Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

(lol I will

Tom nodded,"I know."He panted shivering a little."After, we'll find her. She couldn't-"

"What are you doing!?Get off me beast!"The half panicked screech sounded from down the hall, followed by the sound of footsteps.

Pandora sighed softly as she shifted back, walking after hermione naked and not bothered."Dray!Get down here.I have use of your talent."

"What? Who"Hermione froze, stopping mid rant as pandora stole what she was feeling, forcing her to be calm as they waited for draco to come downstairs. Pandora smiled dressing, as she didnt' want to scar her cousin for life by making him see her naked
Harry blinked a little looking startled a look of intense panic crossing his face, he knew that voice. he whimpered and before Tom could say or do anything he turned and fled, his wand clattering to the floor where he had dropped it as Harry vanished into the house, where he was, no one would be able to guess. why he was so terrified of Hermione, no one would know, harry himself probably didn't even know or understand.

Draco groaned a little as he closed his book and headed over to Pandora and Hermione. "you kidnapped her Pan?" he asked lifting an eyebrow before rolling his eyes. "of course you did." he stated before turning his attention to Hermione. "my apologies Miss Granger, my cousin has never been very high on the brain scale." he admitted pressing calm into Hermione, using his own abilities. "i do hope she didn't harm you?"
Hermione looked confused before shaking her head as she studied the two.Seeing the family resemblance now that he had pointed it out."N-no she didn't."

Pandora looked at draco, wrinkling her nose."You're the one who told me to do what I wanted.I wanted her here so you'd stop being obessed with my love life.And I'm smarter then you!At least I knew you're sulking because you want someone!"She said before stalking off, pausing. Reacting to the fear she felt from harry, changing directions and going in search of the man. Worry in her look as she shifted forms.The cat had a better nose for looking for things. After a few minutes finding him, butting her head against his hand. wanting attention.
Draco went bright red as Pandora yelled at him, looking utterly horrified as he coughed. "i thought you where going to write her a letter not kidnap her." he hissed through his teeth glaring at his cousin. "you do realize. that... oh come on!" she was ignoring him now, he groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the migraine settling in. "i swear....that woman." he grumbled glancing at Hermione and blushing again. "ah... right, er...tea?"

Harry had crammed himself into a small space in a closet, it was the closest thing to a cupboard he'd been able to find. he flinched when Pandora butted him his fear spiking before it calmed immediately at the sight of her, wrapping his arms around her neck, gently nuzzling her. "hey Pan." he mumbled softly kissing her ear, sounding a little distraught, but already calm and feeling better just at seeing Pan.
Hermione stared at him, before nodding slightly."Uh...yea.That would be nice."She said following him into the kitchen, tilting her head a little. Curious. "What where you going to ask if she realized?She's...odd."She said tilting her head a little.

Pandora shivered at the kiss, the purr that came from her making her whole body vibrate as the panther cuddled closer to him, having a feeling that the cat would be more comforting then the human for the moment. And she was deadly in this form...not that she wasn't as a human but she looked it in this one, and had the cold practicality of a cat. The cat knew her mate knew her mate was scared, and the cat would do anything to protect him.
Draco hesitated. "well... uhm, nothing really.." he lied grimacing a little as he headed into the kitchen to make tea manually, well aware that Hermione would bitch him out if he used a house elf. "er...hows school?" when he wasn't insulting her, he honestly had no idea what to say or how to talk to her. he half wished he could just all her a mudblood and be done with it, but Pan would slaughter him. he bit his lip hard nervous and hesitant as he set the water boiling.

he snuggled into her, closing his eyes simply taking comfort in her presence, laying there for a long time before he got to his feet, feeling calm once more. "so...Hermione is here huh?" he asked, nerves in his voice and in his soul, but not the panic he had felt earlier. "whys she here?" he was a little afraid that she would beg him to go home, or worse tell Dumbledore where he was...and he KNEW she was going to ask why harry had killed his family, and he didn't know if he could handle actually telling that story.
hermione looked confused as she sat down at the table watching him warily, not sure what was going on."Well...okay. It's...quiet. Without you. No snarky comments or anything."She said, not sure what to talk about, but he was making a effort to be nice, so she could do. And she had a feeling his cousin had brought her here for a reason, if only she could figure it out.

