Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

he chuckled a little and nodded. "and i'll be yours." he whispered eagerly, sucking lightly on her neck, leaving a dark hickey there for all the world to see. then his head lowered, and he was licking her most private of places, his tongue plunging into her, and then drawing out, fluttering against her clit before plunging deep into her again, wanting her to cum. it would hurt less if she came first.

Harry nodded, smiling a little as he snuggled into Pandora. "yeah, we don't want poor Tom to go senile before his time." he teased, flashing Tom a small smirk. "too sad that he's already pretty crazy." teasing his lover, hoping for another round as he gently licked along Pan's nipple, wiggling his eyebrows at Tom. "i think you should have to Carry Pans baby."
Hermione moaned, fingers tangling in his hair as she squirmed, panting as she lost herself in the feeling."D-dray!"She whimpered as she came, her body taunt against him, before laying back, basking in the feel of her afterglow.

Tom raised a eyebrow snickering a little as pandora responded to the touch, squirming a little."Oh no. Thats not how it works."He said smirking a little as he looked down at the almost sleeping woman, watching her respond to harry's touch."If you keep it up,you're going to wear her out."He pointed out.
he moaned happily as he teased her a little more before gently slipping free, tugging his pants firmly out of the way as he grabbed a small Jar of pain relieving lube, glancing at her hesitantly. "we can stop...if you need to." because he had tainted her enough for one day to feel satisfied with himself, and he didn't want to take her if she wasn't ready. evil git that he was, he was not a rapist.

Harry smirked a little. "i think it is. and i'm ALWAYS right." he pointed out, kissing back up to Pandora's neck, looking fairly pleased with himself. "besides, isn't the whole point of this to wear Pan out?" he teased smirking as he looked Tom over. "or am i supposed to be wearing YOU out?" one thing, everyone had noticed. Pan, Draco, Tom, and various death eaters, was that when harry was not sick and uninjured, rare as that might be, he had an almost insatiable sexual appetite.
Hermione smiled at his hesitant words, smirking a little as she sat up pulling him down for a kiss before taking the potion from him and downing it."Hmmm now that just wouldnt be fair."she smirked kissing him again.

Pandora wimpepred a little as he teased her, squirming a little."Hmmmm you're not always right."She protested as tom laughed."Oh no you wear her out first.After all she's the one who's been sick.After that...I'll deal with you."he said, and death eaters around the world would have been scared of that smile, but he knew harrry would feel the need to be punished more for hurting pandora, he planned on letting pandora passing out so that he wouldnt be awake and aware for it.
he chuckled a little and nuzzled her, nibbling on her neck now as he gripped the bottle of lube, soaked his fingers, and carefully slid them into her, slicking up all of her insides, the 'spiked' lube carefully sinking into her skin, mixed with the pain relieving potion, Draco would be able to take her virginity without pain, that was the plan anyway as he slicked up his own cock, and nudged the head inside of her. "ready?"

Harry shivered eagerly at that smile, his breath hitching as he continued to tease and torment Pandora, whispering naughty things in her ear as he stroked and teased, and made her cum with only his fingers, murmuring that he loved her, and about all the naughty things that he would like to do to her as he gently tipped her onto her back and slid home once more, screwing her into exhaustion, looking ever so pleased with himself when she was too tired to stay awake, even with Harry touching her.
Hermione nodded wrapping her legs around his waist, kissing him slowly as she tangled her fingers in his hair."Yes love."She muttered hands wandering his body, squirming a little. She wanted him so much it hurt.

Tom snickered a little as pandora cuddled against harry, passed out and smiling."Now,while I would love to take advantage, I'm tired to. That was hard work taking care of you both."He said having joined in a few times and fucked harry while he rode pandora.Intent on tiring them both out so they'd get some real rest.
he nodded and caught her lips with his, kissing her hard as he thrust in, once, sinking, without warning in as deep as he could get. thanks to the potion and the lube the most she might have felt was a brief twinge, but still he held motionless, letting her adjust to the feeling of suddenly being full of a hot hard cock. some women found it an uncomfortable feeling at first, and Draco didn't want her to feel the least bit uncomfortable.

Harry yawned as he nodded and laid down, forgetting all about getting 'punished' again as he snuggled into Pandora, a small contented smile on his face as he too went to sleep murmuring softly in a way that he only did when he was feeling comfortable and safe, mumbling about food and colors as he dreamed good dreams.
Hermione gasped softly, holding him still eyes wide. It was, a odd feeling to be filled like this. After a few minutes she smiled, gently kissing him, running her fingers through his hair,"I'm okay."She muttered meeting his eyes, knowing he was probably fretting about it.Knowing he didnt want to hurt her, and wasnt that sweet? She smiled stealing another kiss.
he smiled and slowly started to move, kissing her neck all over as he thrust and moved gentle as he could be until she got used to it before slowly speeding up, moaning eagerly. "fuck, Hermione you feel so damn good." he moaned, running his tongue along one of her nipples, panting hard with the effort of controlling himself. "nnn god yes your amazing.
She panted softly, holding him, kissing him hard, eyes going wide."You're pretty amazing yourself."She muttered nibbling at his skin, shivering as she held him tightly, whimpering as her body tightened around him, moaning as she came.
he moaned softly, smirking a little as he kissed and nibbled her breasts and shoulders, panting against her neck as he inhaled all the smell that she had to offer, grunting in bliss as he arched against her and spilled himself into the orgasmic bliss. he was glad that he had taken the time to spell himself infertile, he didn't want to accidentally impregnate Hermione...well, not yet anyway. "oh, shit...yess oh GODS Hermione your a goddess." he moaned, bending down and kissing her hard.
Hermione moaned as she kisssed him, shivering as she held him close, nuzzling his neck."I am arent I?Good.Your goddess..."He muttered, yawning a little. Tired now that they were done. cuddling against him she sighed softly, starting to fall asleep in his arms.
he smiled as he snuggled into her. "yes, my goddess." he murmured nibbling on her neck. "Hermione...i love you." he mumbled softly, gently nuzzling her cheek before he too started to drift off to sleep, sighing a little.

