Siren's song

Draco looked terrified. "she's...she's hurt bad isn't she?" he asked, complete terror laced in his voice as he followed Snape, too shell shocked to say anything else, or even try to. he followed him silently through the halls of Hogwarts, and then Mungoe's freezing when he saw Pandora, a choked sob falling from his lips as he moved forward, gently taking her hand. "oh my god...pan oh Pan i'm SO sorry. i should have gone with you i..i s..shouldn't have left you alone i...i....i..." he lay his face on the bed and burst into tears, too traumatized to do anything else. too horrified at himself to do anything else.
Fydra stirred as he took her hand, looking at him,whimpering softly as she raised her free hand,gently resting it on his head, stroking the silky blond hair."Not....your fault..."She said softly, her voice husky and broken. Everything was so very broken.

Snape cleared his throat as he rested a hand on draco's back,"The staff said that if you wanted to stay here, you would be allowed to do so."he said nodding a little towards the spare bed that was pushed up tightly against fydra's.Knowing the other man would want to be close to her. BEfore sighing stepping back and leaving them to themselves. This moment was to private to be witnesssed
he shook his head sobbing lightly as he kissed her knuckles looking up at Snape and nodding simply. "thank you." he whispered softly wiping his eyes as he laid a small kiss on Fydra's forehead. "i won't leave you alone, never again." he promised sniffing a little as he gently kissed her neck. "i'll stay here until you get better i promise, i won't let anyone hurt you, i promise.
Fydra shuddered at the touch, swallowing hard as tears filled her eyes.As much as she hurt, what she'd really een worried about was that he wouldn't want her anymore."Promise?"She said softly, looking at him, fear flickering over her face."You wont leave?"she asked softly, shifting, whimpering in pain.Before stopping the movement, everything just hurt so much.
Draco shook his head hard. "never!" he promised. "i won't ever leave you. your the only person that i've ever loved." he admitted gently nuzzling her neck. "i love you pan, your...your my soul mate, the only woman i will ever love." he promised kissing both her cheeks and then gently wiping her eyes. "i could never leave the person who makes me feel whole."
Fydra smiled softly leaning into his hand, shivering softly."I love you."She whispered closing her eyes."I..he hurt me dray.Badly."She said cringing a little as he got close to her. She couldn't help it."you're my soul mate..."She said in soft wonder smiling softly.
Draco nodded. "i know he did, i know." he whispered softly stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "but i can be patient while you get better." he promised smiling at her. "i can help you, i will help you in any way i can." he promised softly swallowing thickly. "i won't ever let you go, alright?"
Fydra smiled softly, "Good."She said closing her eyes drifting to sleep.

