Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry smiled innocently at Pandora. "no one gets as beautiful as Pan though." he purred nodding. "and Bellatrix was such a Cow it's amazing Rudolphus even fell for her, love potion or not." Harry admitted shaking his head. "i'm sure you two will find someone nice." Harry teased smiling a little, certain that Pan already had someone in mind. she always did.
Pandora smirked a little resting her cheek on harry's shoulder, cuddling him as the jealously left her. "oh they will."She said nuzzling harry. Hermione snickered a little."Oh come off it pan, just tell us. No need to play shadow games when your plotting things." Pandora raised her head,giving the woman a look of wide eyed innocence."Me? I would never plot to control my uncle's love life." Hermione snorted a little."Like you dont everyone elses? come on pandora.Just spill."
Harry snickered a little as he snuggled Pan nipping playfully at her neck, Draco snickering a little as he shook his head. "oh she won't tell, she...Harry, are you ok?" Harry had tensed violently, his eyes narrowing as a silent snarl bared his teeth, slipping free of the bed. "Pan...Stay here." he ordered glancing at Draco who looked baffled until he felt it too. the telltale signatures of the Weasley Twins in the manor. "Harry wait! thei..." but he was too late, Harry had already rushed out of the room, unaware that the twins where actually spies, that they had done their best to protect Pan, using their minds to shield her's against Ron's as best they could. all harry knew, was that they where the enemy, they had hurt Pan and they had to die for it! Harry never bothered to pause when he realized the twins where talking to Lucius and Snape, didn't care that they where unarmed and unaware of his rage...didn't care that they had once been as good as family. he just attacked them, leaping onto the red heads with shrieks and snarls of rage as he fought to bloody them as much as possible before Snape and Lucius managed to pry him off of them.
Tom snarled as he walked into the room, wearing his rage around him like a cloak, magic swirling his hair as pandora crept closer to him, staying close like a kittne who wasn't sure she wanted to leave her mama, but needed to come anyways. Tom growled a little, gently pushing her behind him before slapping Harry down with a shove of magic and calm,sighing softly."Twins. Report. Harry, they're on our side.Now stop attacking them."He demanded reaching down and picking up the younger man by the scuff of his neck to shove him towards pandora."Hold her and stay here, and we'll hear what they have to report."He said looking at the twins, his eyes promising a painful death if they didn't have a very good reason for making him drag his sick ass out of bed.
Harry snarled and howled as he found magic pinning him down, the Twins scrambling away from him, Fred mostly unhurt save for a bruise growing on his chin and cheek, but George was nursing a broken and bloody nose and a broken jaw and a badly split lip that his brother immediately began to start healing before his brother got blood everywhere, Harry snarling viciously as he was picked up at the scruff and flung to Pan, but surprisingly he did as he was told, trembling with rage as he watched the twins trying to patch each other up, bleeding all over each other from scratches and bite marks. "it's about Dumbledore." Fred stated, still trying to heal his brother who was fading towards unconsciousness from pain. "he's vanished." Fred continued. "gone, no one can seam to find him at all. he just vanished." he glanced at Tom. "and he's broken free of the impirio you and Harry placed on him."
Tom stared. For a few minutes there wasn't anything he could think of besides the rage growing under the fear."Bloody hell."he cursed quietly, even as the glass exploded in the heat of his rage, throwing a hand up to toss up a shield, to stop it from pelting them all. Snarling as he swallowed hard snarling again as he felt pandora nudging him."DONT DO THAT PANDORA!"He snarled angrily, regret filling his eyes for a moment as she cringed, huddling against harry. "S-sorry."Pandora whined, for the first time afraid,truly afraid of the dark lord. Tom swallowed hard before looking at lucius and draco who'd decided to join them. "Draco.Get them in bed, and stay with them, and hermione to. Lucius, we're going out."
Harry snarled, angry that Dumbledore had burst free without any of them noticing before snarling even louder when Tom exploded, leaping in front of Pan, teeth Bared and wand out, perfectly ready to give Tom something to attack other than Pandora, even if he had to get hurt to do it. he knew how thin Voldemort's sanity was, if the man decided he needed to attack something, Harry was going to be the one taking the attack. he was pretty sure he'd be the only one who could survive if Tom decided he needed to attack something. he relaxed when Tom turned away and scowled but didn't argue the point as he glanced at the twins and hissed at them, making them flinch as Harry picked Pan up himself and carried her off to bed, Rudolphus staggering out of the room with a sleepy expression. "whuts goin on?" he asked looking adorable sleepy, the twins lifting their eyebrows at him, looking rather interested despite the fact that they where still bleeding. "holy shit!" Rudolphus stated, startled as he looked the twins over. "you better come with me, i've got some healing potions in my room."
Rabastan was close behind his twin, nodding as he walked over to the twins, giving tom a cautious look."We'll take care of them."He said before helping the twins into the room, swallowing hard. Wondering what had happened. Tom growled softly looking at Lucius, "We're leaving. I want to check hogwarts and make sure he's not there.After that, we'll see if we can find him."He growled angry, and anxious.

