Siren's song

Fydra bit her lip as she let him bully her into bed,undressing a curling up against him. REsting her head on his chest."OH."She bit her lip thinking about it.Knowing the memories were waiting just uner the surface, that she'd avoided thinking about it just because she was afraid she'd break own again.Even though she sometimes expected better from herself, inside, she knew she was broken.Smirking a little she decided they needed a change of topic, shifting to kiss his chest softly."I have three people loving me know."She teased, trying to make him a little jealous because she wanted kisses and cuddles. They hadn't done anything remotely sexual for like a month because draco'd been worried about the baby and how much stress it'd put on her body,despite reassurances it was okay."I love you."She muttered again yawning.
he chuckled a little and gently kissed her forehead. "hey, you can talk to me you know? i won't laugh at you for feeling afraid or upset." he promised stroking her hair. "sometimes talking helps. i talk to Blaise about my insecurities.. you should have someone to talk to as well... talk to harry, he always knows what to say to make you feel better." he paused at the sudden change of topic and scowled a little. "yeah? who am i castrating this time?" so jealous and possessive, though it was clear he was teasing since he was smiling when he said it, if the threat was serious enough Draco certainly was going to do something about it.
Fydra smiled raising up on her elbow, rolling on her side as she studied him, "Oh just the guys.You know how they are."She teased, wondering who he'd think of. After years of getting love letters from random people, she was amused to be able to tease him with the two people who had no intrest in actually dating her. Glad for the change of topic as she leaned over for a kiss, relaxing as they moved away from the thoughts of ron."Always telling me they love me."She teased.
Draco scowled a little, now looking a little paranoid. "right..." he was going to have to look into this, make sure no one was trying to steal his woman. some part of Draco knew that Frydra deserved so much better than him, no matter now confident he acted, and even WAS...he was still so insecure and confused when it came to Fydra. he wasn't sure he could handle it if Fy left him, if she took little Paige... if he was left all alone.
Fydra winced a little pain filling her eyes as she looked at him, "Draco. I'm teasing. The twins said they loved me earlier, and that you were going to be jealous about it."She sighed softly leaning down to gently kiss him, resting her forehead on his."I just wanted kisses and cuddles.I thought you'd get jealous and demand them."She teased kisisng him again, taking her time to do it as she shifted to straddle his waist, looking down at him worriedly. Seeing through the mask that usually fooled everyone else, and she was truly hurting at the idea of upsetting him.
Draco scowled a little. "the twins!? i knew it!" he declared over dramatically. "i shall make them wear tutu's and dance for you as their punishment!" he decided smacking his fist into his hand, smiling at her. "sorry Fy.. i know i get...weird... i'm just tired." he promised, though he felt that they both knew h was lying, a little bit anyway. he kissed her neck and set his hands on her hips, grinning at her a little. "now that's a nice view." he teased chuckling a little as he gently rocked his hips into her.
Fydra smiled slightly, even though she knew he was lying, ber eyes going wide with a whimper as he rocked up into her.Scrambling away as she found the edge of the bed she stared across back at him panting and trembling a little like a winded horse. Eyes wide and paniked.Having pushed herself to far, to far into her memories, to close to the surface, that even the most innocent of sexual gestures had startled her into fear.
Draco gasped, looking startled as she panicked and he carefully sat up. "fy? it's ok Fy." he whispered softly, offering her his hand. "i won't hurt you, i promise." he smiled at her a little. "it's Draco, it's me. Ron is dead remember? he can't hurt you ever again, and i won't ever let anyone hurt you ever again, not even myself." he promised, not moving, just holding his hand calmly to Fydra, showing her that he was unharmed and nonthreatening. "it's Draco Fy, you know me, i won't hurt you." he promised, keeping his voice low and soft and gentle.
Fydra stared over at him, wide eyed and pained as she swallowed, smiling sadly as he treated her like she was a wild animal that needed soothed.Which she guessed was true in a way.. whimpering softly as she relaxed. Swallowing hard as she crawled back across the bed, curling up in his arms,crying softly."s-sorry.I'm sorry."she said crying softly.
Draco smiled at her, wrapping her up into his arms. "shh love, shhh your alright." he promised stroking her hair. "i should have known better. but we know now, and i won't do it again alright?" he promised smiling at her as he kissed her forehead and gently laid her out on the bed, cuddling her and cradling her. "i love you Fy, a small panic attack isn't going to change that, i promise. i can handle not having sex for the rest of my life, if it means i can stay with you."
"I love you to."She sniffled cuddling him, relaxing easily into his arms, slowly calming as he held her. Knowing she needed to do soemthing, and she would. Things would be fine between them.It would. With that pleasing thought, she smiled as she drifted to sleep.

