Siren's song

Blaise smiled a little nodding, amused as his lover sucked on his quill."Fruit would be good. Narcissa will yell if we dont have some good food."He said nuzzling the other's neck,kissing it. intending on distracting him for a few minutes

Fydra twisted shifting to look at Draco, looking nerous, brushing her hair out of his face sitting up slowly."Lets go to bed."she said quietly picking up the kittens,wincing as she stood slowly. She was hurting and she wanted to sleep.With draco. And maybe talk...but mostly sleep. Excited about the party."Come on."She muttered pulling the other up, cuddling into his side, leaning against him to walk, though it just looked like her normal snuggling
Harry smiled a little. "vegetables too then." he decided writing that down too before sighing as he felt the lips on his neck, humming softly. "mmm that feels nice." he murmured, smiling when Fydra and Draco got up and left. "mmm you know it's been a while since we did anything against the rules." he teased once the two had left. "feel like getting naked?"

Draco smiled as he took one of the kittens, supporting her as he led the way back to the rooms, murmuring affectionate things in her ear with a small grin as people passed by them, looking shocked that Fydra was up and walking already, Ginny sneering at her as they passed, making Draco snicker. "your always so strong Love." he murmured, beaming at her. "your like the old wives that lived on farms. they'd have a baby in the evening and the next morning they'd be milking the cows."
Blaise smirked a little biting down gently, "Oh yes.I always want to get nake with you."He said shifting the other into his lap, cuddling him before pushing to his feet."Lets go.I want a bed."he purred softly, heading for their bedroom.

Fydra swallowed hard, leaning even further into him as they got to their room,trembling ever so slightly."Not really. I just make them think I am."She said, even her voice trembling in pain as she tried to forget about ginny and dumbledore, collapsing onto their bed with a relieved sigh. Undressing as she climbed under the covers. The small trip out and about had totally exhausted her.
a week later, after fydra had recovered properly., and Draco stopped fussing over her they where in the party, people milling about and laughing as they tickled little Paige's toes Neville and Luna where talking animatedly with Narcissa about something, while Harry and Snape got into yet another argument over some silly thing neither of them actually cared about. Draco was never more than two steps away from Paige at all times for Fydra's sake, and the little kittens Sophie and Stephan running about, chasing peoples dresses, fairy lights and glittering ornaments hung everywhere int he giant cavern under the school, a small creek running through the moss coated ground ending in a large pretty pool covered in flowers. there was even a small 'doorway' that led to the lake for those who wanted a breath of fresh air. long tables had been set up with large amounts of food on it, and there where even small gift baggies that Harry and Fy had put together. it was really very amazing this little party only for freinds and families. imagine if Harry and Fydra had been trying to impress someone.
Fydra smiled a little as she watched the party going on around her, amused as she watched her lover steal his daughter back from Blaise. Amused that Draco was already so possessive of her. And feeling the tight feeling in her chest loosen because of it. Having really been afraid he'd pull away, despite him showing no signs of it. Smiling wider she walked over to Draco,resting her hand on his arm."You don't need to have her all the time love."She said though she knew he was only being so overprotective among friends for her. Blaise snickered shaking his head as he snagged harry from his argument, pulling him against his chest."Ah yes he does.He's afraid she'll like me more."He grinned tilting his head, frowning slightly at the slightly flushed woman.
Draco pouted. "but...but she's MINE!" he whined sulking as he nuzzled his little baby girl, smiling as she handed her over to Fydra, Narcissa chuckling a little. "you know, when you two where little, you used to play house. i don't know how many times i married you two!" "mother!" Draco gasped, looking horrified before looking curious. "really?." "oh yes! and Draco always said that you two had a pretty baby daughter, and he'd carry a doll around for hours." Draco blushed harder. "MOTHER!" Draco shrieked in horror Harry bursting into laughter. "aaaw Dray that's soooo cute!" "shut up Potter!" Draco complained scowling at the boy who only laughed harder.
