Siren's song

"...well,I'm your twin, and I'm vain enough not to want to be seen with either of you if you two aren't going to be dressing nicely."She said moaning softly at the foot massage, giggling as she squirmed, her feet her ticklish."Thankfully, I have enough money to buy you a whole new wardrobe and go shopping for draco."She said, though if the clothes were goig to be WORN by draco or just for draco's benefit was up in the air.
Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes shaking his head as he leaned back on the seat and sighed softly. "i'm just glad to get out of that damn castle." he admitted simply. "and away from certain people." he admitted smiling a little. "i would love you to the ends of the earth for new clothes." he admitted simply a smirk on her lips as Draco snickered and kissed Fydra's cheek. "i was thinking of getting a tattoo." Harry admitted simply. "and an earring or two, maybe get my hair styled. if i'm the son of...well you know, i need to look the part." harry had already accepted that Tom was his father, it explained so many things. besides he wanted to look hs best when he came back from Christmas vacation, he was going to have Blaise if it killed him. Draco smirked a little, his own little secrete hanging in the air. no one knew that he had invited Blaise to stay with them as well, save his parents of course. Blaise was going to be there the day after they got harry his makeover.
"Well, its a good thing I already look the part.And you'd look good with a earring."She said preening a little, tilting her head as she looked at draco.She knew that smirk, he was up to something, but she was willing to let it go for the moment. Shifting her attention she bit her lip, knowing there was better times to tell him, but she needed to tell harry before they got to the house.She needed his support if she was going to tell lucius and narcissa...and more importantly, tom..She needed.... she needed her twin."Harry..."She said softly, shifting, leaning back against draco's chest, keeping her eyes on the floor."I'm pregnant."She said softly. Her hand tightening on draco's, afraid of harry's reaction.
Harry smirked a little, "of course i would look good with an earring." he teased chuckling a little as he blinked at her sudden sad tone. "Fy? whats wrong?" he asked blinked, falling completely silent as he stared at her standing up without warning and leaving the car, Draco grimacing. "well...maybe Tom won't get the chance to kill Ronald after all." he muttered holding Fydra close. "i think Harry's gone to slit the fuckers throat himself." he admitted shivering before kissing her forehead. Harry's face had been so full of pure rage that even The Dark Lord would have been shaking in his robes, he was going hunting, and harry wasn't going to stop until something was dead.
Fydra nodded slightly, biting her lip getting up. "I'll go stop him."She said kissing draco's forehead before slipping out of the car, not wanting to get him in trouble.Knowing that harry'd suffer badly for trying to protect her. Catching up with him she trembled a little as she rested a hand on his arm. And even knowing she couldn't affect him, she laced her voice with power, demanding that he stand down."Harry.Stop.Now is not the time."
Draco nodded and let her go, hesitantly following behind her as Harry turned, his eyes flashing with rage as he bared his teeth at her before he even realized who it was, relaxing as he stared at her, a strange power flicking through his eyes before it, and his rage vanished. "Fydra..." he murmured softly stroking her cheek. "i'm so sorry..." he whispered softly before pulling her into a tight hug, simply holding her. "i will make sure Ron suffers. i promise." "there's no need. Tom is going to take care of it, i wrote him a letter." Draco admitted, looking a little hesitant, unsure how they would react to that. "you...." Harry growled glaring at Draco before rolling his eyes. "whatever." he bitched heading back to the room, pausing when he spotted Blaise heading for them. "Hey Blaise! over here!" Draco chirped, grinning like a madman as Harry's eyes widened.

(do you want to play Blaise or should i?")
Fydra followed quietly, brushing a kiss over harry's forehead as he sat down, pain and sadness in the action before she sat down back with draco. Ignoring the men as she looked out the window. Her heart hurt to much to join in the conversation.Even with as amusing as it was going to get with Blaise joining them.

Blaise smiled slightly following them, ducking into the car as he sat down in the only seat available, because well while there was room to sit next to fydra; he knew better then to crowd her with draco sitting there. Sitting down next to harry, studying his friend who was grinning like he'd finally lost his mind."Has sex deprivation finally made you lose your mind?"
Harry had gone slightly rigid when Blaise sat down next to him and Draco's grin grew even larger. "me? oh goodness no Fydra and i have GREAT sex." he teased kissing her knuckles. "are you all packed for vacation?" he demanded smirking a little, well aware that Blaise was. "Harry's joining us at Malfoy manor too..." "What!?" Harry demanded suddenly paying attention, blinking a little. "Blaise is... your staying at Malfoy manor for Christmas?"

