Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry kissed her forehead. "i don't know, but we'll fix it together." he promised nuzzling her neck as he gently carried her to bed. "i love you, and i'm never letting you go."

"Harry's in a mood." Draco admitted shaking his head. "he doesn't like me messing with Pandora's emotions in the first place, should have looked at the warning signs, my fault... i have bad news." he said in a rush, fidgeting around nervously. he only did that when he was terribly worried about something. "Pan tried to kill herself..."
Pandora whimpered softly, tilting her head back as he nuzzled her, crying softly."Promise?"She said, her voice shaking ever so slightly.

Tom looked startled, then afraid.Looking up at the cieling, trying to decide if he'd be welcomed if he went and joined the other two."What happened?How?"He asked looking at the blond again.Anger and worry in his voice.
he nodded. "i promise." he whispered softly holding her close. "i won't ever, ever let you go." he murmured kissing her ear. "and maybe this will prove it." he mumbled pulling out the surprise he'd been sitting on for weeks. two ring boxes, one for Fydra, and one for tome, his own was still being made. he pulled out both boxes and flicked them open, revealing the silver bands. a green eyed panther etched into one, a red eyed serpent into the other. "Fy, would you marry me? and Tom too if i can ever get the guts up to ask him?"

Draco sighed a little shaking his head. "she was standing on her balcony, she said that no one needed her anymore." he shook his head. "i've never seen her like this, even when harry's not beating me for trying to manipulate her emotions i can't hardly push through anymore. it's like there's something in there keeping me out." he admitted shaking his head. "you better go up and check on them, Harry's been acting strangely lately, i'm half afraid he's due for another 'attack' himself."
Pandora looked at him startled, before ndding slowly, smiling as she took the panther ring and slid it onto her finger, curling close to him as she cried softly."I will I want to."She smiled nuzzling his neck,happy. Such contentment and happiness for the moment breaking dumbledore's hold.

Tom nodded looking concerned."Don't tell anyone else."HE said before heading upstairs, looking at the two laying on the floor, a almost smile on his lips. "You two are laying on the floor when there's a perfectly comfortable bed in the room."
he smiled as he nuzzled her again, kissing her neck and nibbling on it gently a smile on his lips. "i love you." he murmured softly smiling as he nipped and nibbled at her neck looking up at Tom and smiling, closing the ring box that held his ring to Tom. "it's better on the floor, more room." Harry admitted smiling a little as he shook his head reaching out to the other. "Come here." he ordered, "i want to cuddle." he grinned happily once Tom was close at hand pulling him in close as he set the ring box into Toms hand. "will you marry me?" he asked softly smiling at Tom as he flicked open the box, showing tom the Serpent Ring. "please?"
"yes."he smiled slighly as he cuddled against the girl between them, resting his cheek on her head as he looked at the other."Potter, if this is how you react to a sucide attempt, I might have to try.See what other things you come up with."He said in a biting tease, regretting it when he felt pandora flinch."I was kidding pan."

Pandora whined softly, pressing her face into harry's chest, smiling though."I really wouldn't have..."She said, trailing off because she really didn't believe it."You asked draco didnt you?"

"Yes."Tom said sighing as he kissed her head.
Harry chuckled a little and grabbed Tom by the front of the shirt, dragging him down for a kiss chuckling a little. he glared though when Pan winced as he kissed her too. "how's Draco's face?" Harry asked sheepishly. "i may have over reacted when he tried to help..." he admitted sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "but he deserved it! i'm always telling him not to screw with Pans emotions!"
Tom smiled slightly."He's bruised, but he'll be fine."Tom smiled wrapping his arms around pandora's waist, nuzzling her neck as she sat up.

"I'm going to go check on draco.And tell him about this!"She giggled happily bounding out of the room going in search of the blond.

