Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry smiled eagerly as he rubbed his hands together eagerly. "i'll teach HER to kill my godfather!" he growled licking his lips eagerly before pausing to blink at Pan, his expression softening almost immediately as he gently kissed her neck, then her cheek, then her lips. "i'm not mad love, i promise. i could never be mad at you." he promised smirking playfully. "besides we both know it's toms fault." why? because it was tom, he was there, and harry thought it was funny. "or maybe Draco's fault... mm yeah it's Draco's fault."

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "oh yes... lot's of fun." he grumbled softly, closing his eyes a little before straightening his back and beaming at Bella as he strode in. "Bella! Lovely Aunt how ARE you!?" he demanded wrapping the woman in a tight hug, Rudolphus smiling at his wife when the woman squealed eagerly and grabbed him in a hug. "Love, Rab and i are going to go and find Lucius." he stated kissing the woman's forehead. "you'll entertain yourself with Draco right? if you need anything just call." she beamed at him and nodded, allowing Draco to lead her away, the two chattering eagerly. "she's a dove isn't she?" Rudolphus asked beaming at Rabastan.
Pandora laughed softly sitting up on her elbows."Draco's?Well, I guess everything's draco's fault."She smiled kissing him before squirming away."I better get up and moving." Tom smiled slightly."am I still forbidden from getting up?"He asked raising a eyebrow at his lover.

Rabastan winced a little before nodding."A dove, truly."He said smiling at his brother, long used to having to be nice to his brother's wife. Smiling slightly as he tilted his head at hermione."Hello. Rabastan.And that's rudolphus."He said smiling as they head up the stairs to go find lucius. Knowing exactly where he was this time of day. "Its nice to meet you two. Pandora usually has nice things to say about you two." "Just because I wont let her braid my hair, doesnt mean she cant say nice things!"The younger lestrange pouted as he brushed his shoulder length hair over his shoulder.
Harry smirked a little and nodded. "yup, it's always Draco's fault..." he paused when he heard voices, Draco's... and Bellatrix's. "oh i'm sure they won't mind Draco darling! i just want to give something to Our Lord and then i'll leave right away! i promise." a very strong love potion, banned in every country but two, hidden in a single pretty chocolate. for a late birthday present.. or maybe early? no one really knew when his birthday was come to think of it.

Rudolphus snickered a little and shook his head. "i let her braid MY hair." he stated flipping his just as long hair behind his back. "you must be Hermione, Draco's written to us countless times about you..." he paused. "only they weren't such nice things until recently." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "bout time the little brat stopped picking on you. i always knew he was going to fall in love with you. i'm just glad that your as smart as everyone says, you might be able to beat some common sense into our resident Blondie." "i take offense to that." Lucius complained scowling at his brother in laws Rudolphus beaming. "Lucy! how GREAT to see you! how have you been? where's my kiss!?" "... disgusting as always." Lucius complained rolling his eyes. "Hermione, would you like to stay? i'd rather keep you as far away from Bella as possible." he admitted shaking his head rudolphus sighing a little. "she is a little overprotective of draco." he admitted sheepishly. "but i'm sure Bell would never hurt hermione without orders to..." though he knew that was a lie he had to defend her somehow, he did love her after all.
Pandora sighed sliding out of bed, shaking a finger at tom."Under bed rest mister."She laughed as she bounced out of the room, blond hair tied back out of her face."Aunt bella!"She said sounding way to excited, but she wanted to keep harry and bella apart. At least till tom was up and moving again.

Hermione laughed softly blushing a little at the compliments, sitting down in a chair as she looked at the older men.Snorting a little at that."She'd attack the mudblood for daring setting foot in this house, and you know it." Rabastan snickered. That was so amusing, to see a girl so afraid of them when they first met, responding like a malfoy. Laughing a little, "A its odd seeing lucy protective of her though."He said with a snicker,though he did approve of his nephew's choice of woman. She was firey, and brillant if everyhting draco'd said was true.
Draco grimaced and smiled sheepishly at Pan as harry snarled on the other side of the door, hand on his wand. "aunt Bella you REALLY don't want to go in there...Tom is sick, you know how he gets...." "oh the poor thing! my present will make him ALL be...POTTER!?" she demanded, sounding startled, shocked even to see Harry potter of all people in her lords bed. "what the HELL is going on!?"

