Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Hermione blushed a little, but nodded. Following him out. Not wanting to stick around for what would happen.

A few hours later tom breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of harry blinking slowly."How do you feel?"He asked, sounding worried. Not trying to look at the pale woman next to him. He'd handle one problem at a time.
Harry groaned a little and closed his eyes, his head pounding wildly as he closed his eyes again. "like i was put under a few Crucio and then was hit by a bus." he admitted softly. "you got any water?" he asked reaching onto the bedside table. "Christ what time is it? you should turn on a light or something." he complained rubbing his eyes, not seeming to be able to see anything around him, despite the overhead light blaring. "on the other hand don't, my head is KILLING me...what happened?" he couldn't quite remember what had happened, he'd stepped through the fireplace, he'd hugged Dumbledore, then...nothing. "hey got a bucket?" Harry asked thickly. "nope..never mind too late." he stuttered bending over the bed and loosing the little he'd eaten.
Tom winced a little, cleaning up the mess, giving a look at the overhead light before looking at harry."It's about 9 at night. And I DO have a light on."He said softly, reaching out and gently stroking harry's hair, handing the other a glass of water."You and dumbledore fought, he fought for control. And you won.then passed out afterwards."He said biting his lip, wondering how to tell the other."And pandora's been out since before we got back.Draco said she felt odd....changed, and passed out.She hasn't gotten up yet."He said, worry shading the words.
Harry nodded at the information and reached up to feel the cloth over his eyes frowning when he didn't feel anything. ah well he'd tackle that challenge later. he sipped at the water as carefully as he could, but still managed to slop a great deal on himself, his hands shaking from the pain pounding in his head. "...pan?" he asked, sounding terrified. "oh god i hurt pan." harry whimpered, he figured he must have borrowed Pandora's mind like he had Toms, and broken her without realizing it. "where is she?" Harry demanded swallowing thickly as he set the cup down on empty air, wincing as it shattered. "goddammit!"
Tom winced taking his hand."Don't worry about it."He muttered lcleaning up the mess before resting the other's hand against pandora's head."She's there.She's breathing and all...everything's normal...except that she's still out."
Harry gently felt Pandora's face licking his lips. "i'm sure she'll wake up..." he muttered softly, reaching for Tom and grabbing him around the legs, jerking him down for a hug, Harry needing the attention. "i though i was going to die." Harry admitted softly, sounding strained. "he would have killed me if i'd lost, he was going to make me kill you, and then he was going to kill me..." harry trembled a little. "but i can think again, i can.. i can FEEL again!" he admitted gently stroking Tom's face. "god i love and Pan..i love you so much." he admitted kissing Tom hard, off his mark a little, but he quickly corrected.
Tom moaned softly, kissing him back,wrapping his arms around him tightly before shifting so that they were holding the oh so fragile empath between them."Get some sleep.I have a feeling we'll need it."he said with a yawn,exhuasted now that he knew one of them was okay, if now the other would wake up.
Harry nodded and snuggled into Pandora, wishing his head would stop pounding, wrapping his arms tightly around Pandora kissing her nose before settling down to sleep again, not waking for anything except Pandora's voice, or Tom's.
3 days later tom winced, stirring a little as he looked at the brunette laying in the other bed. Having moved them away in hope that the distance would wake the girl.And yet....whatever damge she'd done to herself, it wasn't...Stopping in the middle of the thought he looked up at the sound of voices from across the hall. Hoping that it meant pandora was awake, and not that draco was talking to hermione."Harry..I think pandora's awake."He whispered, shaking the other's shoulder.

"Draco?"Pandora whispered as she sat up, blind, but able to see the magic wrapping around them. The magic of the was just a different kind of seeing for the empath.Thoug it was leaving her very confused.
Harry groaned softly as his eyes fluttered awake, he still couldn't see, though he could make out gray shapes and blobs, his head still pounded but it was finally starting to fade away. "pan's awake?" he asked sleepily spreading his awareness. he had found that if he could 'feel' Tom and anyone else in the room he could figure out where other things where in the room. it was difficult at best, but it helped him navigate the bathroom on his own at the very least. he gently stroked himself along Pan and smiled as he 'felt' her eyes open and sitting up. "she is."

