer finger across his throat, mirrored identically by Harry, making Ron smirk viciously at them before Harry grabbed Blaise's and Draco's hands, determined to get them out of there before they tried to attack Ron. "lets walk, i hate cabs." he stated simply shoving his hands into his pockets as he walked, a strange look on his face.
Fydra shivered, trembling as she wrapped her arm tighter around draco's waist, sliding under his arm, cuddling into his side as they walked.

Blaise frowned a little walking with them, wondering what was going on.He could understand harry wanting to kill ron, but for draco to be willing to do bodily harm....his eyes widened a little as he turned his head to look at the pale girl walking with them.Tightening his grip on harry's hand, struggling not to turn around and go after ron. There were few people in his life he'd be willing to kill for, but fydra was honored among that short list."Food clothes or piercings first?"He asked lightly, trying to distract them all as they walked through london.
Draco sighed a little but allowed Harry to drag him out, Harry sneering a little. "Clothes, definitely clothes, i am sick of this muggle garbage." he admitted picking at his own over-sized clothes. "i need some new robes too anyway." he admitted smirking a little. "mine are too small." harry in small robes was pretty sexy, but also very pathetic. "besides, Draco needs a new thong." "i don't have a thong." "that's why you need a new one." "...why do i need a thong?" "because Fydra said so." "..i don't recall Fydra ever asking me to wear a thong." "Fudra you want to see him in a thong don't you?" harry asked, not realizing that he had never released Blaise's hand.
Fydra smiled slightly, tilting her head."I don't know if he needs a thong to wear, though he is going to buy one."She said, before blushing. realizing she was talkign about her clothes to her brother.Talk about embarassing. Blushing she looked away, avoiding looking at any of them.

blaise snickered, looking at draco."I told you she was going shopping for you."He smirked, shaking his head.'Though i think we should get the boy a nice thong. Gryffindor colors and all."
Harry snickered a little. "nah, he can borrow mine." Harry chirped a smirk in place as Draco started to sputter and flush violently. "i am never shopping with any of you freaks ever again!" Draco complained Harry laughing wickedly a smirk in place as he suddenly turned sharply, dragging Blaise with him, heading into the most expensive muggle clothing shop he could find. "stay." harry ordered Blaise pointing to a chair while he started digging through the clothes, gathering everything he thought would look good before moving into the changing room, coming out in well fitting clothing and demanding Blaise to answer honestly and tell him if they looked alright. they where the first clothes that harry had ever had, that not only fit, but weren't second hand. he got mostly greens, blacks, and silvers, making him look dark and handsome.
Blaise smiled, happy to help him shop.Tilting his head towards his friend, snickering at the blond."Poor draco.Got ordered to sit in a corner."He said tilting his head, twisting to see where Fydra'd wandered off to. Knowing she was still in the shop, he smiled. Happy to help harry pick out clothes when he came out of the dressing him. Raising a eyebrow at the bags fydra joined them carrying after awhile.

Fydra smiled, sitting down in draco's lap, smacking his hand as he tried to see what was in the bags."No no no, you don't get to look yet."
Harry grinned a little as he packed up all of his clothes and headed for the cashiers, feeling much better now that he was dressed in tight black jeans and a skin tight black shirt that was showing off his newly toned muscles. "Haircut now." harry ordered, having no problem ordering everyone about as he headed for the nearest hair place, sitting in the chair and chatting with the hair dresser as she 'made him pretty' his hair now lay in a messy spike look that made him look handsome and dangerous, blue and brown highlights running through his hair as he smirked at Draco. "and now my earring." if harry looked any darker, Dumbledore was going to have a heart attack. good thing that Harry opted for a simple stud instead of the silver snake that he had wanted. later, when harry decided to betray Dumbledore. "what do you think?" Harry demanded, standing in front of his three freinds, fully transformed a wicked smirk on his lips. "better?"
Fydra laughed snickering at blaise's shocked staring, slipping away from draco, wrapping a arm around harry's waist, the shorter woman tucking tightly against his side."Love, I can be proud to be related to you now."She said, before laughing, bouncing up to kiss harry's cheek before squirming away again. Jumping on draco, kissing him."Love, can we go home.I'm hungry."she whined, her stomach growling. Biting her lip. Craving ice cream and pickles, but not wanting to admit it.
Harry laughed a little and kissed her forehead, smirking little. "wait until i get the serpent earring that i wanted, and the tattoo that still expect Draco to pay for." he smirked a little and offered Blaise a wink, now feeling much more worthy of the black skinned slytherin. "yes, lets go home, since Harry feels better about himself." "i do feel better about myself." Harry admitted with a small smirk. "i feel a lot better." he admitted with a small chuckle as he tangled his fingers into Blaise's hand again. "how do we get there? not floo? i HATE floo." "you hate everything that isn't walking or riding a broomstick." "flying Car isn't so bad." "...flying car?" "yeah, flying car." "...i'm not even going to ask."
Blaise smirked a little."Flying car?Didnt you nearly get expelled for crashing it?"He asked.

Fydra snickered a little, shifting her hold."I'll see you at home."She said looking up at draco.Knowing to apparate home, they each had to take one of the others, since they'd be the only ones allowed through the wards and bring someone with them."We're apparating."She said wrapping her arms around harry, apparating home, leaning against him as she got her bearings, hugging him tightly."I'm scared."She muttered softly, not moving.

