Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry nodded and glanced at her offering her a small smile before heading upstairs to Tom. "we fucked and her powers came back." Harry admitted. "but she couldn't get her shields up so Draco had to take what she was getting and now their both like this." he stated in a rushed tone as he stripping himself naked and holding her tightly from the other side, simply waiting. Harry refused to get up for anything, save when he just couldn't hold his bladder anymore.

Draco woke first, like always with a pained groan his eyes fluttering open, flinching at the bright light dragging the pillow over his eyes to hide from the bright sting. "...s, bright." he complained swallowing thickly, his hand reaching out, looking for something to drink, his lips where paper dry, and someone usually had a glass of water waiting for him on the table next to the bed.
Hermione smiled a little, handing him the glass of water as she closed the curtains, blocking out the sunlight. Gently stroking a hand over his back."How do you feel?"She said softly, trying not to be to loud, knowing that he had to have a horrible headache. And not saying anything else, cause well she was worried how he'd take pandora still being knocked out. So for now, she was going to take care of him.
Draco gripped the glass of water and swallowed every drop as he heard the curtains close, hesitantly opening his eyes and sighing softly a small smile on his lips. "like there is a red hot coal burning it's way through my brain and like i got kicked in the head by a horse." he admitted blinking at her. "how are you feeling? i'm sorry if i worried you, i didn't think that Pandora was going to be in that much trouble. she's probably still out." he admitted groaning a little. "i don't suppose you'd have a pain potion somewhere?"
Hermione smiled a little giving hi m the pain potion before sighing."I'm fine. we're all getting the shivers every once in awhile, like pandora's still broadcasting what she's feeling even though she's out...but I'm fine."she smiled a little."It's been three days and she's nt showing any signs of waking up. And I was worried about you."She said biting her lip, looking at him worriedly."Don't worry about me. I'm not the one who ended up bleeding."she pointed out.
he smiled at her and swallowed down the pain potion, sighing as it helped ease the pounding headache, laying his head in her lap, too tired to care that he might be overstepping the boundaries. "that's normal." he admitted sighing softly. "it's very traumatic feeling every single person on the planet, muggle and wizard and magical creature." he shuddered violently and snuggled himself tighter into Hermione, closing his eyes tightly. "it just hurt so much..." he shuddered again. "i can't imagine having to do that all the time." he admitted softly. "no wonder she's insane..."
Hermione nodded a little, startled as he laid his head in her lap,slowly stroking his hair, shifting to lean back against teh headboard."You were gone less then ten minutes....and it...messed you up. It IS no wonder she's as bad as she is."She said worried about the other woman, shivering. Truly she couldn't think about how tramatic, how bad it had to be. That even through her shields she still felt things.
he smiled a little. "i'm just glad that it's over with for now." he admitted sighing softly closing his eyes as he rested on her lap. "it's nice to wake up with someone here though." he admitted smiling a little. "usually i wake up alone, because Pandora is so much weaker than i am she needs more attention." he yawned a little, "i'm glad Pandora kidnapped you and brought you here." he admitted with a small chuckle. "as horrible as that sounds."
Hermione laughed,"That does sound horrible."She teased leaning down to kiss him before sitting up again. Understanding why pandora was so much weaker, because she took her powers like a sucker punch, it shut her down. hard when she was hurt."I'm glad I'm here for you."She said blushing a little.
he smiled a little at her, kissing her back before grinning a little. "we should go on a picnic later, when i can move my legs." he decided. "to make up for our crappy first date... and when Pan and Harry is feeling better we should prank them, revenge for ruining said first date." he smirked a little. "that would be fun."
"Only a slytherin would want to prank his cousin for following him."She laugehd shaking her head before nodding."Fine. We will. Picnic it is."She smiled brushing her fingers through his hair, content to just see where things went, and try not to worry about pandora.

Two days later she smiled slightly as she helped draco walk across the hall, having finally giving into his insistance annoying demands to see pandora, though the girl was still catatonic. "Hey tom.How's she doing?"She said softly looking at the brunette, wondering if harry was really asleep or just pretending, settling draco on the bed edge.

Tom sighed softly, "She's the same. Sometimes I can feel her like a breath of hot air on my skin, but others..."He shuddered. Other times he got nothing, no sense of life except for the steady rise of her chest. Those moments scared him more then he'd ever admit.
Draco nodded and gently touched Pandora's fore arm, frowning a little as he glanced at Harry. "he's giving her his magic again." he stated softly looking worried. "i wish he wouldn't do that, all it does is make him doesn't help her at all.." but it was all that Harry could do for her when she was like that, and he always hoped that it would help her to recover...even if it never worked. that answered Hermione's question though, Harry was definitely asleep. "She'll be fine." Draco stated softly, but sounding very certain, he had to have hope that she would be ok.
Tom nodded looking at the two, smiling slowly."Why don't you two go out. Have the house elves make you lunch, since draco can't 'cook-"he teased a little, tilting his head."Go.Get out of the house for a bit.It'll do you good."He said watching the pale blond. Knowing he needed to think of something else except his cousin.