Pandora whimpered pressing her face into Harry's shoulder, trembling as she clung to his shirt."I...I didn't mean to upset him!I can help!I can find dumbeldore."She whimpered rubbing her eyes. Starting to cry softly, so distressed at this.
the twins offered them grateful smiles, well George smiled, Fred couldn't manage while his jaw was broken. "thanks, i don't know how to heal broken bones,." George admitted hovering over his brother who rolled his eyes but didn't say anything aloud, unwilling to move his jaw as Rudolphus sat them both down on the bed and focused on Fred's nose, leaving the jaw to his more talented brother. "i'm just trying to figure out why Harry did that." Rudolphus admitted shaking his head. "oh, he thinks we hurt Pan that's all. he thought we where with the rest of the family when they kidnapped her, no one realizes that we're spies on the 'light' side of the war so we had to keep our cover." Fred nodded and flinched at a twinge in his healing nose.

Lucius nodded, looking rather nervous as he apparated, well aware that to disobey or try to calm his Lord down would only lead in pain, or even death. so he simply vanished with a crack, heading for Hogwarts like a good boy.

Harry held her tightly. "shh, Pan shh he wasn't angry at you." Harry promised, stroking her hair. "he's just upset because he's afraid Dumbledore will come after you again." he admitted kissing her face all over. "he'll calm down don't worry, and don't try to find Dumbledore, because then he'll be able to find you and that would put you in danger again." he ordered, holding her tightly. "Tom will find him, Tom will deal with him, in the meantime you and i are going to go into the bedroom and rest until you feel better alright?"
PAndora sniffled a little, leaning into his arms, closing her eyes.Letting him calm her down as she settled against him.

A few hours later Tom growled angrily as he walked into the bedroom, pausing to control his temper as he sighed."We didn't find him."he asked, frustrated with not knowing where Dumbledore was, not realizing the headmaster had beaten him back to the mansion that even now he was walking across the grounds. Pandora sighed resting her head on Harry's chest, hugging him against her."It's okay. We'll just stay here and be ready."
Harry nodded to Tom, looking a little concerned about the mans mental well being as he bit his lip a little and frowned. “are, uhm...the twins alright?” he asked nervously. The twins where more than alright, the Lestrange brothers had fixed them up and Rudolphus had stuck his hands down Fred's pants, causing George to shove his hands down rudolphus's pants, and Fred, not to be left out of the hand shoving, shoved his hands down Rabastan's pants. It was one happy smorgasbord of sex in the Lestranges room. Harry reached over and grabbed Tom's wrist, pulling him into the bed and gently kissing him, trying to calm Tom down and relax him, smiling a little as he stripped the man's shirt off and doing for him what he had just finished doing to Pan, giving him a nice long back massage.
Tom snickered tiredly, his anger at the headmaster having worn the elder out."They're fine. Enjoying the company of the lestranges."He said laughing shifting to lay down on his stomach, laughing a little as pandora cuddled in close to him but giving harry room to rub down his back."I didn't find him."He muttered.

