Siren's song

Fydra nodded sipping her shake as she looked up at him."I don't want to be here either."He said, anger and fear crossing her face.Hating that she was stuck here.Looking up at him, biting her lip."You know you do have to go back to school..."She swallowed. Hating the idea of not going back with him.Despite knowing better, she had a fear he'd find someone else besides her, someone that wasn't hurt, someone who wasn't as scarred. Remembering ron's words, afraid he'd no longer want her."And no, you can't kill wealsey."She muttered.
Draco nodded. "yeah, but at least you didn't try to bite the doctor." he admitted chuckling a little shaking his head before he bit his lip a little shaking his head. "i know i should...but i really don't want to." he admitted sighing. "i don't want to leave you alone." he admitted tangling his fingers in hers glancing at harry as the brunette mumbled under his breath. "are you sure i can't kill the red headed fucker? please?" he pleaded pouting at her. "no one would know it was me, i swear!" he promised grinning impishly at Fydra blinking as Harry mumbled her name again, dreaming about her.
Fydra snickered a little, raising a hand to brush her fingers through his hair drawing him in for a kiss."No...because if someone did find out..."Pain filled throse blue eyes."I couldn't live without you."She said softly, shifting to lean into his arms, holding onto his hand tightly as she glanced at the brunette."....if he's dreaming about me and having sex at the same time, I'll be scarred for life."
he chuckled and kissed her back sighing as she told him no, but he nodded anyway. "yeah, alright." he muttered softly gently stroking his cheek glancing at Harry a wicked smirk crossing his lips as he listened in. "Fydra...mmm sister..." he muttered trying to shift in his bed. "" "hey harry." Draco murmured softly, taking Fydra's advice. "Who is it that you have a crush on?" "" he murmured back Draco's face lighting up with an intense glee. "oh that's wonderful!"
Fydra laughed softly, pinching his arm."Don't do that!I didn't tell you for a reason wh he liked."She said looking at him."You can't tell him!"She said having had a plan on convincing blaise to go out with him, but alas draco'd ruin it if he just told him!No, no that just wouldn't do.
Draco scowled at her. "why can't i? it would be good for Blaise to go out with someone, Harry's a good guy, Blaise would like him! besides, it would be awesome if Blaise sent harry one of those mushy poems he's so good at." he snickered a little and shook his head glancing at Harry sighing a little. "oh fine, i won't tell him. i'm sure Potter will grow a set of balls and tell him himself someday."
"No he wont and we both know it.I was going to write a pretty love letter to blaise and make you write it for me and pretend to be harry but with everything going on...."She shrugged a little."Maybe I'll write it now that I'm stuck in the hospital.And maybe you can convince blaise that someone likes him....see if he likes someone before we tell harry that maybe he has a shot."
Draco lifted an eyebrow at her. "or we could get Harry to write the letter himself, and i could deliver the letter to Blaise. that way if things fall south it's not you Blaise and Harry are pissed at. i'll talk to harry when he wakes up, it's not good for him to be alone. not after....that." he admitted wincing a little. "he was even rougher on harry than he was on you." he admitted swallowing thickly as he took Pandora's hand. "...i think all three of us need a good deal of healing after all of this." he admitted smiling at her. "and i plan to stay by your side the entire time." he admitted sighing softly as he nuzzled her hand with his cheek as Harry groaned and shook his head. "no...Dumbledore...liar!" he snarled in his sleep, baring his teeth making Draco jump. "i'm going to get a nurse." he muttered softly looking worried as Harry flailed against his bindings again. "he's going to rip open his wounds again."
Fydra nodded easing out of bed ater he left the room, moving over to the other bed, sitting on harry's bed, gently touching his face. "Harry. Wake up love, harry..."She said softly, pourign power into the words, not realizing she was doing it. Though it didn't work on him, she was unconsiciously trying to snap him awake, hoping the lmost attack would wake him up."Come on love."
Harry snarled again, baring his teeth at the unknown enemy panting hard as he jerked again, his magic pushing at hers, trying to force her power away from him, though somehow, it simply slid off of her like water pouring off a rock. the power was strong enough that it made her hair lift, as if she was standing in a breeze, but affected her in no other way. he groaned, a long, low pained sound as he fell limo on the bed, his eyes fluttering open as he woke up. "uhng..." he looked down at his wrists, they where bleeding again, honestly you would think the nurses would learn by then.

"Fydra?...sorry i was dreaming." he admitted panting softly as he shook his head. "can you undo my restraint? my wrist hurts." he admitted glancing around. "wheres Draco?"
"Off deciding how much to tell blaise about you talking in your sleep."She teased brushing his hair out of his face before gently undoing the restraints, gently wiping off the blood before shakng her head."No really, he's off getting a nurse to take care of your wrists, and get me something to eat."
he blinked a little snorting a bit. "Blaise won't want me, i was dirty before Ron ever even touched me." he admitted softly turning his head away from Fydra before looking back at her. "i need to tell you something." he admitted almost breathlessly, launching into the story of how Voldemort had come to his room, how he was Voldemort's son, how they where twins, how Dumbledore had destroyed everything, how they where being used. talking in a hushed, frantic whisper, terrified that someone would walk in and interrupt them, ignoring his own bleeding wrists.
