Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry smirked a little and bounced off, pleased that his orders where being enforced as he came back with Severus his smugness was gone, having gotten bitched at about not knocking again. "bruises of course." Snape stated handing Pandora a pain and healing potion. "drink that and then tell me what else is wrong."
Pandora sighed softly sipping her potions, wincing a little as she squirmed,getting pinned in place by tom's hand."I'm pregnant."She whispered softly ignoring the soft cursing as tom got out of the bed, needing motion,needing to pace. tom frowned looking at harry."We'll be outside"He said pulling the brunette out so snape and pandora could talk.
Harry blinked looking startled, his head tilted a little at Pandora's admission as his mouth dropped open. "huh? what? wait! Tom WAIT!!!" Harry demanded as he was dragged out of the room Snape snorting a little. "now Harry's going to completely HOVER around you." he teased smiling a little. "please lift your shirt, i need to get to your belly." he admitted pulling his wand out. "when did you know you where pregnant? and for that matter how? muggle pregnancy test?"
Pandora laughed softly, pained."If there's anything to hover about."She said, truly afraid she had damaged herself enough to miscarry. Lifting her shirt she sighed softly before nodding."I thought it'd be useful to have since we were trying."'She said blushing a little.
he smiled a little and nodded. "i'm sure the baby is fine." he murmured softly running his wand over her belly and then reading the results that only he could see before nodding. "you are indeed pregnant, and the baby seams to be fine." he promised smiling a little as he patted her belly. "mental strain won't effect the fetus too much. but i want you to avoid too much." he ordered in his best fatherly voice. "try to avoid using your powers too much. and try not to get too physical. oh and before you get all worried about it sex is actually good for the baby. feel free to have as much of it as you want." he teased chuckling a little.
Pandora blushed ducking her head."Oh.Oh okay."she stuttered a little, blushing more before nodding."I'll try. Harry's already scolded me for not taking care of myself, and I'll be lucky tom doesnt tie me to the bed for the next 9 months."She said pouting a little as she heard the guys on the other side of the door. Knowing they were anxious to come back in.
Snape chuckled a little and nodded, folding her shirt back down over her belly, gently patting her hand. "if he tries just tell him it's bad for the baby." he teased smiling at her. "i want you to drink at LEAST two glasses of milk a day, as many vegetables as you can handle and if you crave something eat it, your craving it for a reason." he stated calmly. "don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, avoid Caffeine and heavy exorcise and you'll be fine." he promised smiling a little as he patted her head. "shall i let your boys back in now?"
Pandora laughed softly before nodding."IF you must."She tease smiling as s he settled into the bed, grinning at tom as he bounded into the room,crawling into bed with her. Cuddling the small woman."You okay?" "Of course I'm fine."She muttered stroking his hair.
Sev chuckled as he opened the door and imposed strong orders on the men to get her anything she asked for, save alcohol and cigarettes and left, Harry smiling as he crawled into bed, snugging her belly. "i'm gonna be a daddy Pan! i'm gonna be a daddy!" Harry chirped, cooing at her belly with a small happy loving grin. "i'm going to sing to it every night, and read it stories, and ...and..." he paused then grinned sheepishly. "sorry..." he was only a LITTLE excited.
Pandora blushed a little cuddling against him, yawning slightly. Yelping a little when Tom curled up against her back,holding her in place."And bed rest.Rest will be good for you."He said wisely kissing herhead amused at her sputtering.

hermione sighed softly as she looked at draco,helping him sit up,"Feeling up to getting out of bed?Your father came by to say Pandora's awake."She smiled knowing he loved her, but pandora was the one he needed.Maybe because of who and what she is, he had a OCD moments of wanting to wrap her up in bubblewrap.
Harry giggled a little as he wiggled his eyebrows at Tom. "you know, i heard Sev say sex was good for the baby, we could always wear her out till she CAN'T get out of bed." he teased laughing a little as he nuzzled Pan's belly and then gave her a happy kiss.

