Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Tom snickered nodding."Oh yes.She's a friend of harry's, and his rival for top student."He smiled."And amazingly, Lucius is fine about this. HE's even bugged the man about proposing so he'd stop whining about Hermione not being a malfoy, so how could she be so smart...."

Hermione raised a eyebrow looking curious. Wondering if he was being serious or not, before laughing softly as she looked at pandora. "Your kid's going to put ours in a dress isn't she?" "Oh yes."Pandora grinned looking at her cousin."After all, that was draco's favorite part of growing up with me."she teased yawning
Rudolphus laughed a little. "the little Granger girl? the one that met us when we arrived!? really!? boy Draco sure does have good taste! she's a doll! she acts more polite than most purebloods can manage! she'll be a good influence on him." he teased smirking playfully at Tom. "but don't tell Lucius i said that." "too bad i heard you." Snape stated with a firm scowl at Rudolphus to hide that he was worried. "how are you feeling?" "better." Rudolphus admitted slurping on his milkshake.

Draco grimaced a little and sulked at them all. "are we getting back on that horse?" "dress?" Harry asked, curious all of a sudden. "you made draco wear a dress?" he smirked a little. "oh that's just priceless!!! that's funny as hell! i would PAY to see that! Pan! pan you have to make him dress up again!" "no! hell no! absolutely NEVER not going to happen NO WAY!" Draco protested glaring at everyone.
Tom snickered a little potion master's attitude, knowing he was worried. Smiling slightly as he studied the man before looking at Rabastan."She is kind. They'll be good together."He said smiling a little. Tom nodded, "She bullies him into taking care of himself, and yells at him when he focusing on Pan.He'll be okay...might even teach him some manners."

Pandora pouted a little resting a hand on her stomach, looking adorable much to hermione's amusement."You'd deny a pregnant woman?" Hermione snickered looking at her boyfirned, gently kissing his cheek."Love, give up now. You know for the next 9 months you'll be doing what she wants."
Snape rolled his eyes a little as he handed Rabastan a potion, making the man whine like a small child but obediently drink it down. 'maaan, why do i have to keep taking these?" "so the craving your having for the love potion doesn't become so bad you try to kill someone for it. that's why your eating that nasty food almost nonstop, your body is craving the love potion and is substituting it for whatever else it can find." '....oh..." Rudolphus looked startled as he realized he had just packed away his third burger.

Draco hesitated and then groaned, hanging his head as he shook it. 'no...i wouldn't deny a pregnant woman.' he groaned Harry snickering. they all knew the truth, draco would never deny HER in particular. her or hermione. "i'm going to be a pack horse." draco whined pouting at hermione. 'have you ever wanted to go to France?" not realizing she'd already been.
"Its better then letting pandora at you."tom snickered smiling slightly."Annnd if you need something else to do, just think. She's been so recklessly stupid,you can yell at her."He yawned looking tired before smiling.

Hermione smiled slightly."Yes, I would love to go again."She said kissing his cheek. Pandora smiled resting her head on Harry's shoulder looking pleased with herself at the idea of draco listening to her.
Rudoplhus winced. "oh god please! ANYTHING but that!" he pleaded smirking a little. "she'll put me in a dress!" Snape laughed before he could stop himself. "Draco is never going to live that down the poor boy."

Draco smirked a little. "great! we'll leave tomorrow and come back in about nine or ten months." he decided beaming at Hermione Harry laughing at Draco's idea. "Hermione would never let you do that." Harry teased. "besides you'd have a panic attack before three days where up. 'do you think she's alright? are harry and Tom taking proper care of her? you don't think she NEEDS me at all do you!?'" Harry teased mimicking Draco's voice, the blond now glaring at Harry. "shut up potter..."
"Of course he isn't.He made the mistake of complaining to me of all people."Tom snickered before getting up."But I'll let you finish eating and tell Pandora that she's allowed visiting.and be sure to scold her. I've already told lucius he gets 10 minutes to yell since he's family.So I'll give you the same,unless she truly becomes upset because of it."He said laughing, giving them their usual lecture of 'pandora being reckless' scolding session.

PAndora laughed softly resting her hand on draco's arm."I DO need you love. And I'm fine."She teased.Hermione snickered a little looking at her boyfriend."Ahhh draco,you know its true."She said getting up."come on,lets let them get some rest."
Rudolphus chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i'll be sure to chew her out as gently as possible." he teased chuckling a little as Snape rolled his eyes, smiling at Rudolphus. "i'm glad to see you feeling better." he admitted sighing softly. "i'm sorry it took me so many years to notice." Rudolphus smiled a little. "my own brother didn't even notice Sev, it was a gradual change, no one noticed."

Draco sighed a little and shook his head a little. "just no damn dresses." he complained sulking a little as he shook his head a little as he pouted at Hermione, Harry snickering a little. "you have no right to talk Herm, when he'll do the exact same thing for you! if you looked at him with those pretty eyes of yours and begged enough i bet you could get him into a dress."
Rabastan winced at that, sighing softly as tom left.It was...a very odd thing to see the dark lord his excited about something, "We know now, thats all that matters."He said looking over at snape before getting up laying down in teh bed, looking ready to go to sleep.