Blaise looked at draco, smirking a little as the other two left before it faded."How hurt is she?"He asked, wanting to know. Needing to know how careful he needed to be around the girl who was one of his best friends....and that his best friend loved. For that alone he wanted to strangle weasley.
Harry smirked a little. "yes, yes i did." he admitted laughing a little as he wrapped his arms around his sister, his items shrunk in his pockets as he flinched, letting her apparate him, groaning when they landed, shaking his head to clear it. "i know." he murmured softly wrapping his arms around her. "you don't have to tell Lucius you know." he stated softly, running his fingers through her hair. "he has no right to your life anymore." he gently kissed her forehead. "you don't have to tell anyone your not ready to tell."

Draco swallowed thickly, hesitating a moment. "she's hurt... she's hurt bad." he admitted looking sad. "she can barley stand for me to hold her, and she has terrible nightmares....she's pregnant. she doesn't know yet what she wants to be the baby but she won't kill it." he admitted licking his lips nervously. "i'm afraid this is going to break her, and that i won't be able to fix her..."
Fydra nodded a little, happy to have to not want to tell him.Biting her lip as she hugged him tighter."Ron knows.You saw him...he knows he got me pregnant."She said shuddering a little. Remembering seeing the other man.

Blaise growled angrily, running his fingers through his hair, looking at his friend. Pain in the look, because he knew what it meant for draco, to admit outloud that it might break the woman he loved."Draco, you know her well enough to know she couldn't kill a innocent."He said softly, swallowing hard."You'll be able to take care of her.She loves you, she'll heal.If she breaks, you'll fix her."He said, sounding confident but inside he wasn't. Not if she couldn't stand to be held...if she was that bad, maybe...he shoved the thought away. He wouldn't think it.
Harry nodded. "don't worry." he stated simply kissing her forehead. "he's being taken care of." he promised smiling a little. "he won't be bothering us again." even if Harry had to go and kill him himself. "come on, i want to go torment Lucius." he snickered a little. "a shame that your dating Draco now, i would have loved to pretend that we where dating, just to piss him off." though really Lucius would have been pleased by that, harry didn't know that of course.

Draco nodded and set his hand on the others arm. "i hope your right Blaise." he admitted softly, looking almost broken himself before he gathered himself together and apparated them into Malfoy manor, right next to Harry and Pan, harry smirking over at them. "took you long enough, where you two making out or something?" Draco just sputtered with rage.
"Oh yes, that was it. He has such a nice ass I just had to grope him before I brought him home to his girlfriend."Blaise snickered rolling his eyes, looking at the blond. Amused because at least spitting mad would keep him from worrying about fydra.

Fydra laughed shaking her head."If you'd tried I'm pretty sure he would have showed up here alone and disappointed harry."She laughed smirking as she heading for the dining room. It was dinner time, and it was the only place the elder malfoy's woud be.
Harry laughed a little as he winked at Blaise. "if Blaise get's to cop a feel why not me?" harry demanded reaching out and giving Draco a sly pinch to the ass, an act he'd done before. and it always made Draco go bright cherry red and start squealing in horror and rage, as he was doing now, hiding behind pan again as Harry laughed and followed Pandora into the house, hesitating as he caught sight of the elder Mafloy's, biting his lip a little, looking nervous again. "you guys have such a pretty house." he grumbled looking longingly at all of the white marble and silk, using his natural slytherin greed to distract from his terror of meeting the Malfoy's.

"Draco?" Narcissa asked looking up as Draco laughed a little, a small smile on her lips. "Fydra, welcome home." she stated, but did not rise to meet her children. even though she did not act on it, both Fydra and Draco knew she loved them, because she always lavished them in hugs when Lucius wasn't around, and it was always in her eyes. even Fydra, who wasn't her own child, got looks of love and affection, and in one horrid instant Harry felt an intense greed tearing at him. he wanted a loving parent like that, he doubted that Tom was the affectionate sort. all harry could do was look jealous as Narcissa motioned her children forward and asked them how school was doing, a heavy longing on his face as she watched the two interacting with their mother.
Lucius smiled slightly, sipping his wine glass as he looked at his guests. Almost ignoring the two he had raised."Harry"His voice twisted a little on the name" and blaise Blaise, we're glad you could join us for the break."He said smiling a little. Smirking a little at the longing on harry's face.He thought it was for the house, not for the interaction between the two and narcissa.

Fydra smiled as she bent down to kiss her mother's cheek, pain in her eyes though she tried to hide it. Not wanting to worry narcissa more then she already was. Not knowing how much the older woman knew about her stay in st. mungo's."It's good to be home.And schools' the same as it always been.Though we've acquired a new friend.Mother, I think you know harry?"She said sliding into her seat at the table, reaching for food.She was starving.
Harry glanced at Lucius and let a dark little grin cross his face as he bowed his head to Lucius in a respectful manner, something he was certain would shock the blond to no end. "it's a pleasure to be here sir, and i thank you for allowing me into your wonderful home. i have to admit an intense jealousy over your wealth." he admitted stroking the silver oak-wood table before he settled onto the chair provided for him. looking over the food with interest, he'd never seen most of those foods. his hesitance probably showed on his face, Harry might have learned manners, but he still had a long ways to go about being accepted into pure-blood society, Draco, Fydra and Blaise could certainly help him with that.

Narcissa offered both of her children a small peck on the cheek and smiled at Harry. "it's a pleasure to have you over Harry, and you as well Blaise." she stated setting her napkin in her lap, Draco following suit, Harry following their lead. "it's a pleasure to be here Lady Malfoy." Harry admitted smiling. "though i admit i'm a little out of my element right now." she admitted looking down the table at Blaise, hoping to follow his lead in how to take the food and eat it, he really didn't know if he was supposed to do something specific or not.
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