Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry growled as he reached out and grabbed Tom by the hair, yanking him back into bed. "and who said that you where allowed to leave this bed?" Harry demanded, eyes narrowed at Tom. "your not taking care of yourself, and that makes me upset." he stated firmly. "because.. if you get sick, then you might die." he explained, looking at Tom with worried eyes. "and i don't know...what i would do...without you." he wrapped his arms tightly around Tom. "please.. promise me... promise me you'll take better care of yourself... Pan's even promised to try to do better..." Harry complained softly. "but i need both of my lovers to be healthy and happy and safe...or there's... just no way i can take care of myself, because i'll spend all my time worrying about you."

Draco sighed but nodded. "i'll try." he agreed looking at the ring again with worried eyes before he smiled. "i'm sure...that she'll say yes." Draco decided, getting to his feet and heading out of the room to decide how to pop the question. "that poor kid." Rudolphus teased chuckling a little. "i wasn't even that bad and i was under a love potion!"
Tom sighed looking at him, before kissing him softly wrapping his arms around the other."Fine.I promise.If pandora can take care of herself, then I cn do."He said smiling a little as he settled in the bed, already starting to fall asleep. Pandora smiled kissing his head as she got up, getting dressed before looking at harry."Lets go. I want to go see uncle rudy."She whined before dashing out of the room withut waiting for a answer nearly running into draco as he came out of the lestranges room.

Rabastan snickered as he watched the cousins nearly run into each other, before looking at rudolphus."Yes, he's got it bad.And I cnt wait to see how excited he gets when she says yes."
Harry smiled, relaxing a little as he gently kissed Tom happily before letting Pan Drago him out of bed, smirking a little. "the guilt trip ALWAYS works." Harry teased smiling at Pan. "on him anyways." he teased, blinking as Draco squealed and shoved something into his pocket when they ran into each other. "....what's with you Blondie?" "no..nothin!" Draco stammered racing off Harry blinking a little. "....Pan...i think Draco's on drugs..." in the bedroom Rudolphus burst into laughter at Harry's statement.
Rabastan snickered,"No, just nervous."He grinned pandora looking amused."He does appear to be on something."She said thoughtfully, creeping closer to the bed, and despite him being under a love potion longer then she'd been alive, she felt a little guilty over not seeing it before"are you okay?"she asked sitting down next to him.
Rudolphus snickered a little and nodded before groaning at Pandora's question. "god i feel like i almost DIED with how many people have asked me that today!" he whined, Harry chuckling a little. "i'me FINE! tell that nasty potions master that i can get out of bed!: he pleaded with Pandora. "pleeease? your my favoritist niece! and i'll give you something super special if you do!" "... i don't think even Pan can make that old bat change his mind." "i heard that." Snape growled glaring at Harry who smirked. "i know."
Pandor pouted a little."I'm your ONLY niece uncle."She teased before turning that cute pout on Snape, looking up at him with large doe eyes."Uncle severus, you'll let him out of bed wont you?He'll feel better for it. I promise I'll watch him!"She said smiling a little.
Snape blinked at her and then. "no. he needs to rest until tomorrow at the least." Rudolphus whined like a small child and Harry snickered again. "come on Rudy." he stated calmly shaking his head. "just because Snape SAYS you have to stay in bed, doesn't mean that you have to LISTEN to the orders." Rudoplhus paused glanced at his brother and whined again. "Rabby will enforce theeeem.. snaaape pleeease i'm sooooo boooored. " "good, bored means you'll sleep." Snape stated calmly Harry snickering again as Rudolphus sulked again.
Rabastan smirked bullying his niece into laying down with rudolphus."Now. You two will sleep.Don't think I didnt see that yawn."He grinned wider at the look she shot him though she didn't protest as she snuggled down into him,resting her head on the older man's chest. Willing to sleep if it made him rest.
Harry chuckled a little as Rudolphus pouted. but if it meant that Fy would sleep, well he guessed he could too, and with that he drifted off to sleep, breathing peacefully after only a few short minutes, Harry smiling a little. "it's like i'm the only person that sleeps around here these days." Harry complained. "and i'm the one with all the nightmares!" he smirked at Rabastan. "sorry about your sister in law..."
Rabastan snorted shaking his head."If I could have killed her years ago without rudy hurting me or Tom losing a good spy because of it, I would have."He smiled a little raising a eyebrow."And whats this I hear about me being a uncle again?Little pan's having a little one of her own?"He teased trying to distract the other from the memory. More observatent then most gave him credit for.
Harry sighed, looking rather relieved as he shook his head. "she is." he admitted smiling a little. "the only question is if it's mine or tom's." he admitted with a small laugh. "i doubt it will matter honestly. me and Tom look so much alike that it would be impossible to tell who the father is just by looking at the little babe, unless it goes by eye color." Harry admitted smirking a little. "honestly though, i think it would be better to not know, we're going to love the baby no matter what, so it's better to just both be the father."
Rabastn grinned looking at the man nodding."Thats good to hear."He said relaxing. Having been worried bout that when tom had said it, smiling as he ooked at hte oter."If you want to go,I'll stay here and make sure they're both okay.Tom's proably asleep by now."He said with a smile.
he shook his head. "no, Tom's boring when he's asleep." he admitted looking amused. "i'd rather have someone to talk to that hasn't tried to kill me or make my life miserable." he admitted. no offense to Lucius or Snape...but Harry hated their guts. "besides, how am i supposed to get blackmail on your brother if we don't talk a little?"
Rabastan laughed softly."And why are we trying to blackmail rudy?"he grinned tilting his head."And I wouldn't tell Tom he's boring ANYTIME. Tom'd take offense that you think he's boring...even if he is sleeping."he grinned looking at him.