Draco smiled and nodded. "i think i can get up." he admitted softly rubbing his eyes. "i was always the faster recovery." he admitted smiling. "on average i usually wake up a day or two faster than pan does." he admitted stretching. "i think i might put her in a bubble...bubbles are fun right? at least she can't complain that i never let her do anything fun." the truth was, Draco needed Pan because when he was a child, she had always been the one to comfort him when he had a nightmare, hold him when he cried, and patch him up when he got hurt. she was his mother, and his sister, and his best friend. he was more emotionally dependent on her than he was his own parents.
Pandora laughed softly kissing him back before pulling away, leaning back against tom's chest as he laughed."Yes, I think we could handle making her tired."He snickered.

Hermione laughed as they headed for the other's bedroom.She didnt feel jealous, she understood him, maybe better then anyone else did. "Yes, when she whines, I suggest telling her bubbles are fun."she snickered at the idea.
Harry laughed a little as he nuzzled her again, gently nibbling at her neck, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at her, turning when there came a knock at the door, the sound of Draco laughing a little making Harry grin. "it's now official Pan." Draco decided. "since you won't let me wrap you up in bubble wrap, we're going to put you in a bubble instead." he decided sitting down, gently touching her hand. "how are you feeling?"
"I'm fine!No. No bubble. Its bad enough I'm going to be on enforced bed rest."She whined looking at all three of her men. Hermione snickered a little."If you stopped doing things that were harmful, they wouldn't be locked in a bubble."She said wisely, amused at the thoughtful look on the dark lord's face. "I like the idea of a bubble. At least she wouldn't harm herself or the baby."Tom said thoughtfully dipping his head, pressing a kiss to the girl's stomach.
Draco snickered a little. "but bubbles are FUN Pan!" "i like bubbles." Harry agreed nodding a little as he nuzzled her again smirking a little. "but then we wouldn't get to hug her, or hold her, or screw her, or feed her or..." "baby?" Draco demanded looking stunned. "ba...BABY!?" he demanded Harry blinking at Draco before smirking. "that's right Dray. your gonna be an uncle." "!?"
Hermione smirked poking her boyfriend."Do I need to explain where babies come from draco?"She teased. Pandora blushed nodding looking at her cousin nodding a little."Yes. Baby."She said running her hand through her hair, for the moment ignoring the thought of the bubble.
Draco shook his head. "no.. i just...the thought of Pan pregnant is a little disturbing that's all..." he finally managed. "she's going to crave the nastiest things, and she's going to be even grumpier than she already is!" he whined pouting at hermione,the knock on the door preventing anyone else from saying anything as Snape stepped in. "My Lord? you asked me to inform you when Rudolphus woke...well he's awake." Snape informed them all. "he's confused but he's eating and talking to his brother."
"Damn it all."Tom sighed rubbing a hand over his face,giving pan a look."you'll stay bed."He ordered before following snape out of the room. Worried about his death eater and friend."How bad is it?REally?"

Pandora looked concerned biting her lip.Fretting over her uncle."I should go see how he is...""No!I will tie you to the bed if you try pandora ann malfoy."Hermione scolded shoving the girl back into harry's arms when she tried to get up
Snape hesitated then. "he's like a teenager again." he stated calmly. "he's not sure how to behave. he's very frustrated." he admitted softly. "over thirty years of his life was taken from him, and he isn't sure how to behave without the potion. he's also going through withdrawals, which isn't helping his temper." Snape admitted shaking his head a little. "he will be fine once he figures out how to act and react without the potion, but it's going to be a rough haul for him."

Harry smirked as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "Rudolphus probably won't want anyone around him right now, specially not someone who can manipulate his feelings...he's only just gotten them back and you won't be able to help yourself. if you go see him now, you might upset him, even without meaning to." harry stated calmly. "Tom will let us know how he's feeling. okay?"
Tom nodded slightly tilting his head.wondering how he was going to keep pandora from visiting him."CAn you tell pandora she's not allowed in here?"smrking a littleIf it came frmo him,she'd ignore it jsut because it was a order.From snape...she'd see it as doctors orders.Smiling slightly as he stepped into the door."Rudy."he smiled at the man, tilting his head.Rabastan smiled a little."Hey tom."