Lucius smirked a little as Rudulphus laughed a little sheepishly. "ok...yeah she would." he admitted shaking his head. "but it's really not her fault.. her father was so hard on her..." he muttered softly, fidgeting a little. "anyway it IS a pleasure to meet you miss Granger." he stated simply. "after everything Draco's said about you i feel as if we're already family!" Lucius just rolled his eyes. "why are you here?" he demanded looking at the brothers. "you have information on something?"
Pandora growled softly resting a hand on Harry's arm, leaning against him as she lashed out, using her gift to make sure Bella wouldn't attack, even though the effort was leaving her panting,and weaker with each passing minute."He is here by invitation Bellatrix."She said softly. "Bellatrix, what do you want?"Tom growled grumpily, sounding like the perfect sick person, even if he wasn't all that sick.

abastann smiled a little."Pandora asked us to stop by on our way to france, to say goodbye.For some reason she feels weird not knowing where her family is.Well....those that aren't bellatrix."he snickered, because it was a well known fact the female empath couldn't stand her aunt and would gladly kill her if she was sure she'd survive the encounter. "And Bellatrix wanted to drop off something for Tom's birthday....whenever that is."He said frowning pizzled.
Bella beamed at Tom as Harry growled again, handing him the little wrapped up chocolate. "it's for your birthday! i wasn't sure when it was so i thought i would bring it to you before we left for France! it's our third honey moon!" she gushed happily, pleased with herself for having snared such a rich husband who could easily afford to take her wherever she wanted. Rudolphus and Rabastan where always heavily rewarded by Tom and Lucius for their under cover work. they weren't as rich as Lucius was but they where getting close. "eat it up alright my Lord?" she asked beaming at him. "it will make you feel all better!" she glared at harry and pan and sniffed lightly. "you should be careful what you allow in your bed... you might catch something worse than a cold." Harry snarled and would have lunged at her had Draco not been holding him back.

Lucius sighed a little and nodded. "i was worried for a moment." he admitted softly biting his lip[ a little as Snape walked in, looking at Rudolphus with worried eyes. "good evening gentlemen." he stated calmly. "leaving on the third honeymoon already?" "oh yes! isn't it wonderful!?" Rudolphus asked with a bright happy grin. "we've been married for 25 years now! ever since graduating Hogwarts!" he grinned happily. "i'm just glad i can provide for Bella, she's so picky!" he laughed a little and winked at Hermione. "you should ask Draco to take you to France." he admitted nodding a little. "i bet you two would have a great time."
Tom growled a little, slipping out of the bed and pouncing on her before the rage that hit pandora had even registered. Reacting to Pandora's pain, and harry's rage he growled as he closed a hand around Bella's neck,holding her easily against the wall, lifting her off the floor enough to choke her."If you ever say smething like that again I will see if its true about being able to tell the future in a person's instines."He snarled, gasping softly at the pain that was filling his head.It hurt, oh gods, pandora's pain was elcipsing even Harry's rage. Frowning a little he wondered what had set her off, before realizing she was feeding on harry's rage, and draco's calm, trying to balance herself, but only driving herself worse into a depression."Draco!Get her out of here."He growled tilting his head towards pandora who was helping draco hold harry."And leave him here with me."He said knowing none of them would leave him alone with bella.

Hermine smiled as she thought about it."That would be fun.I'm sure draco knows where all the best places are."She said slowly, wondering what it was about the other man that was bothering him. tilting her head as she looked at snape, raising a eyebrow at his worried look."Something wrong?"She asked softly leaning over enough so only he'd hear. Rabastan nodded a little rubbing his eyes.Sometiems spending time with his brother was one continous headahce.Studying the potions master he raised a eyebrow, wondering what snape was worried about.
Draco nodded and grabbed Pan, murmuring softly as he forced Calm into her, pressing her emotions back and filling her with a calm peacefulness, as much as he could anyway as he dragged her out of the room, Bella choking and gasping in pain as she kicked at the wall, struggling to breath, Harry snarling as he Grabbed Tom's wrist. "no.. she's mine! you said i could kill her!" he complained, madness in those emerald green eyes. "you said i could make her suffer for taking my godfather from me!" "your...godfather....traitor!" she choked out, trying to get free from Tom. "you said!" harry cried out like a child who didn't get the candy that they had been promised.