Fydra looked shocked and pained. Hating that she hadn't been able to protect her brother better. Shifting to lay down next to him, wrapping him in a hug resting her head on his shoulder."...can I tell draco?"She whispered, willing to do what he wanted. Snickering a little at the idea of the two boys being related, and gently wrapping the blanket around his wrists trying to stop the bleeding.
he smiled a little as he lay his head on her shoulder. "of course you can tell Draco." he stated simply, wincing as she wrapped the blanket around his wrists. "i'm sorry i'm so pathetic..." he muttered softly. "you must think me incredibly disgusting...trying to kill myself like that." he admitted softly closing his eyes and swallowing hard. "i was tired of everything..." there was a key word there...was, did that mean that harry wasn't so tired anymore? had finding out that Fydra was his sister, made his life more worth living? it certainly sounded like it.
"I know the feeling."She swallowed hard, trying to keep the guilt off her face. She'd rant and cry at draco later, when harry wouldn't feel bad for making her feel horrible.Sighing softly at the idea.Before shifting, yawning as she settled closer. Needing to be close to him. Glad that it seemed he was feeling better now.Maybe things, they'd befine."No, you're not disgusting.If...If I'd been giving the chance, I probably would have tried to."Shame filled those eyes, because she didnt dare tell draco she'd thought of it."But snape found me quickly..."
Harry smiled a little at her and nodded. "i am feeling much better." he admitted reaching up and stroking her cheek. "i have a sister, a TWIN...i have family for the first time in my life...and i have a father, who honestly cares about me...i have a homophobic best friend...who also Actually cares about me...i have something to live for now...and i plan to...i plan to get better, i'll slaughter ron for what he did to me...i can do it, i'm the Golden boy, it will be claimed as an accident or self defense, there's enough physical evidence for me to file reports of Rape...i already did." he admitted. "i named Ron to the nurses...i was too late to save you though...i'm sorry.." he muttered softly stroking her cheek again sighing softly. "you wouldn't have, your too strong for that." he admitted smiling at her. "everything will be better..." he promised softly, sighing as he rested his head on her shoulder. "sorry...i'm real tired." he admitted closing his eyes as a nurse rushed in followed by a nearly purple faced Draco who was grumbling darkly as the nurse quickly healed Harry's wrists and sighed a little shaking her head angrily as she stalked back out to find a doctor, Draco scowling, he'd had to run all over the damn hospital to find a nurse.
"sleep."She smiled sofly pressing a kiss to harry's head, shifting so he was cuddling into her side, wrapping her arms around him looking up at draco, reaching for him, pulling him close, making him sit down on the chair next to the bed."Love, I uh...have something to tell you."She bit her lip looking down at the blanket, struggling ot think of how to tell him, glancing over at him."Harry's...harry's my twin."She said looking over at him.
Draco blinked as he saw Fydra and Harry laying in the same bed a flash of jealousy before he remembered that Harry was gay "oh god, your leaving me for Harry aren't you!?" he demanded with false horror, trying to calm her down. "i KNEW he was really a girl!!!" then he paused and stared at her as if she was insane. "Hun, Harry's parents where the Potters.." he pointed out, looking from Fydra to Harry and back again before freezing. same nose, same eyes, same chin, same... "oh are you a potter or is he a riddle!?"
Fydra smiled softly."Riddle."She said shifting to gently brush his hair hair out of his face, having seen the jealously in his eyes, shivering little at the idea of leaving him."I could no more leave you then I could kill the baby.."She looked at him, tears filling her eyes.Trembling a little."I-I cant...I wish I could...but it's not the baby's fault...that it's father..."She cried harder,"I can't kill it."
he smiled a little. "i know." he admitted softly. "but i can't help but get jealous, it just means i love you too much to share." he teased kissing her forehead. "besides, with you two being brother and sister, that just means that i don't have to fight him for your affections." he bragged smirking a little. "besides i think Harry plans on completely destroying Ron's life." he sighed a little. "so how did you two find out you where twins? i didn't even realize that you guys looked exactly alike until you pointed it out."
Fydra frowned sitting up as she looked down at her twin."I...I don't know. He just told me."She frowned trying to figure out how the other had known."Someone had to tell him."She sighed a little, laughing softly at his bragging.He really did make her feel better."
he scowled a little and puzzled out how he could have known his eyes widening. "you don't think...the dark" he asked looking completely horrified at the thought of Tom being in the hospital. "Christ...what the hell are the doctors doing these days!? especially since everyone things Voldemort is trying to kill harry!? i mean, obviously he isn't now but everyone THINKS he is...there should be security crawling all over the damn place! it's almost as if they WANT harry to...." that was it wasn't it...Dumbledore wanted harry to die...
Fydra frowned nodding a little."He'd be the only person who'd know. And he's...I assume he's able to disguise himself if he would want to sneak into somewhere."She shuddered resting her head on draco's shoulder."I don't know, but we're together, and we'll protect each other.Don't worry about us when you have to go back."She said hugging him.
Draco wrapped his arms tightly around her, laying his head on her shoulder. "Harry seams to trust him, if Harry trusts him then he's probably not the bad guy in all of this." he admitted softly shaking his head. "i'm not going back, i want to see if Voldemort shows up. i have a few questions for him myself." he admitted growling a little as he gently nuzzled her neck. "besides, i have the house elves bringing me my school work so i can keep up."
Fydra smiled,holding him tightly, nuzzling his neck."Good."She swallowed hard, because she didn't know what to think about having a father. Espicially this father.Biting her lip as she stroked his hair."What kind of questions?"she asked curious, starting to drift to sleep.Taking comfort in his hold.
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