Siren's song

Draco was staring at her and then gathered her into his arms, holding her close and kissing her forehead. "did he really?" Draco demanded softly, worried for his sister, who was not his sister. "did that filthy bastard hurt you Fy?" he dmenaded, sounding worried about his sister. "please, you have to tell me whats going on, i can't sleep at night i'm so worried about you." he complained softly. "you have nightmares, you flinch away from everyone but Potter, you weren't eating..."

"hey Fydra." that was Harry, interrupting like Fydra had hoped. only something looked very wrong, The Boy Who Lived looked close to tears, and there was a heavy bruise around his neck and a black eye. gone unnoticed during lunch, but it looked as if Ron had finally gotten what he'd wanted. "i...c..can i talk to you in private?" he asked hopefully Draco shooting the boy who lived a glare but backed away from Fydra to let her leave.

"it isn't fair." Draco snarled, looking unusually emotional himself. "it's not fair! i live her more than you do! so why the hell should she trust you and not me!?" he demanded, suddenly baring his emotions out for the world to see, practically yelling at the startled harry, who didn't know what to say.
Fydra winced a little at the anger, cringing at his raised voice. To lost in a memory to sort through his voice and ron's.Trembling slightly, she backed away from them both, nearly falling up the stairs, wincing as she hit the floor hard."Stop!"She yelled, begging in the words, trembling harder as she scrambled up the steps a little, needing away from the emotional draco.

"I..."She struggled to calm her racing heart,"Harry...I'll..."Pain in the words, because she wanted to be there for harry, but to do it she'd da,age what her and draco had. Caught between the two desires she shook, looking awkwardly frail on the steps as she looked at them."We'll go to the room of requirement."She muttered, looking away. shivering.
Draco looked startled at Fydra's reaction and both he and Harry caught her, keeping her from getting hurt Draco sighing softly. "i'm sorry Fy, i shouldn't have yelled...i'm just frustrated that's all..." he admitted softly, simply muttering Harry grimacing a little. but since Harry hadn't outright confronted him he wouldn't say anything about Fydra's feelings...yet. "come on, all three of us will go." Harry stuttered simply, flinching when he caught sight of red hair, sighing in relief when it turned out not to be ron, helping Draco get Fydra to her feet, the three of them heading up to the hidden room together, Harry looking more and more like he was going to be sick the closer they got, now even Draco was watching him funny. "potter are you alright?" Harry just shook his head, afraid that if he opened his mouth he was going to puke.
Fydr swallowed hard as she summoned a room,slipping inside with them, moving to sit on the couch provided, pulling draco down after her, crawling in his lap moments after he settled, needing the comfort of his warm embrace. Leaving harry the rest of the couch or the cushioned chair across from them. Swallowing hard as she rested her head on draco's shoulder. The look on harry's face tossing her further into a memory, struggling to focus on the two with her, and not the redhead who'd hurt her."I'll talk to him.He needs someone to teach him to leave people alone."She said, shuddering a little at the iea of talking to ron. While shewouldn't have done it to keep him from talking to her, she'd do it to keep him from talking to harry.
Draco looked startled but wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he tried to offer her what comfort he could, closing his eyes a little and sighing softly as Harry shuddered violently. "no, he didn't get me." he admitted swallowing thickly. "a Seventh year walked in on us." he admitted covering his face with his hands. "but it was too close, besides i don't want you to go anywhere near him." he stated simply looking over at Fydra, Draco scowling darkly. "what the hell is going on?" he demanded, making sure to keep his tone as un angry as possible, he didn't want to scare Fydra again. "..." Harry said nothing, it was for Fydra to tell.
Fydra trembled as she buried her face against his chest, closing her eyes as she breathed deeply, letting the scent of calm her.Though her heart raced, pounding at the idea of telling him."Ron...ron's obsessed with harry...wont leave him alone.when..we first started hanging out, he took offense that I was becoming friends with harry, and tried to declare that he was his and that I was...I wasn't harry's friend."She whimpered a little, struggling to forget what he'd done. And not what he'd said. Not the words ron'd screamed at her. Draco was going to be angry as it was, he didn't need to know what he'd said. Struggling to ome up with a way to tell him the rest."He....he.."She stopped looking at harry for help.=
Harry hessitated and then. "Ron attacked Fydra...he's the reason why she was in the hospital wing." Harry whispered softly glancing at Draco. "he..." he closed his eyes and turned away, but Draco didn't need to hear what Harry wanted to say, or what Pan left out, because it all made sense in one, furious moment and Draco simply sat there, unable to do anything but feel the white hot rage that had eberterd his mind. "he touched you." he snarled wrapping his arms around Fydra, holding her close, protecting her. "he's going to fucking DIE! no one touches whats mine! not even if they don't realize their mine yet!"