A month later Blaise made a face as they walked into the library, glancing over at his friend."Is she still in a snit about whatever was bothering her last night?"He asked, as bad as he felt for him, he knew Fydra was struggling to deal, so bearing the brunt of her temper wasn't so bad....though it didn't make up for getting yelled at. The only people she seemed to have any kind of calmness for anymore was draco somewhat, and always paige. Smiling as he thought about his goddaughter. The girl was a joy to be around, and she soothed her mother's heart, even as Fydra struggled to settle herself.

"Blaise is talking to Draco.I assume he sent you out to talk to me?"Fydra said sighing a little as she rested her elbows on her knees, head in her hands as she glanced over at Harry. Knowing she was being to hard on herself, that she really hadn't dealt with what Ron'd done, just shoving it aside to take care of other things. But now, she had to deal with it, otherwise she was truly afraid she'd lose draco, despite constant reassurances he wouldnt. She was afraid that he'd get tired of taking care of her, and take paige from her to raise himself. Despite knowing he wouldn't, the fear and anger at herself was ripping her apart. That and they hadn't found Dumbledore yet, despite a month's search with the best hunters to ever walk the realms. The fae hadnt found anything and it was killing her. So.... she looked at her twin, smiling slightly as she shifted to let him sit next to her."Is paige up?"She asked curious wodnering if thats why he came to see her. She'd tried, she really had, but she hadn't been able to take draco's advice an talk to Harry, because he'd been hurt by the same person and she hadn't wanted to add to his nightmares.So... she suffered in silence as best as she could.
Draco sighed a little as he nodded. "yeah." he admitted looking upset. "i just... she's backsliding again." he admitted. "i'm worried about her, she won't talk to me anymore... she just, bottles it all up..." he admitted slumping into the chair. "it's getting bad...i'm scared she might try to away, suicide.... various other things that it hurts to think about." he admitted gripping his chest. "i think, that Paige s the only thing, that keeps her grounded these days..."

Harry smiled a little and shook his head. "no, i sent Blaise to talk to Draco, so i could talk to you." he admitted sitting in front of her, his eyes narrowed as he looked at her. "look at you Fy...your not eating...your not sleeping... your afraid of everything and your closing yourself off even to Draco..." he stared at her and gently stroked her cheek. "you have to talk to someone, tell someone... you have to let it out Fy before it eats you up inside and you leave us... Draco is afraid your going to run away from him...or try to commit suicide and i am too... i talked to someone, after what happened to me, and i'm better for it Fy...please...jsut talk to me...tell me.. it doesn't even have to be about what happened to you right away, it can be little things... alright? please...just talk to me."
Blaie sighed softly looking at the other man as he looked over the books on the bookshelf. in the month since they'd arrived, he'd found some amazing books on the dark lord's shelves."Harry's talking to her. You know she wont be able to resist tellng him."He smiled a little."Paige is both what keeps her grounded, and driving her insane. I think...she focused on being pregnant, and never really dealt with what happened.She's dealing now, and she's breaking under it."He sighed again, shaking his head."She'll heal,and deal with it,because to be with you, she has to."

