Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Pandora smiled tiredly, glad that the other was distracted enough he hadn't sensed her taking from him."Harry probably will to."She said yawning before heading upstairs. Slouching into the room and crawling into bed, cuddling against harry frowning a little."What are you upset about?"She growled, looking at hermione. Willing to injure the other if tht was it.

Hermione raised her hands in surrender, shaking her head."It's not me. And he's down in his office taking care of a few things."she said looking at harry.
Draco smiled a little as he watched her climb into bed with Harry, who brightened as soon as Fydra walked in, snuggling into her, turning to hermione and Draco and glaring. "go away." he ordered Draco rolling his eyes as he took Hermione's hand and lead the way out of the room looking amused. "Harry's always so emotional."

Harry sighed when they left and he gently nuzzled her gently. " i bad?" he asked softly, biting his lip a little. "i..i hurt you so you still..." he had to know if she hated him, had to know if she still lived him, he couldn't stand to not know, to try and guess.. he had to know, because if she told him she hated him...he just couldn't take it. he'd rather kill himself then go without Pandora.
hermione nodded looking concerned, pulling him into his room, because she needed the privacy to tell him what she was worried about."He's addicted to the impedrio curse. It...I don't know how he is, but he didn't fight, because it felt good.He's afraid he'll do something,because it felt good."She said, working around how to ask. Knowing harry needed help.

Pandora looked confused watching him, wincing as he nuzzled her neck, the bruises weren't visible, she'd been careful enough to heal the surface ones, but the muscle was still bruised, and it hurt.Not that she was going to tell him that, not when he was feelng like this. Shuddering as she slipped under his shields, stealing a little of his feelings a bit at a time."You made a mistake. And I do.I love you."She whispered, gently touching his face.
Draco gasped, looking stunned. "he's...oh shit..." Draco whispered closing his eyes. "of course he would be, i didn't even think of it... Ron had him under for god only knows how long...and with Harry's lifestyle....fuck, i better tell Snape in the morning." he groaned scrubbing his face. "does harry realize he's addicted?"

Harry slowly felt his guilt being washed away and he snarled darkly. "Pan...Don't fuck with my emotions....please." he sounded close to tears. "please don't make me feel things that aren't..." he shook his head and snuggled deeper into her. "i'm sick Pan." he whispered hoarsely. "i'm sick..." he wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her close. "i can't even help it anymore..."
Hermione nodded."He knows. And it makes it worse, because he knows why he let her die in his hands."She sighed resting her head on draco's chest, truly afraid.

Pandora looked startled as he snarled at her, cringing away, not saying anything as she trembled. Fear coming through, even for harry who usually couldn't tell what she was feeling, could feel she was afraid. She couldn't help it, she did still love him, but in that snarl she couldn't help remember what it felt like to die. Her usually bright aura and personality growing dark, fading around the edges. Shadow kissed, is what the older legends called the empaths who'd survived, because death had stayed in their auras, marking them.
Draco winced a little and closed his eyes, sighing a little. "Impirio addiction is very difficult to overcome." he admitted softly. "i don't think harry CAN overcome it... but he has a very strong mind, most people won't be able to control him, even if he does enjoy being under it i think the only people who could honestly control him is Tom and Pan." he admitted closing his eyes as he leaned into Hermione. "but i'm afraid for Pan..."

Harry winced as he felt her fear and let off a soft nicker, gently cradling her. "sorry, i'm sorry i didn't mean to growl at you." he whispered softly, kissing her cheek. "i'm so sorry about all of this Pan, i'm so sorry." Harry was crying again, tears spilling down his cheeks as he held her close to him, trying to comfort her.
Hermione nodded against his chest, swallowing hard."She died draco.That... has to leave its mark.Espicially with her trying to help harry now."She swallowed hard, worried the girl would keep pushing until she collasped."We'll have to keep a close eye on her."

pandora whimpered softly, relaxing, cuddling against him, taking comfort in the gentle arms holdign her, nuzzling his neck."I know. I know you are.I'm sorry I let this happen..."She whispered, feeling lie she was to blame for all of this. After all, if she had resisted, had fought ron it wouldn't be like this.
Draco nodded and sighed a little. "i really hate to say this...but i think we need to separate Harry and Pan, Harry's raw emotion right now, mostly guilt and anger...and Pan is overly sensitive and is going to try and help him... they both need to recover for a while, before they can be near each other without hurting each other..."

Harry shook his head. "your not the one who let this happen." harry murmured softly, promising her silently that it was all going to be alright. "this is not your fault." he paused. "and it's not my fault either." he decided. "it's that fucking Red Heads fault...and he's being punished for that." he promised kissing her cheek smiling a little. "and i won't let anyone else take you ever again. i promise."
"I think your right."Tom said from the doorway, having come to see how pandora and harry were, only to find the door shut, so he'd come in search of draco and hermione."They need seperated for a few days or weeks."he bit his lip, "Snape and I will remain here with harry, and I know you'll hate this, but take your father and hermione with you and take pandora back to malfoy manor. It's safe enough behind its wards, and is a close distance in case you need help but far enough to seperate them."

