Siren's song

Fydra looked at him panicked, not knowing what to say. It was his best mate after all. Biting her lip she curled her fingers around his, hurting and tired.""She said slowly, the more he talked, the more she started to come back to herself.Closing her eyes as tears slid down her face, she wanted nothing more then to have drao where harry was. But the brunette was right...he'd probably have to be sedated afterwards. And...she couldn't stand the idea of draco seeing her like this. In a few hours, when the potions made the bruising fade, she'd be up and moving, though the newly healed bones would still be tender, she could go back to slytherin's dorms.If she didn't show up,draco'd be frantic.She was willing to risk damaging herself a little by walking around rather then make draco worry.

Biting her lip, because she needed someone, if not draco she could trust gryffindor honor to make sure it wouldn't go farther then them, and as long as she didn't tell him it was ron, he would be safe. Not that she cared if ron was hurt or not, but she didn't want to hurt harry that way, not when it really was her fault for being a slut.Yes...somewhere in the abuse, she'd started to believe ron's words."..I ran into someone and....pissed them off, and got into a fist fight....wish I could say he looked as bad as me, but it'd be a lie."She said, a weak attempt at a joke. Leaving the rest of what happened unsaid,because she figured harry could guess at that.
Harry took her hand and fixed her with a stern glare. "Fydra, if i knew your full name i'd say it." he threatened scowling at her gently wiping away her tears. "this was no simple fist fight and we both know it. now i want you to tell me who did this to you, or i'll let Draco know how much you love him." he warned offering her a small smile. "i know we've only been talking for like..i don't know five days? but your a wonderful, sweet girl and you don't deserve this at all... please, tell me who did this so they can be punished for what they did...please Fydra." he pleaded gently stroking the back of her hand. "Come on Fydra, you can tell me." he promised softly. "and i will deal with it silently, no one has to know what happened to you, i can punish the person all by myself, not even Dumbledore will have to find out what happened to you." because harry knew the shame of being raped. harry knew the horror of what would happen if people found out, he didn't want Fydra to suffer more than she already had. Harry would deal with it, quickly, and quietly.
Fydra paled at his threat before swallowing again, leaning her face into his hand."N-no, I can't.Not to you.I wont do that to you."She said, sounding desperate to not tell him."Please don't...don't tell draco.H-he wont want me anymore.And I can't not h-have him in my life."She said wincing as she rested her hands on the bed, pushing up. Awkwardly sitting up. Pain and helplessness in the move, but it really hurt to be moving.But she needed to get away from potter before she gave in and told him. Tears filling her eyes as she pushed up off the bed, staggering a little as she rested a hand on harry's shoulder.Glad that the broken bones had been healed, even though they were tender. Usng harry as a crutch she swayed on her feet, intent on leaving.Of getting to slytherin house, because it was the one place harry couldn't follow...even though it brought a whole new set of problems if draco was there. Swaying on her feet, and whimpering helplessly. Not wanting to hurt either of them.
Harry didn't even let her get very far, he scooped her up in his arms and laid her back on the bed staring at her. "since your not telling me, then it was either Draco, and i can't see that from even him. or, and more probably, it is someone who you seam to think is my friend." he crossed his arms. "but anyone willing to do this to ANYONE is NO friend of mine, and i would rather you tell me who it is, then continuously wonder which of my freinds is sick and disgusting enough to do something like this." he had no intention of letting her, nor the person who had done this, off the hook. "so you can either tell me now, or i can tear through my entire list of freinds questioning each and every one of them. either way i'm going to get the information i need."
Fydra glared at him, wincing as she rolled on her side, her back towards him, glaring at him over her shoulder. holding out for a few minutes longer."You wont tell draco?"She said after a long moment, truly afraid he'd tell draco.And as well as she knew draco, she couldn't think clearly when he was involved, and she really did think he wouldn't want anything to do with her. Ron's taunts had really scarred the woman, breaking her in a way she couldn't least not on her own. And the only one who might be able to fix it was the one person she never wanted to know. Biting her lip as she decided he wouldn't tell draco, she sighed."....ron."She whispered softly, cringing, waiting for the yelling, for the acusations she was making it up.
Harry nodded. "i won't tell Draco." he promised. "i would never tell Draco." he promised gently setting his hand on her wrist swallowing hard as he waited for her to answer him. "...Ron?" he asked softly just to make sure and he closed his eyes, swallowing thickly as he stood up. "alright Fydra." he stated softly. "you rest and get better." he ordered, his voice shaking with fury. "i have a red head to beat the shit out of." he admitted heading for the door. he didn't think Fydra was lying, in fact he was very sure that she couldn't lie about such a thing. which meant that Ron was a rapist, and Harry was not going to be freinds with a rapist. ever, Hermione was just going to have to deal with it.

