Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry cringed away, trying not to touch Pan before relaxing as he felt the warm heartbeat under his fingers, sighing softly, relieved beyond all belief as he pulled her into his arms, sobbing again, muttering that he was sorry, so sorry, that he hadn't meant it, that he couldn't stop. that he was sorry again and again as he cried, gently stroking her face and kissing her neck, looking like the young, traumatized man he was. looking like the kid who had accidentally broken his sisters arm, overly guilty and overly apologetic... the problem was, Harry had a tendency to try and hurt himself over things like this.

Draco snarled as his wand was pushed down, Ron whimpering, tears streaming down the red heads face. the stupid bitch had even soiled himself, which made Draco scoff. "Harry went through a Crucio twice that hard for twice as long and he didn't even cry, look at you, you pathetic waste of space! you've gone and pissed yourself!" he had to jibe at Draco, or he might have snapped at hermione, he was all worked up and tight and furious. "i can do that." he admitted unlocking his powers, letting hermione feel Calm and Love, helping to settle her, pushing terror, depression, pain, and locked Ron's magic away so that the boy couldn't try anything, watching as Ron curled up into a ball and started to sob. "what should we do with the rest of the family?"
Tom sighed softly, reaching out,gently stroking harry's hair, shifting the girl so they were both holding her."Harry, she'll be fine.See?She's coming around."He said feeling her eyelashes fluttering against her skin.

"Ha..."Pandora muttered, her voice broken and husky. Choking had strained her vocal cords, giving her that husky edge that usually only came with sex. shifting she looked worried her heart racing under his hand. Fear and pain catching up with her.

Hermione looked disgusted with them, calming a little as he felt the love and calm, "Let them suffer with him. We'll come back in a day, after we talk to tom and see what he wants to do with them."She said, having a feeling the dark lord was going to be elegantly vicious.
Harry whimpered as he felt her starting to come around, still muttering that he was sorry, so sorry as he gently nuzzled her like a worried puppy, looking excited at the fact that she was waking up, but also worried that she would be angry at him, kissing her neck up and down, silently trying to comfort her, trying to ease the pain, still whispering that he was sorry.

Draco nodded and let the rest of the family get blasted with the emotions, scowling as he bound them all to the floor so that they couldn't get up and try to kill themselves or escape. "Pandora is awake." Draco stated suddenly, feeling the woman's emotions, having been tuned in on her as he took Hermione's hand, sneering at the family before turning and apparating back to the manor, stepping through the wards and looking around, his eyes narrowed as he headed to Pandora's room, pausing as he listened to harry apologize. "Harry isn't taking this well..."
hermione looked concerned as they tepped into the room."She needs someone to look her over."She said, worried about what ron could have done. Not that she was going to voice the concern, but it was perfectly in his personality to seduce the woman while she was drugged. "Pandora?"She asked stepping around the bed, looking down at her.

"Hi."She said softly, clinging to harry ,burying her face against his hair, she was hurting, and her emotions were raw. Getting comfort from harry, but she hurt. Oh gods, she was hurting. Her was like a giant cat had ripped through them, leaving chunks missing."H...home?"She muttered, blinking slowly as she looked up at her cousin.
Draco swallowed thickly running his eyes over Pandora as harry held her closley, holding her tightly. "yes, we're home." Draco promised gently picking up her hand. "Pan, i'm going to bring Snape in to look at you, to help clean you of any drugs that the kidnappers might have put in you." he explained glancing at Harry. "he's also going to give Harry a calming drought, is that alright?" Harry was too distraught to notice anything but Pandora.
Pandra paled a little.She hated the idea of being subjected to a exam but she knew it was a good thing to do. Nodding slightly she slowly stroked garry's hair."Go get him."She muttered, holding harry. Trying to calm him down."I'm fine, just fine love..."

Tom smiled kissing her softly."I'll go make sure things are still well."He said knowing she wouldn't want anyone there for the exam. She disliked anyone looking at her, so she'd be anxious and upset. Not a good moment for him even as anger churned his stomach.