Pandora yawned a little, resting a arm across Tom's waist, resting her cheek on his arm as she looked up at harry worriedly."Don't worry. We'll be here when he comes back."She said shuddering a little as she settled close, well as close as her pregnant stomach would let her. Starting to round out, she looked beautiful and adorable, more precious and healthy then she had in years. So tired nad relaxed that she didn't realize the lingering rage she felt surrounding them wasn't tom's, just dumbledore's anger at them all as he snuck into the house.
Harry smiled a little as he shook his head, massaging Tom's shoulders and neck as he pondered. “we could always set a trap for him.” he pointed out. “he doesn't realize the twins are spies yet, we could send them back and then go and kidnap them. It would lead him right to us and we could catch him in our own house.” how was he to realize that Dumbledore already suspected the twins, and had placed tracking spells, unknown to the twins, so he could follow them no matter where they went? As it was, the two red heads where sleeping curled up tight into death eaters, and it was very clear what they had been doing. Dumbledore would be led straight to them, but what would he do when he found them? Attack them, kill them? Or ignore them in favor of finding the big prey, Pandora, Tom, and Harry? Only Dumbledore would know.
Dumbledore smiled slightly as he past the lestrange's door, after all, he'd come hunting bigger prey then the twins. The two empaths he needed to break to his will. Smiling slightly, madly, to himself as he cast a 'see me not' charm on himself he walked through the open door studying the small scene in front of him at the same moment he fired a body binding spell at the dark lord who was relaxing. Knowing that the minute Tom was down pandora would be next to useless. After all, as far as he knew, she'd never been taught to duel.

"Fuck!"Pandora cursed as she felt her lover go stiff under her, rolling away, landing awkwardly on the floor as she searched for her wand, struggling to focus on fighting as Dumbledore's anger and insanity threatened to consume her. "Harry"She cried softly reaching up to pull him down to as she handed him his wand.
Harry hissed in fury as he felt Tom go stiff under him, turning to the door instinctively as he scrabbled for his wand, yelping as he was pulled down, gripping his wand and aiming for the door, unleashing the one spell he of all people should never have dared utter. “Avada Kedavra!” the beam of emerald light missing Dumbledore by a bare inch, seeing as how Harry couldn't actually aim, that was a bit too close. “show yourself you coward! Reveleo!” Harry cried out, putting as much force into it as he could. The 'revealing spell' could even affect invisibility cloaks as long as it was powerful enough. “Dumbledore! You bastard!” Harry snarled, driving to his feat. “Serpensortia!” he snarled thick black cobra's sliding out of his wand, hissing and spitting In rage. “kill the old one. Kill Dumbledore, strike him down with your fangs.” the snakes hissed their agreement and turned to Dumbledore, venom dripping from their fangs as they struck out at his toes.
"Sercumpstra!"Dumbledore hissed, cutting the snake to ribbons as he raised his wand to look at the three."How dare you try to take everything that belongs t-" His sentence was cut off as pandora shifted shooting a spell, the soft edged binding curse holding the man still even as he struggled, the empath getting to her feet slowly. Pregnant body yelling at her for putting it through the strain of moving so fast. Walking close she smiled as she raised a hand, pressing it against the headmaster's feet as she met his eyes."I am the darkness, and the light.'She muttered ignoring tom's strangled protests of what she was going to do."I am the dream, and I sit at no one's feet, and am no one's pawn."She whispered, raising her wand,"Avada kedavra."She muttered feeling both the death and the pain ripping through her as she stumbled back a bit, landing hard on the edge of the bed as she reeled in the act of killing someone. Distantly amazed that both tom's rage hadn't snapped the bindings, or that her distress hadn't summoned draco.
Harry gasped as he watched Pandora send the killing curse, letting out a cry of anguish as he felt, literally felt parts of her soul breaking apart with the act of a kill, collapsing onto the floor, clutching his chest as Draco did something that he had never done before, he ripped down the wards, and apparated straight into Tom';s bedroom panting hard as he rushed for Pandora, gathering her into his arms and doing another thing he had never done before, in fact was thought he couldn't do. He took her emotions into himself, taking her despair and self hate into himself, Harry managing to stagger to his feet and snuggle into her, hugging her tight as he struggled to help her heal, to chase away the agony of Pandora's pain.
Tom growled angrily, the sound sounding loud and so rage filled to pandora's distressed mind, feeling the dark lord distantly through her own pain, struggling to hold it away from her two men. Tom snarled as he raised a hand, banishing dumbledore's body from the room to be taken care of later he stumbled to his lover's side, kneeling next to them both gently cradling pandora's face in his his hands,'Let it go love. let it're going to kill the babe and yourself if you don't.'He muttered before looking up, knowing what he was going to do could kill him, but there was honor in dying for this woman's smile.