Blaise snickered studying his friend."I so know what you're getting for your birthday."He smirked. Fydra ducked her head blushing slightly nuzzling her daughter. Smiling as Paige grabbed a fistful of hair, snuggling against her mother and settling in for a nap. Fydra smiled turning her head looking up at draco,"it's okay. I love you even if you play with dolls."She teased. Severus snickered as he approached smirking."Draco even tried on lucius's clothes in efforts to appear to be a 'proper husband'"
Draco was flushing hard as Harry smirked a little. "aaaw dress up even. still i suppose it's better than trying on Narcissa's clothes." he teased smirking a little as Draco sputtered in rage. "your all terrible!" he complained pouting a little as he sulked at them all Harry laughing as Neville came over, lookign amazingly handsome in his suit, Luna beaming at them, looking amazingly pretty in her dress with her hair done up. "good evening everyone." Luna chirped softly. "did you know that Theodore Nott is really very handsome?" Neville smirked a little. "she's got a serious crush going on." he admitted sipping at a glass of whiskey. "the twins send their regrets at not being able to come." he admitted with a smile. "they pissed off McGonogall again." he admitted shaking his head a little. "honestly, giving her catnip like that." he shook his head. "it was still fairly amusing."
Fydra winced a little before nodding."They really should have. But it was amusing."She smiled though her heart hurt because she hadn't been able to have the twins there. Wondering if they'd gotten in trouble on purpose, to make her feel less bad. Blaise smirked tilting his head."Well, I could have a talk with Theo."He said amused looking around the room. Fydra laughed softly shifting, leaning back against Draco's chest, her light blue dress showing beautiful against her skin and Draco's. Tilting her head a little."Lets go get some air.It's warm in here."She smiled shifting Paige looking up at Draco."Well. you all could come to I guess."She said laughign a little when she saw Blaise's put out look at not being invited.
Draco smiled a little as he kissed her cheek, Harry sighing a little. "it is getting unusually warm in here." he admitted frowning a little as he looked around, Luna pausing as well, her head tilting a little as they headed outside, the full moon spreading light across the mist coated ground, a heavy fog crawling around peoples feet as they chatted out of sight of the windows of the castle. "Something is happening." Luna stated suddenly her head tilted a little Neville freezing. "what sort of something?" "...i don't know yet." she admitted softly frowning a little. "something is hiding my inner eye..." she admitted softly shaking her head a little. as Harry scowled, looking around. "stay close." he ordered softly, feeling wary, and uncertain.
Fydra swallowed hard holding Paige against her snugly, even as she stepped closer to draco,shivering in the air. Wrapping paige's blanket around her more looking up at Draco."We should go inside. Get to the castle."She said looking across the grounds, feeling to exposed out here, but not wanting to make a run for it. Blaise growled softly looking around, "This is...odd."he said slowly looking around, trying to see what was making them all feel on edge
then it began, shapes slid into the Castle grounds, everyone on the party falling completely silent as what looked like Elves walked into view. tall with varying hair colors of green, brown, and gold, a few red. about a hundred of them, some on horses, most on foot, all wearing clothes that you expected to see in a fantasy movie, holding swords and bows, a few holding staffs with crystals and stones at the top. "Elves." Luna whispered in amazement Harry growling softly, worried about what was about to happen. as one, on a silent signal the elves all drew their weapons, and surged forward, the guest's screaming as they scattered, fearful of the attack and the Elves as Harry gasped, rushing forward, whipping his wand out to try and defend his family as the elves rushed after the guests, one of them, Harry couldn't see who falling into the fog as two elves sprang for fydra and Page, something inside of Harry snapping into life as he took a deep breath, and released a single word that rolled across the grounds like thunder. "Stop!" and everything froze, one of the Elves, a dagger in hand stopped mid lunge to stare at Harry, saving Neville from getting gutted, the wizards all pulling away from the now straightening Elves, the wizards scrambling back inside or to hide behind Harry.