Pandora sulked a little before nodding."You are right...I wont be able to help it..."She sighed kissing him gently,giving in faster then she normally would.because she really was tired of helping everyone, and not herself.for once,being selfish.
Snape nodded a little as he examined the eating Rudolphus, who was munching ont he most unhealthy thing the house elves could have gotten for him. a greasy hamburger with three slices of cheese, two patties and bacon on it, like some american concoction. it was something Rudolphus hadn't touched since he'd met Bellatrix, the woman 'convincing' him it was bad for him. "can't hungry." Rudolphus stated slurping down a milk shake, it was something he'd used to say all the time. back when he was a kid, food had been the most important thing, to both brothers, because they had to fight for their food during the summers. being the smallest boys in an orphanage, they often didn't get to eat, so they stuffed themselves while at school. Rudolphus was acting like he was back in school.

Harry smiled a little as he nuzzled her, kissing her neck and smiling. "it's only because you love us." he teased grinning. "but you deserve to be selfish once and a while too." harry stated calmly. "especially when, your so unhappy." he muttered blowing playfully in her ear. "you deserve to have some fun now and again too, instead of worrying all the time." Draco agreed smiling at her. "specially when i'm going to be an uncle." he grinned at Hermione. "you know...i've always wanted a lot of children. growing up an only child is so lonely." he grinned impishly. "we should have one too, so Harry's and Pan's baby doesn't grow up all alone!" teasing his girlfriend, making harry laugh.
Tom laughed softly, in relief that the man he knew was still there. that he hadn't broken under the strain."Well then,you can eat while I talk.It seems to be a good day for things.I'm going to be a father."He sai purposefully waiting till rudolphus had food in his mouth to make the announcement, smirkng as rabastan choked on his own drink.

Pandora laughed softly snuzzling her boyfriend,smiling shyly."ohhh are you saying a childhood with me was quiet?"she teased her ocusin looking over at him."Your father would kill us if we had kids before a wedding."Hermione pointed out laughing softly.
Rudolphus nodded as he stuffed himself with greasy food that was bad for him and then choked on it at the announcement, smacking himself in the chest to dislodge the lump of food before staring at Tom. "your a dad!?" he demanded wheezing lightly as he swallowed down a large gulp of milkshake to clear his throat. "that's great! Harry got you pregnant!?" his smirk showed that he was joking, but it head a more tone to it that it hadn't had before, he sounded more himself, more sincere and less like he was pining after Bellatrix every time he lost sight of her for two seconds.

Draco laughed a little and nodded. "that's exactly my point! i had so much fun with a cousin to play with and boss me around! your baby needs a cousin to get beat up by too!" he paused then sighed as he nodded. "yes, you have a point." he admitted smiling a little. "i'll have to think of a proper time to propose then won't i?" he asked smiling a little as he winked at Harry, well aware he was going to make Hermione Jumpy for days after that announcement, making her wonder if he'd meant it or had been teasing. he had meant it of course, but he had to wait for the ring to come.
Tom laughed softly as Rabastan choked on his drink before he got it down to. Smirlking as he looked at Rudolphus."Oh yes, we took the hard way of having a baby instead of having the woman of our relationship carry the baby."He laughed rolling his eyes."Nope.Pandora's pregnant. Which is beyond wanting to check on you, why I'm here. I wanted to warn you she's going to be worse then normal.Your her uncle, she can't stand knowing you've been hurt."He paused thinking about it."For now, we've convinced her not to try and help,but she hasn't seen you either.I dont know how long it'll last."
Rudolphus chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'm fine...really." he admitted softly. "i'm...upset that i spent so long under that spell. and i'm angry that i didn't get to kill the bitch myself..and i get confused sometimes truth i'm the best i've been in over thirty years." he admitted smiling at Tom. "just tell her that snape said meddling with my emotions would make my condition worse." he stated with a shrug as he went back to eating. "...i wouldn't mind seeing her though, and Draco for that matter! i think i saw a rumor that he's got it on with a muggle born of all things."
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