Fydra's eyebrows pulled together as she studie him, leaning into the touch without thinking about it.Knowing she was abusing herself. Knowing it and yet...sighing softly leaning forward to rest her head on his shoulder."I...I want to feel better. I pushed it away, because I had to...but now...I don't know. I feel so confused."She muttered softly,"And it hurts so much."she swallowed hard."I..Ron said so many things when he did...what he did."She swallowed slowly, working around to talk about this. The words tumbling out fast, now tht she was giving in to talk to someone."I I failed draco. He asked me to be with him.But I haven't, not really. I just ignored what happened. But I dont think I forgave my body for being the instrument that was used to try and destroy me....and I've become its cruelest tormentor.And...and I hate myself even more for it, because it's what draco treasures."She said starting to cry softly, clinging to her twin.
Draco nodded looking over at Blaise before brightening. "i know! lets find something that was her mothers!" he decided. "that will be sure to make her feel a bit better!" he decided. poor Draco, most of his time was spent trying to cheer Fydra up those days. "come on and help me Blaise, we might as well do something constructive while Harry pokes and pry's into my lovers life."

Harry held her closely, rubbing her back. "Ron was an ass." he stated simply. "and a liar, nothing he ever said was truth, not to me, and not to you either." he promised smiling down at her. "you never failed Draco, if anything you made him even more proud to be your lover. being so strong, after going through something like that, you should be proud of yourself. not many people could have kept the baby when they went through what you did." he smiled and kissed her forehead. "and it's not just your body that Draco treasures...all of us, everyone, me, Draco, Blaise, even Neville and the Twins. the thing we treasure most about you, is simply you. everything about you, broken and whole, visible and not, every strength and every flaw that makes you who you are, we love." he promised holding her as she cried. "we all want you, to get better." he promised smiling a little. "and we're all here to help you, the best that we can."
Blaise smiled a little getting up to look through the books,"Tom said most of these were paige's. We'll find something that belongs to her."he said starting to look, flipping through things. His heart aching for the blond, because it was like all draco did was between taking care of paige, he was trying to cheer up fydra. It hurt to see her so lost. Wincing a little when he found a book, realizing as he flipped through it that he was holding paige's journal."Draco!you need to read this."He said holdign the book out towards the other.

Fydra relaxed even further into his arms, crying quietly, sobbing out the heartache that had nearly destroyed her. Crying because it was hat she needed, having never really mourned the loss of innocence, that ron had taken from her. Crying and laughing, because she realized he was right, that they loved her, for being her."I...I will be fine.I better.I'll talk. I need to be better about it, because I need to be with draco.And even if he says he doesn't mind tking care of me, I need to take care of him."She smiled straightening, wiping the tears off her face even as she dried her eyes.
Draco grinned as he dug through the books, looking for something interesting, pausing when Blaise held something out to him, his eyes widening as he read it, swallowing thickly. "no this...this can't be.... i..." he shook his head hard and slammed the book shut. "i won't beleive it!" he protested, swallowing thickly as he looked at Blaise. "it's not going to happen! i will NEVER let it happen!"

Harry held her as she cried, offering her calm comfort as she had her well deserved meltdown, smiling when she finally calmed down. "do you feel better now sis?" he asked his head tilted. "do you need to talk some more, or should we go and get Paige from your mother and sev? who are spoiling her rotten i might add." he admitted with a small smirk, pausing a moment. "hey, did you realize that Narcissa was pregnant?" he asked his head tilted. "Draco's going to be a big brother." he smirked. "but don't tell anyone i told you. i'm not even supposed to know."
Blaise growled softly looking at him,flipping the book open again, pointing to the entry: "..I fear for my children.At two, they are as curious and brave as any, and yet something clings to them, a darkness not even the brightest day can't erase. I fear they are the children that our seers predict, that me and tom will not be able to protect them from a enemy we can't has come, the final prophecy, the one that proves that my daughter is the lady of shadows, the banewrecker who will break Dumbledore's control. I have...written the prophecy here, in hopes that if Dumbledore does the unthinkable and seperates us from the children, that the Malfoy's will day open this diary and give it to her,and show the legend that has let the fae survive to help her:

There was a time when evil walked the world, in the form of a ambitious man, given a benevolent form that others believed, even when he hunted. And he listened to no other, not even the command to end his slaughter of innocents. When the people grew tired of it, the fae knew they had to act. For they understood life's shadows, and knew what had to be done.

When the fae sought a answer, they looked to their queen, who knew what might be done. Could be done. Had to do. The lady of shadows was also a siren, who had a unqiue power, to command the world to bend to her will, no matter the command. So the command went out, that none was to walk into the cage she created.