Hermione smiled kissing draco's head."I'll get snape."She muttered leaving, and returning in a few minutes with snape. Her eyes going to the girl who seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness."How is she?"She whispered to draco, worried about what they'd find.
Snape was annoyed by the interruption but he followed hermione with nothing more than a scowl and a few mutters as he headed into the room, looking Harry and Pandora over, Draco looking up at them. "Harry's passed out and Pan is on the verge." he admitted stroking her hair, Snape tsking. "Granger stay, Draco, out." he ordered Draco nodding as Snape pulled on some gloves. "Miss Granger i'm going to have you assist me, Pandora will feel more comfortable with a woman in the room." he admitted moving over to Harry, checking the boy's eyes and nodding. "shock." he admitted before moving over to Pandora, gently peering into her eyes as well. "Pandora, can you hear me? i need to remove your clothes, i will make this all as quick and easy as i can, alright?" he was always professional, probably a good thing in this case.
Pandora gave him a sleepy glare."Yyou just want to see me naked."She muttered, blinking slowly. Shocky and out of it. Nodding a little as hermione helped her out of her clothes, blushing faintly as hermione stroked her hair.

"You're okay. We'll be done quickly."She said worriedly, not liking the spaced out, drugged look on the woman. For a empath that powerful she had a feeling withrawl would be a bitch.
Snape snorted a little. "i would rather gouge my own eyes out." he admitted briskly as he quickly set about examining her, checking for sexual abuse, testing for the drugs used, looking for Malnutrition. "aside from the drugs they took good care of her." Snape admitted handing Hermione a potion. "i'll send more of these up, for now Pandora is to drink one every three hours to help with the effects of the withdrawals, it won't stop them but it should help. and if you can get harry to drink this." he stated holding out another small Vial. "it would be in his best interest. i suggest asking Tom to do it." Tom could get harry to do almost anything.
"Oh don't do that.You have lovely eyes."pandora muttered sleepily, cuddling against harry even as hermione coaxed her to drink the potion, before letting her settle down against harry, going to sleep.

Hermione nodded taking the other potion, looking at snape."You'll send draco and tom back up?I have a feeling they both wont be leaving this room in the near future unless ordered."she said smiling a little, looking worried.
Snape looked startled at the comment of lovely eyes and he blinked at her, if Hermione was paying attention she'd see the hints of a blush as he strode from the room, sending Tom and Draco in without a word, telling Tom the same orders he'd given to Hermione, Draco bounding in and hovering over the two, looking worried. "how are they? are they going to be alright? was pan..." he couldn't say it, he was too afraid that pan had been raped to actually say it.
hermione stood, wrapping her arms around him letting tom crawl into the bed with the other two. Smiling slightly as he joined them in a nap. Shkaing her head as she transfigured a chair into another bed, she pulled him down next to her, wrapping her arms around him as she snuggled close."No...she wasn't. Just drugged. She'll go through withdrawl, but she will be fine."
Draco sighed, looking relieved as Harry whined softly, snuggling tighter into Pandora, Draco looking over at the three before relaxing into Hermione's arms, snuggling into her. "thank god." he whispered softly. "i don't think she would have been able to recover if she was raped." he admitted closing his eyes. "so tired." he muttered softly. "the withdrawals are going to be a bitch though."
hermione nodded, pressing a kiss to his head. Knowing what he meant. Fydra's ability to feel, would have been devasted if she'd been hurt that way. Sighing softly she ran her fingers through his hair, "They are.But we'll take care of her. We'll get her through this. we'll get them all through it."She said pressing a kiss to his head, starting to fall asleep.
Draco slept as well, but everyone was jerked awake by Harry's sudden terrified screaming as the Golden boy arched off the bed, clawing at his own neck, tears rolling down his face as Draco jerked awake, looking confused and sleepy before gasping loudly. "Hermione! get his hands!" he ordered, leaping onto Harry and pushing his chest back down onto the bed trying to bat the boys hands away from his neck, trying to pin the sobbing and wailing boy down. "Harry! harry wake up!" Harry just screamed again, trying to arch off the bed, gagging on air as he remembered what he had put Pan through, his own powers forcing him to feel his own hands wrapping around his neck, punishing himself subconsciously.
hermione hissed softly, wrapping her hands around his wrist, pinning it to the bed, struggling to hold him. Tom growling as he tried to hold him still wincing as pandora's screams joined harry's. Dammit, just what they didn't need, pandora reacting to it.