Pandora yawned before shifted back,cuddling into him as she stood up, before getting dressed."Oh, draco's having a crisis in his love life. In that he wont admit that he likes her. So I'm helping things along."She said opening the closet door, gently tugging him out."Come on.We'll get some food, then go for a run."
he snorted a little. "yes's loud as hell here." he admitted scowling a little. "Harry never shuts up and Pan's always beating on me." he complained shaking his head, not realizing he shouldn't have mentioned harry. "i am sorry about those Snarky comments by the way." he admitted pouring the hot water into the tea bags shaking his head a little. he was still annoyed that she was so much smarter than he was, but he could deal with it. he supposed. "sugar, milk?" he asked blinking at her.

Harry snorted a little and snuggled into her. "so she might be here for a while then." he muttered. "you do realize that no one is supposed to be here right? we might not be able to let her go home." he pointed out lifting an eyebrow as he got to his feet. "you could have just told Hermione that Draco likes her. Draco's going to dance around the subject like a pansy."
Hermione looked at him, staring. Not sure what to say. Because well, tea was unimportant compared to what he had said."W-what?Harry's here?"she asked looking around.

Pandora sighed softly walking out with him, wrapping her arms around him as she walked out and down the hall."Yea well if she's stuck here he has no choice but to talk to her."She shickered a little before resting her hand on his arm."Harry, is there a reason she shouldn't know you're here?"
Draco paused, looking almost horrified about having admitted that harry was here. "ah...well yes he's here but...." he bit his lip and glanced at her looking away right away. "well i guess you'll see for yourself." he admitted shaking his head. he had a bad feeling that harry was going to completely freak out when he saw her, even if harry never told Hermione what his family had been doing to him. no one knew what Harry's family had been doing to him save Madam Pomfry, and harry had made her promise not to tell anyone. Harry coming face to face with a person of his 'past' could have....disastrous results. he had a bad feeling he might go mad if he saw her, and then he was going to have to choose between saving Harry or saving Hermione.

Harry hesitated then. "i...i don't know." he admitted after a moment. "she's with Dumbledore...she's freinds with Ron...Ron..." Ron had betrayed him, though no one knew, no one but Harry, Ron, and Dumbledore knew what Ron had done, and harry was never ever going to talk about it. "i guess i just... she' past." he finally decided. "i don't like my past.."
Hermione frowned a little, trying to sor tout what she was feeling and what had changed. Never knowing what had happened to change everything so drastically."Your cousin is a odd person."She said tilting her head trying to figure out what bothered her about the other woman. For the moment ignoring the problem of harry.

Pandora growled softly, anger in the sound, angry at someone hurting him."I'll be there for you.If its to hard...I have my own house.I'll make draco take her there."She said, trying to keep the sadness out of her voice at the idea of not being able to see draco everyday. Besides harry and tom, draco was the person she loved the most in the world.
he smirked a little. "my cousin is about the only person that harry can stand these days." he admitted simply. "she has to be odd to survive in a place like this." he admitted taking a sip of his tea. "she's a little crazy, being that shes one of the most powerful empaths ever born." he admitted shrugging a shoulder. "she has to be, or she's never survive being what she is."

Harry shook his head. "it's fine. i'll just avoid her if i have to." he decided. "i need Draco here." because Draco and Pan where the only people who could keep harry stable when the madness started creeping up on him. "come on, i want to go see her." he decided tangling his fingers in hers. "she could be useful in any case, if we can convince her that Tom is the good guy in this war anyway."
Hermione looked startled. Amazed at the idea of a powerful empath that was so powerful she had to be a little insane to handle it."I guess-Harry..."She breathed, looking amazed as the two came in.

Pandora nodded slightly, nuzzling his shoulder as she tugged him into the room, wrapping her arms around harry's waist, trying to be supportive, looking at draco, raising a eyebrow."How's things going in here?"
he smiled a little before turning to face harry, who had gone frozen at the sight of Hermione swallowing thickly as Draco stood up to look at Harry who snarled furiously, rage flashing in his eyes. "don't you even fucking dare you Blond freak." he hissed Draco flinching and sitting back down, trying to look as innocent as possible, Harry calming back down as he turned to look Hermione over again before turning and heading back out of the room, deciding he wasn't hungry. "...."
Pandora waved the other man off, telling him not to worry as she followed the other out, wincing, swallowing hard as she slid her own calm under harry's, and pulled. Taking the rage, stumbling a little, catching herself on the wall as she panted. Struggling for control before she shifted forms, the huge panther padding over to harry, leaning against his legs, needing comfort, the rage inside eating at her control.

