Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

"Ah well, as long as they don't tie themselves together that closely again, they'll be fine."hermione smiled wrapping a arm around Draco, kissing him softly, knowing everything was going to be fine now. They'd get married, Pandora would be okay, and the two men were going to baby her.

Which, almost nine months later, pandora was scowling about."Go baby Hermione. It's her wedding day.Go bother Draco."She ordered looking at er two lovers as they hovered as she sat down, looking cutely round with her pregnancy. Tom snickered, "Draco doesn't want us bothering him."He stated gently touching her hair, still in shock that they were all alive, and well. That the wizarding world had easily fallen into order with dumbledore's death. That Harry was minister, with pandora helping when she could, and him as supreme ruler of everything.Oh he loved being in charge. Espicially when it meant he could ignore the rules of fussing Pandora had laid down."Now. Behave and be quiet pan, hermione said if you're to anxious she wouldn't let you walk down the aisle with her. After all, you're days away from giving birth.No need for stress."Tom pointed out, snickering quietly.
Harry laughed as he walked in on Pan bitching, smiling happily as he beamed at her. “but Pan! Hermione already tried to strange me! And Draco promised me if I bothered him again he'd slit me balls off! You wouldn't want to cause us physical damage would you?” he asked smiling lovingly at his lover as he kissed her belly and then his lips. No one adored Pandora's baby more than he did, he read stories to her and the baby every night, and sang lullaby's when Pan went to sleep, and he was always the one to get the gross foods for Pandora. He was even doting on tom, after the fright he'd had when he almost lost them both he was always ready to help Tom and Pandora in any way possible. “oh, Pan Hermione needs you, she's in vapors again, I couldn't figure out what was wrong and she's smearing her makeup so I thought I better come and get you...”
Pandora grumbled a little, smiling slightly as she pushed up out of her chair, shifting a little."okay okay I got it."She said smiling as she kissed him softly before going to find out what was wrong with the bride to be.

After fixing everything and getting things straightened out with hermione she swallowed hard as she leaned against the bathroom wall, resting her forehead against the tile. pressing a hand against her stomach as she whimpering in the pain of a cotraction, glad they hadn't gotten worse yet. She could outlast the ceremony. At least.Then she'd let her men bundle her off to the hospital.She only hoped she could fool all the empaths long enough to do so. Smiling slightly as she walked out, slipping a arm through harry's as she heard the wedding music starting, smiling slightly."I love you."She muttered squeezing his arm before starting to walk down the aisle, carefully walking, and hoping neither tom, harry or the groom would notice she was in labor.That would just be bad.And she didnt want to ruin the wedding. Not after it took draco so long to get here to this point.
Hermione had calmed down slowly with Pan's reassurances. Apparently one of Draco's guests had caught up to her and informed her that she was a dirty mudblood not worthy of him, and on a day with such high stress she had taken it to heart. She had calmed when she saw Draco screaming at the guest and ordering them to leave the premises and that he was lucky Draco wasn't hexing him into next month, she had even laughed when Harry had frog marched him out of the house and tossed him out the door. Now she was standing at the isle, looking as radiant as she could, beaming happily as Draco stared at her like a hungry man offered his first meal in over a weak. Harry beamed at Pan and kissed her forehead before watching her walk down the isle, turning to Tom. “as soon as she's done walking Herm down the isle we need to get her to the hospital.” he stated calmly, the pangs of her contraction rolling through his belly. “she's gone into labor, we have a good hour or so before she actually starts giving birth so don't panic.” he ordered smirking at Tom. “ready to be a papa?”
tom looked slightly panicked at the idea, resisting the urge to run down and pull pndora out of the aisle right then."Yes."He said, swallowing down the fear of being a terrible father. Truly frightened, after almost losing her, to have her in labor. terrified of losing her forever."Shouldn't we go get her?"He said rocking on his toes,desperately holding onto his temper with both hands as he tried not to go get her.

Pandora swallowed hard, sliding into the line after Hermione, swallowing hard as she looked at draco,shuddering a little. Knowing she had time, and she needed to see her cousin married. Smiling slightly when the priest started talking, struggling to focus on the words around the pain that was gripping her.hoping against hope, that even at a close range, that draco was distracted enough he didn't stop the wedding to make her go to the hospital.
Harry chuckled a little and patted his own belly. “i can feel her contractions Tom, she's fine.” he promised. “she's still hours from giving birth, you just need to calm down.” he ordered softly. “she's waited for months for this moment, to watch her favorite friend get married to a woman he loves so desperately that he'd actually told Pan no for.” he admitted smirking a little, remembering the hours of temper tantrum that had occurred after Draco had actually told Pandora no. Pandora was lucky that he was so engrossed in Hermione that he didn't notice Pandora's obvious pain, everyone noticed, and the second the words “i do” and “you may kiss the bride.” the world broke into applause as Hermione and Draco shared a rather inappropriate kid, Harry flashing over to Pandora's side. “come on love, hospital time.” he murmured wincing as another contraction gripped them. “before you give birth here on the wedding floor.”
Pandora whimpered as she let the man hold her, wincing slightly as tom gripped her other arm."i'm not that far gone."She muttered looking at harry, before pulling away enough to get patting draco's arm."I have to go love.I'll talk to you later."She said with a small pained smile, "congradulations love."She said hugging her cousin. So very glad that her favorite cousin was happy.