"yes, i invited him" Draco admitted, snickering into Fydra's hand Harry scowling at Draco. "what are you up to you blond idiot?" he demanded his eyes narrowed dangerously as Draco beamed at him, answering in a far too innocent tone. "up to? why are you so paranoid harry? honestly i'm not up to anything at all." he was FAR too innocent. "ahuh, my ass." Harry grumbled glancing at Blaise, blushing hard and turning back to the window.
Blaise looked startled at the reaction, studying the silent woman. Draco would play games, harry was acting weird, and fydra was being quiet. And he wanted to know what was going on."So are we going shopping?Draco promised shopping."He said trying to figure out what was going on, trying not to think about harry's ass, but he'd so kindly brought it up.

Fydra trembled slightly at the mention of sex, shifting to lean more into him, pressing close. Reassuring herself that she was safe, that she was fine. Turning her hand around in draco's hold, gently stroking his hair as he held her."You mean we had great sex."She said softly, just to him. Sadness in the words. Because while she could stand to be touched casually, she couldn't get back in bed. It was enough of a trial to sleep next to him much less do more.
Harry swallowed and nodded. "yeah, i hate wearing crappy clothes so Fydra is treating me to a new wardrobe, and Draco is going to get me an earring AND a tattoo." "i am?" Draco asked looking startled, cowering under Harry's glare. "i mean, yes i'm going to treat harry..." he mumbled looking sour as harry smirked. "and he's going to admit that he sucks at quidditch." "Fuck you." "don't tempt me Draco." harry purred throwing on his sexiest face as Draco paled and hid behind Fydra looking absolutely terrified, Harry snorting and turning back out the window. "i do not understand how someone who's homophobic can have two gay freinds..." "at least Blaise is nice and doesn't hit on me!" of course, if Draco didn't freak out, harry probably wouldn't hit on him either.

Draco gently kissed Fydra's ear smiling a little. "Fydra make them be nice to me!" he whined nuzzling her neck, silently assuring her that he didn't need to have sex to love her. "i don't mind being celibate lover." he promised for her ears alone. "so long as i get to be with you." he murmured smiling a little.
"If you didnt freak out on him, he'd stop hitting on you."She said tilting her head,shivering a little as he nuzzled her. Relaxing, reassured. At least for the moment.She'd find something else to fret over soon enough.

Blaise smiled contentedly watching the two, looking curious. This wasn't them. They were usually loud and obnoxious. Shoving the thought of what was wrong with fydra away for the minute, snickering as he looked at harry."Oh but draco, you know you'd spend time in my bed if fydra'd let you."He teased smirking."You're just so pretty and cute."
Harry smirked a little as Draco scoffed a little, sulking at Fydra. "aaw your not nice." he whined nuzzling her ear before gaping at Blaise wide eyed, paling even more. "Your both jackasses!" he complained ducking his head behind Fydra again Harry snickering a little as he turned to wink at Draco. "he looks just like a girl too, such pretty long blond hair." he purred Draco groaning. "i'm going to go throw up." he stated rushing out the door to hide, Harry snickering a little as he turned to look out the window, a strange look on his face, it was almost... jealousy? as if he was jealous that Blaise would rather have Draco than he would him. "everyone likes blonds." harry muttered sourly scowling out the window. Fydra would probably catch on, she always seamed to know what made harry tick, even if they had been separated at birth, they where still twins.
Fydra rolled her eyes,"Not everyone."She said mysteriously. "I'm going to go make sure he's not really throwing up."She said leaving before either man could protest her leaving.