Hermione frowned looking shocked staring at draco."...what's...what's wrong?"
Harry snarled, turning to glare at Pandora for stealing his emotions but he calmed under her anyway, he was strong enough to fend off Draco, but he could do nothing against Pan. "oh pan." he muttered wrapping his arms tightly around her, crying softly. "i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry i'm so broken." he sobbed holding her close. "i'm broken and i'm hurting you because of it."

"you really don't know do you?" Draco asked looking surprised. "what Dumbledore's put harry through i mean..." Draco was staring at her, hesitating, indecision written across his face before he summoned the hospital files setting them in front of Hermione and sliding them over, letting her read everything. "he killed the Dursley's, slaughtered them and went after a few other muggles, he killed them too and went into hiding, lived in the woods.... he's gone, completely mad. he has his good moments, and his bad...right then was about medium madness, he didn't attack anyone this time, Hermione...he's not well." Draco admitted swallowing hard. "and we have our suspicions that Dumbledore is making it worth with his own empathy talents." he admitted watching her closley.
Pandora sighed softly, shifting back, curling up in his arms, holding him tightly."I'm not hurting.I'm fine harry."She said, and it was true.Mostly. The only thing his rage had done was shift into depression, and she struggled to hold onto it.Even knowing it wasn't harry, it was dumbledore affecting her, couldnt force the powerful empath to be calm.As he cried, she started crying to. Catching his feelings, which added to her depression, making her break down.

Hermione read through, anger growing with every moment. Rage flashing through her eyes as she looked up at him."And affecting pandora?"She asked. If dumbledore was affecting harry with his empath ablities, wanting to influence him. it had to be because he wanted to affect the stronger empath.
Harry held her closley, too lost in his own madness to try and help her, Dumbledore fucking with both of them at the same time now as Harry got to his feet and pulled her tot he bedroom, panting softly. "they needed sex, nice, loving gently sex, sex fixed everything, harry wanted it, needed it. "bedroom...Pan.." he pleaded panting softly. "please..." if he couldn't get it from her, then he'd go to Tom and make him fuck harry.

Draco nodded. "yes, you can see why this is a problem, Dumbledore's been working harry up to death, and madness for years, since birth almost. he made up a prophecy, drove The Dark Lord mad, and waited for Pandora to be born. i don't know the full story, but i do know that Dumbledore wanted Tom to be his perfect weapon, and he wants to control Pandora because of how powerful she is. but Harry keeps getting in the way, Harry keeps stabilizing Pan, while Pan stabilizes harry..." he shook his head. "and their both slowly ticking their way towards suicide, Pan's already tried it once. if Harry doesn't get to Dumbledore soon, i fear they won't make it." Draco admitted looking very troubled. "and harry has become very important to me, if only because he loves Pan.' he admitted sighing softly. "and i can't do shit to help[, Harry hates it when i force my emotions on him or Pandora, he nearly killed me last week for it. even worse, i can't seem to push through the madness anymore, it's just one big hopeless situation." Draco wasn't sure why he was venting to Hermione, but he did feel better.
pandora stumbled after him into the bedroom, knowing what they needed, pressing a kiss to his lips as she tangled her fingers in his hair, kissing him slowly, vanishing their clothes, gasping softly at the feel of skin on skin.

Hermione frowned, thinking over the words.And knowing that he was troubled, that this was to much for one man to worry about on his own."I'll help."She said, meaning it. She wouldn't let dumbledore hurt her friend anymore, or destroy a woman simply for existing."We wont let them hurt themselves Draco.We'll make sure they're fine."She said reaching across the table to rest a hand on his arm.Not sure what they could do, but they would do something.
Harry moaned kissing her back, tangling his fingers into her hair, pulling her closer as his other hand wrapped around his waist rubbing their groins together, pressing his chest into her breasts, trying to get as close to her as her could, spilling them onto the bed as he moaned frantically pressing his lips to her neck sucking and kissing rubbing his cock along her slit, but not pressing in, wanting as much tender contact before he actually got down to screwing, wanting to tease, him and her alike, running his tongue along her breasts with a small whimper of pleasure, opening himself up to her pleasure, feeling his tongue along breasts he didn't have, loving it, wanting more.

