Siren's song

Draco snickered at her, finding her rebellious attitude all the more alluring, after all someone who just did what you said was boring. Draco had too many people like that in his life already. Fydra was just so...perfect! he gasped, startled as she touched his sensitive belly, his muscles twitching as she tickled them with her tongue, Draco letting out a startled moan of appreciation for this act. he smirked as he realized she hadn't been wearing any underwear and his full cock gave a twitch of arousal. he panted softly as he watched her, an intense look in his eyes, whether it was lust, or love that was in that look was unknown. maybe it was both. "your so goddamn beautiful Fydra." he whispered, his voice husky with arousal as he slowly slid down her body, kissing and sucking and nibbling. gentle teasing touches that would get her all aroused and inflamed for him as he neared her crotch he began gently nipping her skin, a small grin on his face. "may i?" he asked his eyes flicking up to hers, making sure it was ok to put his tongue on her most private of areas.
Fydra smirked a little, cocking out a knee, opening her legs to him.A teasing look in her eyes."And if I said no?"She said absently touching herself as she watched him,finers stopping just short of where she wanted his mouth."Hmmm I think I would like that."She said smiling at him as she ran her fingers through his hair, her eyes dark with lust and love.
he chuckled a little and flashed her an amused smirk. "then i wouldn't." he admitted watching her play with herself, moaning softly as he watched, glancing up at her with a small chuckle leaning into her hand for a moment before bending down and running his wet tongue along her folds, teasing her flesh as he flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue, testing to see what felt good where. he'd never done anything like that, so he was using her reactions as a guideline to make sure he was doing it correctly.
Fydra moaned softly hivering as he touched her, fingers tightening in his hair as he teased her. Moaning louder as his tongue brushed over her clit, lsing herself in the pleasure of him touching her."dr-dray.."She stuttered softly as her back arched , coming as she pressed her legs against him, trembling as she gave herself over to pleasure.For the first time understanding why people loved having sex.
he grinned and payed close attention to that one spot, running his tongue along it once more before dipping back down, dipping into the hole and traveling up once more to give the clit attention once more, humming softly in pleasure as she reacted to his ministrations, enjoying very much giving her pleasure. even when he didn't know what the hell he was doing, he was almost overly confident about his own abilities.
Fydra whimpered softly in pleasure as she settled back on the bed, closing her eyes as pleasure crashed over her, tightening her fingers in his hair as she dragged him up for a kiss, wrapping her legs around his waist. Humming in pleasure as she kissed him before leaning back, looking at the grin on his face."So confident dray?"She smiled slowly, though nerves showed in that look. Like blaise, draco had a reputation for sleeping with every girl and slytherin, and being in love with him had stopped her from ever asking if it was true or not. So she was somewhat worried that he wouldnt be satisfied with her, being as scarred and innocent as she was.
he chuckled a little. "as long as i act confident, people think i know what i'm doing." he admitted chuckling a little as he kissed her gently on the lips. "even when i have no clue how the hell i made you like that." he admitted smiling at her before looking uncertain. "you did like it didn't you?" letting his mask fall for a brief moment, because he honestly was worried that he had done it wrong. "i mean, i've never done that before so..." yes he had slept with one or two women, never slytherins of course, and never just for sex. Draco seamed heartless but he needed an emotional connection to have sex, he couldn't just sleep with someone.
"Y-yes."She said blushing a little.Looking startled as she saw under the mask."You've never...but..."She looked confused and adorable as she looked at him, leaning up to kiss him softly."I enjoyed it greatly.don't let it go to your head though."She said laughing softly
Draco chuckled a little. "i've only been with two women." he admitted looking a little ashamed of himself. "it was before i knewi loved you and i wanted to feel cared about so i let myself get sucked into some bad relationships." he admitted wrinkling his nose at his own stupidity. "in the end they just wanted to see if the rumors where true, and started spreading their own." he shrugged a little. "it doesn't matter anyway because they where crappy." he admitted kissing her gently. "i'm glad you enjoyed it, shall i do it some more? practice makes perfect you know."
Fydra smield slightly, gently cupping his face, kissing him softly.Feeling bad that he'd gotten the bad end of a relationship.Running a hand down his back she wrapped a leg around his waist smirking slightly. Nervous but not scared."Hmmm practice later.I want to feel you inside me."She whispered blushing as she looked up at him.Embarassed at the need, but she needed it.
