Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Hermione nodded."He should have."She smirked a little, tilting her head."What do you think you said?"She said, wondering what he'd say. Knowing he really didn't say anything she hadn't known before. Except for the slytherin house being jealous of him.

Pandora snuggled into him, tired and sore still."You might be."She muttered wincing, as her own need to help him wrapped around him, soothing the touch of madness that touched him. Shivering as she nuzzled his neck."We'll be fine."
Draco sighed a little. "well i remember about telling you about the slytherins, but other than that i can't remember if i said anything." he admitted frowning a little. "sometimes i talk in my sleep." he admitted sighing a little. "i just wanted to make sure i didn't say anything truly embarrassing." he admitted with a small laugh.

Harry winced as she snuggled into him, his lip trembling as he resisted the urge to sob, because it was his fault she was in so much pain, pain that he could feel. "i'm so sorry Pan, so sorry." he whispered, gently nuzzling her, glancing at Tom. "have...have you dealt with the weasley's yet?" he sounded nervous, he didn't want them to get free and take Pan away from them again.
hermione laugehd softly kissing him before shaing her head."No, nothing to serious. Just about me being smarter then you, and how you wished you'd said something back then."

Pandora whined softly, closing her eyes, trying to relax, knowing things would hurt less that way.

Tom smirked a little, "Draco spelled them, but I haven't been out to finish it yet. You two demanded all my attention."He said with a indulgent smile, tilting his head.
he smiled a little. "oh good, no bad admissions about my birthday or about the time Pan made me wear the dress." he paused then. "dammit..." apparently he didn't need to be tired to admit embarrassing things. "i do wish i'd said something all those years ago, instead of trying to convince the rest of the slytherin house that i was a half blood hater like them." he sighed a little. "i never meant, all those things i said to you. and i am sorry for saying them..."
Hermione stared at him, a smile on her lips."And I'm sorry I hit you in third year. We both made mistakes."She laughed softly before smirking, kisisng him again."And what did you do on your birthday?Or why was pan putting you in a dress?"
he smirked a little. "hey, that was a damn good slap." he admitted chuckling a little. "and i deserved it." he admitted smiling at her before scowling. "oh we are so not going there." he ordered shaking his head a little. "and she was putting me in a dress because for some reason she thought i was pretty." he pouted at her. "i'm not pretty am i?"
Hermione snickered looking at him."You are very pretty for a guy. I could see why pandora wanted you to be her little sister."She teased starting to laugh at the idea of how much he probably bitched when she'd done it.
he pouted at her, looking even more feminine when he did that. "just because i take twice as long as you do to get ready for anything." he whined, chuckling as he gently kissed her. "that's ok, we both know i'm the bitch in this relationship." he teased, laughing again and shaking his head a little. "i remember my mother washing my mouth out with soap right after too 'you little potty mouth' she said." he laughed again. "Pan sat there and laughed as she watched me get my mouth washed out still wearing that damn dress." he admitted laughing a little. "so how about you? any embarrassing stories?"
Hermione laughed."A few. Though I didn't have any cousins to make me wear boy clothes."She laughed shaking her head."When I was little I thought my mom was so beautiful, and wore makeup so well. So when my cousins came to visit me I thought I'd look beautiful to and put on makeup."She shuddered."I ended up with makeup everywhere, eyeshadow up to my forehead, lipstick everywhere, and blush all over my face. It was horrible."
Draco looked greatly amused. "that's so cute!" he teased grinning from ear yo ear. "i bet you where an adorable child." he admitted smiling a little. "you don't need to wear makeup to look beautiful though, your always so stunning." he admitted, kissing her cheek and grinning a little. "i'm not even going to tell you about the time i thought my mothers makeup was for boys, again, all Pan's fault." he smirked. "i have to say though, i looked damn good."
Hermione smirked at him."Well of course you did. You were such a pretty pretty princess."She laughed kissing him,"Poor pandora. Getting blamed for all your gay habits."She teased."Dressing up in dresses, makeup....are you sure you like girls?"
Draco blushed hard and he suddenly looked ashamed as he looked away from her. "honestly?...your the only girl i've ever actually loved." he admitted fidgeting a little. "i... i used to think i was gay, that you where just an infatuation but, when all my other crushes faded away....most of them guys.... you where the only one that never left." he admitted swallowing thickly. "so i think, maybe if you hadn't been around i probably would have been gay." he licked his lips and glanced at her. "but i won't ever leave you for a guy...i promise." he paused and then. "that didn't come out right..."
Hermione snickered kissing him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug."I was only teasing. And I know you wouldnt/...even if that sounded wrong."she ran her fingers through his hair."I think pandora might have messed you up. Poor draco and the pretty pink dress."
he chuckled a little and gently kissed her cheek, sighing a little. "it was a blue dress." he corrected smirking a little. "and honestly, it was Pansy who messed me up." he admitted simply. "she, is sick, that's all i have to say." he admitted shrugging a little. "anyway, your always going to be my first and only love." he promised smiling a little, "and Pan doesn't count cus she's a freak and related to me."
Hermione snickered sitting up,"I wouldn't let her call her a freak. you wouldn't be in a good mood for weeks if she heard it."She laughed kissing him before growing serious, shifting around and cuddling him.Getting comfortable."Do you think they'll be okay?"
he chuckled a little and shrugged a little. "i'm rarely in a good mood." he admitted snickering a little. "she's a freak and even she knows it, the only person who's weirder is Harry, and he's half mad so he has an excuse." Draco admitted pausing a little then. "i'm sure they'll be fine, they always are." but honestly, he was worried.
"Good."Hermione said, though doubt was making her worry.

