Siren's song

Fydra snickered, because she knew who it was. But she wasn't about to tell draco when she knew he'd tell blaise."Ohh just think dray, if you pucker up and kiss him, maybe the guy he wants would get jealous."She teased as she walked out with him, heading for the room of requirement, biting her lip for a minute before sliding her hand into his.
Draco shook his head hard. "HELL no!" he growled making a face. "the day i kiss ANYONE other than you is the day i cut off my own lips." he promised snickering a little before he paused blinking as Snape strode towards them. "I need you two to come with me." he stated sternly, but Gravely. "i that you need to hear." he actually looked troubled, Snape never looked troubled.
"w-What?"She asked, following the teacher into his office slipping closer to draco,wrapping a arm around his waist. Worried about what snape was about to tell them."Is it mother?"She asked, not overly worried about lucius now that she knew he'd lied all her life, but she did genuninely love her adopted mother.
Draco had a panicked look on his face as Fydra mentioned that but relaxed when Snape shook his head. "not here." Snape ordered sternly, leading them into his office shutting, locking, and silencing the door glancing at them. "Harry potter was Raped." he stated softly, swallowing thickly. "he was admitted to Madam pomfry shortly after with severe trauma to the rectal region..." he hesitated now. "he escaped before anyone could heal the massive damage...and tried to kill himself, cut his wrists with Sectumsempra... he's in Saint Mungoes right's uncertain if he will live... i know you where freinds with him." he admitted sighing softly. "i thought you should know the truth, and not the bull shit that Dumbledore is going to feed the rest of the school." of course Dumbledore was going to lie, he couldn't let anyone think that he had LET the boy who lived be raped or attempt suicide after all.


Harry was laying in a hospital bed, his head monitor beeping sluggishly, but it was beating, and it was getting stronger as nurses managed to put the intricate veins and muscles back together. now he was strapped down, both wrists tied in soft straps to the edges of his hospital bed so that he couldn't escape nor do himself even more harm, his eyes closed as he wished that he could just die. he was a worthless waste of space, no parents, no love, and no freinds. he just wanted to die, Blaise would never take him now that he was dirty and un-virgin.
Fydra looked shocked, turning, and kicking the edge of the desk, welcoming the pain as her whole leg ached,"I'm going to kill him. Weasley's a dead man."She growled, more angry over harry, then she'd ever been about herself. Before stopping, stepping into draco's arms, resting her head on his chest as she started cryin.


Tom stepped into the room, pausing as he reoriented himself with being in the room.Having slipped past nurses and doctor's, he studied his son. His poor, broken son...who he couldn't save."...I wont lose you to.Not you."he growled mostly to himself walking to the edge of the bed looking down at the boy who looked so much like his mother. He'd lost both his girls, one because she had loved him, and his daughter before she'd had a chance.He refused to lose this son of his.
Draco wrapped his arms tightly around her and held her close, Snape sighing a little. "you can't attack Weasley." he stated softly. "not unless you can prove that he raped Harry." he didn't realize that Pandora had also been raped by him, nor did he realize that Dumbledore had encouraged it. he watched as Draco comforted his 'sister' sighing softly. "i didn't realize you where that close.." he muttered looking rather astonished. "anyway, he's safe at Mungo' from Ron in any case."


Harry's eyes where closed when Tom walked in and kept them closed as he felt the other standing there, even though it was obvious that he was very much awake, and everyone knew it. "i just want to die." Harry pleaded softly his eyes flicking open to watch Tom closley. "That's why your here right? to kill me?" he asked softly, hopefully. "make it quick? i've already suffered more than enough i think." of course the pain might be a sweet relief to his mental was so sad, Harry didn't even realize the family he had been deprived of had not been the potters.
Fydra smiled slightly as she turned her head to look at snape."Surprised?We've always been close"She said, sounding choked up, burying her face in draco's chest. trembling, because she ewas scared. Scared now that harry was gone, that ron'd return to attacking her. Scared that draco would get hurt protecting her.