"If...if it goes wrong, tell her I love her."He muttered before diving in, wrapping himself so fully in pandora's pain and mind, that he couldn't seperate the two.Taking that deep reeling pain into himself, hiding the killing of one man behind the countless others.Curling up around her well as much as the other two would let him, as he struggled to control the pain. After all, it'd been many years since he'd first killed, surely he would be able to survive when he had so much to live for.
Harry cried out in terror as Tom delved himself into Pandora, sobbing as he clutched them both to him, terrified he was going to lose one, or both of them. Draco struggled to push himself into the meld, to help somehow, anyway but it was no use. Tom had put himself so tightly into Pandora's mind that even Harry couldn't force his way in. so the two sat, and waited, keeping them warm with blankets, Harry struggling not to break down completely as silent tears trickled down his face, feeling useless and pathetic as all he could do was wait.
Pandora blinked slowly, silent tears streamng down her fae as she looked at the two me holding them,"...wha..."she whimpered, struggling to get the word out, feeling raw and broken. Nearly sobbing with relief as she felt the dark lord stirring, the slight nuzzle as he wrapped his arms around her more.

"Pandora.You moron."Tom scowled pain and fear in his voice, for once unble to hide just how completely she'd terrified with that act.
Harry stirred next to her and burst into relieved sobs as he pulled both of them into tight hugs, not even trying to sob as he clung to them as tightly as he could, grateful that they had survived and not left him all alone as he struggled to contain himself and failing as Draco came in with a round of calming droughts, looking sickly and haggard from pouring as much energy into the two as he had been able to. “thank god you woke up.” Draco breathed, looking near tears himself. “i was so scared you where both going to die.” he admitted handing out the calming droughts and swallowing down his own, slumping into a chair, now too exhausted to stay standing as he cut the connection and stopped the flow of energy. “drink.” he ordered Harry who shook his head and simply clung to his lovers.
Pandora whimpered a little whining slightly as the two men clung to her, looking exhausted and confused. Hermione swallowed hard as she walked in with snape, having fetched him so that he could make sure both were okay. Hermione scowled a little looking at Harry,gently shoving the hand holding the potion closer to him."harry, drink it. Pandora will be calmer because of it."She urged,stroking his hair slightly before getting up, walking to draco and wrapping her arms around him,"Are you okay?"he asked, looking worried for all of them
Harry continued to sob but obediently drank when Hermione ordered him too, slowly calming down as he continued to snuggle and hold both of his lovers Draco sighing a little as he nodded. “i'm fine, tired.” he admitted smiling at her. “but they all survived.” he admitted kissing her cheek as Harry started kissing Pandora's face, and then Tom's face muttering in Parseltongue that they where both STUPID and that he'd been worried SICK and that they had both better be ready for a good screwing and a nice stiff firewhiskey because goddammit he needed both! But he sounded so relieved as he chewed them out for worrying him, and Draco began to laugh at Harry who turned to sulk at him. “shut up Draco!”
Hermione laughed pullling away from Draco, gently tugging the dark lord awy from pandora and harry."Come on you three, get in bed.Then you can relax."She said, smiling indulgently down at the nearly sleeping empath she was holding on his feet. Gently easing tom into the bed."Now, you are to sleep and relax.Me and draco can take care of anything else that happens."

pandora stirred a little, nuzzling harry's neck,snuggling as close as she could."dont yell at draco.he doesn't like it."She whined softly, closing her eyes.
Harry whined a little but obediently crawled into bed, feeling exhausted now that he no longer had to worry about his lovers, yawning loudly as he snuggled into Pandora and Tom, smiling a little. “i'm so glad your all ok.” he mumbled softly snickering as Pandora complained. “but Draco deserves to be yelled at.” Harry mumbled Draco rolling his eyes as he flicked his wand at the bed, spreading a sleeping spell over the three of them to force them to rest, smirking a little. “there, peace and quiet, finally.” he sighed smiling a little. Harry hadn't stopped worrying, fretting and bitching, loudly, since Tom and Pan had... done, whatever it was that they had done.
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