Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Draco rolled his eyes but slid the book over to Hermione and grabbed another one, Harry snickering a little. "damn Draco, not even your girlfriend yet and she can still boss you around." he teased Draco shrugging. "as far as i'm concerned she is always right, that is how my father always maintained a happy relationship with his women." "women?" "you honestly don't think that my mother and father actually love each other do you? they where an arranged marriage, they had to marry each other or get disowned, they have side flings, there's no way i'm going to go through that, i'm going to marry for love, not money." aaw how romantic.

"i never thought of it like that." harry admitted looking startled. "honestly, i passed out a little, so i just did everything off od instinct." he silently dared someone to question how you could pass out a little, shooting a glare about the room. "i hope thats all it is." he admitted nuzzling her. "i don't want to be the one who broke your gifts."
Draco rolled his eyes but slid the book over to Hermione and grabbed another one, Harry snickering a little. "damn Draco, not even your girlfriend yet and she can still boss you around." he teased Draco shrugging. "as far as i'm concerned she is always right, that is how my father always maintained a happy relationship with his women." "women?" "you honestly don't think that my mother and father actually love each other do you? they where an arranged marriage, they had to marry each other or get disowned, they have side flings, there's no way i'm going to go through that, i'm going to marry for love, not money." aaw how romantic.

"i never thought of it like that." harry admitted looking startled. "honestly, i passed out a little, so i just did everything off od instinct." he silently dared someone to question how you could pass out a little, shooting a glare about the room. "i hope thats all it is." he admitted nuzzling her. "i don't want to be the one who broke your gifts."
"I know."Pandora muttered softly running her fingers through his hair, squirming a little bit as she kissed him.Yawning as she settled back against him."And you're such a romantic malfoy."she teased."I might have to get you a frilly dress to go with your princess crown."

Hermione blushed snickering as she gave the blond a sidelong glance smiling as she focused on the book.
Harry chuckled a little as he laid down with Pandora in hi arms, echoing her yawn and snuggling into her. "yes well, since their doing boring things, i think i'm going to sleep." "you always hated studying." "oh yeah, even ask Hermione, if it wasn't for her, i never would have passed anything." he sighed a little and grinned, closing his eyes and going to sleep, just like he'd promised to do.

Annoying." Draco muttered tossing an amused glance at Harry and shaking his head as he turned a page in his book, sighing softly. "i know what he means though, i always did hate researching, even if i am better at it then most." he whined pouting a little. "if only he could see, i'd make him help."
Hermione laughed as both empaths fell asleep, laying down on the bed at the foot, proping the book up in front of her to look through it."Probably better he can't see. He'd complain and whine about being needed to do this."she said smiling softly, looking up at the blond."Though pandora would be helpful.Probably. And if he could see and wasn't feeling bad himself, he'd drive her insane with fussing over her."She pointed out.
Draco paused and then. "good point." he grumbled pouting a little. "it's still sort of annoying." he admitted looking amused as he glanced at her. "sometimes i forget how well you know harry." he admitted watching her, suddenly looking...concerned. "did you know? what those muggles where doing to him?" Harry had never told her, that Draco knew, but she was a smart girl, surely she must have figured something out? unless Harry was that much of an actor to be able to hide broken bones and internal bleeding from her.
Hermione looked pained, shaking her head as she looked at her friend."No. Sometimes he had a few bruises but he acted well...enough to explain everything.I...I never knew."She said her voice sad and pained, as she brushed a tear off her face.
he nodded and reached across the table gently holding her hand. "it's fine." he promised smiling at her gently. "Harry's always been the type to hide his own pain." he sighed a little. "but sometimes, i wish he wasn't so strong, it's hard to help someone who doesn't think he needs it."
hermione smiled looking at him, "IT can be. Thankfully he has pandora to fuss over so maybe he wont notice we're fussing over him."She said looking down at the book again."I wish I coudl figure this out."
Draco sighed a little and nodded, looking back at his own book. "i'm glad your here." Draco admitted softly. "if anyone can figure this stuff out it's you." he admitted offering her a smile. "we'll get it figured out, we just need to work together, the answers will come, i'm sure if it. if all else fails, we can always bring Dumbledore here and ask him what happened, he can't lie now that he's under the Impirio."
"True."Hermione nodded lookign reassured.They'd figure this out.