Draco sighed, looking relieved as Pan finally woke up, reaching out and gently touching her face. "thank god." he whispered blinking at her. "i was so worried!" he admitted licking his lips nervously. "how are you feeling? any pain? Harry has a splitting headache." he admitted, though he didn't mention that harry was also blind, he was recovering, and he bet that Harry wanted to tell her himself.
Pandora frowned a little, tilting her head.She could hear him moving around nervously, but she couldnt feel it. She was totally head blind to what anyone was feeling around her."...You're glowing."She said softly, squiting a little as she focused on the magic around draco.Turning her head to look at harry, raising a hand, gently touching his face."You to."

Tom frowned looking at the two. The men seemed normal....maybe she'd been hurt in a way they didn't know yet.
Harry blinked a little and tipped his head to the side. "Glowing?" he asked, slowly reaching out and settling his fingers on her shoulder, following the line to her neck settling his fingers to her cheek smiling a little. "i'm SO glad your alright." he whispered, relief spilling from his lips as he gently stroked her cheek Draco sighing softly as he shook his head. "i think i better visit the library again..." he muttered shaking his head a little. "glowing...we're glowing she says...sounds like a growth in her powers."
Tom shook his head, studying her."Wait.Pandora, can you feel anything from draco?"he asked, having a nasty supicison. Maybe they'd accidently stripped her of something.

pandora cuddled against harry, nuzzling his neck before pausing, reaching out for draco.and feeling nothing except the soft brush of magic along her senses."No."She whispered, true fear in the words.
Harry smiled a little as he was nuzzled before freezing, realizing what had happened. "what about me?" he asked, Draco's eyes widening in terror. "this is insane! she can't just lose a power! there's no way!" he stated, sounding almost...angry, as if he was angry FOR Pan, Harry growling lightly, warning Draco who winced a little. "Sorry Harry." he muttered softly as Harry gently nuzzled Pandora's forehead, sighing in frustration, because he'd meant to nuzzle her neck. "don't worry, we'll get everything figured out." Harry promised softly. "all we need to worry about is getting better, ok?"
Pandora nodded, tears running down her face as she clung to the other. Scared and worried. FEeling totally out of connection. As long as she could remember, she could tell what someone was feeling. Now...she couldn't.And she was scared."O-okay."

Tom swallowed hard, dragging draco out with him so that he wouldn't upset the woman more, shutting the door softly. Looking at the blond."I don't think she lost's changed.When we were fighting dumbledore, harry burrowed my power to complete it...I think he burrowed from pandora, but because of who she is, what she is, the ramifications of it being used that way, to injure someone else, burned out part of the empath powers.It should return, or it might change into whatever she's sensing now."Tom said softly, worried."I think she's feeling magic instead of feelings now.Think about it. She only said we were glowin, not everything in the room. The only thing we have over the inanimate objects, is magic."
harry nuzzled her gently, kissing her forehead as he held her closley smiling a little. "i love you pan." he murmured softly holding her closely. "i'll make sure everything gets fixed." he promised nuzzling her neck. "i promise, i'll fix it." because Harry knew, he was well aware that this was all his fault. he never should have tried to take on Dumbledore like that, now he was blind, Pan had lost her powers, he wasn't sure what had happened to Tom but something must have.

Draco nodded a little. "right now it's probably a good thing that Pan can't feel emotions, Harry';s feeling guiltier than all hell, you can see it on his face." Draco admitted shaking his head a little. "he seems to think it's his fault that Pan's lost her powers and made himself go blind." he sighed a little. "i'm sure Pans powers just shorted out for a little while...but, i honestly can't figure out where the seeing magic, or maybe seeing emotions could have come from, powers aren't supposed to just develop like that...are they?"
"We'll fix this."She muttered nuzzling him, wrapping her arms around him. Not understanding what happened.Before remembering that they had left. Biting her lip she ran a and over his arm."Are you okay?You and tom went somewhere."She said raising her head, even though she couldn't see him, she needed to see him.

