Siren's song

he snorted a little and rolled his eyes shaking his head a little. "i don't care the reasons why were doing it. it's a waste of time." he grumbled darkly. "Father is up to something and he's a fool if he thinks Potter is going to simply fall into place like a good little pawn." he admitted scowling darkly. "and i don't like the way he looks at you either." he growled possessively, feeling very jealous about her smiling at harry. he was supposed to be the only one that Fydra was nice to. "in any case did he beleive it?" he demanded sulking a little as he poked at his food scowling a little.
Fydra smirked a little, twisting to look over at the gryffindor table, smiling brightly at harry. Oh gods, she was going to kill draco with jealousy."Of course he didn't buy it. He's not insane. He doesn't belive I'd ever let a halfblood touch me."She snickered a little before looking at draco, eating."Though I just might. He isn't bad looking."She smiled looking at draco, twisting her black hair up into a lover's haste knot behind her head, tying it back. Looking freshly tumbled and ready for fun.
Harry went beat read when she looked at him and he quickly looked back down at his own table and started shoveling his food in like a madman and then, with a hasty goodbye to his freinds, he practically fled the great hall Making Draco scowl furiously at Fydra. "must you!?" he demanded his eyes narrowed at her, swallowing thickly at her 'new look' letting out a small snarl as he slammed his fists down on the table and shoved himself away from the table and stalked out after Harry, intending to lay the beat down on him. of course first he had to find the bitch.
Fydra sighed watcing him go for a moment before calmly following him out, grabing his arm, having no intention of fletting draco beat up harry.She'd promised she would't."Draco I was teasing. Stop it.You know I wouldn't let him touch me."She growled wrapping her arms around him,small he may be but she wasn't heavy enough to keep him still."leave him alone. If you beat him up, we can't do what father asked."She said looking up at him.Glad that the entrance hall was empty.
Draco scowled darkly as she wrapped her arms around him and he fell still scowling darkly after Potter who was fleeing up the stairs in his mad rush to get the nasty thoughts out of his head Draco growling lightly as he let the little twerp go. "i don't care he's still looking at you like your a piece of raw meat." he growled, conveniently forgetting that, well...everyone looked at her like that. "i don't want to do what Father asked in the first place." he grumbled relaxing so that she would let him go, he wouldn't attack potter anyway, he feared his father far too much. "so Potter is at least acting Civilly to you....that's good news." Draco grumbled, deciding to focus on their orders instead of his own feelings. "Father will be pleased."
"yes he will."She smiled slightly, feeling him relax she pushed away from him with a disappointed sigh. Almost wishing he'd kept struggling so she could hold him longer. Shaking her head she turned to leave, shifting her bag over her shoulder. Knowing they had classes to get to. smiling as she headed upstairs with him, enjoying the time they could spend together without getting harassed by anyone...even if draco was in a funk.

Two days later found the girl just as tired, but even more determined to drive her 'sibling' insane. Having suffered through a evening of listening to pansy wonder what he'd be like in bed had left the girl's emotions raw and hurting. Tilting her head as she slipped out of the great hall after harry, ignoring the look she was getting from draco for it. catching up to him, she smiled sweetly, ignoring the weasel next to him. They all had a free period this morning, so well...she was going to do what lucius wanted, and befriend him."Harry!Would you care to join me for a walk?"She asked, looking at him. More then anything else, wanting to have company not of her own house, and of the female gender. Ignoring the redhead's reaction to her being near them.

