Siren's song

he smiled a little. "well, for one thing what he plans on doing. i mean, sure he's your dad but he's been gone all these years. i know he tried to get harry, or talk to him at least. i guess that's what first, fourth and last year was all about. he wasn't trying to kill harry, he was trying to talk to him...but why didn't he ever try to contact you? and for another thing.." "Draco, your voice hurts my ears." Harry complained softly rubbing his eyes as Draco jumped, startled. "Tom probably won't be coming back anyway. he's busy...i guess.." Harry was already expecting disappointment from his 'new' father, now that the initial excitement had faded. "and he didn't know that Fy was alive, he'd been told she'd died."
Fydra frowned slightly, raising her head to look at her twin."Be nice to draco."She scowled a little, thinking about it."...there's only one person who could have told him I was dead.Lucius.But I don't understand why he would..."

"Because he has his own plans to have the world."Tom said softly as he stepped through the door, looking like his children, the finely made features, the dark eyes. Smiling a little as he shut the door behind him. Looking at his daughter cuddled against the malfoy heir, but made no move to go towards her, because he knew draco probably wouldn't appericate it.
Harry turned to blink at Tom, looking startled, he clearly had not expected to ever see the other, certainly not so soon, he grimaced and dried to sit up, giving up with a frustrated Groan Draco rolling his eyes as he glared at Tom, not appreciating the accusation on his father, even if he knew it was true, moving over to Harry to help the Brunette sit up before heading back to Fydra's side, his wand out, just in case he had to protect his lover and her brother.

"Tom.." Harry muttered softly motioning him over. "i know that you expect something of us, being your children...but we need something from you first. obviously your fighting against Dumbledore, but why? what do you want with Wizarding kind? i can't just support you because you claim to share blood with me you know." he stated crossing his arms and scowling a little. "no matter how much i want to slaughter Dumbledore right now, if your both bad for the wizarding world i'm going to fuck you both over and take over myself!" someone was feeling better.
Tom smiled slightly, glad that his son was feeling well enough to yell at him."I'm fighting against him because he wants to be able to control everything, to be able to have a army that thinks of nothing but what he wants.Why do you think he's at hogwarts?He knows if he starts teaching them young, they'll believe whatever he says."He looked sad, shaking his head.Wanting to approach the girl who hadn't said anything yet.He wanted to hold his daughter but the way she was curled up in draco's arms her face buried against his neck, he knew she wouldnt accept it."And..."He bit his lip not sure how to tell them."I'm not a pureblood.And your mother was part magical creature...she was a siren."he sighed softly when he saw fydra tense. Saw her realize why lucius and dumbledore wanted to destory her.

"...I can influence others....but...but no!I can't,"She shook her head finally raising her head to look at her father."I can't inflence draco, or harry!I can't be a siren."

Tom smiled slightly."You haven't been paying attention in care of magical creatures then.Harry's your brother,your shared blood protects him.And I assume draco genuninely loves you,because only true love could protect him."
Harry glared at Tom a little. "that didn't answer my question at all. i didn't ask what Dumbledore wanted for the magical world, i already know that i asked what YOU wanted with it. oh and i knew you where a half blood already." he admitted waving a hand non committed. "it doesn't matter." he stated calmly glancing at Fydra, a small smile on his lips. "oh come on Fy, you can influence me a little, i just try to ignore it as best i can." he admitted shaking his head. "and Draco's too stupid to be influenced." "HEY!" Draco complained scowling at harry who smirked. "and too pretty." Draco paled a little and grumbled darkly as he nuzzled Fydra calmly.

"What exactly is it that you want with Fy and Harry?" Draco finally demanded of the Dark Lord. "want them to be your new pawns in this war? there must be SOMETHING for you to just pop out and say 'hey i'm your father'. where you expecting them to just, love you and obey you just because you said that? whats going through your head?" because Draco would take Fydra far away before he ever let her become someone's pawn, she was a queen, and Harry was the king. they where no ones pawn!
Tom stared at the blond, trying not to laugh. He was being so protective and demanding of someone who could wipe the floor with him."I want my family back."He said studying the two before looking at harry, "You ask what I want. I want to be left in peace. But since dumbledore wont let me do that, I want to be a power he has to fear, because I wont let him take anything else from me."