Tom shuddered a little, the words like a kick in teh chest as he looked at the other man, walking forward and gently touching his hair."No,I didn't come to kill you."He said softly,pain in the words at the idea of killing his only son."You look like your mother..."He said more to himself before shaking his head to get back into the present."Shade..."he winced before correcting himself."Harry. What happened?"He asked looking him over, needing to know who was going to be killed for injuring his son.
he blinked a little. "i don't recall you ever being freinds with potter..." misunderstanding pretty much everything. "anyway, you two need to act like you normally would, try not to draw attention to yourselves. Dumbledore is planning on saying that harry was 'attacked' and that means that..." "everyone is going to suspect the fucking slytherins, of course." Draco complained sighing softly as he rubbed his face. "can we see him?" "no, you need to stay here at school. i'll update you every time i hear something new about him, i promise." Draco sighed but nodded, Holding Pandora close to himself, comforting, protecting her.


Harry blinked at the other looking so very tired, and not just physically, but also mentally. he was just so tired of life. "you knew my mom?" he asked softly, looking confused before sighing. "of course you know my killed her." but he didn't sound angry, just tired. tired of caring, tired of feeling sad. he glanced at the other and frowned, looking very confused now. "Shade?" he muttered feeling startled, that sounded so...familair. he sighed when Tom asked what happened. "i thought you'd be pleased." Harry muttered softly. "i tried to kill myself, doesn't that make you tingle inside? feel so very good? made me feel good." harry admitted a sudden smile spreading across his lips. "it felt so nice, to not worry, or feel anymore....and then that damn bitch brought me back to life."
Fydra sighed softly, drawing away from draco before smiling slowly."I'm going to bed."She announced, feeling heartsore and wanting nothing more to sleep. Feeling guilty because for her sex life, harry'd been left alone. Guilt showing on her face as she left the room, heading for the slytherin dorms. Just wanting to forget for the minute.not waiting for draco to catch up, she didn't notice until pansy grabbed her that she wasn't alone anymore.Strugglinig to get out of the stronger girl's hold she struggled to scream for draco,regretting the impulsive moment of leaving him behind when pansy shoved her into ron's waiting arms.Struggling to get out of the empty classroom, because she hoped draco would be close behind her.

"There.All yours."Pansy said with a snicker,"Now yu whore,draco'll be all mine."She preened leaving the girl to her screams as she walked out, shutting the door behind her and casting a silencing charm.There was no reason to chance someone hearing the bitch scream.


Tom sighed softly, shaking his head."You are not..."he stopped, wondering how to change everything the boy had thought of himself."You are not harry potter...your real name is shade riddle... you were...are my son. Taken from me when you were a baby.And when i tried taking you back...everything went wrong."He said looking at the floor. Just as tired as his son. He just wanted to protect his last remaining family.
Draco took her hand looking concerned. "it wasn't your fault." he promised kissing her forehead gently. "none of this is your fault." he promised softly nuzzling her neck. "Come on, you need a nice bubble bath..." trying to relax her, because he was feeling guiltier than hell as well and focusing on Fydra helped keep himself calm.


Harry sighed and turned away from Tom closing his eyes. "that's not funny." he complained softly, tears in his voice. "you killed the only home i had." he whispered hoarsely, swallowing thickly. "you took Cedric from me, you Took Sirius from me, you've been trying to kill me since i was a baby!" he snarled, tears wavering in his voice. "and out of all of that the only thing that i can hate you for is not KILLING ME WITH MY PARENTS!" he roared, tears running down his face as he jerked his hand against his restraints, wanting to wipe them away. but he couldn't even scratch his side, let alone wipe his eyes. "why are you here tom? to drive me even more into madness!? your just as bad as fucking Dumbledore..." well, maybe not AS bad. "there's no proof, of anything your saying, why should i beleive you!? because i want you to be right!? HA! your just trying to twist me around your finger, manipulate me just like the rest of the fucking world!"
Fydra smiled softly following him of the room, heading for his bathroom and turning on the tub.Trying not to feel guilty."he wouldn't have been alone if we hadn't..."She blushed slightly as she stripped, sliding into the warm water.