Blaise looked up, looking startled at suddenly being left alone with harry."'d think he'd get over it. He spends enough time getting his own cuddles these days, you'd think we wouldn't mind how we spend our time."
Harry tried to protest when Fydra left and glanced at Blaise blushing again. "he just doesn't like getting hit on that's all." he muttered simply. "he doesn't care what we do, so long as we don;t aim it at him." he admitted staring out at the country side, silent. well aware that Fydra had left so that they would be alone. and Draco had the same thought, because he was waiting outside for Fydra to join him, a smirk on his lips. "aren't i a genius love?" he teased smirking a little. "Harry is going to admit his feelings to Blaise in some way or another now that their going to be spending so much time together during the break." he snickered a little. "i AM brilliant."
Fydra laughed softly as she glanced into the room, dragging him into another cab ,wrapping her arms around hi mas he sat down.Kissing him softly."Hmmm you should be rewarded for your brillance."She teased, blushing and smiling.

Blaise laughed softly, looking out the window to."Oh I'm sure if fydra was hitting on him he'd be fine."He said smiling a little."So draco's paying for a tattoo?"
Draco smirked a little as he kissed her cheek, gently nuzzling her neck settling his hands on her belly. "have you...decided what your going top do yet?" he wondered his head tilted a little biting his lip a little. " you think that Harry is going to kill me for this?"

Harry snorted a little looking amused. "their dating." he stated simply before his smile dropped a little, as he turned back to the window, hesitating for a moment. "i don't know..." he admitted sighing softly. "i've always wanted one, but i still have an image i need to keep up." he admitted sourly. "i am so sick...of being what everyone else wants me to be." he admitted softly, scowling out the window. "but..." he didn't need to finish it, anyone with half a brain would know what harry would say next. 'Dumbledore would kill me, if i stopped being his pawn.'
"He might.After he gets over his post climatic bliss."She said with a slight snicker, shifting to crawl into his lap, cuddling close to his chest."I...I don't know what to do."She said softly, chewing on her lip."It's not it's fault that its father did what he did...I...I don't want to kill it. But I... I don't know if I can keep it either."

Blaise smirked slightly, looking ver at him."You could always get a dark mark, I'm pretty sure that would do wonders for your image."he said laughing softly, looking at the man."You okay?"He asked after a minute.Worried about the other
he smiled and kissed her neck. "well, you could always put it up for adoption..." he suggested. "i know that uncle Sev has always wanted a child." he admitted. "he would gladly take it." he admitted. "or even Madam Pomfry, she would love to have a baby all her own." he admitted smiling a little. "even one of the Death Eaters would gladly raise a baby." he admitted nuzzling her. "then you know it's being well taken care of."

Harry snorted, if only Blaise knew. "i don't need one." he admitted a dark smirk on his lips. "i have much closer connections." he admitted glancing at Blaise and sighing softly. "i'm not even certain myself." he admitted sitting up and looking down at his hands. "no...that's not really true... i know whats wrong...i just...i guess i'm just scared i guess... i'm stepping into a world i know nothing about, my entire view of myself has changed almost overnight and i'm still trying to come to terms with it. i'm in love with someone who could never want me, and i was defiled by a guy i once thought of as my best friend." he sighed and thunked his head against the window. "and honestly i shouldn't even be telling you any of this because i don't even know you.... but like always i can't keep my gryffindor damn mouth shut."
Fydra smiled slightly, whining a little as he nuzzled her.It felt so good.Shifting to kiss him softly, tangling her fingers in his hair.Tired of talking for the moment.Kissing him because she needed to. Not wanting to think about the baby for the moment.She wanted to have a few moments to themselves, before they got home and would probably be forced to not act like a couple.

Bliase frowned as he sorted thrugh the information that harry had just given him, rage the first thing that it him. Forgetting everything but what he'd said about ron."I need to go talk to someone.I'll be back."He said getting up, barely leashed rage in the words.If only he knew fydra'd also been hurt.Ron'd never make it off the train for it. For harming the boy he wanted, and the girl he cared for like a sister....yes ron was going to be hurt badly.
he smiled as she whined and gasped as he felt the fingers in his hair, chuckling a little. "so bossy." he whined grinning as he kissed her back eagerly, running his tongue into her mouth wrapping his arms around her bally protectively. "i love you Fy." he murmured smiling a little as he nibbled on his 'sisters' ear. "should we come up with a reason for being intimate with each other, or should we pretend we're not dating?"