Snape sighed a little and shook his head. "Rudolphus, when did you develop that odd color to your skin?" Snape finally asked, Rudolphus pausing his head tilting a little as he examined his flesh. he was "did you know, that prolonged exposure to certain kinds of love potions and spells will change your skin color? it takes a great deal of time for such a thing, over twenty years actually, almost thirty." it was true that Rudolphus had fallen in love with Bella during school, no one could be sure when exactly. "love potion? oh don't be silly Severus it's probobly just a sunburn or a rash coming through, don't be so dramatic." he ordered rolling his eyes. "yes, because a sunburn, or a rash would also dye the colors of your eyes?" he asked, looking at the man it was hard to notice, since he had such dark eyes, but there was a strange pinkening to the dark colors, like a gloss under a darker paint. "good lord Severus i knew you where paranoid but this? i've been in love with Bell almost my whole life! that can't be just because of some silly potion." he complained huffing as he stood up, looking rather insulted. "now if you'll excuse me i have to go and get my wife for our third honeymoon!"
Tom growled softly turning his head to look at harry before sighing, opening his hand to let bella drop."Fine.Deal with her yourself. But not in here.I dont want her in my bedroom.And I want to go back to sleep before pandora comes back to harass me."He growled softly still angry.

Pandora yelped as her uncle nearly walked into her, stumbling a little as his emotions hit her. Like always it was like getting smacked, the love potion messed with him so long,and so much that he usually left her with a headache and hurting. But now....stumbling she clung to draco,yelping again when Rabastan caught her arm, keeping her on her feet."You know something's wrong dont you?" Pandora nodded mutely looking up to meet her uncle's eyes. Hermione swallowed hard looking nervous, before looking at rudolphus."You need help mr. lestrange...please, let us help."
Harry grinned viciously and reached out, catching the woman by the hair before she could dart away, Bella shrieking with rage and pain as Harry dragged her out of the room, beaming at Tom. "thank you Tom! i'll make sure to oay you back later!" "LET GO OF ME YOU MUDBLOOD BLOOD TRAITOR SACK OF SHIT!" Bellatrix demanded before she was silenced by harry, who flung her into a spare room so he could torture her in peace.