"see Fydra, i told you he'd still love you." Harry muttered a smirk on his lips Draco snarling at Harry. "you stay out of this potter! don't you think your going to get away with trying to take Fydra away from me ei..." "i'm Gay Draco." Harry stated, laughter in his voice as the blond froze, staring at Harry, now looking completely baffled. "what? but you and Fydra.." "Fydra wanted to make you jealous, to see if you loved her as much as she loves you." he smirked a little. ""it was working too wasn't it?" "....fuck yes it was." Draco groaned, realizing that he'd just been played, and very well too.
Fydra smiled softly, nuzzling the blond's neck,shivering in his amrs. The anger was almost to much to hear,but it was nice to hear him get angry over this.Quiet for a few long moments,"...poor draco.Didn't even realize he was getting played."she teased, trying not to focus on what he was angry over. Shifting a little because her body ached at the memory of how much ron had hurt her,she sighed."Dray..what..?"She started to ask, nervous that he was going to pull away from her because of this. needing to hear it directly to truly believe that he meant what she thought he meant.
Draco looked down at Fydra a smirk suddenly playing his lips as he narrowed his eyes at her, the same look he'd used to get when he'd tackle her, and tickle her until she was exhausted from giggling. "well you tell me Fydra." he growled leaning down his mouth hovering over hers. "if you love me, and i love you, and certainly not in a brotherly, or sisterly fashion, what does that say?" he demanded Harry snorting as Draco kissed her, and kissed her hard, holding her tightly, protective, possessive. "your mine." Draco growled nibbling at her neck playfully. "and you should be thankful i'm not holding you down and tickling you for making me worry about you." he had to be worried about what Lucius was going to think about all of this, he didn't care about the thoughts of the students, but he had a bad feeling Lucius was going to be less than pleased when he found out Draco was dating Fydra. he payed no attention to Harry, who decided this would be a good time for a nap, he hadn't been sleeping much in the dorms, too terrified Ron would jump him in his sleep.
Fydra moaned softly as he kissed her, squirming as he nibbled at her neck."Oh you think you can hold me down?"She grinned squirming away, standing in front of him as she panted, leaning down and stealing a breathless kiss, hands fisting in his blond hair.Kissing him as if everything depended on it."Hmmm I think it might say you need to work on your seduction skills."She teased moving away from him, feeling playful and safe, even with harry sleeping there, she needed the playful draco, the moments where they could just be together.She knew she should worry about lucius would think but at that moment looking at draco mussed from her hands and laughing, she couldn't care.
Draco laughed a little glancing at Harry, who was ignoring them both as he snoozed gasping when she grabbed his hair, demanding his attention again and he grabbed her hips as they kissed, feeling passionate and needy as he smirked at her statement. "my seduction skills are just fine thank you." he growled running his fingers along her ribs, tickling her as if to prove that he was dominant, laughing a little as he pinned her to the floor, smirking at her. "say uncle!" he demanded, still tickling her mercilessly. he wouldn't stop until she either squirmed free, which was unlikely, or cried uncle.
Fydra looked up at him panicked, whimpering slightly at the feel of his body pinning her to the floor. Shoving at his chest, panting as she flushed."Get off get off,getoffgetoff..."She whimpered, the words running together as she pressed back against the ground, trying to get away. Shoving at him,gasping laughter choking her as she responded to the tickling. Caught between the a memory and the present. Staring up at him with wide blue eyes.
he flinched at the tone in her voice and quickly let her up looking startled and guilty. "Sorry Fy, you ok?" he asked softly gently taking her hand, his head tilted at her looking worried before he pulled her into his arms, kissing her neck, holding her close, trying to comfort her. "i wish i could fix this." he whispered softly. "i wish i could stop your pain..." he wished he could kill Ronald weasely. he glanced at Harry, his head tilted a little. "...i don't want to follow Fathers orders anymore.." Draco admitted softly shaking his head. "not after everything Harry did to help you." when had the little bitch become Harry? Draco didn't know, but for once..he didn't care.
Fydra whimpered softly, slowly calmly down as she cuddled against his chest.Nodding a little." either.I don't want to hurt him..."She muttered rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, leaning back to look at him, tears gathering in those clear blue eyes."I'm sorry dray...I'm sorry..."She muttered, breaking down in his arms, truly crying. Hating that she was such a mess, that she couldn't enjoy his embrace because it hurt to remember, to much. She wish she could fix everything so she could be with him like he deserved instead of a scarred lover who couldn't stand the thought of sex yet.
he sighed a little. "Father is going to be so fucking pissed at us." he muttered before pausing, a shit eating grin spreading across his lips. "or maybe not, we DID manage to befriend him, he never said anything about where we where supposed to go after that, it's his own fault, lack of instructions and all that." he teased snickering a little shaking his head. as she said she was sorry. "you, are not the one who should be sorry." he stated softly, holding her close to him again, silently comforting her. "i'll fix you." he promised kissing her forehead. "i'll make this all better i promise, but it will take time, and you have to work with me, alright?" he whispered softly, nuzzling her neck gently. "i bet Potter would even be willing to help."