Harry acted before he could even think, his hand grabbing Blaise's wrist a terror flooding through him, he'd never been left alone since the 'indecent' Draco had personally made sure that Harry and Fydra where always together. Harry hadn't gone back to classes, he just hid in the Room of Requirement where he knew no one could get to him. "Don't leave me alone..." Harry pleaded, terror lacing his voice, afraid Blaise would leave and Ron would come in, Harry wouldn't be able to fight him off, harry didn't want to be raped again. "please.... don't leave..." harry had started trembling, he couldn't help it. Fydra had Draco...but Harry didn't have anyone. "i..i've already got someone to take care of Ron anyway..." Harry stuttered, trying to hide his terror.
Fydra whined softly, shivering as he nibbled on her ear. it was her one of few weaknesses, and he knew it. "We'll think of something.I...I don't want to be alone."She said softly, biting her lip. Even in malfoy manor, where the wards would keep anyhting out,she didn't want to be alone. She ouldn't be.Kissing him again she sighed softly, kissing him slowly."We could just say we're dating..."

Blaise froze, before nodding, sitting back down with him, wrapping a arm around the trembling man as he did, "Don't worry.I'll stay.I'm staying."He said looking at the brunette.Rage eating at him.He wanted to hurt ron for doing this to one of the best person he'd ever met.
he smiled a little. "my father would never honestly beleive that." he muttered softly. "i need to think of a reason for us to be dating." he admitted kissing her forehead. "i have an idea for that...maybe i'm using your love for me as a way to control you? he'd beleive that, and enjoy it. he'd even encourage it, that way we can openly love each other, and not get nasty looks from across the table." he paused. "i think we're going to get enough of those for inviting Harry." he admitted looking amused. "no matter, nothing will change how much i love you, not even father." he promised kissing her temple again.

Harry tensed, hesitating at the hand wrapped around him before he relaxed completely, leaning against Blaise and laying his head on the others shoulder sighing softly. "Tom will take care of Ron." Harry mumbled simply. "he won't come back from vacation." he hoped, he really hoped. and before he could stop himself he'd leaned up and pressed his lips to Blaise's, jerking away as soon as he'd realized what he'd done. "i'm sorry! i shouldn't have done that!" shit, now Blaise was going to be all pissed off.
Fydra laughed softly, nodding as she wrapped her arms around him."I know nothing will."She said, relaxing more at the reassurance. With every time he said it, with every time he silently let her know she was loved, she relaxed even more."We'll tell him that, and he can't give us diry looks. He's the one who told us to be frends with harry."

Blaise looked startled, then confused before sighing softly."It's fine."He said, wondering if he needed to have a talk with draco.Surely the man hadn't told harry that he liked him. No one knew that!This wasn't happening.He was going to injure the man for leavin him alone.
he smiled and nuzzled her again nibbling on his ear sighing softly. "i feel a disturbance in the force." he muttered softly, feeling a chill run up his spine. "i think both Blaise and Harry are BOTH going to kill me." he muttered darkly shaking his head. "wanna go to France for vacation and leave Harry and Blaise with father?"

Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "i'm sorry..i just.." he set a hand over his eyes. "i am going to fucking kill Draco for this." he growled softly shaking his head. "i am just going to fucking kill him. i don't know how the fuck he found out but he's a dead man." he grumbled sighing a little glancing at Blaise. "you know what? fuck it." he stated simply. "i'm tired of being a coward, your probably going to laugh but that's alright, i'm used to being rejected." he admitted, still terrified that Blaise was going to think harry was dirty, unworthy... well, harry already knew he was unworthy but ah well. "i like you, i have since the first time i fricken saw you. of course, i didn't know i was gay back then, so it really freaked me out." he admitted, babbling now, clearly very nervous about admitting his feelings to Blaise.he clammed up and stared at his knees, trembling again, because as much as he tried to deny it, harry really was terrified that Blaise was going to reject him.
Fydra laughed happily at the idea, kissing him again."We can't do that. Father will be pissed.And they'll kill you for doing it."She whined slightly as she got up, kissing him slowly."We probably should go back."

Blaise looked startled, sorting through what the other had said, before starting to laugh. Now he understood why draco had invited him along."I might have to kiss him for being a genius."He stated, leaning over, pressing a kiss to the other's head, wrapping a arm around his waist. " Draco probably didn't know. Fydra did though."he said."She's always known I liked you.So she must have told him."
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