"We're putting drao in a dress?"Tom asked as he walked in, smiling at hermione and draco before crawling in bed,cuddling against harry, looking tired.Still not recovered being sick himself. Having pushed himself to hard and fast to be taking care of pandora. Pandora scowled a little twisting to look at her older lover."You need to sleep."She demanded
Rudolphus smiled a little as he stroked his brothers hair, as if offering silent comfort to the most important person in his life. "i'll go now." Snape decided getting to his feet and looking over at the two. "rest well." "we will." Rudolphus promised. "for the first time... i honestly will." he smiled at Snape and curled up next to his brother, sighing softly. "thank you Rabby." he murmured softly. "all those years, you must have found me disgusting...simpering after a madwoman... stayed with me anyway... i doubt, i would still be here, if not for you."

Harry chuckled and pulled Tom into a tight hug, nuzzling him. "you know, you yell at Pan for not taking care of herself...who yells at you when you do the same thing?" he scowling scowling at Tom. "Pan's right you need sleep, and i still have sleeping potion left over if you even think about claiming that your not tired." Draco shook his head. "that damn dress.. i was EIGHT! EIGHT ok!? i was little and she was BIGGER than me!" "excuses excuses." Harry taunted with a disbelieving sniff.
Rabastan smiled a little, shifting resting his head on rudolphus's chest,"Oh well.I couldn't leave you to her. I knew something was wrong...I just didnt knwo what."He said feeling guilty for it before laughing softly."Of course, letting pandora have a 'talk' to her on a regular basis made it easier to withstand Bellatrix's insanity."He said snickering having truly taken delight in the rage that bella had gone into when confronted with the fact that tom preferred pandora to her.

Tom smiled slightly,"Not that much bigger."He sai sleepily, settling in. For once not even bothering to protest that he wasn't even tired. Pandora laughed softly, gently kissing tom's head."Oh sweetie, go to sleep."she said stroking his hair as he drifted to sleep, looking worried.
Rudolphus chuckled a little. "brother, how could you have known?" he asked his head tilted. "the change was so gradual, that even i didn't notice. it wasn't as if i was just one day spouting my love to the crazy bitch." he smiled at his brother again. "really, your too guilty about this." he admitted nuzzling the other. "come on, smile for me!" he ordered with a grin. "i'm better now, that's all that matters." he promised grabbing his Brother into a headlock and giving him a noogie. "smile for your 'baby brother'! come on just one smile!"

Draco glared at Tom. "are you kidding me!? she was three feet taller than i was!" he complained sulking at everyone as he crossed his arms and pouted, Harry snorting as he gently wrapped Tom up into a hug. "you know, it looks like you ans i aren't the only ones that need babysitters." harry teased Pan, smiling a little. "Tom needs one too."
Rabastan yelping,squirming to get away as he laughed, grinning."Rudy!Leggo!"He whined tickling the other man, trying to get away. "That tickles!"He whined louder.

Padora snickered nodding a little."We'll make Lucius do it, since Draco's babysitting me and you and the baby, and snape's watching everyone. And Hermione's going to be busy with her own wedding." "I'm what?"Hermione yelped startled. "Oh yes, you're going to be busy planning your own wedding, while Draco's busy having OCD moments over weather or not I'm eating enough."Pandora said wisely.
Rudolphus laughed as he released his brother to squirm against the tickling, smiling at his brother. "see?" he asked smiling. "if i'm not upset, you can't be either." he ordered yawning softly as he settled onto the bed. "mm i'm tired." he murmured. "will you sleep with me?...i don't want to be alone right now."

Harry smirked a little. "there's only one problem with that." he teased smirking a little. "i don't see Tom ever listening to any orders Lucius where to give." he pointed out snickering as Draco went bright red and coughed, embarrassed. "you guys..." he complained staring at his hands, looking breifly upset and annoyed, as if he wasn't sure about something. he wasn't entirely sure how Hermione would react to the proposal he was planning, he had to admit he was worried Hermione would say no.
Rabastan grinned nodding, shifting to cuddle against his twin, "Of course I'll stay."He said with a ywn, cuddling him as he started to go to sleep.