"for the last time i don't need help! i just need my wife!" Rudolphus complained, glaring violently at them all Draco hesitating a little. "what's going on?" Draco demanded looking baffled, Snape sighing. "Rudolphus is under the effects of a long term love potion...we're going to have to tie him down..." "WHAT!?" Draco demanded Rudolphus mimicking the outrage before the older brother tensed, eyes narrowed as he looked at them all, eyes narrowed as he whipped out his wand. "you've all gone insane! you stay away from me!" he demanded, Draco swallowing hard. "come on Uncle Rudolphus... it can't hurt right? if we administer the antidote and nothing happens then your right, aren't you? and if your wrong then you'll be better right?" Rudolphus paused then. "well... that's true..." he muttered, clearly hesitant about taking an antidote.
Pandora swallowed hard as she trembled a little. HEr head was pounding,it hurt so much to feel the conflicting emotions ocming from her uncle."Please."She begged quietly, and did something she barely ever did. She rested a hand on his arm, shivering a little, as if she'd been touched with a live wire. "That....he's hurting."She muttered gently bullying the larger into a chair."Please uncle rudy, I just wnat you to be well again."She said softly smiling at him softly trying to keep him calm as the other's did what needed to be done.
Rudolphus tried to fight against her, he did but the inner part of him that still struggled against the love potion over ruled the half that was under control and he allowed himself to be poked and prodded and samples to be taken so that Snape could find out what Rudolphus was taking. "i have good news!" Snape admitted. "i already have the antidote, it's a very simple Love potion." he admitted handing Rudolphus a small purple vial, Rudolphus swallowing thickly as he looked up at everyone. "what will happen when i take it?" "well, if your under a love spell, and you are, your blood work proved that... well, you'll fall asleep for a few days and when you wake up..." "everything will be different." Rudolphus muttered. "but... twenty five yers... no... thirty... thirty years i've been in love with her... i won't know how to act... to..." "it's ok uncle rudy... Rabastan will help, and so will Father and snape, and everyone else here..." Rudulphus swallowed hard and nodded, taking the potion and swallowing hard as he drank it down, waiting for a moment before he sighed and closed his eyes, slumping in the chair. "...poor Uncle." Draco muttered softly, patting the man's hand.
Pandora trembled a little, swallowing hard as she rested her forehead against Rudy's knee closing her eyes as she sorte through what the sleeping man was feeling."It...he's calmer. Even now. Already. It's a soothing part o feel the calm.He's calmer.My headache's going away."She smile glad that she coul help him, gently touching draco's arm, smiling as she stole his talent for feeding someone else his emotions,gently smoothing rudy even more. Glancing up at rabastan she smiled."You two will be staying here." Rudy sputtere a little looking at his niece,"Pand-" "No.You will be staying."Tom said from the doorway, looking tired and still a little sick, but having come when he'd felt what the others were feeling."Now.I'm ordering everyone to bed.And since you''re all my underlings, or my lover, you will do as I say."He said seriously though the smirk that tugged at his lips was playful
Rudolphus was relaxed on the chair, breathing softly as Draco smiled, Snape picking the brother up and gently laying him on the bed, motioning for Rabastan to stay with him."oh! Rabastan before i forget, Harry Potter is staying here." "he is? i thought he was dead?" "no, he killed his family and ran away but he's certainly not dead." he promised chuckling a little. "he and tom are a couple so make sure you don't bother Harry at all." he ordered smirking a little. "he's a little Crazy so... yeah try not to antagonize him to much." "at all." draco stated grimacing a little. " i think he might have killed Aunty.." he admitted scratching the back of his head.
Pandora sighed softly running her fingers through her hair."Ah well, its not like any of us will actually mourn her." "Your uncle will."Tom sai gently amused at the warnings about harry, pressing a kiss to pandora's forehead."Come on love, we better go see harry."He paused looking at draco.Biting his lip."You to.Come on."he said knowing pandora wouldn't be able to function beyond calming down harry if he really did kill bellatrix.
Draco grimaced a little but nodded as he gently took Pan's hand, pushing Calm and Happy into her as they went after Harry, who was actually sitting outside of the room, licking blood off his fingers, grimacing at the taste but not sure what else to do, he was wide eyed, and looked confused when the others reached him, a smear of blood across his face, blood splatter across his shirt. "there's a dead person in there." Harry stated blinking slowly. "i think i may have killed her." "... he's in shock." Draco stated bending down and gently gripping Harry's chin so he could push emotions into Harry to help him calm down. "go get Sev." he ordered calmly. "harry needs a calming and a sleeping potion." "there's a dead body in there...did you know?" Harry asked curiously. he'd never killed someone before, the effect of it had sent him right back into the madness, he would be alright once he calmed down, but for now, he was like a lost little child.