Fydra smiled softly aganst draco's shoulder, hugging him tighter, "So protective."She muttered.
Draco smirked a little shaking his head kissing her forehead. "you heard the man, True love." he teased smiling a little as Harry sighed a little and laid back down, too tired to stay sitting up anymore. "why is Dumbledore attacking you?" he demanded softly. "there has to be a real reason..." but no, Harry knew better, Dumbledore had been going after Tom since Tom was a boy, leaving him in an orphanage, just like Harry. had manipulated Tom ever since he had entered the halls, just like Harry.
om sighed a little, "I don't know. As far as I can tell, he's been destroying any rival to his power as soon as he could."He said moving over, and sitting on the edge of fydra's bed, smiling at her as she sat up.

"True love.Heh."She blushed a little, laughing softly as she looked at her father,seeing herself in his face.It was so odd...
Harry snorted and nodded. "so he made up the prophecy so that i could be his little pawn.," he muttered sighing softly as he closed his eyes. "fucking bastard..." he muttered softly as he drifted back to sleep Draco rolling his eyes. if Harry was calm enough to fall asleep then Tom clearly wasn't going to attack anyone. still he wrapped his arm tightly around Fydra and gave him a warning glare, making sure that Tom kept his distance, making sure that he didn't come close until Fydra was ready for him to.
Tom smiled slightly, getting up, wanting to hug his daughter, wanting to hold the girl he'd mourned for so long.Getting to his feet, he brushed a hand over her hair, dropping a kiss to her forehead,giving draco a glare, warning him to leave it alone."I better be going.'He said softly walking out.

Fydra yawned,shifting back,laying down on the bed, pulling draco with her, cuddling close."It's been a long day..."She said softly, not sure what to think or feel about this, and worried how draco was reacting to it. But mostly....she wanted to sleep.Smiling peacefully as she fell asleep in his arms.
Draco didn't say anything as Tom came near, though he was tense and cautious, more than ready to fling a spell should Tom do anything that looked funny. "Wait." Draco ordered softly, hesitating a little glancing at Fydra before shaking his head. "no...never mind." he muttered, he would talk to The Dark Lord later, or write him a letter. if anyone could slaughter Ronald Weasely it was The Dark lord. he cradled her as she slept, smiling a little himself as she gently stroked her hair. "i'll protect you.. i'll always protect you." he promised softly as she slept, writing a letter to the most feared man wizarding kind has ever known.

To The Dark Lord.

I Draco Malfoy have a favor to ask of you, for your Children's sakes. Harry and Fydra where hurt very badly by a certain wizard, and i fear i cannot deal the blow that needs to be dealt to protect them. i am unable to kill the person that hurt them, because he is under Dumbledore's protection, his personal protection. if you can manage, i would be very grateful, and i am sure that Harry and Fydra would be too, if you could kill the Deranged madman Ronald Weasley, even if you don't do it personally as long as he is dead before Harry and Fydra are forced to go back to school, we would all be very grateful.
Draco Malfoy

How was he to know that Harry was writing a letter as well?

i hope that you can forgive me for not calling you Father, i have never before had one and i find this all a little too good to be true. i am not, of course, too stupid to not recognize a good opportunity when i see one. Dumbledore still believes that i am his loyal brainless pawn, which makes me a perfect spy for someone who might be plotting Dumbledore's ultimate demise. i want to help you destroy the man who has ruined my life, my life and yours apparently. i don't know if i trust you yet, but i do know that we have the same goals. for now, that is all that i need to try and forge some sort of relationship with you. maybe someday, i can have the father i've always wanted.
Harry Potter
Tom scowled slightly at draco's letter.He'd deal with the man personally for daring harming his children. They'd suffered enough, they'd be taken care of now.Though he did smile at harry's letter, it would be perfect.