in the morning, the whole house was filled with the smells of cooking. intense cooking, Harry was in the kitchen again, the house elves couldn't make food that smelled that good, they just couldn't. Harry had either had another intense nightmare, or he was feeling very good, it was hard to tell with him. Draco groaned lightly as he cracked an eye at the clock, it was only nine, how did Harry get the energy? that damn brat was always up HOURS before anyone else, no matter what time he went to bed, no matter if he had nightmares or not, no matter how he was feeling Harry was always up at six in the morning without fail...insane.
Hermione groaned softly as she snuggled into draco, nuzzling his neck."He's insane....go get me food."She muttered sleepily. Smiling softly.

Pandora frowned a little as she leaned against the doorframe looking at harry as he cooked, staying quiet. Enjoying just watching him. Wondering how long it would take him to notice. He was just so beautiful to watch.And her heart aching to watch him, she couldn't believe he was hers. Sighing softly, not realizing she was broadcasting on what she was feeling.
Draco whined a little and shook his head. "food later, sleep now." he mumbled, snuggling tighter into her and sighing softly, intent on sleeping for just a little while longer.

Harry was in a good mood, anyone could tell, because he was smiling as he worked, his eyes glittering with passion, humming his food song. he'd made it up when he was very young, to make the cooking seam more fun. "bake and sizzle, cream delights." Harry muttered looking amused at his own silliness. "cakes and rhubarb, melon bites..." he hummed snickering, completely unaware of Pandora watching him. "we bake and cook, for pleasure and fun..." he grabbed a knife and started chopping. "and eat the rest when the day is done." he turned to put the knife in the sink and shrieked when he caught sight of Pan. "you scared the light right out of me!"
Hermione laughed, smiling a little as she cuddled against him, yawning."Its morning."She pointed out, smiling softly. She was unfortunately for him, one of those annoying morning people.

Pandora laughed softly when he put the knife in the sink, crossing the room to wrap her arms around his waist, leaning against his back as he cooked."Sorry love.You were just having so much fun I didn't want to interrupt."She smiled nuzzling his hair,pressing a kiss to the back of his neck.
he whined a little. "just two more hours." he whined pathetically, hiding his face in her breasts, trying to block out the light that was making him wake up sooner than he wanted to.

he laughed a little and smiled as he kissed her cheek. "i like to cook." Harry admitted. "i know i usually only do it when i'm upset but that's because it calms me, i was too hyper to stay in bed this morning though so i came down to cook, can't have the house elves doing everything!" he admitted smiling a little. "did you sleep well?"
Hermione snicker moaned as he nuzzled her breasts, smiling a little."Oh well. If you want to sleep more..."she teased before yawning settling back on the pillows, content to just be with him.

Pandora nodded, resting her head on his shoulder."I did."She muttered feeling lazy and content."And I wanted to make sure everything was okay. With tom passed out still...and thats another thing, I think he's exhausted. We're going to have to gang up on him to make him rest."He said before smiling a little."But I am fine. and well rested."
Harry smiled a little as he nodded. "we're going to keep him in bed all day today." he decided nodding a little. "we'll bring him breakfast in bed." he decided grinning. "and i'll make Lucius do all his paperwork." he decided nodding a little. "and Draco can...go do something, and Snape can give us all foot-rubs!" he snickered a little. he still didn't much like Snape.
Pandora snickered at the mental image before smirking."Oh well, its not so much of what draco will be doing, more like who."She smiled kissing him, cuddling against his chest before turning in his arms, leaning back against his chest as she worked on making some brekfast.She wasn't good, but she was okay at food.
he snickered a little and gently pushed her away from the stove and into a chair, setting a tray of scrambled eggs, sausages, toast, tea, juice, and of course a three pastries, enough for all of them. "come on, lets go surprise Tom in bed!" he chirped beaming at her. "i was going to surprise both of you, but you came down here and surprised me instead!" he teased winking at her.
Pandora laughed, blushing softly as she picked up the chair, heading upstairs with him."Well, you deserve some surprises sometimes."

"You two are being loud..."Tom whined a little as he rubbed his cheek against his pillow, cracking a eye to study the two. Looking amused and sleepy.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded, bouncing up onto the bed and laying the warm try on Tom's lap. "up Tom up! it's time for a special breakfast! your not allowed to get out of bed today unless it's to do something relaxing." he ordered. "i am declaring this to be your day off." he smirked at the other. "because you need, and deserve one that's why." he stated, not even bothering to let tom complain, refuse, or more unlikely accept.
Tom frowned sitting up as he studied the two sitting on the bed, wincing as pandora landed firmly on his legs, letting him know he really wasn't going anywhere."I have thigs to do."He pointed out, more to complain and not let them think they could easily push him around.

Pandora snickered."Then I'll get lucius to do it.He is your second, let him earn his keep."
Harry smirked a little. "or make Snape do it, that would REALLY piss the man off." he admitted laughing a little as he snuggled into Tom's side and plucked up one of the mans favorite fruits and held it to the others lips. "now don't argue with me, just eat." he ordered smirking a little as he watched Tom with strangely mischievous eyes. "or i could always tie you to the bed and have my wicked way with you." he offered shrugging. "whichever works, Pan would even help!"
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