Two days ater Pandora smiled slightly, tilting her head as she listened to draco walk around the kitchen."Would you stop feeling nervous?You're only making her lunch."She said before stopping. Realizing that she hadn't seen the emotion, she'd felt it.A little bit anyways.IT was like she was slowly finding her powers again, though they were still weak and strained.
Draco wasn't nervous, he was freaking out! "but it has to be perfect!" he complained panting as he tried to stir a pudding and wailing pathetically when he realized that Cooking, and Potions, where nothing alike. "this is HORRID!!!! he complained flopping down into the chair next to her, flicking his wand at the food and making it cook itself as his head hit the table. "i'm a terrible cook! Hermione's hoping to get sick off of this shit!"
Pandora laughed softly, blind still,but she could almost see where he was. Reaching out she gently stroked his hair, trying to calm him down."No you wont make her sick, and hermione will have fun.I promise. After spending a morning with harry and trying to igure out what's wrong, she'll be glad to have someone who's not insane to talk to."she said soothingly. Finding his distress amusing, not that she'd tell him.
Draco groaned a little and shook his head. "i know your laughing at me on the inside!" he complained pouting a little sighing a little. Harry had gotten a lot better, but the guy was still nuttier than an Acorn. made for very interesting conversations, for instance, Harry had talked for an entire half an hour about how a squirrel could stuff three nuts in each cheek and still run around, and of course he ignored all of Hermione's facts when she tried to explain about what had happened, it wasn't that harry didn't care, he just didn't understand.

"i guess your right." Draco admitted sighing a little. "honestly though, i don't think i've ever been this nervous. i wish i could do something romantic for her but this is about all i can manage...." Draco wasn't good at feelings or romance, he was good at books... god he hated himself.
"That's why I had tom go out and get this for you."She said smiling a little, because she understood that he was horrible at the romantic thing. And while she would tease him about it, she really did want him to be happy. Summoning the package to her she smiled as she handed him the book, fingers trailing over the soft leather bound books. One copy of Romeo and juliet and the other was julius caesar. "I asked harry, they're her favorites."She smiled glad that while he was good at books, he hadnt bothered to go through tom's library well. The two copies were the rarely seen copies that still had shakespeare's notes in it. Glad that he would think she'd bought it instead of asked for a favor, that tom had readily given to her.
(i should really look into reading Romeo and Juliet at some point.)

Draco blinked, running his fingers over the covers. "their my favorites too." he admitted smiling a little as he gently touched the books. "i'm sure that she'll love them." he flung his arms over Pandora's shoulders. "thanks Pan, i really appreciate that." he mumbled softly gently kissing her cheek. "now help me." he ordered. "i just set the oven on fire." and it was belching a thick black smoke while it was at it as Draco splashed water over it, trying to put it out. he hoped to god that Hermione didn't walk in on this, he'd be mortified beyond all belief.
Maybe. Good long as you read the modern version of it. XP)

Pandora smiled slightly, hugging him back before helping him put out the fire."You know this is totally not sexy.Poor hermione. Stuck with a man that can't cook."

Hermione wrinkled her nose as she walked with harry into the house, tilting his head a little. "Do you smell something?"she asked looking over at him.
Harry paused, sniffed once at the air and. "Draco tried to cook, somethings on fire." he stated simply shaking his head. "he's good at potions but he's helpless in the kitchen." he admitted smirking a little. "my guess, is that he was trying to make lunch, instead of getting the house elves to help him...are you still on that whole house elves need liberation crap, or can Draco get help from the help again? the guy is really very helpless without house elves to help him. he can't even do his own laundry."

Draco glared at her. "!" he ordered sulking violently as he poured more water onto the stove. "this is CRAP!" he complained tossing his hands in the air flopping onto the floor and crossing his arms. "who am i kissing!? Hermione is never going to like a jackass like me, i'm completely useless!"
Hermione smiled, pausing in the doorway as she heard the cousins talking. Wanting to hear. Blushing slightly as the man talked."No, I'm okay with letting him use the house elf. Beause well...I do want to eat something."she said tilting her head as she listened to pandora.