Fydra smiled slightly, leaning into him, resting her head on his shoulder."Most likely."She said softly, raising a hand to gently run through his hair, cupping his cheek before drawing him down for a kiss. Drawing away after a moment she looked up at him, biting her lip as she studied him."I love you."She said softly, stroking her fingers through his hair, before looking suspicious. "....and what are we going to be doing?Working with you?If you make me clean you're room again as anger managment therapy I'll be pissed."She said, laughing softly. Looking devastatingly, heart breaking beautiful with tears glittering in her eyes, and a smile on her lips.
he smiled as she kissed him, gently nipping her lips playfully before she pulled away, kissing her forehead. "i love you too." he whispered softly kissing her neck before grinning widely. "i would NEVER make you clean my room for anger management." though he might to help her forget. besides his room was a mess, SOMEONE had to clean it, and he was FAR too, busy. he smiled at her, watching her with those glittering tears and that heartbreaking smile. "fuck Fydra your the most amazing thing i have ever seen. your so pretty, so perfect."
Fydra looked up at him startled, before laughing."You haven't been looking in the mirror enough then."She said, laughing softly. At least ron hadn't taken that from her, hadn't taken that wicked sense of humor, that blend of amusement and innocence,even if she wasn't innocent anymore, she was endearingly cute."Uh-huh, well as long as you're bribing me with false compliments, I MIGHT consider helping you clean."She sai shuddered, whimpering in pleasure as his lips played over her neck.Besides her sides and hips, her neck as about the only really really sensitve part of her body.
he snorted a little. "we ALL know i'm beautiful." he stated simply, preening his own ego before he smiled lightly at her. "seriously though, your magnificent, an unmatched Beauty." he purred nuzzling her neck again enjoying making her whimper, but prepared to stop at a moments notice. "oh, it looks like i found another ticklish spot." he teased a smirk on his lips as his fingers stroked up her sides again, a chuckle falling from his lips as Harry continued to sleep, unaware of the flirting going on behind him.
Fydra whined, squirming in his lap as she shifted, trying to get away frm his seeking fingers. Giggling lightly as he tickled her."I am not ticklish!"she purred, laughing as she twisted away from him, trying to keep him from tickling her.Shivering as he nuzzled her, knowing he was being calm and genle with her, for her sake. It was making her fall in love with him all over again.
he chuckled a little as he continued tickling her a smirk on his lips. "ah ah ah, i don't hear you saying unc..." "NO!" Harry Screamed suddenly, jerking out of the chair and hitting the ground, clapping a hand to his scar panting hard, startled at himself looking confused as he pulled his hand away from his scar and examined his hand for blood. "that strange..." "you alright there potty? going insane again are we?" Draco taunted a sneer on his lips Harry glancing at him with a lifted eyebrow. "possibly, shall i molest you and find out?" that made Draco go completely pale and hide behind Fydra. "d..don't you touch me!" Harry just chuckled and shook his head. "not with a fifty foot pole."
Fydra snickered looking over her shoulder at him twisting to run her hans over his chest."Ohhh so you can molest others, but you don't want molested?Now that's disappointing."She teased leaning in and giving him a kiss before getting up, walking over to harry, studying him."Anyhing I can do?What happened?"
Draco scowled at her and Harry chuckled rubbing his forehead. "it's's fine i just had a nightmare.." he admitted frowning a little. "a vision more like... Voldemort..." Draco whipped his head around to stare wide eyed at Harry. "excuse me?" "oh, that's right you two wouldn't know... Voldemort's mind and mine are connected through the curse scar that he gave me... a piece of his soul is lodged in mind, sometimes i can see what he's doing or thinking." he frowned a little. "it was strange, i saw a woman....but he wasn't killing her, he was...crying over her.." he shook his head. "i wish he would just die or kill me already, i'm so sick of this shit." Draco was gaping at Harry, wide eyed and slack jawed in his astonishment. Fydra was, by that time, well used to Harry's sudden angry comments like that but Draco had never seen any side of harry but the goody two shoes Golden Gryffindor side that everyone else saw.
Fydra rolled her eyes, moving back to cuddle into draco's arms,"If you want to die saint potter, I'm sure draco'd oblige."Sehe said with a snicker,stealing a kiss.Frowning a little as she rested her head on his chest."Who was the woman?Maybe if we knew, you could end this maybe."She said smiling slightly. For all that she looked like her father, her hair and her eyes were her mother's, that blue black that shone like onyx in the light and the clor of winter skies. "If we know more about him, the better prepared you will be to face him when he does come for you."
Harry turned to look at her and then shook his head. "you don't know do you?" he asked, sounding rather amazed. "no one told you." Draco frowned looking confused his head tilted and Harry hesitated, not sure it was Alright for Fydra to know...but then if no one told her then... "Voldemort's real name is Tom, Marvolo...Riddle..." Harry explained softly. Draco gasping in astonishment looking outraged. "potter that's not funny! Fydra is already in pain don't mock her and make it worse!" "i'm not mocking her." Harry stated simply. "and i won't let Dumbledore use her. not when she didn't even know... do you know how painful it is, learning that you killed your own father? it's not pleasant." Harry knew, harry blamed himself for his parents death. sure he'd only been a year old, but if he had never been born, they never would have died.
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