"It probably did. It was just to much for them so instead of killing her, it shorted out."Tom sighed rubbing his eyes. Feeling the pain that was leaving him weak as a new born kitten. Having found himself easily tired, easier hurt since they'd gotten back.But he couldn't rest, not when the other's needed him."No, they're not. But I think...I think she's always been able to do it."He said slowly."It's just...her mind was interperting it differently, so it was more of a touch reaction instead of a sight thing. But now that she's blind...and since she shorted out one might have reforged something to let her get the emotions out."He sighed softly."I don't know. IT might last, it might not. You could enlish hermione to help.From what I here she's good at research. Even better then you."He said poking fun at the worried blond.
he smiled and gently nuzzled her, kissing her forehead again sighing softly as she asked him. " we, went to go and get Dumbledore out of the way." he admitted sheepishly. "i was still half mad and i went in unprepared... didn't realize how strong he was, i ended up having to use you and Tom to drag the bastard down." he admitted sounding guilty, he couldn't keep it out of his voice. " are you feeling? any headaches?"

Draco hesitantly set his hand on Tom's arm. "you need to rest too Sir, you won't be able to help the Double Trouble if your too tired to do anything. Hermione and i will watch over them while you rest, alright?" he asked, looking worried about his Dark Lord. "go lay down... we can study in Harry and Pan's room while you rest."
Pandora frowned raising her head as he spoke. The emotion coloring the magic around him. Biting her lip she sighed,"Oh...that explains it."She said nodding a little."My head hurts. Not horribly...just a pounding headache."

Tom nodded, for once not arguing. He was just to tired."Come get me if anything happens."He said yawning as he headed for the guest bedroom, settling in bed and falling asleep quickly.
he smiled a little, looking a little relieved that she wasn't angry at him. "we all three have him under an impirio now." she admitted softly, smirking a little. "he struggles against it, but he can't get free now, the three of us are far too strong for him, he has no chance now...we have won this war, though no one realizes it yet. and we're free of him now, he can't mess with our emotions anymore." he murmured pausing when Draco came back in tilting his head a little. "it's just me." Draco promised. "i've ordered Tom to bed, he's feeling unwell." "good, he needs to rest."
"It's me to."Hermione said softly as she followed the blond into teh room, carrying a tray of drinks and food."Thought you might want something to eat."

Pandora smiled slightly, even if she couldn't feel it, she could guess at what he was feeling.Running a hand down his arm he smiled sitting up."Thanks Hermione."He said worried about tom to. And harry. More worried about the men then herself.
Draco smiled at Hermione looking grateful. "you always think of everything." he admitted smiling at her Harry sitting up. "tank you very much Hermione." Harry murmured accepting the drink for himself and swallowing it down, feeling very thirsty. pain always did. "breath Harry." Draco ordered sounding distracted as he pulled open a book, his eyes flicking over the page as Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "don't want to." he stated simply, just to be a pain in the ass as he accepted some of the food, glad that Hermione already knew about his vegetarian lifestyle.
Pandora smiled nibbling and sipping her drink as she cuddled against harry, resting her head on his chest before yawning."Draco, what are you reading?"She said curious. She could hear him turning the pages.

HErimone frowned concerned for the woman, sitting on the edge of the bed looking over draco's shoulder, her breath ghosting against his ear. Really to close for his comfort.
Draco paused for a moment. "i'm trying to figure out what happened." he admitted feeling the hot breath against his ear annoyed the hell out of him, but after dealing with Crabbe and Goyle he'd learned to work under annoying conditions. "You and Harry are Blind, but Tom isn't... so it's not just Harry's powers making you think that your blind like him, so it has to be something else...Hermione no offense but could you not hover like that? your breath smells like mint and it's very distracting." he admitted glancing at her lips, clearly wanting to kiss her with her lips right there.
Hermione looked startled before nodding, moving over to look at the book from the edge and not breath on him."Well then, you could just let me look.I'm better at finding things anyways."She teased.

Pandora snickered, shaking her head."It might be a combonation of both our powers.If he grabbed more of my power then tom's, because he needed dumbledore to want to stop fighting, he shorted out something."She said rubbing harry's arm, not wanting tot make him guilty, just trying to think it through."If that's it, things will come back to us."
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