Pandora cried as she screamed, tears running down her face as she wrapped her mind around harry's, and pulled.Felt the emotions leave harry as she curled up,huddling around herself because the drugs still in her system was heigtening everything, making everything she was feeling, so much worse.
Harry choked and arched against Draco who hissed violently and forced him back down, rearing his hand back and slapping Harry hard across the face, the Brunette screeching in rage as he felt the pain, but he was awake. "Draco what the FUCK man!?" harry demanded, now struggling against Hermione, wanting to smack Draco back before pausing as he realized Pan was shaking, suddenly realizing he'd been having a nightmare, remembering what he had done to her. "Pan! pan are you ok?" he demanded, wrapping her into his arms and peppering her face with kisses, Draco moving over to Pandora and Pushing as much Calm into her as he could, Harry snarling, but not protesting.
Pandora trembled harder as she woke up, tears spiking her eyelashes as she studied the men holding her, absently noticing tom and hermione hovering nearby as if they were afraid she'd do something. "..ok...I'm okay."She said as she shifted frowning as she realized that while she was being held, she was also being held still by the men."I'm hungry..."She muttered the enforced calm making her stomach growl.

"I'll go get food."Tom said as he ducked out of the room, going to get food and also let everyone know that things were going to be rough for a few days as pandora and harry woke up and tried to straighten themselves out.
Harry couldn't help but chuckle at Pandora's statement, giving her a small kiss as Draco cut off the flow of Calm now that both Harry and Pandora had relaxed, but something was bothering Draco. "Harry.. i had a question." Draco admitted Harry biting his lip. "in fourth year, Moody put you under the Impirio, and you just shrugged it off, you even fought off the one that Tom put on you, so..." "why can Ron control me?" Harry asked softly. "because...he was my friend, my mind is open to him, i let him into my heart, and he can slip in, and take control... if Pandora or Tom, or even you chose to put me under....i wouldn't be able to fight you off either..." Draco was stunned, horrified. "you...he.....oh that's fucking IT!" Draco snarled standing up. "Hermione watch them, i'm dealing with Ron RIGHT NOW!" the blond was completely furious as he dissaparated, intending on making Ron suffer as much as he possibly could, Harry grimacing a little.
Pandora winced, shifting away, looking concerned."I'll be back."She said, stumblign a little as she got to her feet, avoiding the girl reaching for her, and disaparating after draco, arriving moments after he did. Looking at the blond she swayed a little on her feet, but had no intention of going home. Because if he did this, if he killed ron, he was going to damage himself. And she was more then willing to take the damage for herself then let him do it...but that required being here."Soo what are you going to do to him?"

Hermione stared for a moment at the empty spot where she'd been, not sure what to do. Torn between going after the cousins and staying with harry. Looking at harry she swallowed hard."Do you want me to go after her?"
Draco snarled as he advanced on Ron, looking back at Pan as she arrived, startled. "you should be in bed." he protested moving to help her stay standing. "i was going to use a memory spell." he admitted looking pissed still. "i was going to take Harry's memories, of being locked in his own mind, and Make Ron suffer through that too the little bitch." he snarled crouching down, Ron whimpering as the spell he had forced on Ron broke, releasing him from Pandora's feelings, and then shoving Harry's into him, leaning down. "remember this Ronald Weasley, remember every moment that harry suffered as you forced him to do things he didn't want to do, ran his life and controlled his every movement. remember every single time you forced him to bend over, and take it like a man...because your going to feel everything that Harry felt...the shame..the fear, the agony...and you will also be suffering every moment, that he was forced to survive a beating, a rape from his uncle and that fat fuck of a cousin of his...and then, only then, will you die." he promised before activating the spell, Ron going limp once more, eyes going blank as he was forced to remember Harry's life from Harry's eyes.