Hermione nodded, kissing draco's head, getting up, gently brushing a strand of pandora's hair out of her face."You'll call us back in if she wakes up?"

Tom nodded tilting his head."If she does, and after I get her to eat I'll come get you."He said, looking down worriedly at the always lithe blond woman, who'd lost even more weight in her boy's struggle to balance itself.
Draco hesitated at the suggestion, biting his lip a little before smiling and nodding grinning at Hermione. "i'd like that." he decided, he'd been losing weight too, being too worried to eat properly, and Harry practically refused to eat while Pandora was unconscious, and only ate when Tom forced him to.

"you should get out of the house too Tom." Draco admitted shaking his head a little. "Harry can keep Pan safe, you know he won't leave her side, and your starting to look just as Frazzled as Harry is, and that's saying something." he admitted tangling his fingers in Hermione's with a small smile. "i'll ask the Elves to pack all of our favorites, since i'm still banned from the kitchen."
Tom nodded, waving them away."I'm going to. There's a few things I need to get from town."He said more to the point he wanted to get pandora some books because he had a feeling she was going to be bed bound for awhile.

Hermione snickered getting up, pulling draco to his feet."Come on then." She smiled laughing a litle as she helped the blond out of the room, heading downstairs and waiting for the food they'd asked for. Worried about him because well, he wasn't taking care of himself like he should.

Tom sighed softly, running his fingers through his hair, knowing he was frazzled, and he needed to get away from the still girl. Shaking harry's shoulder he bent down,stealing a kiss."Harry. Wake up."He called softly, adding just a slight mental slap to it.
Draco smiled and nodded as he took Hermione's hand and led her away, feeling rather light hearted and chipper at the prospect of getting out of the house. "thank you for being concerned about me." he chirped smiling at Hermione, even Narcissa and Lucius had not come by to check on Draco, busy with trying to infiltrate the Ministry. he nibbled on a sandwich as the elves rushed to get everything ready, but he wasn't all that hungry...

Harry groaned as he was shaken awake, kissing him back as he blinked sluggishly. "is Pan awake!?" he asked hopefully rubbing his eyes as he looked down at the girl looking about as crushed as a boy who'd dropped his ice-cream cone. "whats up? did something happen? is Draco and Hermione ok?....your going to make me eat again aren't you?" Harry demanded, sounding about as accusing as he could get, showing how much he approved of THAT idea.
hermione smiled at the house elves when they finished their pininc basket, holding it as she walked outside with draco."Well someone has to. Pandora can't keep after you when she's sick.And harry and tom are helping her.So I'll help you."She smiled heading for the waterfall, it was really beautiful, despite the last time they'd been here.

Tom sighed softly "No nothing happened.Yes draco and hermione are okay, but going for a picnic outside. And no I'm not making you eat again. At least not till I get home."He smiled a little gently stroking pandora's hair."I'm going into town to get a few books and things she wanted...before this."He said pain flashing through his eyes. Hating to see both his lovers like this.
Draco smirked a little. "if you think this is bad, you should have seen me before the NEWT's." he admitted. "i didn't eat for three days and i didn't sleep for four because i was studying too hard." he admitted chuckling a little. "and i STILL didn't beat your scores! how do you do it?" he asked offering her a playful pout smiling at her. "at least we can be certain we're not being followed this time."

Harry nodded and glanced up at Tom, reaching up and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, kissing him hard. "bring me back some candy." he ordered sternly yawning as he snuggled into Pandora, but did not go back to sleep, he had to protect her, and that meant staying awake. "you go and get the things she needs." he ordered offering him a small smile. "i'll make sure nothing bad happens."
Hermione smirked, touching a finger to her temple, sitting down on the bench by the waterfall, starting to set out their food from the basket."Photographic memory.I can remember anything I see-even things I don't want to."She said wrinkling her nose a little, lauhing softly."Yes, I would assume it is a good bet we're not followed."

Tom nodded, kissing him again before leaving.

Outside at the wards Molly weasley looked at her sons, smiling slightly. Studying the house in front of her, she couldn't believe that there seemed to be wards in place.Having tracked down the missing girl to this house, she worried about what had become to hermione. And hopefully they could take care of the other problem that had been plaguing the headmaster in the form of the potter boy and the empath."ready?"She said looking at them, smiling as they nodded. Never realizing the wards would allow them in,but it would be difficult to come back out.

"Let's go."Arthur said as he stepped over the ward edge, uponing the front door as he held his wand in hand, easing inside.
Draco gaped at her his eyes wide. "that..that..that....that's CHEATING!" he protested stammering and stuttering and pouting. "so not fair, how am i supposed to contend against someone that's naturally smarter than me?" he whined before sighing a little. "anyway." he muttered helping her set the stuff out. "i don't think i could handle something out like that, my head is already over stuffed."