I know you cannot call me father yet, but someday I have hope...please keep watch on dumbledore, as long as you do not put yourself in harm's wy. And ask fydra and draco, over the upcoming holiday-yes, it's almost christmas already- to try and figure out what lucius is up to while they are at home. It would be helpful to know what he is planning, either to get rid of me, or dumbledore. He is surely up to more then we know. Tell Fydra if she would like to speak, I am here. And if you need someone, just send a letter.I am only a apparation away.


P.S. Since I was already writing you, I didn't see the point of writing two letters, let draco know that I will do as he asked
harry smiled a little as he read the letter, feeling pleased with himself a small smirk on his lips as he glanced over at Fydra and Draco holding the letter out to Draco so he could read the second half of the letter. Harry was quickly gaining strength, though the nurses and doctors where reluctant to let him go because of his severe depression that he often lapsed into, sometimes it only lasted a few minutes, other times it lasted several hours, but it was all over the place and that seamed to worry them a great deal.

"Good." Draco stated handing the letter over to Fydra. "i think i'm going to be the one interested, he won't beleive it coming from Fydra." he admitted chuckling a little. "i'll write to father tonight." he decided leaning back in his chair sighing a little. "hey Harry...what are you going to do for winter vacation?" Draco asked hesitantly and Harry fell still and silent again. that was answer enough, he was going to sit at the castle and get raped by Draco again and again because the castle would be empty.
Hydra frowned at the thought.before as a friend the idea of leaving him behind was unacceptable,now it was impossible.well Lucius HAD said be friends with him. He'd just have to suffer Harry's presence because his twin couldn't leave him at the castle and at ron's mercy."you are coming to the manor.mother always loves having company."she said with a sad smile, wondering about her real mother but not asking Tom because she knew her loss was probably painful
Harry looked startled at her hesitating a little. "are...are you sure that's alright?" "sure! it might even help me with my goal on getting in close with my father." he admitted smirking a little. "he did tell us to befriend you, that's what started all of this." most people would have been upset about that, but Harry just snickered. "so Lucius basically fucked himself over. ha, i like that." Harry muttered smiling a little. "and Dumbledore will like it too, i can claim i'm going to protect Fydra." he admitted nodding a little. "she is supposed to be being abused by Lucius after all." he sighed a little and stared at the ceiling for a moment. " it wrong...that i want him to be my father? even though...i spent my entire life hating him?"
Fydra smiled slightly, shking her head as she rested her head on draco's shoulder."No.I...I always knew Lucius wasn't my father, and yet I wanted him to be.It's not weird wanting what you never had."she said before frowning, raising her head to look at him."Lucius would be dead and buried if he hit me."She pointed out.
Harry smiled a little as he relaxed a little. "alright." he murmured softly sighing lightly as he closed his eyes a smirk fluttering over his face. "Lucius is already going to be dead for lying about your death." he pointed out. "no offense to you and Draco but he isn't the sharpest quill in the ink pot."
it was a good week before the nurses and Doctors decided that Harry was fit, and sane enough to be released from the hospital, Draco had been forced to go back to school himself despite his vehement protests, the blond still came back every day as soon as classes where over.Harry had gone straight to Dumbledore, letting him know that he wanted to help with the war, though he sounded tired when he said it, he made several hints that Ron had turned him gay, something to please Dumbledore and hopefully get Ron off his back a little. and informed Dumbledore that he planned to go to Malfoy Manor for Christmas break to protect Fydra, who he felt was like a sister to him at that point. he was even getting along with Draco now.