Draco smiled as he kissed back, closing his eyes as he held her moaning softly as he felt her leg wrap around him. "are you sure?" he whispered softly, picking up his wand so he could mutter a lubing spell, and a contraceptive so she wouldn't get pregnant. "i am more than willing to wait..." and he was too, even as hard as a rock, and hornier than all hell...he could stop if she had to.
She swallowed hard, shivering a little, "Y-yes."She stuttered a little, more out of nerves then fear. Though she was a little afraid, after being hurt so badly, she was afraid it'd hurt again.Kissing him again."I know you are...but I want to."She said blushing softly as he cast the spells, shivering as she ran her fingers through his hair.
he smiled and gently kissed her again running his hands gently along her breasts as he dipped his hips and slowly, so very slowly began to enter her, moaning softly at the tight heat that surrounded his cock tossing his head back eagerly. "oh yess." he moaned softly pausing when he was seated completely inside her. "you ok?"
Fydra swallowed hard,"y-yes."Se said her body tightening around his as it adjusted to having him in her. Struggling to remember this was draco she raised her head,gently kissing his neck as she trembled."I'm fine."She smiled leaning back to kiss him softly
he smiled and gently nuzzled her neck, laying kisses all over her running his hands gently down her body before carefully stroking her clit, trying to help her forget the painful memories and focus only on the pleasure he hoped he was giving her. "i love you." he whispered softly kissing her ear and smiling against her flesh. "your so perfect Fydra."
Fydra moaned softly, squirming as she shifted her hips against his, wrapping her legs around him."I love you to.."She muttered nuzzling his neck, remembered pain and memories just fading into pleasure as he touched her.
he smiled as he slowly began to rock into her a little panting softly as he kissed her ear again his fingers dancing along her clit as he kissed down her chest and settled onto a nipple, gently kissing and then suckling on one, and then the other moaning softly smiling a little. "mm you feel so good." he admitted smiling as he ran his fingers through her hair and pulled her in for a gentle kiss.
Fydra moaned softly kissing him back, whimpering in pleasure as she pressed close to him, enjoying the feeling of him deep inside her.Shivering softly as they moved together, moments before the world shattered, comig with a gasp as she looked up at him wide eyed, body tightening around his
he moaned as he came deep inside her, not too worried since the spell was still in place, and would stay in effect for at least six more hours, plenty of time to clean out any seed still inside of her, moaning softly as he nuzzled her neck and kissed her jaw, smiling a little. "that was wonderful." he murmured softly, kissing her ear, chuckling a little. "did you enjoy it?" only Pandora would be able to hear the insecurity in his voice.
Fydra shivered softly as his breath ghosted over her ear, turning her head enough to look at him, a small smile curling her lips."I did. It was wonderful."She said blushing ever so softly, insecurity in those eyes as she looked up at him."What about you?"She said closing her eyes, beccause if he said no, she couldn't look at him.
He relaxed as she assured him that she enjoyed it and he chuckled a little when she asked him the same thing. "Fydra i'm a guy." he teased smiling a little. "i'll always like it." he promised kissing her forehead. "especially when your as pretty, and perfect, and warm, and soft as you are." he admitted smiling at her nuzzling her gently. "mmm i'm thirsty." he admitted sitting up slowly. "want me to grab you some water too?" the pitcher was right next to the bed, and a wave of the hand had two glasses sitting next to it.
Fydra whined softly as he pulled out of her, yawning a little as she nodded,curling up on her side as she took the cup from him, sipping the water with a small smile."It's hard work doing all that."she teased, leaning up to kiss his cheek
he laughed a little and nodded, agreeing with her was always the best thing to do. he took a good drink of his water and stared up at the ceiling with a content smile on his face. "mmm well worth it though don't you think?" he asked grinning lightly at her. "shall i have the house elves bring up some snacks or should we go tell Harry that i took you from him?" he teased grinning a little.
She laughed softly, kissing him before sitting up."Let's go see harry. I know you always want to see him."She teased sliding out of bed, starting to dress. turning to look at him, smiling brightly at the content smile on his face.Glad that she'd been the one to put it there
he chuckled and shook his head. "i'm feeling too good to argue with potter." he admitted yawning a little and stretching, grabbing his clothes and slowly pulling them on. "i'm going to rub this in his face." he admitted chuckling a little. "he's a virgin, did you know?" he asked simply pondering that fact for a moment before shrugging. "he said he's waiting for someone special, i think he has his eye on someone i know, because he's not telling me anything." harry knew better, Draco would tell Blaise first chance the guy got, and harry would be mortified if Blaise thought it a grand prank.
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