Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Draco huffed a little but nodded. "good point, and it is a step int he right direction., Harry's recovering if he's thinking about babies again." again!? how often did harry think about babies!? "really!?" harry asked hopefully, beaming at Pan. "oh goodie!" harry chirped wiggling around on the bed, kissing her hard. "i wanna try right now!" "NOT NOW!" Draco ordered, scattering the pieces all over again. "...then leave!" Harry ordered scowling at Draco who snorted a little.
Pandora blushed, burying her face against harry's neck before getting up, avoiding looking at the other two. Embarrassed because everone knew what they were leaving to do."Come on. we'll let them have the sitting room."

Hermione raised a eyebrow leaning closer to draco,"How often did he think about babies?"She questioned. Wondering if this was a new thing to pandora or something she'd known about
Harry snickered a little as he stood up as well, wiggling his eyebrows. "alriiight, gettin LUCKY!" Harry purred Draco sputtering with laughter as harry skipped out after Pan smirking a little.

Draco smiled a little. "i'm not really sure, maybe once a week? he really wants to have one." he admitted picking the pieces back up. "i think he's always wanted a nice happy family, and now that he has two loving lovers, he wants to have a baby so that he can raise it, and give it all the love and happiness that he never had growing up." Draco admitted smirking a little. "i think Tom knows, Harry had a bad habit of talking to himself when Pan wasn't around, back when he was still all insane. that's how i know."
Pandora smiled shutting the bedroom door as she leaned up to kiss her lover, sliding her fingers through his hair. Though they'd been sleeping together, they hadnt had sex in weeks. So it was...odd and weird to be with him again. Sighing softly as she leaned into him, "I love you."She said softly, running her fingers through his hair.

Hermione smiled slightly."That's amusing that he never mentioned it to her before."He said biting her lip before leaning over to kiss him, wrapping his arms around him."How about you?Kids?Little brats like you running around?Annoying good hearted gryffindors?"Seh teased
he moaned softly, kissing her back, tangling his fingers in her hair, moaning softly as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. "god i love you too." he whispered softly. "i missed this so much, touching you." he admitted softly kissing down her neck, nibbling on her neck, smiling a little as he picked her up, carrying her into the bedroom, kissing her harder, moaning as he spilled her onto the bed.

Draco flinched at the mention of his own babies, a look of fear on his face. "i would not make a good father." he stated softly, sounding almost...wistful. like he wanted babies, but was somehow concerned that he was going to be an awful parent, or maybe he was convinced that he was a terrible person.
Pandora moaned shivering as she tugged his clothes off, wrapping her legs around him as he spilled her back onto the bed.Eager hands touching him where ever she could reach."I missed you."She moaned softly.

"You think harry thinks he'd be any good?Or pandora worries about it?"Hermione looked startled studying him, tilting her head as she pulled him into a hug."You'd be a good father."She muttered.
harry moaned softly as he stroked her everywhere, in-between yanking off his own clothes and kissing her relentlessly, holding her tightly as he nuzzled her breasts and massaged her cunt, slipping fingers deep inside and rubbing and stroking, teasing her carefully, smirking a little. "gonna make you moan." he whispered softly. "gonna make you BEG." he murmured, licking along her belly.

Draco bit his lip, looking concerned. "Harry doesn't have black magic in him..." Draco whispered softly. "i do..." so that's what it was, Draco was afraid that he was going to corrupt his baby, the way he was corrupt. Draco was a dark wizard, Malfoy's where inclined to it, they couldn't help it, it was like harry trying to be anything but kind and caring. Draco was always going to be a dark wizard, and he was terrified he was going to pass that curse down to his children.
PAndora moaned, squirming a little as she tangled her fingers in his hair. Trying to get him to go lower."Since when do I beg?"She whined a little, shivering a little. Amused, and needing him.

Hermione studied him, shifting her hold, pulling him close. Wondering what to say. Wondering if there was anything to say to it. Biting her lip she didn't point out the obvious. Pandora was his cousin, she'd share that trait with draco. Snorting a little deciding to lighten the mood."We're not even having sex yet, and we're discussing kids. I think we're doing things out of roder."
he smirked a little. "since i told you to." he teased laughing as he stubbornly refused to move any lower, any faster, taking his time, licking every inch of her belly before dropping low and licking along her inner thighs, sighing softly, a smirk on his lips. "so how about it love?"

he paused and then chuckled a little hesitating. "i might be sterile..." he finally whispered. "dark magic sometimes wipes out the Dna structure of the hosts sperm..." so that was what was really bothering him, it wasn't that he was a dark wizard, it was that he might not actually be able to have kids. "i'm too afraid to get tested..." he swallowed hard, "it's why mother and father where only able to have one child."
Pandora whimpered as she squirmed. wanting his mouth elsewhere. Whining softly she growled."please, oh pleaes touch me. Please harry."She whined tugging him up for a kiss.