Hermione bit her lip nodding."It might be for the best...."

Pandora smiled a little, relaxing fully."It isn't. And I don't want to go anywhere."She snuggled into him closing her eyes, trusting that hed keep her safe as she slept, and that nothing would happen.
Draco bit his lip hard. "well...i...i suppose if it helps them to recover i suppose..." Draco muttered softly. "and i can definitely keep Pan calm but... will you be able to handle Harry? he's going to completely freak out..." he paused. "and Snape needs to stay here with him as well, Harry's addicted to the Impirio curse." he admitted softly. "Snape's the only person i know who could help Harry with that."

Harry smiled and stroked her hair gently as he kissed her temple, determined to never let anything happen to her again, he would never let anyone take her away from him again.
"I can handle him."Tom said, though he wasn't sure, he knew they had no other choice."Severus will of course be staying here. He's given pandora all the help he can, harry needs him now."He sighed before walking out of the room, looking strained because he needed to do this now, before he let their grief get to him to much.

Hermione swallowed hard,"I'll go get snape."She said walking out, pausing to watch tom disappear into pandora's room, knowing harry was ging to need the potions master the minute tom told him what they were going to do.
Draco nodded and followed Tom into Harry's room, Harry growling as he sat up, moving to defend Pandora, relaxing when he saw it was only Tom and Draco, laying back down. "go away." he ordered sternly snuggling into Pandora, nuzzling her gently Draco biting his lip glancing at Tom. Draco could, and wound, force Calm onto both Harry and Pandora, forcing them to be calm and listen to Tom. and as a bonus Severus was bringing calming potions and sleeping potions to keep the two under control.
Tom swallowed hard knowing this was about to get ugly. Glancing up as severus came in he moved around, lifting pandora gently but firmly out of harry's arms, growling a warning."She has to go away harry.For a few days."He said wincing as he felt panic and instant fear as he held pandora, firmly holding her as she struggled to get back down. Wincing as she cried, whimpering for harry as she tried to get back down."It'll be okay.Just afew days."Or weeks.Not that he aws about to tell them that.
Harry hissed violently as Tom took Pandora away, a strange sort of rage filling the brunettes eyes, a rage that hadn't been seen since he'd first arrived, slowly getting up, still week from the Impirio, but he lunged anyway, slamming into tom before anyone could do anything about it, yelling hatefully as his fist connected with the older man's jaw Draco gasping as he paused as much Calm into Harry as he could, harry simply wheeling around and attacking him instead, in such a rage over them taking Pandora that he didn't care who he was attacking, Draco howling in pain as harry sunk his teeth into the blond's shoulder, red staining the blonds shirt as Snape stepped forward and threw a stunner at harry, knocking the boy out without any warning, the brunette groaning as he slumped, Draco looking horrified at snape.

"Are you insane!? you just..." "i just saved your life, now hold still, let me disinfect that, Hermione give Harry the clear vial, make him drink it all, Tom give Pandora the blue vial, every drop. then take her away before Harry wakes up, Hermione go with Tom, you should be able to keep the woman calm, she seams to like you."
Tom nodded taking vial and coaxing the frantic woman to drink it, swallowing hard as she slumped against him."After your done, draco join us at the manor."He muttered holding pandora and hermione as he apparated, wincing as tehy stepped into the home. And for the next few hours despite the calming drought, spent them trying to get her relaxed. Pandora only falling asleep when exhaustion got the better of her.
Harry was roaring with rage, he'd broken Snapes nose, he'd bitten Tom three times, he'd almost killed a poor defenseless House Elf. he refused to drink the sleeping potion, it ended up spilled on the floor, and in the end Snape had to stun the brat again, clutching his nose with watering eyes, trying to stop the bleeding. "we should strap him down." he stated, voice slightly muffled by his hand. "i never thought he would react like this."

Draco sighed when Pandora finally fell asleep rubbing his aching head. "i'm beginning to feel like this is a very bad idea." Draco admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "Fathers gone to check on Tom and Sev." he admitted. "i have a bad feeling Harry's going homicidal over there."
Tom nodded, panting a little as he magic'd a pair of handcuffs on the boy, making sure they could stand up to him struggling. Rubbing his shoulder, his body hurt dammit. Looking startled at lucius as he walked in the room, "We should have gone with pandora sev. Look, lucius still looks good."He pointed pout, sulking.

Hermione nodded, rubbing her arm where the girl had smacked her hard enough to break bone, though it was just a fracture, it hurt like a wicked bitch."It might be a very bad idea.She's..."She looked for the words to describe the emotional swings they'd gone through."Its like she cant decide if she wants to be pissed or sucidial."
Harry groaned a little, already starting to come around, Snape rushing forward and slipping the liquid into Harry's mouth, the brunette swallowing, too out of it to realize what was going on. he immediately fell back to sleep, sighing a little as Snape sighed, relieved glancing at Lucius who grimaced a little. "Pan broke Hermione's arm, the only reason why i'm uninjured is because i stayed back." he admitted moving over and gently healing Snape's nose, before healing Tom's Bites. "their both almost like animals when their like this..."