When it was done, she bid goodbye to her prince, a wizard who fit among the fae, a dragon under the skin, who understood there was shadows as well as light. She bid goodbye to her daughter, who would be her heir and legacy, laying the burden of her care on her consort's shoulders. When she was ready she entered the castle and sent out the call."I am the lady of shadows, and I command you to come. You WILL come here!"

The ambitious man feeling the command even if he couldn't hear it, tried to resist but could not stop responding to the siren. Following her into the castle he'd once called home, he searched for her among the tangled paths as his followers searched. Wizards and witched who followed him, searched for his enemy. Because she had done the unthinkable, seperated those who truly followed evil from the one's who'd been tricked.

When the exit had been seled she turned to face her enemy."Because I love, I stand here before you."The lady of shadows lowered her hnd, letting go of the serpent in her hands, letting go of the love of her twin who was her other half, along with being the huntsman. Knowing he would call the hunt well in her absence."Because I love, I will stay."She whispered, sheeding the ring her prince of dragons had given her, letting go because she had to. Because the siren had to drink from life's shdadows."Because I love them, I cast out all that is good, and will remain here with you.Forever."

At the words, the queen's layer of humanity stripped from her soul, the love she felt for the world folowing into the people who loved her, away from the woman who declared her evil's enemy. Feeling this, the people rejoiced, knowing evil had been imprisoned.

Then they realized a terrible truth. By casting out the part of her that was human, the woman had become something worse then the evil she face. She became a monster. And then the people understood that she had not created the cage for evil, but for herself. Because the siren, in her deadly beauitful fury, whould be as devastating as she commanded the world to its knees. So her people remembered her sacrifice...

Will this be my daughter, who's twin already can commnd the grown men of the hunt? Will this be my daughter, who's already laid claim to Draco Malfoy, who is as protective of her as a dragon with treasure? Will the fate that waits her? I pray that it is not, and yet I fear that it is.

Blaise stared at him, "You have to tell her Draco, she'll never forgive you if you don't. Draco, you can not clip her wings, without breaking her, or the world. You know the choice she'll mke, to save those she loves."He said tears fillng his eyes as he wrapped the other in a hug.Knowing what it'd mean, but they couldn't....fydra could be the only one who could make this choice."No matter how much I would like not to tell her, or harry, and to stop this from coming. Something...something has to be done. And this may be the only thing tht can stop the world from chaos."He muttered holding him tighter, knowing that this was going to destroy him,an hoping that he was strong enough to live for paige, to live and take care of the girl who looked like her mother, even if Fydra wasn't there."We'll get her back.even if she does this, we'll bring her back."


"I do feel better."She said beore snickering, shaking her head."N-no I didn't. He's going to be interesting to watch when he finds out."he said laughing a little as she got to her feet pulling him up after her."You paige was doomed from the beginning. Between mother, severus, and draco, the girl is going to be so spoiled."She giggled happily, so much more relaxed after crying as she headed for the house.
Draco swallowed thickly, tears welling up in his eyes. "no..Blaise it's not true." he whispered softly. "i won't tell her, because it's never going to happen! you'll see! Harry will kill Dumbledore long before it ever comes to that!" he roared slapping the book out of Blaise's hands, sending it clear across the room, snarling at his best friend with an animilistic look in his eyes. "i won't ever let anyone hurt my Fydra! not even her!" and he turned and raced out of the room, intending on finding his lover, and taking her away, maybe to Italy, she had liked Italy, or Egypt, she'd always wanted to travel the world, they could go everywhere.... everywhere... but Hogwarts and London. they would leave, and they wouldn't come back until Dumbledore was dead and ten feet under!