Hermione looked worried, tilting her head before nodding kissing his cheek."..we could go.If you want. I'd go with you to get tested."She said softly, resting her chin on his shoulder, hugging him tightly.
Harry chuckled as he ran his tongue along her cunt, ignoring her tugging, slipping his tongue deep inside of her as he teased her flesh and suckled on her clit, teasing her yet again as he slowly abandoned her cunt and started trailing upwards, kissing around each breast and nipping each nipple before pressing their lips together, rubbing his hard cock against her nether lips with a small sigh. "ready?"

Draco swallowed hard as he leaned into her. "you won't think any less of me?" he asked softly. "if i'm sterile i won't...think i'm any less of a man? you won't leave me?" he was certain hermione wanted kids, and if he couldn't give her any...what would happen?
"Yes!'Pandora whined lifting her hips to rub against him, whimpering and whining. Desperate for anything after so long. It felt amazing and she wanted him buried in her. Tangling her fingers in his hair she kissed him hard, holding him close.

Hermione shook her head, resting her cheek against his hair."I'm not going anywhere.And I wont think less of you. well, if you use it as a way to dump me, I might. But no, I wont think less of you."She sighed holding him tighter. Knowing if she had to give up the idea of kids, so be it. But there were other ways, adoption, surgercy...they would be okay.
Harry moaned softly as he thrust into the other, moaning softly as he kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as he stroked and felt and moved inside of her, panting softly. "fuck, yes Pan that feels so good." he moaned nuzzling into her, groaning loudly as he held her tight.

Draco shook his head. "i would never break up with you." he admitted, his fingers curling into hers biting his lip hard. "i'll make an appointment." he decided softly, hesitating a little. "Snape could run the test...but he's a terrible blabbermouth." he admitted looking amused. "you might not expect it but he's really a terrible gossip."
Pandora moaned holding him tightly, burying her face against his neck as the world flew apart, coming as her nails bit into his back. Crying softly because it felt so good to be held and cared for in his arms. This healing some of wht had been hurt when ron had taken her away.

Hermione smiled holding his hand tightly, laughing softly."No that's not something I'd expect of him.Who's he gossip with?Tom?Yes, I can see those two being terrible gossips."She said wisely, teasing him. Trying to get him to think of something else
he moaned loudly as he thrust one final time, spilling deep, deep inside of the other, kissing her neck and her cheeks as he pushed into her, spilling inside of her as deeply as he could. "yesss, god how i missed this." harry whispered nuzzling her. "how i missed you."

Draco smirked a little. "he has his freinds in the social circles." he admitted sighing softly. "nothing will happen if i'm Verile but if i'm sterile...he'll tell the whole damn world. at least a doctor can keep their mouths shut" he laid his head on Hermione's shoulder, sighing softly, "the only person worse than Snape at gossiping is Tom, and the only person worse than Tom is my father."
Pandora moaned softly, shivering as he nuzzled her, nuzzling him back as she cuddled him, wrapping her legs around his waist to keep him exactly where he was. Not wanting to let go of that closeness yet.Humming in pleasure she smiled"Love you. Missed you."she said as her shields fell just enough to see how they both were feeling, for the first time in days feeling everyone in the house, and letting everyone know that she was in a good good mood. Though thankfully, not getting the physical part of it.

Hermione stared at the floor,"....that's disturbing."she said after a few long minutes, shifting to kiss him softly."The three of the most powerful men I know...terrible gossips.Disturbing."She restated before snickering."Poor pandora. She has to hear everyone's gossip.She's probably scarred for live by it."She said with a snicker."Proably like you and that damned dress."
Harry sighed, smiling a little as he let his own shields drop as well, letting everyone feel his post orgasmic bliss, enjoying the feeling of her happy mood smiling a little. "mmm, we should go for a run later." he murmured softly. "see who's faster." he smiled a little and kissed her cheek. "i'm sorry i hurt you." he murmured softly. "i didn't mean to." harry had to apologize for trying to kill himself, he felt so damn guilty.

Draco snickered a little and nodded. "she starts most of it!" he pointed out laughing a little. "she aint scarred by nothing, there's nothing she loves more than listening in on the rumor mill. and i REALLY wish you'd stop talking about me in that damn dress." he complained pouting at her, looking amused.
"You think killing yourself wouldn't have hurt me?I would have been devastated."She said raising up on a elbow to look at him, gently stroking his hair out of his face."We'll be fine."She said, needing it to be,cause if they were going to have a baby, she didnt want to do it alone.

Hermione snickered kissing him, shifting to sit in his lap, stroking his hair out of his face."Hmmm I'll forget about the dress.But only because you asked so nicel.y"
he grimaced a little and shook his head. "i don't even remember drinking the potions.." he admitted softly. "everything was just...pointless without you." he admitted softly."i couldn't feel anything... i couldn't think..." he sighed a little, snuggling into her more firmly. "i won't ever do it again, not even if we get separated again."