Ron and the Twins nodded as they followed their father, glancing around as they licked their lips, Fred and George heading up the stairs, following the sounds of voices, following the sound of Harry talking softly to himself, chattering about how he was going to make Pandora a wonderful dinner, all by hand. the twins motioned for the rest of the family to follow, they could only hope that there was no one else in the house.
Hermione laughed looking at him, "Well of course it is.Your ego's huge."She teased kissing him softly starting to eat."And it's not cheating. IT's not my fault I have it."She said pouting a little.

"Perfectis totalis."Molly whispered softly as she cast, freezing the brunette on the bed before he had a chance to respond to the red head clan's sudden appearance, frowning at the sight of the woman he'd been talking to. She say the least unaware of anything around her."Ron, get the girl."She ordered glad that arthur was still out in the hall making sure that no one else was in the house."
Draco laughed a little and nodded. "well, i AM pretty." he chirped grinning at her as he offered her a chocolate covered strawberry. "besides, i could think of worse people to be losing to." he teased smiling a little. "i'm glad that your smarter than me, i might not have realized how amazing you are if you weren't."

Harry froze, looking shocked as he found himself completely petrified, grunting and screaming as he tried to struggle free, normally he could have broke the spell with his own magic, but he had spent up most of it trying to help Pandora. the twins smirked as they rolled harry off the bed and stuffed him under it, so that he wouldn't be able to alert anyone as Ron gathered the limp woman into his arms and sprinted out of the room, snickering a little. "this is all too perfect." he whispered to his mother. "Dumbledore is going to be so pleased with us!"
Hermione laughed tilting his head as he looked at the other."Hmm almost pretty enough to be a girl."She teased leaning over, biting off the strawberry, her lips brushing against his fingers."That was good."She said finishing.

When they were out of the house, and back at the burrow molly frowned realizing the girl was starting to come around in ron's arms. But what she was saying...made no sense. "Put her on the couch. We can't give her to dumbledore like this."

" angry....and...and fear...your afraid...not like draco,but afraid..."Pandora mumbled shivering in ron's arms, her head resting against ron's shoulder."...pain..sati...perfection."She shivered harder, unconsciously pulling on her powers, stealing some of the emotions around her to start building her shields again. After a few moments she blinked blearily, still out of it and confused.

Molly frowned looking at her, studying the girl as she felt the cool touch of power sliding against them all." the world..."
Draco blushed hard as her lips brushed his fingers and before he could stop himself he leaned down and caught her lips in his, kissing her gently his eyes closing as he savored her taste, and the taste of the strawberries still lingering on her lips, sighing softly. before releasing her. "sorry, i couldn't resist, someone who's prettier than me just gets under my skin, and i have to make them mine." he teased smirking a little. "Fortunately, i've only found one person who's prettier than me."

Ron shuddered, nearly collapsing when her powers reached out around them, shaking his head as he straightened himself the Twins glancing at each other and then back at Pandora, both of them smirking sadistically. "she's so frail." they had a habit of raping 'frail' people, not that anyone in the family cared. "stay away from her." Ron ordered, smirking a little. "she's mine." he growled heading up the stairs to set her into his bed, smiling as he examined her, he wanted her all for himself, and he would have her.
Hermione blushed darkly leaning back to look at him, smiling a little."I think I can live with being yours...but you're prettier."She teased kissing him again, sliding her fingers through his silky hair. REally she did think he was prettier, he was a statue she'd stolen from a musuem, beautiful and untouchable, and yet she'd taken him and was able to roll around with him. Blushing more at the thought and the ideas it'd brought up.Holding up a strawberry for him to eat she smiled,"Only one?"She teased.

Pandora blinked slowly, shivering a little. Looking up at everyone, trembling a little.She'd felt the twins response to her. Blinking as she was set on bed she shuddered watching the man examine her."Don't... dont touch me."She swallowed raising a hand feeling her nose starting to bleed. It seemed she was overwealmed in building her walls, even as the pain in her head lessened she was afraid. She didn't know where she was.. or who this was...or...panic crossing her face."Where's harry?Draco?Tom?"She said struggling to sit up, but not able to. She really was his helpless captive.
he chuckled a little and offered her a small grin. "well, how about we agree to disagree." he offered, to him she looked just like an angel, or a beautiful mermaid from the ocean, the pretty ones that Muggles where always talking about, with the pretty voices and the lovely faces. and he had always loved the sea. he smirked and sucked all the chocolate off the strawberry, teasing her back., "only one." he promised smiling at her. "but i can't tell you who." he teased winking at her. "because apparently you wouldn't beleive me."

Draco pulled back a little and then leaned forward again. "shh, Pandora it's alright, your safe." Ron lied/promised gently dabbing her face with a cool rag, trying to calm her down. "there was an attack." the lies falling easily from his lips. "they had to abandon the house, Draco went to France with his mother and father, Harry vanished, went into the woods, we haven't been able to find him. Tom is in the hospital." he gently dabbed at her face, muttering a soft Impirio under his breath, tugging at her mind he made certain she believed him. the only person better than him at Impirio, was Dumbledore himself, but Ron was more subtle about it, Pandora probably wouldn't even realize what had happened. "your safe here, i'm going to take care of you, i promise."
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