Madam pomfry wouldn't let Fydra out of bed at all, but Harry came to visit her the next morning with a split lip and a black eye, looking greatly disturbed. he had told Dumbledore about Ron, and the man had just shook his head and said that he couldn't do anything unless the one who was raped (harry had left out names, and Madam pomfry had promised Fydra AND harry not to tell anyone.) pressed charges or came to him themselves. so Harry had gone after ron himself, he had been horrified to hear what the red head had said, and was even more horrified to realize that ron was one strong son of a bitch.if Neville hadn't walked in, Ron would have gotten him pinned down, and then Fydra wouldn't be the only one laying in the hospital bed. "how are you feeling?"
"Fine."She said scowling at him, once again the cold ice princess he'd known for years. So locked down on what she was feeling there was no hint of the gentle woman he knew her to be. Giving him a look, but not saying anything about his split lip and black eye.Sighing as she got out of bed.Fuck staying here. She aldready knew draco was fretting, after all, it was hogwarts, nothing flew faster then gossip around here. That and the fact she'd refused to let him see her, had made her anxious to get up and moving. Glad that madam pomfry had given her leave to go back to classes, as long as she kept the gryffindor with least until she got back to draco's side. And she really couldn't refuse, because she had to act normal otherwise draco really would know something was wrong, beyond the rumors that her and potter had gotten in a lover's spat that sent her to the hospital wing.

She knew the older woman was worried about her, but she didn't understand why fydra was refusing to let the blond see her, even after she'd been healed."Come on.I have a breakfast to get to, then classes."She said, sounding in control but anyone who relly knew her knew she didnt want to do it. That she was balking at being in classes. After all, most of them was with the gryffindors....and ron.
Harry bit his lips little and took her hand, stopping her for a moment. "Fydra listen." he muttered softly. "i'm sorry about what happened... i never thought that...that one of my freinds could ever be capable of something like this." he admitted swallowing thickly. "but..." he sighed and shook his head. "i know i shouldn't but i care about you a lot Fydra, nothing romantic, being that you have breasts, but you are certainly one of my closer freinds... i can be someone who i really am when i'm with you, and i don't want our friendship to end, just because someone i thought was a decent person..." he was screwing this up. "god dammit... i can't say what i mean it all comes our wrong." he groaned scrubbing his face and looking away.