Draco had written a letter to his father informing him that he had invited Harry over for Christmas break, and that befriending the potter bitch was going well, and that he was becoming bored with school and was hoping he might be able to get a little more involved in the family businesses, something he was sure would please his father. he also re wrote to Tom, giving him the details of Ron's life, informing him that the Red head would probably be going home for Christmas break, and even providing an address for the man. hopeful to have Ron dead and gone before they came back from winter vacation.
Fydra looked up from the book she was reading as she watched her lover finish packing his things."You do realize we are coming back right?And you do have a whole closet of crap there already.You don't need to pack everything."She said, sounding bitchy because she was nervous about going home. Going home and being near a man wo just wanted to use her, had lied to her for years about who she was.Though bitchy was better then depressed, which is what her other mood had been since she'd gotten out of the hospital. Though she hadn't returned to classes, instead taking tutors because most of her classes were with ron, and she wasn't stable enough to do that.
Draco glared at her offering her a false anger. "i like to have my clothes with me. i need to look my best when i'm at home, to impress father." he smirked a little. "the more i look the part, the more likely he is to let me in on his secrete plans, and the easier it will be to bring him down." he admitted closing his Trunk. "besides, you should see what Harry is doing, he's completely panicking because all he has is over sized and ugly muggle clothes. i was thinking of taking him shopping as soon as we get the chance, he really needs some proper clothes."
Shenodded a little."I was thinking the same thing.IT'll be fun.We'll spend a day in diagon alley."She said smiling as she shook her head."He needs new clothes, it is quite pitiful that all he has is overlarge clothes."She smiled getting up, wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his lips."You forgot the most important reason for taking all your clothes love."
he grinned a little as he waved his wand at his trunk, shrinking it down to quarter size. "and what would be the reason for taking all of my clothes? Vanity?" he asked as he headed for their pre agreed upon meeting area. "Draco i don't have SHIT to wear!" Harry bitched as he waited for them, his arms crossed sullenly as he shook his head. "i'm not going!" "calm down potter and Change into this." Draco ordered, smacking harry in the face with a robe. "i changed it so that it would fit you, when we get home we're taking you to Diagon alley, no one of your bloodline should be wearing crap like you've got." Draco teased Harry scowling at him with a small smirk. "alright." he chirped moving into an empty classroom to change, coming back out in one of Draco's finer robes. he looked, for once, very handsome, even if the robe was still a little too big and his hair was still all over the place.
Fydra tutted, tucking her hair behind her ears, for once looking calm and relaxed in just normal clothes."We're getting him a haircut to while we're out."She said heading down to the train with the others, holding draco's hand. Nervous not only to be going home but because she planned on telling their parents that she was pregnant. Which included telling tom....she sighed a little paling slightly when she saw ron getting on the train ahead of them."And the reason to look good, is not for your own vanity, but for mine."She pointed out,trying to stay calm. Having not told harry she was pregnant yet, but she was going to tell him.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded kissing her cheek and then her neck, watching Draco get on the train, Harry watching the red head as well as he leaned over and whispered something in Draco's ear, the bond shaking his head. "don';t bother, he won't be back." he stated simply, Harry looking startled before smirking a little. "your both Vain." he stated simply shaking his head Draco lifting an eyebrow. "your the one who didn't want to come with because you didn't have anything proper to wear." "only because your father wouldn't have let me in if i hadn't." "...true." Draco muttered trying to keep the amusement off his face as he led them both to the train, Harry sighing a little as he stretched. "is it true you have peacocks at your house?" "oh yes." "are they for eating?" "decoration." "....vain..."
Fydra smirked a little as she leaned back into her seat, looking out the window as she rested her head on draco's shoulder,stretching her legs out and putting her feet into harry's lap.As if she was vain enough to demand a foot rub.Raising a eyebrow as she looked at her feet."It's not vainty.They're pretty!"
Harry snorted as he found her feet in his lap and he actually took off her shoes and started to massage her left foot, looking amused as he did so. "it's vanity because only vain people would spend thousands of dollars for a 'pretty' bird that's practically useless." he stated simply. gripping her left ankle tightly as he suddenly began tickling her toes a wicked smirk on his lips. "Well potter, your half my family now, if i';m vain so are you." "i live in my fat ass cousins hand me downs and have for my entire life. i'm starved when i go home and i'm treated, literally like a house elf. there's no room for vanity in me." "....good point."
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