Two days later the nurse quietly cleared her throat as she looked at the malfoy heir as he stood guard over the quiet woman."We need to talk."She said softly, not wanting to disturb fydra, but also knowing that she had to tell draco first, to let him come to terms with what was wrong before they told fydra
Draco groaned but got up slowly shaking his head. "i guess that's ok." he muttered sleepily, he hadn't left Fydra at any point, and he didn't want to leave her side to sleep in the other bed. "whats wrong? is something wrong with Fydra?" he asked worried all to hell when he reached out if earshot of Fydra. "that bastard did something serious to her didn't he!?"
The nurse nodded slightly, resting a hand on his arm to keep him getting to loud."He did."She bit her lip wondering how to tell her.Pain in her look having seen what her rape had done to a already frail woman."She's pregant."She said softly
Draco blinked looking down at the hand on his arm feeling the urge to glare at her for touching him before he went completely still, his eyes wide. "..." then he turned and walked back into the room without another word settling down next to Fydra looking too shocked too say anything, but. "Fydra, are you awake love?"
Fydra stirred at the sound of his voice, smiling at him sleepily as she looked up at him."Mor-what's wrong?"She said sitting up wincing as her body protested the movement, gently touching his face. Worried for him, he looked to shocked. She worried about what had happened
he swallowed thickly and took her hand, his look of shock and horror turning to that of love and compassion. "Fydra i have...some bad news." he admitted softly. "and i want to tell you right now, that i will approve of any decision you make." he promised softly patting her hand. "hun..." he paused, hesitated before. "your...your pregnant love..." he admitted softly, no pity in his voice, only a barley concealed anger, love, and worry.
Pain filled her eyes as she looked at him, shifting to lean into him, resting her head on his chest. Shocked and hurt, she didn't know what to say. It was to much.starting to cry as she remembered what ron had said. He'd made sure she'd carry his baby. Shivering she pressed close to draco even though it hurt."I...I don't know...what...what should I do?"She said after a few minutes.
Draco wrapped her in his arms, holding her close. "shhh Fy, everything will be alright." he promised rocking her gently. "i can't make that decision for you FY." he murmured softly. "there are three options right can keep the baby, you can put it up for adoption, or you can have it removed." he said each one with an equal amount of compassion and love. "no matter what you decide to do, i am always going to be here for you." even if he had to raise a red headed bastard child he would do it, and he would love the little baby too. even if she decided to get rid of it, he would be right by her side during the procedure. if she decided to let it be adopted he would help her fill out the paper work.
Fydra sniffled a little as she leaned her head against his shoulder, swallowing hard."I...I can't decide now."She said softly.Feeling so out of sorts she couldn't think.Raising her head to look at him, rubbing her eyes."How''s harry?"She said softly.Needing to think about something else.
he smiled a little. "take all the time you need to decide." he ordered softly kissing her forehead. "Harry's fine, he's got a small fever, the doctors say it's an infection but he's going to live." he promised smiling at her. "he's always asleep when i go in there, but he's starting to look much better, he's not so bruised up now. he keeps talking to someone in his sleep too, i never realized he did that."
Fydra nodded slightly as she closed her eyes, relaxing."That's good.I wish I could go see him."She said shifting to look up him."He does. When he's dreaming alot he'll talk...."She bit her lip."If you keep your voice low and soft he'll even talk back to you."
he blinked at her wide eyes before snickering a little. "oh really?" he asked grinning, looking amused. "i'll have to try that later." he admitted smiling a little. "when you get better i'm sure that the doctors will let you see him, or we could ask them to move him here. i don't use the bed anyway. and harry probably would feel better with you here, he talks about you a lot. he really cares about you, i'd be jealous but he's gay."
Fydra snickered looking up at him."Hmm you're just jealous cause his ass looks better."She teased looking up at him, brushing her fingers through his hair, "Though I admit, you are prettier.And even if he wasn't gay, I'd still want you."She smiled easily.
he scowled at the comment that Harry's ass was better and pouted at her chuckling a little as she commented that he was prettier. "somehow, i don't think that was a compliment." he teased chuckling a little as he gently kissed her forehead. "i'm going to go find a nurse and ask her about moving Harry in here. he has nightmares when he's int he room alone." he admitted. "do you want me to bring you something to eat when i come back? candy bar, burger, a milkshake that looks suspiciously like something else to freak out the nurses..."
Fydra laughed, rubbing her eyes."A milkshake.I want to see the nurses freak."She said grinning at him, settling back on the pillows watching him. Biting her lip.Nervous to be alone, but knowing it was fine...that he'd be back in a few minutes. And that ron wasn't there, that nothing would happen.
he laughed and kissed her forehead before leaving. he was gone for almost thirty minutes, arguing with a nurse about transferring Harry into Fydra's room, so that they could be together when Draco couldn't be with them. Draco knew that his father would pitch a fit if he didn't start going back to school soon, and he would NOT leave Harry and Fydra all alone. they finally agreed and ten minutes after Draco left Harry was wheeled into Fydra's room, eyes open...but he didn't seam to be there. he was still thinking, he was always thinking, he glanced over at Fydra and offered her a small smile. sister... HIS sister, always his sister. he wondered if he should tell her?
Fydra offered a small smile as she looked at the other, tilting her head."Hey."She said softl, settling back on her pillows."Glad to see you. Maybe dray'll stop fretting if I have company."She said smiling wider as the blond himself came in."thanks dray."
Harry smiled a little and nodded, closing his eyes and sighing softly as he started to doze again, they kept him full of sleeping potion so that he wouldn't struggle against his restraints, which he did every chance he could get. Draco grinned as he walked in watching Harry as he handed Fydra her milkshake, shaking his head a little. "i wish he didn't hate hospitals so much, he keeps struggling against the doctors."
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