Pandora nearly cringed when she felt his emotions, as always, more exposed to raco when her shields were up then anyone else.Sighing softly she poked him."Stop.Just stop.You're going to have OCD moments."He said trying to not let him think to hard on it. Hermione frowned slightly studying him shifting to wrap her arms around him."I told you she'd be horrible when she was hormonale."she pointed out.
Draco grimaced a little before smiling at Pan. "sorry, it's in my nature to worry." he teased smiling at her. "i think we all need some sleep." he admitted feeling very tired himself as he rested his head on Hermione's shoulder, sighing softly as Harry chuckled and nodded, yawning a little. "i agree." he muttered softly. "i'm tired too." he admitted smiling at Pan. "shall we scoot over so Hermione and Draco can join us?" "...Harry, your jokes suck." Draco teased Harry snickering as he laid down and sighed, relaxing into the bed as he pulled Pan down into a snuggle.
Pandora laughed softly, blushing as she snuggled down into Harry."Sleep is nice.'She yawned settling down as hermione and draco left the room. Hermione smiled as she helpd draco into their room,tucking him in bed before crawling in with him,"Love sleep now."She ordered resting her head on his chest,starting to fall asleep
Harry smiled as he slipped off to sleep, draco following suit in the other room.

in the morning, harry was, as always, the first one up, and he, as was usual, gathered breakfast for all three of them bouncing back into the bed with a grin. as he snuggled Pan and Tom awake as gently as possible.

Draco was out of bed when Hermione woke, gathering the mail for the house and smirking as he got the package that he had so eagerly been awaiting. but he was so nervous, he doubted he was going to be able to face Hermione, he was already jumpy! Rudolphus hadn't even been trying to scare him and Draco had nearly jumped out of his skin.
Pandora whined t being woken up, laughing sleepily as tom just rolled away and kept sleeping."What are you doing?"she whied sleepily"It's to early to be up and about."She growled softly.

Rabastan snickered as he watched his nephew jump when he got near, "Whats got you so jumpy kid?"He teased reaching for the box the other was holding,after making sure hermione wasnt around, having a feeling he knew wht this was
Harry chuckled a little. "so you don't want breakfast then?" he asked smiling. "well that's alright i'll eat it all myself." he chirped munching on his fruit salad. "besides, Snape gave the ok to visit Rudolphus today, so long as we're gentle with him and don't mess with his emotions."

"NO!" Draco squealed yanking the box away from Rabastan before blushing furiously. "i mean.. uh.. it's... just..." he shook his head. "sorry i'm a little freaked out right now." he admitted flushing brightly as he looked around and opened the box, showing the ring with the emerald and the ruby set in silver and gold, making Draco smile. "i thought it was symbolic you know?" he asked swallowing hard. "but..i'm scared she'll say no... i mean, we only just started Dating but i..i love her so much i... oh god." Draco groaned shaking his head. "i can't do this!"
pandora lughed sitting up and stealing a watermelon piece from his salad before gently shaking tom awake."I wouldn't do that!" "Uh huh..."Tom said sleepily laughing as he sat up to start eating."Youd do it and you know it." "I would not!I promised to stop doing so much."She said pouting a little.

Rabastan swallowed his laughter, amused at his nephew's distress, before leading him back to rudolphus's room, making him sit down."Yes you can.And she loves you to.You only have to be in the room with her for a few minutes to know that."he said sighing softly."She wont say no draco."
Harry chuckled a little and kissed Pan's forehead. "you still might do it if he gets too upset." he pointed out., "it's habit by now, you do it without even thinking about it. sometimes it's not that bad of a thing, but your tired now and you might hurt yourself, and him. so be careful ok?" he asked smiling at her.

he whined a little and shook his head. "no, she's going to say no because i'm not a good person for her! i'm a terrible person! i'm selfish and needy and greedy and...and... and she's just so PERFECT." he complained Rudolphus blinking. "what's he going on about?" he demanded looking almost amused before he noticed the ring box. "oooh..." he muttered looking astonished.
Pandora pouted as she ate before nodding."Fine. I wont do it.I promise."She said eating. Tom laughe softly looking at the two of them, eating slowly."Rudy will be fine, with time. There's no reason for you to stress yourself and make it happen sooner."He said studying the girl, before nodding."you'll be fine."He said kissing her.

Rabastan smiled a little,"Aww our little drakey is all grown up."He teased laughing a little."Draco, come on. She's not saying no. she's stayed her, with tom, with pandora, because of you."
Harry chuckled a little and nodded, munching on a few carrots humming softly. "Tom is right, and for that matter Mister Dark Lord!" Harry scolded glaring at his older lover. "you need to take better care of yourself too! you where completely exhausted last night! when was the last time you had a proper nights sleep when we didn't tell you to!?"

Rudolphus snickered a little as Draco shook his head. "she stayed because of Harry." Draco grumbled sulking a little, jumping when Rudolphus clapped his hands together. "now you listen to me." Rudy ordered leveling Draco with a small Glare. "you love her, a lot, and there's nothing more you want to do than spend the rest of your life with her right!?" "y..yes..." "well then you HAVE to ask her, or you will wonder for the rest of your life what she would say. the worst that will happen is she'll say she's not ready yet, if that happens you save the ring, and wait a year and try again."
Tom glared back giving him a look.Not about to admit it'd been a few months actually."I'm fine."He said getting up to get dressed. Pandora pouted giving him a look, "You'd never let me get away with answering a question like that."she glared harder when he didn't turn round to answer the question.

Rbastan laughed softly, "Now. Listen to your uncle,and do the romantic thing, then ask her!She wont say no."he said patting his nephew on the arm, leaning back in his chair with a grin.
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