Hermione glanced up from her book as Draco came in, tilting her head."Are you okay?"She asked sitting up from where she'd been laying on the couch, getting up to go to him, wrapping her arms around him."Draco?Are you okay?"She said anxiously, not liking how nervous and worried he looked.
Harry smirked. "i'm not trying to, at least not now." Harry admitted propping his feet up on the bed. "but it's good to have leverage on people, just in case." he admitted winking at Rabastan. "besides, it's fun to screw with peoples heads."

Draco jumped and quickly shoved the ring into his pocket before she could get a glimpse of it. "what? Yes! i mean no!... wait! i mean yes!" he groaned and shook his head. "sorry, i'm a little freaked out, everything's all worked up in my head." he admitted sighing a little as he blinked at her, smiling a little. "i love you. you know that right?"
Rabastan laughed softly nodding."Just in case."He grinned running his fingers through his hair."And ofcourse you'd think it was fun screwing with people, you're living with two people who take it to all new levels."

Hermione smiled a little wrapping her arms around him, kissing his head."I know. I love you to."She said kissing him hard, efore leaning back."Are you okay?"
Harry laughed a little and nodded. "well that and, the fact that all my life, it's been people screwing with me instead." he admitted sighing a little as he fingered his own hair. "i was thinking of growing my hair out a little." he admitted, pondering the thought. "maybe not as long as Draco's, but a little bit maybe." he hummed a little and then shrugged as he watched Fydra, smiling a little. "she's pretty aint she?... looks so innocent when she's sleeping."

he smiled a little and kissed her neck, nodding. "yes, i'm alright now." he promised, feeling calm when he was with her, he always did. she probably thought he was on drugs or something, but that was alright, he would take her out tomorrow, to the beach maybe, or to a park, and he would have a great big picnic, and he would make her laugh and make her happy while feeding her all her favorite things, and then...he'd do it. she'd squeal, or maybe scream. and then collapse and start crying, and he would try not to laugh.... boy, it almost sounded as if he was planning to murder her, but he would never do that.
Rabastan grinned laughing."Oh well, so does Rudy."He snickered before leaning over, tilting his head."Hmm you would look good with slightly longer hair. No not as long as draco's,but longer.Like tom's."

Hermione laughed a little holding him tighter, closing her eyes in pleasure, shivering a little under his lips."Good.Now. Do you think we should go get food?"she said leaning back to look at him.
Harry snickered. "and then they wake up and they remind us what little hellions they really are." he admitted with a smug little smirk. "fy especially. she can get into trouble just thinking about something." he shook his head. "but that's part of the fun don't you think? never knowing what's going to happen next, what stunt their going to pull." he chuckled a little and sighed. "i wish i knew all of those hair care spells that Draco does, i could grow my hair out right now and see if i like it."

Draco smiled a little before snapping his fingers. "oh! i almost forgot! Uncle Rudy is awake and seeing visitor's if you wanted to see him." he offered smiling at Hermione.we could get food from the kitchens and take it all up there, enough for everyone. i think Harry and Fy are in there now actually."
Hermione grinned getting up with him, summoning a house elf to get food before wrapping her arm through draco's, grinning a little."Let's go see him."she laughed a little, heading for the elder lestrange's room.

"Yes, that is one of the fun things.To see them trying to commit suicide."He snickered shaking his head."He'll tell you if you ask him." "Ask him what?And who?"Hermione said curiously as her and draco walked in,grinning a little, glad to see both pandora and rudy so relaxed.
Harry turned and beamed. "draco! just the man we where talking about!" "...why am i not so happy to hear that?" "oh hush, i just need to know your hair lengthening spell" he ordered scowling a little Draco snorting. "you want long hair?" "not TOO long...just longer." Harry stated calmly shaking his head a little. "it's short and sticks up all over the place right now, it's gonna poke someone's eye out!" Draco had to laugh at that.
Rabastan snickere,d"He's worried about tom's eyes now that he's going to be topping all the time."he smirked a little,"Poor boy doesn't want to injure tom on his hair." hermione blushed laughing softly as she sat on the bed, looking at harry."I think you would look good with long hair."
Harry turned and glared at Rabastan. "and just why do you think that i'm the bottom!?" he demanded, Draco snickering. "because your not big enough to overpower Tom to be the top." Draco admitted prodding Harry's head with his wand, lengthening the locks a little until the bangs framed Harry's face and the back barley brushed Harry's neck, his hair was still wild, but it looked controlled now instead of looking like he never brushed it. "wow...he DOES look better!" Draco agreed, looking amazed.
Hermione laughed softly, poking draco."You dont have to sound so amazed about it."she grinned gently stroing harry's hair."But he is right, you do look better." Rabastan snickered."Tom'd never willingly bottom even if his life depended on it."He said laughing softly.
Harry sulked a little and scowled at them all before he laughed and nodded."yeah you'd be right. besides it feels too damn good to bitch about being bottom." Harry admitted with a small chuckle as he ran his hand through his hair, smiling a little. "think Tom and Pan will like it?" he asked hopefully, examining himself in a conjured mirror his head tilted. "i was thinking about getting my tongue pierced too." just to see what Hermione's reaction would be.
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