Draco chuckled as he ducked his head and gently kissed her, sighing softly. "Hermione, i think i might love you." he admitted softly looking almost afraid of confessing that.
"Good."Pandora muttered closing her eyes as she rested her head on his chest, yawning. Tired and worn, the woman hadn't recovered the boundless energy she'd once had. "Sleep."She muttered

Tom snickered as he stepped into the room, rolling his eyes as the sight before stripping down and getting into bed with them, curling up against her back."So what are we celebrating?"he asked smirking a little, the two were feeling to happy and content to not be up to something.

Hermione blushed as she smiled at him, kissing him back."Well thats good, because I think I'm in love wih you to."
Harry smiled as Tom walked in. "Pan is gonna carry my baby." he chirped happily, smiling at Tom. "and i'm gonna carry yours! soon as i find out how to do that." he muttered. "there has to be a spell or something." he yawned and snuggled into Pan. "mm if not, i'm sure Pan will carry yours too." he murmured sleepily, smiling a little. "i love you both so much." he murmured happily as he nuzzled tom, looking rather playful. "don't you still need to punish me love?"

Draco swallowed hard, examining Hermione's face closley, checking for sarcasm or laughter, or if she was screwing with him, but all he saw was perfect hermione. he smiled and he leaned into her, gently kissing her cheek. "i'm glad." he murmured softly biting his lip a little. "i know, that this might be a little early." he admitted softly as he faced her getting to his feet, and helping her to stand as well, before he suddenly dropped to his knee, holding her hands. "Hermione, you, for so long, have been a light in bitter darkness. you have kept me going through so many obstacles, no matter the pain or the trouble, seeing your face helped me remember that life can be good, and can be worth living." he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a black velvet box, offering it to her. "will you marry me?"

he snapped open the box, revealing the silver ring, carved with Hermione's favorite flower, gems in her favorite color dotted the surface in an elegant, beautiful design. the inside was etched with the words 'may the light of out love shine brightest' Draco had clearly thought a great deal about the ring, and it had to have been custom made. his eyes shined with hope and love as he waited for her reaction.
Hermione stared at him, to shocked for words as she looked at the ring before her eyes filled with tears. Sniffling as she nodded, she smiled brightly."Y-yes!"She said, so surprised and touched that she was crying. Sniffling as she rubbed her eyes she pulled him close for a kiss."You've been hanging out with harry to long. That was the most unslytherin thing I've ever heard you say."She said teasing him.

Tom raised his head to look at the other, looking at him like he was insane. Before snorting, closing his eyes."Potter, if you think pandora'd let me punish you right now, you're insane. She'll take a strip out of my hide if I try."
Draco beamed at her when she said yes, pressing their lips eagerly together as he kissed her passionately, snorting a little. "please, us slytherin's have a holding for romance and old fashioned proceedings, like marriage proposals and weddings." he winked at her. "besides i like to think Harry's been good for me."

Harry pouted and flipped over, laying on Tom's chest, nuzzling him. "there's more than one way to punish someone love." he teased smiling a little. "but your old, probably tired." he yawned a little and carefully slid out of bed. "i need a shower. i haven't had one in Merline only knows."
Hermione nodded smiling."He has."She smiled kissing him again.wrapping her arms around him as she shifted to sit in his lap, snuggling close."We need to get married before pandora starts showing. she'll be pissed if we make her walk down the aisle fat and pregnant."She pointed out.

Tom laughed a little,"Old, but not that tired."He said helping the other into the bathrom, kissing him before stripping."Love, there is more then one way to punish someone, and I think Pan's forbidden everything.She's afraid for you."He said softly, glancing towards the bedroom, looking at the dainty woman who was worrying more then she'd let anyone know. Even now, sound asleep she jerked up looking around.Before relaxing realizing harry was in the bathroom and snuggled back into the bed to sleep.
he smiled a little and nodded. "or, if we had to we could wait until after she had the baby." he admitted. "if your not ready to get married so soon." he was always so hesitant, not wanting to push her into something she wasn't ready for. he was not used to relationships, and it showed in how eager he was to please and care for Hermione.

harry chuckled a little and kissing him back, sighing a little. "but i need it." Harry muttered softly, laying his chest on Tom's shoulder. "i don't know how to go without it...i can't have a gentle relationship, i go crazy just thinking about it...i need pain, i need abuse...Pan doesn't understand... i can't even try to explain it..i can't... because i don't deserve it....and as long as i'm getting punished now and again, then i can enjoy what i have, because i know that it isn't perfect, and i don't need perfect...i need Real..." he sighed a little. "i'm sorry, that doesn't make any sense... i'm still mad i guess." he closed his eyes. "please Tom, Pan doesn't have to know... i need it..."
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