"look i just...i want to be here for you, i want to help no one was there to help if you.. need to talk... or just...need to cry, i know a great place where you can be all alone, or where we can talk in private, ok?" trying to be there for the one person, who didn't judge the strange things that Harry said, who didn't expect Harry to be all goody two shoes and perfect. with Fydra, Harry could be Harry, he didn't have to be the Boy Who Lived, he could be normal. and he needed to be there for her, like she was there for him. even if she didn't realize she was doing it.
Fydra smiled slightly, amused at his talking."Potter, you're undeniably a gryffindor. No slytherin would have this much trouble talking."She said tilting her head, shifting her bag, and feeling awkward in the loose jeans and one of draco's shirts she'd gotten Blaise to get for her because she'd needed the comfort of draco, even if he wasn't there the scent of his clothes and the masculaine scent of his cologne clung to the fabric. Yes, she knew she shouldn't talk to him, but she knew blaise could stand up to draco's badgering on how she was."But thanks....I'll be...."She stopped looking at him as they walked, sighing a little."I'll remember it if I need someone."She said, the coldness breaking, showing the scared girl beaneth. Shifting her bag as they got to the stairs leading into the entrance way, she looked agiated and upset."I....Ron's still going to be in class wont he?"He asked looking over at him, pausing at the top of the stairs, a small hestant smile dimpled her cheek as she watched draco walk in from the slytherin dorms on his way to breakfast. Longing to tell him everything, and wishing it would change nothing. Yetshe knew he'd treat her different if he knew.
Harry smiled at her. "you know, the sorting hat originally wanted me to be in slytherin." he admitted chuckling. "but your brother pissed me off and i begged it to put me somewhere else." he admitted looking amused before he swallowed thickly. "yeah... he's still going to be in class....and...following me...everywhere." he shuddered violently, feeling very afraid for his physical well being. Harry watched Draco walk past them as well smiling a little. "you should go over there and talk to him, he's probably worried sick about you." he wanted to find Neville, he didn't want to be caught alone again, Ron had gone completely insane, harry knew Fydra wasn't going to be the only person Ron raped, Harry was next on the list.
Fydra nodded a little starting down the stairs, brushing her hand against harry's."I'll hex him if he gets near you.And dray'll protect you.Maybe.For me."She said wrinkling her nose, trying to get him to laugh."Okay, don't count on it. He's liable to be the one injuring you."She said stealing a hug before slipping away heading for the slytherin table, slipping into the seat next to draco with a small smile, looking more shaken and nervous then she usually was. Surrounded by people, she was feeling off balance. Shifting closer to draco, she filled her plate with food starting to eat."Good morning."She muttered glancing over at draco, though she avoided his eyes. Needing the reassurance, but not able to ask him to hold her. Nerves and almost fear in her movements as she sat next to him,even as she struggled not to show it. Even though the act he was wearing one of his dress shirts would tell anyone who knew her that she wasn't as fine as she was pretending.
Harry snorted a little and grinned as he hugged her back, offering her a kiss to the cheek for added effect before heading down to his own table, sitting at the very end, grimacing when Ron stood up and joined him, Hermione looking rather baffled at Harry's strange avoidance as she joined him too, only making him look more anxious and worried as Ron leaned over and whispered something in Harry's ear.

Draco was scowling at his breakfast, poking at his food as he glanced at Fydra. "so... you and potter would never happen huh?" he demanded offering her a half glare through narrowed eyes, refusing to show his hurt. "people are saying that the reason you ended up int eh hospital wing was because he attacked you. this true?" he demanded shooting the fidgeting harry a dark glare. at least he was still being overly protective of her. "and the nurse said i wasn't allowed to go in and see you, how come? are you avoiding me!?" he demanded his eyes narrowed angrily. for a moment he actually looked wounded, she had actually managed to hurt Draco's feelings, not that that was hard to do.
Fydra looked hurt, and scared. Looking at him with wide eyes, "I...I was hurt dray.I didn't want to see anyone."she muttered shifting away frm him."And no, potter didn't attack me."She added after a moment, not noticing the look he'd shot harry. thinking that he didn't like her anymore. Taking the anger to heart, more then she ever would before, because despite her body being healed, she still hurt, and her heart hurt, and she just...she needed him to be there without having to explain. Realzing that it was never going to happen, and having him angry at her was making her flash back to what ron had yelled, so angry...trembling as she moved away from draco."I...I'm not hungry..."She muttered, ignoring her growling stomach as she bolted for the door.For thefirst time in her life...she ran away from draco. barely making it out of the great hall as she sank to the floor, leaning her forehead against the cool stone as she struggled not to puke. Panting and trembling as she closed her eyes.Almost wishing draco'd follow, but as much as wanting him to stay away. This was to much. She was so not ready for this.
Draco looked startled as she fled and he burned red with fury as she fled, harry trembling as Ron smirked his arm around Harry's shoulders, as if they where still best mates Harry swallowing thickly as he watched Fydra flee, shoving Ron off of him and racing after her Draco snarling with rage and hate as he started stabbing the table with his butter knife, uncaring that everyone was staring at his uncharacteristic display of emotion.