"no." Harry mumbled softly, closing his eyes. "Draco isn't going to do anything serious...he's going to make Ron feel what i felt." he admitted softly, sounding strained. "i want to...not care.." harry admitted. "but...i feel sorry for Ron all the same...some part of me still cares about him...he was my first friend, the first person i ever really cared about..." he sighed a little. "i'm so tired hermione..."
Pandora shivered as she felt the spell take effect, shivering as emotions washed through her. Swallowing hard, razor sharp hated gripping her, hating that the man she loved suffered through this. Crouching down, she gently kissed ron's forehead, a kiss belittled by the rage in her eyes."Goodbye.May the gods embrace you."She said standing, looking at draco, shivering with the need to get away. She couldn't do this. It was taking everythign she had to stay put when she knew ron was going to die, but the empath in her was feeling gutted and injured. the drugs still working in her system making it worse.

Hermione nodded slightly, hugging him, pressing a kiss to he rhead."I know. I know you can't help but care.But now you have pandora, and tom, and draco. you wont suffer by yourself. You'll be fine."She said not saying what she was worried about. That she was worried pandora would never recover with that brush with death...wondering what the empath had seen, because she had died in his hands, wondered what that would do to someone who felt so much
Draco took her hand gently. "don't worry Pan, the spell won't kill him." he promised sighing a little. "he deserves death but...." but Draco just couldn't bring himself to kill anyone, he was week. his thought showed on his face even, he was week, how could he protect the people he loved, when he couldn't even kill someone? when he could hardly even hurt someone? "come on, lets go home." he whispered laying his head on Pandora's shoulder, offering her comfort as he apparated back to the Manor.

Harry closed his eyes and sighed. "it's more than that Hermione." he admitted softly. "i was under that spell for so long that...that i miss it." harry admitted softly. "i...i miss, not having to decide, or choose, or act i miss being able to just...lay back and let someone else do it all for me...i miss not having to worry about fitting a certain image...and..." he swallowed hard. "and i don't think...i don't think Pan can stand me anymore...after what i did to her...i killer her hermione i know i did...i killer the person i love.." he let out a small sob. "and i couldn't even..gather up the strength to fight Ron...because it felt so good, to have the spell on me again that i just let him do it...and then i couldn't fight it off when i realized what he was doing..."
Pandora sighed as she apparated with him, giving her cousin a look, before raising a hand, punching him in the shoulder."you are not weak. no one who was weak could have let him live. Merciful thing would have been to kill him before tom got his head'll suffer as long as you and tom will it."she said, shuddering a little as she rubbed her arms. Trying to keep from reacting, because her heart ached for her cousin.And she desperately wanted to make him feel better, even if she'd harm herself. Slipping under his shields she took just enough to make him feel better and hoped he'd think it was her words, instead of her screwing with him.

Hermione looked horror struck before shaking her head."The price of being in love, with pandora, with having her in your life, is you have to be in control...because there are so many moments she isn't."Pain filled her eyes."If she couldn't stand you, tom or draco wouldn't have left you here with her. She loves you harry, she made the choice ot die to save you instead of fighting herself.She wants you."
Draco winced a little as he rubbed his arm and then he smiled at her a little and nodded. "that's true." he agreed looking decidedly better about himself as he kissed her temple. "come on, lets get you back in bed." he ordered softly. "Tom is probably going to be pretty pissed at us for letting you up anyway, not that we can ever really tell you what to do."

Harry sniffled a little and wiped his eyes looking up at Hermione before smiling a little. "your right.." he muttered softly, but he didn't look convinced, he probably wouldn't be until Pandora admitted herself that she still loved Harry. he sighed a little and laid his head back on the pillow. "wheres tom?" he wanted to know, had to know. harry wanted Tom to punish him for hurting Pan, it always made him feel better to be punished.
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