Tom sighed leaning back on his hands, looking at the brunette."WAs she really going to jump?"He asked, not believing pandora about it. She'd say anything to not make him worry."I couldn't get close enough to dumbledore to see if he was the one influencing you.He didn't leave hogwarts, and the wards will no longer let me in."
Harry smiled a little as he watched Pandora freaking out, a loving expression on his face as she tore out of the room, she smile vanishing into worry as soon as she was gone. "she was going to jump, i have no doubt about that...i've tried the same exactly thing." he admitted shaking his head. "i know the level of desperation it takes to try to jump." he admitted. "even just attempting it..." he shook his head. "she's not to be left alone anymore." he ordered heading out the door. "jumping is just the start, we need to stop her before she manages to get that far."
Tom nodded sighing softly."I know you don't like it, but draco should be her companion most of the time, along with you.You'll steady her, if by some chance, she does attempt again, he can force her to stop.Maybe."He sighed frowning as he followed the other out the door."We wont leave her alone."

Pandora grinned as she pounced on her cousin, wrapping her arms around his neck,"I'm getting married!"She giggled.
Harry scowled darkly. "i don't like him messing with her emotions." he growled scowling darkly. "it's no better than putting her under an imperio and making her do what you want, she's not...who she is when he forces emotions into her like that." he complained scowling a little as she shook his head. "it's like changing who she really is..."

Draco yelped in surprise as he was pounced and he grinned at her ring. "oh wow! Who proposed?" he asked grinning as he examined it. "Harry right? no wonder he's been acting so strangely lately."
"I know I know."Tom sighed a little,"We wont do it until we have to. For now, we'll all just watch her."He ran his fingers through his hair."I don't know what to do with her."

Harry nodded grinning."He did."She sighed resting her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes."I'm tired Dray.I don't know how long this can last."She sighed, mentally tired of everything.But excited about getting married.Holding onto the thought with everything she had.
Harry sighed softly. "right now, there's nothing to do. we can't put her in a padded cell, all we can do is stay with her and comfort her until she get's better." he admitted. "i am going to write a letter." he stated simply. "but before i do that, i need you or Draco to give me a hand." he admitted. "someone with strong mental capacities."

Draco ran his fingers gently through her hair. "i know you are." he murmured softly. "we all get tired, but you can't let it get to you alright?" he asked smiling at her. "i need you. and Harry definitely needs you, we love you pan and we always will." he promised before he gushed. "i am SO doing your hair at the wedding! and i get to name your first born child too!"
"What kind of letter are we writing?"He asked smiling slightly as he heard draco and pandora down the hall, before pulling harry into his study, sitting down.

Pandora jerked up, turning to look at him."What?What?!I'm NOT pregnant!What are you talking about?"She ranted, eyes wide and surprised.Latching onto teh words like a puppy with a bone.
Harry smirked a little. "a letter to Dumbledore telling him i need to meet him." he stated simply licking his lips. "i'm going to use Impirio to control him, and your going to use impirio on him to make sure that he doesn't break free of MY impirio." he stated simply looking at his fingernails. "makes sense?"

Draco blinked a little at her. "well no not yet Harry's too careful for that, but he does want kids, and i'm sure that you do too don't you?" he asked smiling a little. "you would make a wonderful mother."
Tom tilted his head thinking about it."You're going to force him to let her go.And you.If he's the one affectnig you.Very good."HE said nodding as he got out a quill and paper.

Pandora gave him a look before shrugging, shoulders slouching."I don't know. Who wants a empath for a mother?They'll never get away with anything not to mention its just weird..."She frowned a little looking down at the floor.
he smirked a little. "i thought it was a good idea." he admitted pulling out his wand. "now hold still, i need to practice." he ordered, fully prepared to make Tom do the most ridiculous things he could think of, well, if he could manage the impirio anyway.