"Bring two_OF everything."Pandora ordered making draco go get sev before looking at tom."No freaking out."She ordered glaring at the dark lord before she sank their minds together sighing softly as she sorted through harry's shock, leaving some to insulate him from what he'd done, before pulling it into her,going even as far as to pull the actual memory starting to tremble as she slid down to sit next to him, the shock and horror of actually harming someone else, sending her into a almost catatonic state. "Draco!Hurry up!"Tom's angry shout sounded through the house as he hustled the two down the hall and into bed, tucking the sheets around pandora and harry, not liking how burning up pandora had gotten, like she was running a fever, or how cool harry felt.
Harry whimpered when he felt Pan enter his mind, but slowly began to relax as she pulled out some of the shock. the memory was violent. in Harry's madness he had completely slaughtered Belltrix, he hadn't used spells like Crucio or Avada Keavra, he's used bone crushing curses, sectum Sempra, and severing curses and had made her bleed...had gutted her and torn her face and slaughtered her to the point that you couldn't even tel who it was anymore. Draco came back in, panting hard as Sev trailed after him setting a hand on Harry's icy cool skin. "shock." he stated calmly. "it chills the body. cover him up with as many warm blankets as you can to get him warm." he ordered Draco who nodded as he carefully fed Harry and Pan calming droughts, shock reducers, and sleeping potions. Sev set a cool rag on Pan's forehead to bring her temp down and sighed a little. "oh Pan, why do you do so much?"
Tom snorted laughing a little,"You must ask?"He teased the potions master as he stroked both thier hair, looking concerned as he watched them rest after getting the blankets for harry."She cares to much.And she knew what the memory of the slaughter would do to a empath of his powers..he's already inclined towards madness,she wouldn't let him have that."He said not saying what else it would to because that would be a personal nightmare when pandora woke screaming in pain because she lived through the memory, not as harry, but as his victim.Knowing she'd feel so much for bellatrix her powers would trick her into thinking she was bell.Swallowing hard he sighed softly."She cares, so she does what she thinks she must."he sai smiling a little as the girl cooled off.
Harry whimpered, his teeth chattering as Snape shook his head and looked at Tom. "strip." he ordered pulling the blankets off harry and pulling the boy's clothes off. "get as much of your body to his as possible." he ordered, bullying Tom into doing as ordered before covering Harry and Tom with the blankets, Harry's skin as cold as ice, but warming up now that Tom was in contact with him, Draco swapping the cool rag for a cooler one. "Fy is going to be in a lot of pain when she wakes up." Draco admitted biting his lip, Sev hesitating. "if you think it will help Dray...i won't stop you." Snape promised, Draco nodding as he carefully tied his mind to Pan's, sharing the pain she was going to feel. splitting the pain in half so she wouldn't suffer as much as she would have.
Tom smiled a little as he tucked his face against harry's shoulder looking at the younger blond."You better go find hermione before that pain knocks your feet out from under you.AND dont come back till the headache goes away.You know pandora'll fihgt you if she realizes what you've done."He sighed closing his eyes sighing as he drifted to sleep next to the two lovers who were so worrisome and sleeping themselves.Worried and concerned for them.But letting it go for the moment
Draco nodded and went to go get Hermione, explaining to her what he'd done and what had happened before he laid down and got ready to face the pain. Harry had warmed up considerably and his eyes fluttered open after a long night, sighing softly. "Tom?" he asked softly looking up at the other. "what happened?" he asked looking confused. "i..." he paused his face darkening. "i killed someone didn't i?" he asked softly swallowing hard. "i killed Bellatrix..." like he'd killed his family, like he'd killed wormtail...only, like Bella, he didn't really remember doing it all that well.
"Ah well,its only bellatrix.And she deserved it."Tom saidgently stroking his hair softly."She's been using a love potion on rudolphus for thirty years...not to mention her other crimes."He said studying her, glad he'd moved pandora out of the room and into lucius's. Knowing the blond was worried about his niece, and not only that the dark lord knew she'd need snape's medical attention.Better to have him right there.

Hermione winced a little as she stroked draco's hair, whimperng softly as she stroked down his body,feeling taunt muslces, he was so going to be sore later."Shhh sweetheart,you're okay."she said softly stroking his hair, trying to distract him from the memory.
Harry scowled a little bit then. "yeah well... i still killed her... i can't even remember how." he admitted. "sure she might have deserved uncle deserved it... the muggles in the alley who tried to rape me deserved it.... the Auror's who tried to tell me i was worthless and deserved to rot in Azakaban deserved it... but, now that i try to remember how i killed them i...can't..." he admitted swallowing hard as he looked up at Tom. "do you think there's something wrong with my brain?"

he let out a long, low keening cry of pain, jerking on the bed as he felt his fingers being sliced off by a well placed, carefully controlled sectumsempra, harry laughing as he taunted him about loving someone who would never love him back! but that was LIES! Tom would always love him! Always the man just didn't know it yet! "HE LOVES ME! HE DOES!" Draco roared, arching violently against the bed, choking on his breath as he faced half the pain that Harry had bestowed upon Bella.
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