Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Hermione gaped a little before smirking, looking at draco then pandora."Ohh...I think both pan and tom will appericiate THAT." Rabastan smirked, sputtering a little not quite believing that the polite young woman had said that.".....hermione?" "Yes?" "Did you mean...?" "Yes.Yes I did."she said waggling her eyebrows a little.
Harry stared, wide eyed at Hermione his head tilted to the side before he grinned wickedly. "you naught, naughty little Gryffindor." he teased laughing a little as he shook his head. "i'll make Snape do it." "why him?" "because i hate him and if he fucks it up then Tom will kill him." "....Harry..." "i know i know he's your godfather and you love him, nag nag nag nag nag..." he grumbled sulking again, Draco snorting a little looking highly amused. "Harry, your such an ass." Draco complained smiling a little as Harry huffed again, still sulking.
Hermione snickered shaking her head."Pandora likes her uncle sev, harry. She might not like that."She snickered. "And we all must try to please the pregnant one.'Rabastan added snickering as he shook his head."But he is a ass."He added.
Harry sighed a little and nodded. "yeah yeah fine, i'll hire a professional." he complained wrinkling his nose. "now then." he stated calmly. "what sort of tattoo should i get? i was thinking a panther a horse and a snake all tangled up in each other, to symbolize Tom Pan and me." he smirked. "it's going to move of course." he decided tapping his lips a little. "i dunno maybe the tattoo would be too much?" "i think so." Draco decided for them all. "besides Tom would kill you."
"Why's tom killing him?This time anyways?"Pandora muttered rubbing her cheek against rudy's shoulder, blinking sleepily as she looked at the other three. Rabastan laughed softly smiling a little. "We were just discussing the cosmetic changes harry's going to do."He laughed wondering how long it would take her to notice that harrys hair was different
Harry chuckled a little as he watched Pan wake up, Rudy still sleeping as he curled up a little closer to the nuzzling with a small whine, thinking someone was trying to wake him up, Harry chuckling a little as he too waited for Pan to notice. "i was thinking of getting my ear pierced that's all." he stated calmly, smiling at Pan, giving the other two a glance so they kept Harry's plan to get his tongue pierced quiet. he wanted that to be a surprise.
"Oh, you'd look changed your hair."She said sleepily, sitting up to look at him reaching out to run her fingers through his hair, pulling him down for a kiss."It looks good." Hermione laughed watching them "I told you she'd like it."She teased. Rabastan snickered, wondering just what pandora would think of him gently a tongue piercing.
Harry smiled and nodded gasping when he was pulled into a kiss, moaning happily as he nuzzled her. "mmm yeah, my old look was annoying me." he admitted smiling a little at her. "do you think Tom will like it?" he asked hopefully, tugging on his own hair. "i hope so, i'd hate to be mad at him for the rest of my natural born life." he admitted grinning a little to show he was joking.
Pandora laughed grinning at her lover amused."Harry, tom's liable to be yelling at one of us for the rest of HIS natural born life." Rabastan snickered,"Well, if you'd stop doing insane things, he wouldn't." Hermione smirked."They can't help it. They have this insane hero complex."
Harry smirked a little. "sorry, it was bred into me." he teased with a small snicker. "Pan has no such excuses." he teased chuckling a little as Draco rolled his eyes. "Harry, you need a life." "so do you, at least i have pretty hair." "whats wrong with my hair!?" "it makes you look like a girl." "...Harry... i'm going to kill you." Draco complained Rudolphus chuckling a little. "i think that would upset Pan." he mumbled sleepily.
Hermione snickered."And me."She laughed wrapping a arm around draco's waist."And there's nothing wrong with your hair love. it's pretty." Rabastan snickered, biting his lip to keep from laughing at the look on Draco's face."Don't let her lie. You're a girl.You do wear dresses."He said seriously. Pandora snickered."Not anymore he doesn't. And no one's going to make him put one on either."
Draco scowled a little and shook his head. "i hate you all." he complained pouting at Hermione. "tell them that i hate them all." "aaw Draco come on, you love us and you know it." Rudolphus teased chuckling a little shaking his head. "besides i think Draco would look better in a suit." he stated calmly, laying his head down and yawning. "a pretty blue one." he mumbled deciding to sleep some more, Harry looking worried. "is that normal?" "coping mechanism. he's sleeping off the rest of his addiction and the trauma of living a lie." he explained. "he'll wake up to eat and then go back to sleep." he shrugged. "he'll be fine."
PAndora grinned looking at draco, leaning over to pat his head."You're so knowledgable dear cousin."She said shifting to wrap her arms around him, nuzzling him a little."Love you." " SHE takking something?"Hermione said staring at the slightly amusing empath, wondering what she was up to.Rabastan snickered a little."She's just feeling loving.And draco's always been her favorite cousin."