Draco chuckled a little and gently kissed her temple. "now, don't do that. being an empath give you the advantage others wont. when your baby cries you'll know WHY!" he admitted grinning a little. "when they start screaming at you for no real reason, you'll be able to calm them down, and you'll always know when their upset, and you'll be able to help them." he grinned a little. "and with Harry there you'll always know when it's getting sick, or when it falls or gets hurt.your baby, would be the most cared for baby ever."
Tom smiled slightly, tilting his head."Go ahead.I think I've had plenty of practie."She said with a slwo smirk.

Pandora smiled leaning her head against his shoulder nodding slightly."I guess that makes sense.That is a good reason to be a empath."She smiled, closing her eyes."YOu need to date.I want to invite the mudblood to visit."She announced teasing him.
Harry smirked. "yeah and you still couldn't manage to make me do anything." he teased, remembering fourth year when Tom had tried to make him admit that the Crucio had hurt. even back then Tom was punishing Harry when harry wanted it. the Crucio had been a sweet relief after he had gotten Cedric killed. he lifted his wand and stared at Tom, letting himself feel the hatred that he felt from Dumbledore as he cast the spell on Tom, wondering if he was even doing it right.

Draco scowled darkly. "Hermione is Loyal to Dumbledore AND she hates me AND i hate her. it will never work Pan." he stated snorting a little. "i can't beleive you even think we should invite that mudblood here. she'd give us up faster than you could say 'whoops'."
Tom shivered a little before he felt the spell take hold, looking at harry to see what he would be commanded to do.Almost afraid of what the man would ask of him.

Pandora sighed."She doesn't hate you as much as you think, and you don't hate her as much as you think you do.And she's not as loyal, she's wondering what happened to harry, and what caused it."She said, wincing as she revealed that she'd been to see the girl...discreetly and unknown of course, but she'd still gone.
Harry paused and then. "er...crawl on the floor like a puppy..." he ordered, he had to do something that Tom wouldn't just do on his own, Harry needed to make him do something shaming, something the dark lord would fight, to make sure that he was ding the spell right. "and bark while your at it."

Draco stared at her and stood up, his face stony. "Pan, it won't work between us." he stated sternly looking away. "i gave up any chance i had with her when i started calling her mudblood." but he couldn't hide the hope in his heart from her. "i...wouldn't complain if...she sort of showed up though.." giving Pandora permission to invite the bushy haired girl.
Tom stared at him, resisting before giving into the spell and doing as it commanded, though he did manage to not bark.There was some indiginities the man wouldn't suffer.

Pandora nodded slightly, "I'll take care of it."She said before standing, walking out.Wondering if she could convince harry to go for a run with her. Needing the excerise, and well, she could always kidnap the girl.
Harry scowled a little and bit his lip, gathering his power up and then pushing it hard into Tom. "i said Bark." he ordered gritting his teeth as he forced Tom to obey the orders of the spell. he needed to be able to make someone as strong as Tom do anything, or he would never be able to make Dumbledore do what harry wanted him to. he would let Tom punish him for it later. how was he supposed to know that Pan would walk in on them?
Pandora frowned looking at the two, pain flickering over her face, pain because she'd thought harry was different. That he wouldn't force them to embarass themselves for loving him. Stepping back she left without a sound, shifting into her panther form and silently leaving the house, heading for the edge of the wards so she could go after hermione. Apparating out as soon as she was, frowning as she found herself outside the burrow. Standing there in the open, the black panther looking really out of place as she tried to figure out how to get in and get the mudblood
Harry looked up at her, panting from the effort it had taken him to make Tom do what he had wanted, but he could do it, he could break Dumbledore. "Pan..." but she was already gone. "shit..." Harry hissed releasing Tom from the spell as he collapsed, too tired to keep himself standing, panting hard as he ran a hand through his hair, trembling hard. "sorry Tom i know you hated that, but i had to make sure i can break Dumbledore... your stronger than he is, so as long as i can make you do something like that i should be able to make him do anything right?." he admitted panting hard. "you can punish me if you want, but i should find Pan as soon as i can get up..."

am i playing Hermione or did you want to?)
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