"Fydra!" Harry gasped grabbing her wrist, forcing her to a stop. "Fydra whats wrong?" he demanded looking around. "come on, i know somewhere private." he promised tangling her fingers in his and practically dragging her up the stairs, to the seventh floor and to the Room of Requirement pacing back and forth. 'i need a place where no one will find us, someplace quiet and comfortable and safe.' he thought to himself, shooting her a small grin when the door appeared. "come on, we'll be safe in here." he promised opening the door for her. what a gentleman.
Fydra trembled as she followed him inside, sinking down onto the couch that the room had provided resting her forehead on her knees."Draco's angry at me.I an't tell him!And he thinks I hate him now.I can't do this...I can't...."She swallowed hard, starting to cry. For the first time since it'd happened, really crying. Having not expected draco to be angry.Even though she should have known better, she was feeling to raw, to hurt to deal with the one person she wanted to be with.
Harry sat down next to her and gathered her into his arms, holding her, rocking her. trying to offer the comfort that she needed. "he's not mad at you." Harry promised. "he's just worried about you, that's all. he's just angry that you where hurt and he thinks that it's his fault or mine and that pisses him off because he doesn't know how to help you." he kissed her forehead closing his eyes. "and he can't help you unless you let him, you have to stop pushing him away and start letting him in. you don't have to tell him everything, but that doesn't mean that you can't let him comfort you."
Fydra sighed softly, resting her head against his shoulder,"I-I can do that."She said calming, leaning into his arms. Having every intention of doing just that.

That evening, after a afternoon of hiding in the room of requirement with harry, because she wasn't ready to face everyone yet. her nerves were to raw for that. Smiling slightly as she walked into the dorms, looking around. Glad that everyone was already asleep. Making a split second decision she headed for draco's dorm, glad that as a prefect he was rooming by himself. Swallowing hard as she knocked on the door before easing it open a little bit, looking tired and worn. And cuddly in her pj's as she stepped inside."Dray?Can I stay here tonight?"She asked. Not ready to be by herself. Having only left harry so that she could come talk to draco.Not wanting to sleep by herself, because it meant facing nightmares.
there was a soft sigh and then Draco shifted, lifting the covers with one arm, just like he always did. "i was worried." Draco admitted softly. "i thought i'd pissed you off." he admitted his silver eyes staring at her with worry and regret, concern...and fear. "your going to catch a cold, hurry up and get under the covers." he ordered rolling his eyes, deciding not to press her for details this time, she would tell him when she was ready.
Fydra swallowed hard, edging towards the bed. Even knowing it was draco, knowing he wouldn't hurt her, she didn't want to get that close. Even harry knowing he was gay, pushed her boundaries, but draco, draco who owned her heart, made her hurt to know that he made her this nervous