Fyra froze before scrambling backwards hearing paige's distressed cries she held the babe closer, looking up at the elf attacking her with wide eyes,"Draco!"She yelled looking for him,Long legs covering the ground between her and Draco,giving the stronger man the babe before turning to face their attackers."What do you want?"She said though her voice shook, power rode in the words. A command to answer. Standing in front of Draco and paige, looking frightened but fierce all the same.
the Elves all regrouped, all of them watching when Fydra spoke, a simultaneous shiver running through them. "Siren." the whisper spread through he large group of Elves as they all moved slowly forward, weapons laying abandoned on the ground where that had dropped them, all of them bowing, as one. dropping to one knee, arm crossed over their chests, bowing their heads in reverence to Harry...not Fydra, but HARRY! "Our Lord." they all breathed, only one standing. this elf was tall with a catlike face and long pointed ears with hair that fell to his hips, mottled green and brown. The creature’s eyes where the same color as pine needles and his skin as pale as moonlight as he examined Harry. "i am Devlin, Leader of The Wild Hunt." he stated calmly. "we have heard the call and have answered, but it was not our Masters Call." "who called you and why!?" "we where kill the woman with the babe, and to kill the one named Harry Potter." Devlin explained. "but, none of us knew, that the one named Harry Potter, was the real Master of the Wild Hunt." Draco swallowed hard and looked at Fydra. "...what the hell is the Wild Hunt?"
Fydra paled drastically swaying on her feet."The wild hunt is the fae's warriors. To seek, and to punish those who have done wrong. They are the justicemakers..."She swallowed hard, shivering a little as he stepped forward, trembling as she stood at harry's side,fingers lingerig on her twin's arm."Dumbledore called the hunt."She whispered, certainy settling in."He called it...because he didn't realize we knew exactly who...aand what..we are."She swallowed hard looking at the hunt."Har-"She stopped as she shuddered looking up, not that startled to find her father striding across the land. Moving back to stand with draco she trembled, scared as she wrapped her arms around him.

Tom growled softly tilting his head as he stepped through the group of elves, to study his children and granddaughter, the granddaughter he hadn't even met yet."Are you both fine?"
Harry nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes. "we're fey?" he asked his head tilted. "i hadn't really realized that..." he admitted looking at the elves, all who had stood and now looked to be waiting for directions. "er...reclaim your weapons." he ordered shaking his head, the elves scattering, gathering up their things before regrouping. "we're fine." Harry promised tom. "shaken but fine." he promised gripping Fydra's hand, Draco was bleeding from a small scratch across his cheek but was otherwise unharmed as he wrapped his arms tightly around Fydra. he had stepped right int he way of the two Elves that had gone after Fydra., had put his life on the line to protect his lover and daughter. "Fy!? are you ok!?" Draco demanded his voice barley a whisper. "Christ they went right for you..." he muttered trembling violently as Harry turned and looked around. "i'm the...Lord of the Hunt." harry muttered blinking at Tom. "did you know that?" he looked rather in shock.
Tom,for a moment looked like he'd been punched.Because...because he knew the fae's prophecy for thet twin lord of the hunt and a siren...he'd just prayed it wouldn't be his. "I guessed.I didn't know for sure until Lady Lea showed up at the manison, saying the wild hunt had been called,and sent here."he said shuddering a little. Having not seen lea since before paige'd died, it'd been a shock to see his wife's best friend."We better get them inside."He said looking at his daughter an son in law. Walking over he gently took Paige from Fydra's arms,cuddling the baby before looking at draco."Are you up for carrying her?Otherwise we can have devlin do it."He said knowing he was going inside to have a word with dumbledore.

"I'm fine.Fine..."she said trembling herself, nearly collapsing when tom took the baby, leaning into Draco's arms as she looked around. Glad that snape and narcissa had gotten everyone but them out of harms way.And they'd tried to get to them even.Even now she could see the two heading for them.Trembling as she clung to draco,starting to cry.Not only because she was scared,but because she'd nearly lost draco,because he'd been willing to die to protect her and paige."They came here for me..."She whispered softly."They nearly killed you because of me...Are you okay?"She said desperately as she leaned back to look at him
Harry swallowed thickly as Devlin nodded to Tom. "good to see you again, Lord of Darkness." he stated simply Harry giggling a little as he shook his head, Draco scooping Fydra into his arms and nuzzling her, murmuring loving and caring things to try and calm her down as Snape, every the practical one started handing out potions. "Calming droughts, drink them." Snape ordered, tone stern and bordering no arguments. "Harry, tell them to leave." Draco ordered, Harry looking the elves over. "everyone but the leader guy." Harry agreed, the others all vanishing back into the forest, Devlin bowing as he followed them into the castle. "they came here for you and they failed. Dumbledore should have known better than to call the hunt when he couldn't control them."