Tom rolled his eyes a little, shivering slightly. Now that the contractions were going stronger, and she was mentally reacting to the pain, he was feeling them."Malfoy, go enjoy the reception. Or at least show up long enough to make sure everyone leaves the house."He smiled slightly, glad that they had opened the manor to the wedding reception, "Then come to the hospital."He ordered softly, knowing that otherwise Draco would be in their hair as soon as they apparated right now. Knowing pandora wouldn't relax if draco was with them right now, because she'd be so upset at messing up the wedding. Apparating without waiting for a answer he smiled as he held the pregnant woman close, letting harry and the nurses bully her onto the bed as she relaxed.

Hours later Tom smiled tiredly as he looked down at the blue eyed girl in his arms, smiling slightly. Her mother in miniature perfection, he glanced up as Harry came back in with Draco and hermione. "Shh pandora's sleeping. So is this one."He muttered, the soft edged awe in his voice, already in love with his daughter. And knowing that it was his daughter and not harry's worried him slightly, or at least Pandora. He knew better then to worry that harry would love the babe less for being tom's instead of his own.
Draco nodded, gave Pan a kiss to the forehead and vanished to inform Hermione what was happening. Harry looked upset that he had missed the birth, having gone to help Draco clear out the house after an hour or so of party. “how is she?” Harry asked softly blinking at Pan before noticing the baby in Tom's arms, knowing instantly it wasn't him, and not caring in the least. “oh god she's so perfect.” Harry whispered, sounding awe struck. “oh Tom she's so beautiful.” he whispered his eyes filling with Happy tears. “oh...oh what have we named her? Has Pan woken up long enough to? Oh can I hold her?” he pleaded, feeling awkward and nervous and so damn proud. They had made a baby, all three of them, she was going to have a wonderful mommy and two perfect daddies and they would all love her so much. He carefully held the baby, bursting into a wide, joyous grin as he looked down at her. “hello little one.” he whispered softly. “i'm papa Harry.” he whispered smiling happily. “i'm going to teach you all kinds of things... how to fly.” “how to break the rules.” Draco supplied. “how to play chess.” “how to get into dangerous situations.” Draco supplied again. “how to cook.” “how to almost get eaten by a dragon.” Harry finally turned to Glare at Draco who was smirking a little, trying to look as innocent as possible. “how to annoy Uncle Draco..” “hey!”
Tom laughed quietly, smiling as the baby squirmed, blinking sleepily as she looked up at her uncle and papa. "No we haven't named her. pandora thought you should."He said softly, smiling as pandora stirred at the noise."Nice going you two, you woke her up."He said gently easing the baby into harry's arms as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed,gently brushing her hair out of her face."How are you feeling?"

"Loud...people...loud.."pandora whined blinking slowly smiling slightly at her elder lover, before turning her head to look at harry and draco, a small sweet smile curling her lips."Sorry about messing up the party.... harry?"She questioned quietly, looking slightly worried as she watched him with the baby. Even being able to feel what he was feeling, she felt the need to hear that he was okay with this, that the next babe was his. Knowing now that the world was at peace, the malfoy manor and the riddle mansion was going to be filled with children's laughter again.
Harry looked stunned. “me? Name her?” he asked looking hesitant, looking down at the baby, biting his lips hard. “i.. I think...” he hesitated again and then smiled, stroking the baby's face. “little Emily.” he whispered softly. “ “Emily, Pandora, Riddle.” he decided smiling a little as he stroked her little head of hair, looking up at Tom for approval. “does that sound alright?” he paused when Pan woke up, Draco grinned as he kissed her knuckles. “you didn't ruin anything.” he promised. “in fact we had to cut the party short anyway, the guests kept getting into fights.” he admitted with an annoyed scowl. “Hermione's father has a VERY nice right hook.” he smirked a little. “he gave one of the pureblood men a very nice black eye.” he admitted with a chuckle glancing at Harry who beamed at Pandora, looking like the proudest papa in the world. “look Pan! We have a baby, we have a little girl. She's so perfect, she's so beautiful.” “i think Harry's in shock.” Draco admitted smiling a little. “i don't think he's ever held a baby before, let alone his own.” he admitted smiling as Harry grinned and handed Hermione the baby. “you and dray are the godparents right?” he assumed they where anyway, Pan wouldn't trust little Emily with anyone but them should something happen to all three of her parents
Hermione laughed a little at the mention of her father's fighting, before nodding a little at harry."Of course we are. As if she'd ever let anyone else be."She teased loking at the sleepy empath smiling down at the babe in her arms. PAndora blushed slightly, grinning back at Harry, looking so relieved to be seeing him happy. "She is perfect isn't she?" "She is."Tom assured sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking pandora's hair, grinning at Harry."Emily is perfect."the dark lord said with a smile, his heart feeling easier at having harry be so happy. Snickering slightly."Oh harry's going to be one of those dad's carrying around a million pictures, and showing everyone them."He said laughing a little, tugging his male lover down for a kiss, wrapping hsi arms around him.
Harry gasped in astonishment and suddenly handed the baby to Pandora. “i'll be right back!” he stated rushing out the door, Draco frowning a little. “i suddenly feel afraid for the safety of Tom's sanity...” Draco muttered calmly, getting a read off Harry's emotions before he vanished. Draco had turned into a spectacular Empath with Pan's guidance. He not only could manipulate peoples emotions, but if he concentrated hard he could also tell what they where feeling, to the point where he could even tell when they where planning various things, a good thing when dealing with Harry and his boredom, as he tended to pull pranks on death eaters and Tom. It was Draco's full time job keeping Harry out of trouble, which was impossible. Harry came rushing back in and smiled as handed Pandora something, a box wrapped in brightly colored paper and a bow, grinning a little more. “open it! Open open open!” he ordered, practically vibrating with glee. “i finished it ten seconds ago!” he admitted grinning happily. Inside was a large leather bound book with the words BABY BOOK on top.