Draco blinked at her and smiled at her, looking thankful. "thank you Hermione." he mumbled lifting her hand and gently kissing her knuckles, like a little gentlemen. "but right now...there's not much we can do..." he admitted swallowing thickly, just holding her hand now, not even fully realizing that he was still holding her hand. "Harry is the only one strong enough to take care of Dumbledore, he's going to put the man under an impirio, if Harry can stay Sane long enough to get to Dumbledore and cast the spell." he admitted shaking his head. "but, i think you being here, fighting for harry might help him." he admitted. "it will show him that not everything in his past is a bad might help him recover."
Pandora whimpered in pleasure, squirming as he teased her. Slender fingers tangling in his hair, losing herself in his pleasure, as he was losing himself in hers.It was odd to feel him getting pleasure from her, then having it circle back to her. Whimpering, moaning, as her fingers danced over his body, wanting more."Harry oh harry.."She whimpered.

hermione smiled slightly, nodding. Not even realizing she was still holding his hand."Well, when he goes after dumbledore he wont be going alone. I know him, he wont want anyone to go. But pandora wont let him go alone I'm sure, and someone needs to watch her.In case Dumbledore tries to get to harry but destorying her."
he moaned as he trailed his fingers lower and running his tongue stroking along his lovers breasts as his fingers stroked and teased her clit and cunt, pressing here and stroking there, nibbling the soft flesh of her body with an eager groan. "feels, so good... Pan, ah."

Draco smiled a little. "i think we would all be a little more comfortable if you went with's going to be a while though, i don't know if harry is going to be able to stand to be in the same room with anyone for a while." he admitted sighing a little. "i wish Tom was here, he can always get Harry calmed down." usually through a nice harsh whipping, but Draco didn't know that. "oh, right, just for the record Harry, Pandora and the Dark lord are a couple, so...yeah don't panic if you walk in on something awkward... it's better to knock before you go into a room with the door closed..." oh how many times Draco had walked in on Harry giving Tom a blow job, or tom balls deep inside of harry. even worse was when harry accidentally made Draco feel the pleasure, horrifying.
Pandora moaned,shivering as she touched him,wrapping her legs around his waist, buryingher face against his neck.It felt so good to be in his arms. So good that the depression fell away, because even dumbledore couldn't stand up to control that much emotion, couldn't control her because for the moment she was consumed with harry.

Hermione looked startled, thinking it over before staring at him, laughing softly."'ve walked in on them havne't you?"She snickered a little. " Where did he go?"She asked, curious because if things were as bad as they seemed to be,she couldn't see him just leaving harry and pandora to their own devices for no reason.
Harry moaned leaning into her attention to his neck, his own madness wafting off as he tickled and nuzzled and teased his lover, finally, finally sliding on top of her and sinking home, moaning hard as he felt his own cunt being spread wide open, even if he didn't have one, moaning in pleasure as he felt her hot warmth wrapping tightly around him. "aah feels good. love you so much. PAN feels GOOD!" harry couldn't even think properly.

Draco took a sip of his tea and blushed hard. "well, judging from Harry's complete lack of control, and the sensations i'm receiving from that lack of control, i'd say their in the bedroom about three doors down...please don't get up you really don't want to feel this." Draco admitted standing up himself and moving to Hermione's side of the table, out of Harry's psychic reach coughing a little. "Harry is a physical Empath, that means he can feel what other people are feeling, and...unfortunately, make other people feel what he's feeling, he can't really control it so when he and pan, well if someone's in rage, they feel that too." he admitted shaking his head. "you learn to get used to it." the first couple of times had left Draco breathless and humping the floor, Draco had quickly learned to keep his 'shields' up, but Hermione didn't have any, she would feel everything harry was feeling, including everything that pan was feeling if she moved into Harry's range. "of course, considering when like that Dumbledore can't get to them, it's only a small price to pay. Harry's always MUCH calmer after sleeping with Pan."
Pandora moaned softly, holding onto him tightly as she moved against him, nuzzling the man biting his neck, shivering as she let her shields come crashing down. "Oh harry...I love you...."She moaned shivering as she came. To lost to it, to wound up to last long.

Hermione shuddered, looking startled as she felt the woman's shields coming crashing down, feeling them both. "Uh...that's...uncomfortable." she said looking at him, rubbing her arms. Blushing as she looked at the table."Well...I guess that is a small price to pay if it gives them some reprieve from dumbledore."
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