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "it's common knowledge when you want to be a potions master." Draco stated calmly. "Sev's been teaching me a little bit of psychology, which is necessary so i can judge how a potion might react with a person." he smiled looking rather pleased with himself. "i'm her only cousin." he pointed out with a chuckle, Harry nodding. "thank god for that eh Rabastan?"
Rabastan laughed, blushing lightly."Oh yes. There's nothing worse then a world inflicted with a mini bella."He said shuddering at the iea, glad for little mercies. Hermione shuddered poking draco in the arm."It doesn't mean your not her favorite cousin." Pandora blushed a little hugging draco tighter."You're so smart."She said blushing a little, feeling bad that she hadn''t finished school, because she couln't risk it.
Harry shuddered at the thought before frowning. "i wonder why though." he admitted. "from what i've heard Bella enjoyed the sex, they ha it why no babies?" "that's a good question." Draco agreed looking befuddled before he smiled at Pan. "your a lot smarter than i am pan. just because i know things out of books, doesn't mean i'm smart... your the ones who's smart. remember? your even the one that notices Rudy was hurting, long before Sev ever did. long before any of us even suspected."
"CAuse bella's bella, and she'd have to share attention if she ever had a kid."Rabastan said wisely, laughing a little when pandra blushed."I did not!I didn't notice soon enough."She said rubbing ahnd over her face smiling slightly, though her blush was making her feel a little light headed. Hermione laughed oftly,"I dont know whats more disturbing, the thought of bella as a mother, or of her havng sex."
Harry set a hand on her shoulder. "you noticed sooner than anyone else did." he stated calmly. "you've been noticing for years." Draco stated. "it's just that you didn't realize it. you always seemed to mother Rudolphus, as if he was broken somehow. i always assumed it was because he was unhappy about not having kids... but you knew something was wrong even if you didn't realize it."
Pandora pouted a little, poking her cousin in the arm."I dont mother him!" Rabastan snickered a little."You do, you know you do pan. Though it is amusing ,you mother lucy just as much." "That's cause he has to put up with snape!He needs mothered!"Pandora whined. Hermione laughed a little, glad the girl was thinking about something other then not realizing what had been wrong.
Harry laughed a little. "but i thought you LIKED Snape?" he teased lifting an eyebrow at her, Draco laughing again. "and you try to mother Snape too for that matter! and you'd ALWAYS mothered Tom! though i do admit he's immature enough to need one." he admitted with a small snicker Harry laughing again as he shook his head. "how come i'm not being mothers!? Pan i feel left out!" "you idiot she DOES mother you! she mothers you more than anyone else." "hooray i'm special!" Harry chirped happily Draco snickering. "yeah, the 'special' kind of special." he teased Harry turning to glare at him. "hey! you behave or i'll tell mama pan on you!"
"Hey!No name calling!"Pandora whined shifting glaring at them all."I DO NOT mother everyone!" Rabastan snickered burying his face in his hands."That's true. You didn't mother bella. You just mother your chosen ones. Kinda like a mama cat with kittens. I'm amazed they can do anything on their own." Hermione smacked draco on the arm."Be nice, our pandora might decide to mother her little GIRL draco."
Harry laughed a little and nodded, smiling at her. "it's just one of those things Pan." he stated with a smile. "one of those things, that everyone loves about you." he admitted snickering as Draco choked and went bright red. "i'll behave..." he muttered sheepishly Harry outright laughing as he grinned a little beaming at Pan. "besides if you hadn't mothered me, i probably wouldn't have lasted as long as i have. if you hadn't mothered me i'd still be as wild and insane as the day i was brought here."
"Oh."Pandora looked thoughtful before grinning."Its a good thing then." Hermione laughed softly shaking her head."You try to fix whatever's wrong, of course its a good thing."she smiled. Rabastan snickered at draco,"Poor draco.You could complain to lucius, if she didn't mother him to."
Harry chuckled a litte and Draco smirked a little as he shook his head. "shut up Uncle, she mothers you most of all." he teased smirking a little. "you DO realize, that you and Rudy are now the ONLY people she loves that does't have a lover?" he demanded smirking as Harry sucked in a breath. "what!? Seriously!? but your so HOT how could you not have a lover!?" Harry demanded staring at him, not even bothering to care that he had just called another man hot. it was true, and as long as he didn't flirt with the Lestrange brothers he figure'd he'd be alright.
Rabastan snickered a little."She only mothers me just because she didn't know what was wrong with rudy."he smirked before shrugging looking at harry, snickering a little at the jealous glare the brunette was getting from the empath.Ohhhh so pandora could get jealous. He'd wondered."Oh well, I was living with bellatrix. It kind of put a dent in romance."He said with a laugh. Hermione laughed softly resting her head on draco's shoulder, nudging him, to get him to look at pandora, amused at the girl's distress. Knowing nothing to serious would happen because of it.
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