Inside was already the sonograms, and the birth certificate and the ink prints of Emily's hands and feet. “we can fill it with all sorts of pictures.” Harry said beaming at them as he held up a camera. “her first smile, and her first laugh and her first steps and her first boyfriend who will then become her first murder victim when Tom and I rip him apart....” Draco laughed and shook his head as he looked at the baby's birth certificate. “Emily, Pandora Riddle.” he stated beaming at the little girl as he settled a small crocheted teddy bear. “she's gorgeous you guys.” he whispered happily. “we're going to spoil you rotten! Yes we are.” he purred chuckling as Harry scowled at him. “she's not going to be spoiled like you Draco, we don't need two brats in this family.” Draco clutched his chest feigning injury. “that one actually hurt!” he teased Harry laughing a little.
"Ah, it'd take more then the truth to hurt you."Tom snickered.Tom laughed, to much in a good mood to be worried about Harry running around with a camera. He knew that in the future his lover was probably going to be driving him and the death eaters insane with snapping pictures, but really, he couldn't mind to much when Harry was so happy with it. Even if it interrupted work. And didn't even comment on the first boyfriend, his little girl was never dating. That was that."Now. Everyone out ,except harry. Pandora and Emily need sleep."he ordered looking at the two newly weds."And you have a honeymoon to get on."

Pandora smiled, cuddling her baby,gently kissing her head as Emily wrapped her fingers in her mother's hair, yawning as she drifted to sleep. "Make the bed bigger.We'll all sleep in here, and emily in her crib, and cuddle and sleep. And be happy."She said, a little giddy, and tired. After all it'd been a stressful long day.
Harry laughed as he snapped a picture of Pandora with Emile, smiling as he flicked his wand at the picture, making it move right away and tucking it into the book, looking ever so happy with himself Draco snickering a little as he walked over and kissed Pandora's forehead. "now make sure they help with the baby, make sure Tom changes some of the diapers now." he ordered smiling a little. "in fact, make him change them all." he decided chuckling a little as he took Hermione's hand and lead her out to head for their honeymoon in France. Harry quickly fixed the bed so that all four of them could fit on it, smiling as he snuggled into Pan, tickling Emily's toes. "no, let her sleep with us, we've been waiting to meet her for nine months now." he teased smiling a little as he kissed Pandora. "i love you all so much, all three of you." he said with tears of joy in his eyes. "i have a wonderful family now..." he admitted smiling as he wiped his eyes. "i've always wanted a nice big family, and now we have a family of too many." he admitted chuckling a he laid his head on Pan's shoulder. "you know, Hermy's pregnant." he admitted with a smirk. "she hasn't told Draco yet."
Pandora laughed happily. Delighted for her cousin as her two men curled protetively around her and emily, two very protective papas with their cub. "It's perfect though. We'll have so much fun having this many people."She purred quietly, blinking sleepily, sighing as she started to drift to sleep, head resting against both their shoulders. "Love you both.So much."She muttered relaxing under the press of so much love and contentment coming from them.

Tom smiled slightly, leaning over gently kissing Harry."Everyhing will be fine now.Sleep."He said kissing him harder, wrapping a arm around pandora's waist, a hand resting against harry's waist as he drifted to sleep. Despite the problems and issues that could come up in the future, for the moment, thte world was perfect.With his family, he knew more happiness and contentment then he ever had felt before.
Harry smiled as he snuggled into them, the door slamming open without warning Draco standing there panting hard. “i'm gonna be a DAD!” he shrieked eyes wide, Harry snickering a little. “wait for it...” he mumbled softly. “...Hermy says we're having TRIPLETS!” Harry laughed as Draco stared at them for a moment before vanishing again, Harry laughing happily as he grinned. “perfect life.” Harry purred. “absolutely perfect.” he murmured happily, and for the rest of their days, life was perfect.... except for when Draco pissed off harry and got turned into a Ferret.

The End
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