Draco grimaced, rubbing his jaw where Pan had struck him, wincing a little as he shook his head. "if they stay together their both going to end up doing things to hurt each other, Harry is too raw over the Impirio, every time Pan tries to manipulate his emotions he completely freaks out, and every time she has a nightmare or get's depressed he's going to hurt for it least this way they can heal the emotional wounds." he sighed a little. "i just hope WE can survive this."
Tom nodded a little."A good description..."He said sighing thooughtfully."They're acting on their base emotions, instead of thinkng like rational people.They're to hurt to do anything else."

Hermione nodded, moving his hand away, gently touching his jaw, making sure pandora didn't break anything."We'll survive. She's exhausted. She wont be able to keep up the abuse, and try to balance herself and harry from a distance."She said, knowing even without thinking about it or asking, that even this far removed from him pandora was going to try and anchor harry so he could heal instead of taking care of herself.
Lucius nodded. "their reacting instinctively. that's why their reacting so strongly to being separated, because they've claimed each other as mates, but at the same time...they won't heal if their together. their too focused on each other and not themselves, they'll just make each other, and themselves, worse."

Draco nodded. "we should keep feeding her calming droughts, i'll keep pushing Calm into her as much as i can, and we'll both hope for the best. right now, i think that's all we can do...i don't dare tie her down." he admitted sighing a little. "that might only make her panic worse..."
"We'll make them relax."Tom said watching harry.His heart hurting.

Hermione nodded, resting her hand n his arm."We'll keep her calm. We will get through this."She said looking worried.

A few days later pandora whined softly, blinking blearily, for the first time in days almost coherent."Draco..."She muttered, wanting something to eat. And a explanation to what the hell was wrong with her.She felt wierd.Like her heart ws slowing down even though her pulse was racing.
Draco was there in an instant, gently stroking her hand. 'whats wrong?" he asked softly, smiling at her a little, unaware of the troubles with Tom and Snape. "are you hungry, i brought food." he admitted, setting the tray onto Pan's lap, all of her favorites. "feeling any better today?"

Harry had been working tirelessly to control his powers, so that no one would know what he was planning, as soon as he had realized that he had Failed Pan yet again, he had struggled between pure rage, and deep depression. today, he had settled on depression, and had slunk from his room while no one was looking, found a nice safe spot, and took the drought of Death that he had stolen from Snape's cupboards. a slow acting poison, but an easy death, Harry would simply fall asleep, and not wake up. harry knew that no one would find him until it was too late, and that pleased him..he was useless anyway, no need to make anyone suffer more than they already had. his heart was slowing, his breath beginning to taper off. and he closed his eyes.

"TOM!" Snape roared, sounding very worried. "TOM! HARRY IS MISSING!"
Pandora shoved the tray off her lap, stumbling to her feet, her heart racing, panicing even as if felt like her heart slowed, her body mimicing the death harry was going through.He was going to drag her down with him..."Harry.Harry's dying."She whispered stumbling into draco, trembling as hermione looked at her,"I'll go tell them."Hermione said as she apparated out, appearing near snape.

"Fuck!"Tom cursed stumbling out of bed, starting to search. Needing to find the other man as he felt pandora's panic starting to rise again, choking him. Knowing that she wouldn't survive if harry died."Damn you, I wont lose her because of you!"He snarled as he searched the house.

"Pandora's dying. Harry's dragging her down with him."She said before searching walking intoo the room with harry, shoving at his shoulders, trying to wake him up."Wake up damn you!You're killing her again. You're going to do nothing but kill her!"
Draco pulled Pandora into his lap, holding her closley. "it's going to be ok love, i promise." he murmured, he wasn't sure of that though, if they couldn't find harry... they where going to lose them both...

Harry didn't shift at all, didn't move, didn't do anything by lay there, looking asleep as his breath slowly grew shorter and shorter, his heartbeat slowing even more, but shockingly, his eyes fluttered open at Hermione's words, his breath rising as much as it could, not much. 'Pan' harry was mouthing her name, looking scared as his breathing slowed, making harry close his eyes again, harry was too late. he couldn't stay awake. he was dying. he didn't know that it would make pan die too, he didn't know! he could only hope that Hermione was still as smart as she was, and would know to get snape.
Pandora trembled in his arms, cuddling close to draco, burying her face against his chest."I love you."she said softly, even as her body grew stiller, her skin chilling. She was dying, and there was nothing she could do about it. Whimpering as she closed her eyes, and made the choice, like she'd made so many others. "I love you.And tell him I love him."She said closing her eyes, and shoved, forcing her mind through harry's, through the drugs. Forcing her still working body to do the work for them both. It would last...for a little whiel at least.Hopefully long enough to save both. because if it failed, and pandora was still that deep in his mind, it was going to be worse then death.

"Snape!Get in here!"hermione yelled as she ran out dragging teh potions master back in with her."He's dying."She said looking frantic as she tried to come up with something to help. There was no way to break the bond between the two, they were both gone...
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