Fydra sniffled a little laying her head on draco's shoulder sipping her potion as she calmed slowly,fingers clinging to his shirt, not wanting to let go. Tom sighed softly, having not hurt tht in years, it was mildly disturbing to hear the fey's name for him."And you devilin."He looked thoughtful as they walked."Dumbledore is a fool if he forgot what created the siren he wanted to control, also could make a fae huntsman."He sighed a little. Blaise walked besides harry, a silent guard, silently still looking around them to make sure there wasn't anything else out there waiting. "You will go to bed when we get inside."He said growling at his lover as he opened the school doors to let them all inside.
Devlin smiled a little as he watched Harry intently. "this is a momentous day. we where not expecting the Lord of the Hunt to be born for many generations." he admitted as Neville took stand next to fydra, scowling a little as Harry looked over at Blaise. "are you ok love?" Harry asked softly, wrapping his fingers around Blaise's. "this is all very startling..." he admitted softly turning back to look at Tom and Devlin, the Elf sighing softly. "we should not have answered the call, but it was very strong. we wanted to be sure, we did not realize it was a false call, not even a Fey." he scowled a little and bared minuscule fangs. "he will suffer for his lies. this, the Hunt will be sure of."
Blaise smiled a little nodding, "Just a scrapped up arm,but I am fine."He said squeezing the other's hand. Tom nodded tilting his head towards his son before looking at devlin falling back enough so they wouldn't be heard."You know the prophecy of the siren?I need you to bring me everything you have. For paige. Please. I know none of the fae really care for me, but for them. Let me have what I need."he said quietly, needing to find a solution before he had no choice but to say goodbye."And Dumbledore.Well...lets get the children settled into bed, then we will go speak to the headmaster."he said herding them all towards the dorms, much to snape's amusement. Actually like a father to them all. Looking intimidating,even carrying his granddaughter.
Devlin scowled a little. "you have no right to order a Fey, let along someone as powerful as i am Lord of Darkness." he hissed softly before sighing. "but you are the father of the Lord Hunter, and where married to one of our Queens... i will do as you ask." he decided. "i too am worried about the prophecy, i do not know if you wish the children to know about it. but if My Lord or his sister orders me, i will tell them." he admitted shaking his head a little. the headmaster will not appreciate you being in his building again, you will make him suspect Harry."
Tom scowled a little rocking back on his heels before sighing."Then do so."He sighed softly hoping to put off the time when the twins knew what it was, before smiling."harry.I have to go.I wont get you into even more trouble by going in."He said waiting till Harry stopped before settling paige into his arms kissing his forehead."Call me if you need me."He said before walking to draco and fydra, smiling at the girl who was nearly falling asleep."Goodbye love."he muttered kissing her head, knowing she was still stressing out. Nodding slightly befre leaving. Fydra smiling sleepily, resting her head on Draco's shoulder."Paige is okay?"She sid moving to get out of draco's arms, anxious about her daughter and wanting to protect draco."And draco?"
Devlin nodded, watching Tom with his catlike green eyes as he kissed Harry's forehead Harry smiling a little as he nodded holding Paige tightly, gently nuzzling her. "i will call you." he promised gripping his fore arm. "Paige is staying with Narcissa right now, so would you mind checking up on her from time to time?" he asked hopefully smiling at him before motioning to Devlin. "come inside with me, i have a few questions for you." he admitted Devlin nodding as Harry turned to Page as draco settled her onto a couch, kissing her forehead. "i'm find love, just a scratch." he promised smiling a little. "Paige is fine too, not even a fright." "we where informed not to harm the babe." Devlin explained, Harry hissing with rage. "i knew it." Harry growled. "He wants Paige for some reason."
Snape swallowed hard holding out his arms towards harry."Give her here. I'll see tht her and Narcissa get back to the manor."He said, looking worried. Knowing how desperate dumbledore must be getting wanted him to take everyone in the room and lock them behind the wards of the manor house.Paige shuddered a little looking scared, cuddling into Draco,resting her hed on his shoulder, curling up in his lap."She's a siren's daugher. he wants to raise her to be what he wants."She shuddered a little turning her head to look at devlin. Blaise frowned settling next to Harry wrapping a arm around him, before smirking,"Hey Harry.You're the lord of the hunt right?Means you can change the hunt right?"
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