(can you play ron?)
Harry jumped when she came out of nowhere and offered her a hesitant smile glancing at Ron who glared furiously at her. "no he will no..." "sure Fydra, i'll walk with you." Harry decided, hell she was a slytherin, slytherins where good at potions, and harry needed help with that essay. he might as well make use of the situation he had suddenly been forced into. "harry! we where supposed to..." "Ron, we do that every afternoon." Harry stated calmly patting the red heads shoulder. "i'll be back later and we can play tonight instead alright?" "...oh fine." the red head growled glaring at Fydra violently before stalking off, Harry sighing softly shaking his head glancing at her. "i'm going to pick your brain while we walk." he informed her shaking his head. "i'm supposed to have that Essay on Mandrake root done tomorrow and i can't even get it started." at least he wasn't flinching every time she moved now, he was getting a little more used to her, a little more trusting.
Fydra snickered a little as she crossed the entrance way, opening the front doors. It was nice out and she wanted to be outside, away from draco and his bad mood.And pansy and her wonderings. "You really are hopeless potter. Do you want me to write it for you and you can just tell me how beautiful, how wonderful, how priviledged you are to be in my presence?"She said snickering, already working on how to write the essasy. Because like draco, she was good at potions, like scary good. Her and draco usually ended up fighting who's potions was better. On a regular basis. And anythng, even suffering working on potter's essasy, was better then listening to pansy's ramblings on how to get draco into bed, and how good he'd be. She'd be scarred for life if she had to keep listening to it.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "yes yes, privileged." he stated simply rolling his eyes. "you forget WHY i am in your 'exalted' presence 'princess'." he stated simply shaking his head again. "look, you help me with my homework is the least you can do for getting my freinds all pissed at me so that you can fuck with Malfoy's head." he paused and then smirked. "of course, fucking with Malfoy's head is a benefit all it's own." he admitted shaking his head looking around. "lets go walk around the Lake, it's not so hot down there." he admitted glaring up at the blaring sun. "why do we have to wear such heavy black robes in such hot weather? i think the teachers are trying to roast us to death."
Fydra laughed softly."It's not Malfoy's HEAD I want to fuck with.At least not the one he thiinks with."she snickered, blushing ever so softly. But really, she couldn't help the quip, he'd put it out there. "Well, that's because you're poor, and haven't learned a good cooling charm, or in my case, when you're rich enough to afford to buy them, wearing other clothes."She grinned as they headed down to the lake, stripping off the robes, stuffing them into the bag. Wearing a pair of muggle jeans and a t-shirt.Yes she had her fetishes, and one of them was muggle clothes. As much as she disliked muggles, she admitted they made good clothes.It wasn't a fetish she could indulge at home, but here at school away from lucius and his bigotness, she could. Despite draco's constant teasing over it, she enjoyed shpping and clothes.
Harry snickered a little. "yes well, when you finally get him in bed let me know if it's good. maybe i might be able to convert him to 'the dark side'." he teased snickering a little as he shook his head sighing a little as he glanced at someone clear across the lake, a certain black haired, eyed, and skinned slytherin who was sitting with Draco, trying to distract the blond as those angry silver eyes watched Harry and Fydra with rage. "at least you have a chance getting who you want eh? Draco has to wise up sooner or later." he admitted snorting a little shaking his head looking stunned as he watched her strip into some muggle clothes. "well...that's new..." he stated simply, still looking rather amazed. he didn't strip down to his muggle clothes, mainly because. well he wasn't wearing any, he hated the damn things he had to wear, dudley's old shit and the like. he sighed again and shook his head, glancing over the lake to catch another sight of his oblivious crush and stated. "i think Malfoy might try to poison me."
"You can't. Dray's homophobic...though his friendship with blaise constantly amazes me."She said smiling a little, before looking at harry as they neared the lake."Shut up. I hate wearing the robes, and these are comfortable.Not to mention make me look amazing."She said before realizing that harry wasn't looking at her. Pouting a little, even though she'd guessed the man was gay, she wasn't sure, and slightly put out that she couldn't make him watch her, even if he wasn't attracted to her. "If Dray posions you, I'll come to the funeral and mourn.Then fuck his brains out.Cause well, everyone has sex at a funeral."She smiled teasing as she watched draco, without appearing to watch draco. Smiling as she started walking around the lake with harry, knowing eventually they'd 'accidently' stumble onto the other two. Before looking at harry, then blaise...wondering if she could make this work out for both of them.
Harry looked stunned. "Blaise is gay? but the rumors?" according to the rumors Blaise had fucked every girl over the age of thirteen in slytherin, over half of the hufflepuffs, two thirds of the ravenclaws and a handful of the gryffindors. all women, harry would die when he found out that Blaise was a virgin, saving himself for just the right person, though who the hell that was the only thing anyone knew for certain was that it was a gryffindor. "in any case i think i'd welcome death." Harry admitted, a term that one would never have expected from the Gryffindor golden boy. "just do me a favor and don't fuck on my casket." he ordered smirking a little. "or at least use a blanket, i need my ride to hell to be spotless you know." he teased winking at her, well aware that Draco could see them now, though not hear them. "so why don't you just tell the bloody git how you feel? wouldn't that be simpler?"