Tom sighed softly as he looked at the other, shaking his head."No. I killed them trying to get you back...dumbledore took you from your mother.And cost me you and your sister...I'm sorry."He said looking down at the floor as he turned to leave."I shouldn't have come."
Draco took her hand. "Harry would have been alone anyway." he stated simply, sternly. "he always goes right to that room after classes, and skips dinner and sleeps in there at night. that means that Ron got him in-between classes or on the way to the room. we can't be with him during those times Fy, and he knows that."he stroked her cheek. "and he would be sad if he knew you where blaming yourself."


he never even got to turn around, harry's hand grabbing his sleeve as he breathed softly. "my scar doesn't hurt." he stated, sounding startled his eyes flicking back open to look at Tom, swallowing thickly, fear in his eyes...but hope in his heart. "....are you really my father?" he demanded, the question that both of them knew he wanted to ask. 'why did you attack me in first year? and again in forth?' why would the man do that if he was really Harry's father!? harry wanted answers, and as far as he could tell only Voldemort could answer them.
Fydra sighed softly leaning her face into his hand as she sank into the bubble bath,closing her eyes."I know...but.."She shivered looking up at him, guilt and fear in those eyes. Because she was really afraid now that harry was gone, it was open season for ron to try and get her again.


"Yes I am."He said slowly, rubbing the bridge of his nose, thinking."I..there is a part of me, that's not totally sane. In my need to see you, the darkness took it and abused it.I...I don't have the right to be near you, but I can't lose you...because you are the last of the family I should have had."
Draco wrapped his arms tightly around her. "Ron got what he wanted Fy..he'll leave you alone now..." he hoped, but at least he sounded certain. "now shh, try and relax." he ordered softly kissing her forehead. "alright? we'll go and visit Harry soon."


"oh." harry muttered before blinking at him. "What about Fydra?" he asked softly. "Fydra Riddle...sin't she your daughter?..i was certain she have the same las...WE have the same last name." because harry was so tired, so very tired of Dumbledore and his manipulation shit. Harry wanted so desperately to have family. wanted to have a life again. "...would i have been happy?" he asked softly looking up at tom, tears gathering in his eyes his lip quivering. "with you...would...would we have had a good life?" Dumbledore had ruined everything, harry could blame Dumbledore for this little sliver of hopeful happiness. it was all harry had left, even if it was a lie harry wanted it.
Fydra nodded cuddling against him. Relaxing, starting to fall asleep. Feelng safe enough to just let go.