Harry smiled, glad that his sister had opened up, and let all the poison out snickering as he nodded. "Draco's face? i can't imagine Snape and Narcissa's face!" he admitted with a smirk. as the huntsman, he could tell when someone was pregnant, because no matter the sins of the parent, a child was innocent. and no Huntsman, or Hunter, would ever harm a child, least of all, one forming in the womb, not even yet born. "it will be good for Paige to have a sibling." he agreed smiling a little. "though, i think it will actually be an uncle." he admitted with a laugh. "or maybe an aunt." he grinned a little. "this will be fun."
"It will be."She laughed hppily, a joyous hppy sound that hadn't been heard in weeks. Laughing softly as she looked up, pausing on the steps as she looked at Draco as he raced down them."What happened? Draco?"She said starting to panic,her happiness at another baby on the way crashing under her concern. "Paige?What happened?"She said starting to run up the stairs towards him.

Blaise sighed softly walkking out after draco, looking at concern before studying harry as he came in with Fydra. Maybe...if he could get harry to see reason, and they talked to draco...maybe they could find a way around the prophecy.Because he knew it wouldnt be as easy as draco seemed to think to void it.
Harry grinned before pausing at Draco's almost panicked state. "what? no...nothings wrong. Blaise is just an ass..." Draco stated, smiling at her, an almost maniacal, panicked smile. "Paige is fine, don't worry... i was thinking we might go on a vacation. maybe to Italy, you liked Italy didn't you? maybe Japan, Egypt? you wanted to travel the world right? i can get us tickets tomorrow! we'll even fly on a muggle airo-pain, i know you always wanted to... to..." he groaned and slumped against Harry, the Huntsman having set his wand to the back of Draco's head and unleashed a sleeping spell. "well somethings certainly got him all worked up." Harry stated shaking his head. "sleep will do him good. Blaise? what happened?"
Blaise shook his head, casting a wandless sleeping spell at fydra catching her as she slumped."I found something you need to read. After we put them in bed."He said walking with him to their bedroom,tucking draco and fydra in bed before sighing softly. Knowing they were going to be pissed, but they had to talk it over first. Biting his lip he handed over paige's journal."Me and draco were looking for something to cheer fy up with, and we found this prophecy of your mother's."
Harry blinked at the sleeping spell cast at Fy, looking startled, uncertain why Blaise had done that when Fy hadn't been freaking out. "another prophecy!?" Harry demanded with a small grimace. "god i hate prophecies...who has to die this time?" he asked accepting the journal, his annoyance fading into horror as he read the words, swallowing hard as he dropped the book and shook his head. "no..not Fy...she would...never abandon us like that...never..."
Blaise sighed, knowing he'd shocked the other by putting fydra out, but she didn't need to know this yet. Gripping the other's arms tightly, he pulled him into a hug."If it would save everyone she loved from Dumbledore, without getting them hurt?You and I both know its a lie to say she wouldn't.She wouldn't like it, it would hurt her, but she would do it to save them."He swallowed hard."The fae are gifted seers...they saw what would come to pass, if tom didn't raise you two. If...if she does this.We'll bring her back I wont abandon her to devastation.But....we need to ask tom. Of anyone, besides devlin, he probably knows this prophecy the best."He muttered.

"What do I know?"tom growled softly angrily from the door, having seen the drama unfolding as he came out of his study.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "i know." he muttered softly, feeling some part of him breaking at the realization that his sister was going to sacrifice herself before he snarled viciously. "no!" he hissed tossing his head into the air. "i won't allow this! i'll slaughter Dumbledore before it EVER gets that far!" he paused, and turned to Tom, eyes narrowed as he looked from the book and then to Tom. "you know...didn't you!?" he demanded, feeling almost betrayed. "you knew about this prophecy and you didn't tell us! your as bad as Dumbledore is!" feeling raw and hurt by the realization that he was going to lose his sister, he was snapping out, attacking Tom because he was there, because Harry could be mad at him, because Harry was used to being mad at him.
Tom snarled, reacting to the pain in both of them, fisting his hands in his son's shirt, slamming him into the wall,holding him there effortlessly."Of course I knew. Why do you think I tried killing dumbledore before it ever got this far?I knew. Your mother knew. You are the first huntsman born in centuries, I didn't tell you because I was hoping I'd be able to stop her. That she'd be selfish enough to not do it. But I know her,and she will. Never compare me to dumbledore agin."He growled, belatedly realizing blaise was trying to pull him away from his son, looking stricken as he allowed the young man to move him away.
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