Fydra gave him a look, throwing up her hands in a huff as she paced away from him before coming back. Blushing and stuttering. Knowing draco was watching, but astounded at the idea."Yes blaise is gay, and YES no one but me has realized this. He's good at hiding in plain sight.And unlike Blaise, Draco really HAS fucked his way through the school.Though never with a hufflepuff.Or a gryffindor.Okay maybe just slytherin, but still the princeable holds. I am neither pretty, smart or amusing enough to be anything but his sister to him. Unless I play this game, because its the only tme he seems to realize that I could be having sex."She said blushing a little, before snickering."Potter, I can't fuck on your casket. It'll be to cheap and way to public"She said wrinkling her nose a little more offended at the idea he'd think she'd have sex in public more then anyhing else.
Harry watched her looking rather astonished and then he began to laugh, and laugh, and just, well, laugh. he knew he should stop, because if he didn't she was going to hurt him, but he couldn't help it... even RON noticed of all people how worked up Draco got when Fydra was hanging out with Harry, the only person who didn't seam to realize how much Draco felt for Fydra was...well Fydra, and possibly Draco. but even Draco couldn't be that outrageously stupid...right? Harry just kept laughing, bright tears of mirth and glee rolling down his cheeks as he got ready to run away from the probably very pissed off Fydra.
Fydra frowned, instead of angry she looked hurt. Having not realized how much she'd needed someone to talk to who wouldn't take advantage of what she was feeling. At least with the gryffindork she knew she wouldn't be made fun of. Well...she'd thought she wouldn't."Well...uh...Do you own damn paper."she muttered shoving her hands into her pockets, her shoulders hunched as she headed for the other two slytherins.
he laughed a little and shook his head. "sorry, sorry no no, i wasn't laughing at you..well i was i just.. oh damn hold on lemme explain." he breathed softly still holding her wrist tightly. "damn i haven't laughed like that since Hermione asked me if Ron fancied her." he admitted chuckling a little. "she punched me in the face though." he admitted shaking his head. "look Fydra, right now, the only people who are completely oblivious to who likes who here is you and Draco. you love Draco to death, but he doesn't realize that, so he sits there and stews and stews and tries to figure out why the hell he's so jealous all the damn time." he shook his head again. "your the hottest girl in school, you know Draco better than anyone, you've been there for him forever and you always will be. the fact that you think you aren't worthy of Draco is frankly, hilarious. you know? i mean hell, you made a gay man, a GAY MAN, think YOU where pretty, in a SEXUAL way. do you know how HARD that is!? i am frankly, amazed that Draco can withstand your charms like he does, the guy is an idiot. come on, i have an idea." he stated simply smirking at her. "it probably wont work and you'll think i'm an idiot but an idea is an idea."
Fydra studied him for a long moment, looking up at him. Black hair railing down her back, leaning into him a little. For all the world, from a distance, looking like she was going to kiss him."Okay.Well. I already think you're a idiot gryffindork. Just tell me what this grand idea is, I can use a laugh."She said, pain still in those blue eyes. Not sure if she believed him, but she wanted to so much. Wondering if he was right, and that draco really did feel something for her. She needed to believe it because it was the only way she could stand to be around him.Biting her lip as she looked up at the brunette.Looking adorably nervous and awkward.
he smirked a little and leaned forward, looking for all the world as if he was going to kiss back. "i'll try really hard not to vomit all over your shoes, if you promise not to slap me." he whispered softly staring into her eyes, wicked amusement dancing in them as he bent his head, and...kissed her, literally kissed her, it was nothing more than lip touching lip, he wasn't even moving them at all. but from Draco's angle, and Ron, it looked very, very intimate. and they both looked about ready to murder. "there." harry purred smirking as he pulled away smiling at her. "now if you'll excuse me, i need to go burn my lips off. no offense to you, your very pretty and all, but your also a slytherin, and a woman, and i feel sullied, and defiled." But it had worked, the only reason why Draco had not lunged across the lake to slaughter harry, was because Blaise was holding him back. "if you really want Draco to have to admit hi feelings for you, pretend to not notice how completely pissed off he is." Harry teased winking at her. "have fun, i need to leave before Draco struggles free and tries to strangle me."
Fydra blushed,"I-I will."She said blushing, ignoring the look she was getting from draco as she watched the gryffindor head back inside. Waiting because she needed a moment to just calm down and hope draco'd do what harry seemed to think he'd do. Smiling to herself she headed back up the school, not noticing she'd gotten out of sight of the lake, and the school. Halfway between both, and not visible to either of the men she'd been taunting.