Tom looked startled."Fydra's alive?"He said sounding shocked and angry. Angry that he hadn't known, that he'd been lied to in telling his daughter had died with his wife.Before settling down, nodding slightly."We would have been happy. Your mother was a good woman, who didn't deserve what dumbledore did to her."he said, a dark look crossing his face.
Harry nodded. "yeah, Fy's alive..." he admitted softly. "she's been living with the Malfoy's...Draco and her are dating." he admitted smiling a little. "i've never seen two people so happy together." he admitted sighing softly looking sad again. "the prophecy is all crap isn't it?" he asked looking up at Voldemort biting his lip, looking a bit worried. "so...i have a sister then?" he asked, sounding almost startled before he grinned a little. "when is my birthday? not June Thirteenth for certain..." he gasped, suddenly realizing something./ "i don't have to go back to the dur..." he paused and then groaned flopping his head back onto the pillow. "yes i will...i have to...or Dumbledore will realize...and then i really will die..." why was his life so fucked up? before he knew what was happening he was crying, he couldn't help it, even with finding out he had a family it didn't matter because Ron had still Raped him, and was going to do it again, he still had to go back to the dursleys to be hit and beaten and maybe even raped there too! his life fucking sucked.
"You were born July 19th."Tom said softly sitting down next to him, slowly wrapping his arms around the other, pressing a kiss to his head."I wish I could offer you a place to stay. But to do so, would put you and..and fydra in greater danger."He said, his heart hurting at the idea of his newly found daughter
Harry nodded. "yeah, i know." he admitted closing his eyes. "it's just....hard." he admitted softly opening his eyes and staring at Tom. "are you still an evil murderous bastard?" he asked a hint of...hope? to his voice. "if you are...i have three people...who i wouldn't mind too terribly if you killed them. i can give you the address and everything...if they die, i might not have to go back..and even if i do have to go back, at least they can't beat and starve me anymore." he closed his eyes a little. "i can't wait to tell Fydra were brother and sister...i've always wanted an older sister." for some reason, Harry thought that she was older than him, and Draco too. he wasn't sure exactly why, but the thought never occurred to him that they where twins.
Tom laughed softly nodding."I'll take care of it."He promised smiling as he looked down at the boy."you're twins."He said smiling softly."And I hope you realize, by being bother and sister, you're stuck with draco."He pointed out, remembering what he'd said about his daughter and the malfoy heir.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "i know, but he's only an ass when you get to know him, not an insufferable one." he admitted with small smile before it faded. "i'm tired..." he complained looking away from Tom, he wanted o rest, and wait...hopefully life would get better, maybe now Ron would leave him alone...maybe...he doubted it.

"Hey, Fy time to get up." Draco chirped shaking her shoulder kissing her forehead. "come on love, we need to get to potions, Snape will kill us if we don't show up."
Tom smiled,"MAybe.Goodnight harry."He said before leaving.

Fydra whined sofly as she shifted a little, looking up at him as she sat up."Go on.I have to go to my room and get new clothes,then I'll be down."She said slipping her shoes on, heading for her room. Not noticing she had company till it was to late.

"Such a pretty little whore."Pansy sneered, shaking her head before opening the door, to let the red head in."She's supposed to be in potions,but I'll let snape know she's 'sick'.Have fun."She smiled as she left fydra alone with ron.
Ron smirked darkly as he advanced on her, silencing her and then binding her sp that she couldn't even struggle against her. he was merciless, breaking her completely this time, breaking her inside and out, and even worse, spilling his seed deep inside her as many times as he could manage, as if making certain that she would get pregnant, all the while calling her a slut and a whore, and a filthy blood traitor, a dirty bitch for not knowing enough to defend herself, not even trying to defend herself. then he got up and left her there broken and bleeding for someone to find, hopefully she would die by the time someone showed up, Pansy was, no doubt, distracting Draco by that point.
Pansy smiled as her and draco walked back to slytherin, resting a hand on his arm."She wasn't feeling good when I left.She's probably laying down to sleep."She said hoping that that ron was done and gone. it'd be no use to have draco seeing him as he left.

"Mr. Malfoy."Snape said as he stepped out of the dorm hallway having been concerned when the nurse hadn't seen her when he'd gone to check on fydra. Trying to keep the anger and pain off his face as he watched the blond walk closer.
Draco scowled as he listened to Pansy, tilting his head a little but deciding to check in on Fydra after class, he paused when he saw snape and terror flooded his face. "she's not in there is she? fuck someone hurt her! i bet it's that..." he cut himself off. "i have to go find her!" he couldn't take it, letting that red haired fucker touch HIS Fydra again, Draco was going to MURDER him! and Dumbledore was going to just have to kiss his ass!
Snape shook his head, "She's at st. mungo's.And would like to see you."He said pain flickering over his face. Because he couldn't tell draco just how broken the girl was."Come.I was instructed to take you."He said heading down the hallway, not waiting to make sure the boy would follow him to his office. Because he knew even through the anger he was feeling, that draco had to go to fydra. because she asked
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