Pandora scowled crouching down in front of him,gently brushing his hair out of his face."you know that's a little, love.I could tell she liked you. And that's before you started being nice.So stop having a crisis of faith.If you don't have faith in yourself, have faith in me."She snickered a little."You wouldn't want to hurt my feelings and tell me I'm wrong would you?"
Harry smirked a little. "Draco's having another self crises." he explained softly to Hermione. "he goes through them when he's really nervous, you make him nervous." he teased chuckling a little. "i don't think i've ever seen him like someone as much as he does you, no matter how much he tried to deny it." he snickered a little and shook his head. "really, it's very funny."

Draco snorted a little and sulked at her. "only because i don't want to have a black eye when Hermione gets here." he grumbled, but he got to his feet and started trying to make dinner again, this time he started to use the stove, up until several small Pops filled the air. "Master Draco you is ruining kitchen!" one of the house elves complained, sounding very distressed. "i know i know! i'm sorry!" "you is getting OUT!" "HEY!" he yelped as he was bodily shoved out of the kitchen. "it's MY kitchen! i can ruin it if i Hermione..." how embarrassing, getting tossed out by the help.
hermione swallowed the laugh, knowing that it would make him feel worse. Smiling as pandora was left alone to help cooking."Would you care to go for a walk while dinner is finished?"She said not teasing him about why it wasnt done yet, she was just to nice.

Pandora smiled a little slipping around the two, wrapping a arm around harry's waist, tugging him towards the door."Lets go for our own walk love."She muttered, having every intention of spying. She couldn't just abandon draco to his own devices. That was just to scary to think about.
He smiled a little, looking sheepish. "a walk sounds nice." he agreed shaking his head. "since i doubt i will ever be allowed in the kitchen ever again..." he admitted scowling a little before he brightened. "i know this amazing path through the gardens that lead into the woods, there's a huge waterfall back there, do you want to see it? it's very pretty."

Harry smirked a little. "you just want to stalk Draco so you can help him when he starts failing again...i like it, lets go."
"I would love to."She said smiling a little, walking outside with him. Smiling wider as the sun warmed her skin. Looking over at him, she reached out, nervously taking his hand before laughing a little.""You're probably banned from the kitchen.Never again to get your own ice cream.."She teased laughing a little.

Pandora smirked walking out with him, wrapping a arm around his waist as she walked out, loking around the gardens. Taking the long way out to the waterfall. Having heard where they'd planned to go."Oh would I ever do that?I would never want to just help draco."She said looking falsely wounded, laughing softly.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little as his fingers tightened gently around Hermione's, happily holding her hand. "that's ok, i'm not particularly fond of Icecream." he admitted smiling a little. "i prefer yogurt." he admitted glancing at her and blushing a little. " is my kitchen....even if i don't really use it..."

Harry laughed a little and nodded. "yes, you also want to mock him behind his back, and take the chance to molest me in the wild." he teased smirking a little as he looped his arm around her shoulders. "you do know where we're going right?"
hermione laughed softly ,blushing to as she looked at the other tilting her head as she heard the waterfall, even if they couldn't see it yet."Well technically, it's pandora's kitchen.Its her summer home. She just lets you stay.So she can mock you in your attempts to cook."She teased.

"Of course."Pandora smiled as she slipped through the forest, smirking as the trail dumped them out behind the waterfall, into a small cave that while they would be able to watch draco and hermione, the rushing water would hide them."Hmm I molest you anywhere."She pointed out.
he shrugged. "technically.... yeah you'd be right." he admitted looking amused. "honestly i'm surprised she didn't kick me out herself." he admitted shaking his head. "i don't know if she can cook either, i know if Harry had seen me he would have started freaking out, he's laid claim to the kitchen domain, and when HE'S in there NO one is allowed in, not even the house elves." he smirked a little. "guess that means it's Harry's kitchen."

Harry snickered a little and grinned as they came out into the waterfall his head tilted a little. "it really is very pretty out here." Harry admitted. "i never thought of taking this path before." he admitted grinning a little as he glanced at her. "well sure you can molest me anywhere, but who's to say you didn't set this all up just so you COULD molest me out here?" he teased snickering a little.
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