Sliding under the covers she shifted around, sliding up against him, pillowing her head on his chest. Pressing her hands against his sides in the effort to stop trembling. This was draco for god's sake. He wasn't going to hurt her.She mentally berated herself before sighing a little "I'm sorry."She muttered closing her eyes, as she rubbed her cheek against his shoulder, sighing."I..."She trailed off, biting her lip having almost been going to lie and say that everything was fine, because it wasn't."You're warm."she smiled softly.
he smiled a little at her, as if trying to reassure her that everything was alright, not sure why she was acting so strange but determined to make sure she was alright. "Fydra...whats wrong?" he demanded softly, looking down at his 'sister' of whom he no longer felt was a sister, concern lacing his voice. he could let down his walls when they where alone, he could be himself. he gently ran his fingers through her hair, sighing softly. "there's nothing to be sorry for." he promised shaking his head a little. "Fydra, you know you can tell me anything don't you?" he asked biting his lip. "even if it's something i won't like..." he was half afraid she was going to tell him, that she was in love with Harry fucking Potter... but...he could handle that...if he had to. "i'm warm?" he asked smiling a little. "well i'm glad." at least one of them was warm, Draco was fucking freezing. of course Draco was always freezing, that was why he had five blankets on his bed, even in the heat of the summer.
Fydra smiled,"I know."She muttered, going quiet for a few long minutes trying to decide what to tell him. She couldn't tell him...could she?He'd think different of her. Smiling slightly as she curled against him, trying to make him warmer. Glad that he had so many blankets, and even if he was cold, he felt warm to her. Moaning softly at the feel of his fingers through her hair, she thought about the times they'd laid like this before, yet she no longer thought of as a brother.Shifting to raise her head to look at him, squinting a little in the darkness."Nothing.Something stupid and I got hurt.My fault."She said before laying her head back down. On the verge of telling him, but she couldn't. Not yet. Because he'd be weird with her if he knew ron touched her...he'd not want her anymore...even if she believed harry that draco wanted her now, it would change everything.That and somewhere in the abuse, she'd started to believe ron's lies, that she was just a slut, and that this was her punishment, and she'd deserved this.
he sighed a little when she lied, he knew she had lied but he said nothing, instead he gently wrapped his arms around her and held her close, his eyes closed. wishing he could tell her that he loved her, the way he had used to when they where younger, but he knew she would respond with 'i love you too' and it wasn't the same kind of love at all. so he remained silently and closed his eyes, letting her warm him up with a grateful smile and gently kissed her forehead. "well, you sleep." he ordered her softly. "try not to push yourself too hard, i don't know what you did to yourself but i don't want you to get hurt again alright?" he ordered softly relaxing next to her and slowly starting to drift off to sleep, simply glad to have her in his arms, even if it didn't mean the same thing to her.
"Alright."Fydra said with a sleepy smile as she drifted out to sleep.

And so their week went, peacefulness only disturbed by the occasional temper but as a whole fydra was well on her way of putting ron and the rape out of her mind...well.until early monday morning that is.

"So fydra, is it true you let Weasley touch you?I didn't think you'd sink that low with draco at your beck and call."Pansy sneered leaning forward to watch the dark haired woman down the breakfast table.

Fydra paled, her hands going numb, blind to everything but a memory. Barely notiing that she'd dropped her fork for a moment. Before shaking her head, coming back to herself, even as she shifted into draco's side, trembling like a fly stung horse, even though her voice as she responded sounded calm and collected, insdie she was falling apart."Only in my nightmares. I think you've gone dillusional if you actually believe I let him touch me."Seh said, not looking at the blond sitting next to her. Pointedly ignoring him.

Which was true. She hadn't let him do anything and she did see it in her nightmares even as she laid in draco's arms.
over the course of the week Harry and Fydra had actually gotten very close, being as how hermione had taken to hanging out with Neville and ignoring Harry completely, and Ron...well Ron was trying everything he could to trap Harry alone. Harry was getting more and more terrified, but wasn't about to let anyone know. he had told things to Fydra he had never told anyone else, things like how the Sorting hat had wanted to put him in Slytherin, and how his uncle would beat him with his belt until he was bleeding. things even Ron and Hermione didn't know.

Draco was constantly at Fydra's side, he never left her alone unless she was with Potter, the disgusting half blood that he he was NOT jealous! "i think certain members of this table." Draco hissed his eyes darting down the table to glare at pansy, one of his rare, but all too deadly 'i am in a bad mood, and you have better not fuck with me' glares. "had better leave my sister alone, before i 'spill' a certain truth serum into their morning coffee, and make them spill every horrifying secrete that they have." and knowing pansy, it was a lot.
Pansy paled, before returning to her lunch, ignoring the looks the rest of slytherin was giving her.

Fydra shuddered a little, smiling wanely at him,still avoiding his eyes as she excused herself barely making it out into the entrance way before she broke. TEars gathering in her eyes as she headed upstairs to go to the room of requirement, but stopping half way there, sitting on the stairs as she rested her head against the railing. Trembling, because she couldnt get the memory of ron touching her out of her mind. Glancing down the stairs, she wasn't surprised to find draco walking up them. He'd been so kind and sweet in being with her, she'd wondered if harry was right, that he did want to be with her."H-hey."She swallowed hard smiling a little, not looking higher then his boots, refusing to meet his eyes. Knowing he'd probably have questions. And almost hoping harry'd interrupt them, because over the week she'd been longing to tell him what happened.
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