So wrapped up in her thoughts she walked into ron with a yelp, nearly falling down as she looked up at him. "Weasley, it's not nice to knock over your betters."She said moving to walk around him, the arrogance back in place, hiding the giddy happiness at the idea of draco being jealous.
Ron snarled a little waving his wand at her, forcing her entire body to go completely limp. "i'll show you to fucking steal what belongs to other people," he hissed violently, casting a silencio on her so that her screams wouldn't alert anyway as he fell onto her, his fists landing hard along her body, striking her relentlessly over and over, covering her soft body with even thicker bruises, making sure that her wand was tossed far away so she couldn't use it on him. "you fucking filthy whore!" he snarled starting to work on her clothes now, ripping them to shreds. "harry is MINE you understand me MINE!!!"
Fydra fought back for a little bit, but he was bigger, faster and more determined to hurt her then she was to hurt him. Whimpering as she closed her eyes, hoping that it would just end.

Two hours later Professor McGongall frowned as she walked into the gryffindor common room, not understand why she'd been asked to do this, but listening to the mediwitch was always a good idea. Approaching the golden boy sitting at the table, she kept her voice calm and quiet."Potter, you're being asked to report to the medical wing."

Elsewhere in the castle, snape was giving similar summons to draco. Having not been allowed to see the girl, but having been given a report on her condition since she was in his house, he wondered if there was any way to keep draco from killing someone. Swallowing hard, he watched the blond head towards the medical wing.

Meanwhile, madame pomprey was waiting for the two men she'd asked to come, because they were the only ones her patient had asked for as she drifted in and out of consiciousness. Looking nervous, and wondering what would happen to the fragile looking slytherin when the two arrived.
Harry arrived first, and he looked completely horrified at her condition. "oh my GOD Fydra!" Harry gasped rushing over to her. Ron had not been gentle in his raping of her, he had bruised her beyond anything she had ever encountered before, he had even gone so far as to break fingers, crack her ribs, stomp so hard on her shin that it also broke. he had strangled her, bitten her, released inside of her and to make matters worse, he had not only taken her once, but three times, and calling her a slut the entire time.

"Fydra can you hear me?" harry asked softly gently picking up her hand looking deeply concerned. unsure when he had begun to think of her as a friend, maybe when he saw her laying in bed, damaged beyond all belief. well, at least Lucius would be pleased.
Fydra blinked slowly, struggling to focus. Turning to look at him, the blue black of her hair curling around her pale skin made the bruises decorating her skin so much worse. The dark bruises making the girl look even more fragile and broken. The flawless skin that so many had admired was scarred and flawed.The worst blow was the words carved into her wrist, spelled to scar. A forever reminder of what happened.veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered. A apporiate scar considering that ron really had conquuered her, and destoryed a vital part of her"...not...can't....see..dray..he wont...dray..."She whispered softly, struggling to think, struggling to put words together and make sense. Not wanting draco to see her like this, even though she wanted to see him. Pain twisting her heart, because she knew draco wouldn't want her anymore. Not after this.Hoping the brunette understood what she was trying to say.

Whimpering she closed her eyes, the pain in her heart outweighing the pain of her body. Pain in the sound, because while the school believed that she was a slut, it'd been her first time having sex, and this...his wasn't what she wanted. She wanted draco...and now draco'd never have her.
Harry looked astonished and looked up at Madam pomfry. "can you not let Draco in?" he asked softly. "i don't think he is going to react well to seing her likle this." Harry admitted softly. "it would probably upset him to a point that he'd have to be sedated." "oh my." Madam ponmfry muttered pondering the situation before nodding.

"i'll inform him that there was a mistake, i beleive he wasn't told why to come here." she agreed shaking her head as she pulled the curtains around her bed, hiding her from view as Draco came in, asking what was wrong and who was hurt. he was quickly sent back with an apology and Harry sighed a little picking up Fydra's hand once more. "Fy...what happened?" he demanded softly. "can you tell me?"
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