Two days later Pandora laughed softly, pointing her soup at her cousin from where she was uddled up on the couch, using harry as a pillow."I am NOT a freak. I'm special."She said looking at him."It's not nice making fun of me AND beat me at chess."She said frowning at the chessboard in front of her.
Draco smirked a little. "everyone but Hermione is a freak in this house." he stated simply as he moved his Knight, glancing at the sleepy harry who was watching the Game silently. Snape had bee keeping Harry pretty drugged up, keeping him sluggish and sleepy so that he stopped trying to attack anyone who came into the room, far too overprotective of Pan, he had even attacked himself, or rather the reflection of himself. he was much calmer when he was stuffed full of calming droughts, though they had started weening him off of them, hoping that he would stay relaxed, so far it was working. Harry smiled a little and tickled Pandora's neck, feeling playful as Draco chuckled, watching Harry switch a few pieces while Pan wasn't paying attention, screwing with the poor woman. waiting for her to notice, harry had been doing it for a while now and she hadn't caught on yet...or she thought Draco was cheating, not that Draco wasn't willing to cheat of course.
Pandora whined as she squirmed awy from the tickling, shivering a little before settling back against him. Before frowning when she looked at the board again. Frowning softly."Draco!First you call me a freak, and then you cheat!This isn't fair!"She whined, poking harry."Harry smack him. He's being mean to me." She whined ignoring the snickering from hermione as she watched from the other couch, reading as she watched the two men gang up on pandora to keep her from fretting to much.
Draco snorted a little and then yelped as harry obediently smacked Draco, snickering a little as Draco glared violently at Harry. "this is the fourth time you've made him smack me! and it will be the fourth time that i claim that i am not cheating!" hell if anything Pan was cheating, every move harry made was in her advantage dammit! not that Harry realized, lucky goddamn bastard. "Hermione their beating on me! aren't you supposed to protect me? i'm frail!"
hermione snickered looking over the edge of her book at them."I would, but harry's enjoying cheating."She teased kissing his cheek.

Pandora started,looking at the brunette supiciously. "Are you tickling me so you can cheat?"She wrinkled her nose, looking amused and preplexed because she hadn't realized all the moves were to her advntage. She was just confused when the pieces moved without her moving them.
Harry snickered a little and pouted at Hermione's tattling as he smiled at Pan. "yes." he admitted winking at her. "and so you can tell me to smack Draco. i like that part." "bastard." Draco complained moving his piece and motioning for Pan to take her turn. "he makes it almost impossible to carry out my plans of chess board domination." he admitted sighing a little. "annoys the hell out of me."
Pandora laughed moving her piece and cuddling into harry."Well, he always does ruin your plans."She teased, before tilting her head."But be nice anyways, otherwise I might dress you up again."She said teasing him because she'd overheard him and hermione talking about the dresses.
Draco scowled and flushed bright red. "you wouldn't dare." he grumbled, sulking a little as he moved another piece, sighing a little. "shit...i'm losing, thanks a lot Harry!" "your welcome Blondie." Harry chirped as he watched the board, smirking a little as he yawned and nuzzled the back of Pandora's neck. "hey Pan." Harry muttered softly, hesitant. "can we have a baby?" Draco gasped and nearly knocked over half of the chess pieces. "Harry! your not supposed to ask things like that when there are other people in the room!" "i'm not?" "oh my god your an idiot..."
Hermione laughed looking at draco, helping him pick up the pieces as she tried to give pandora a little time to get over the surprise."Don't call him a idiot. And think about it, if she has a baby, she'll not put you in a dress."

pandora shuddered turning to look at him, biting her lip as she worried over if she'd be good for a baby, before remmebering what draco had told her. Nodding slightly."I would like that."She muttered softly, ignoring everyne but harry.
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