Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry grinned and nodded as he poured orange juice into a large container, Snape looking troubled. "Harry, i'd like to talk with you some more, tomorrow perhaps. " "sure professor," harry stated sounding distracted, of course, he was distracted, he loved Pandora getting all snugly with him. it made him feel safe and happy, he'd never had a physical relationship with him, sex didn't count. he'd rarely gotten kisses on the cheek, or hugs, or simple touches. that she would snuggle and touch him, only increased his love for her. "shall we head out?" he offered grinning at her his head tilted at her.
She nodded taking his han and basket, smiling as she waved goodbye to snape."We'll be out by the creek if anyone should need us."She said before dragging harry out after her. Heading for the small creek that moved behind the house, the shaded area having a small garden that was perfect for the romantic two.Laughing happily as she spread out the blanket she was holding, pulling him down next to her, kissing him softly."It's such a nice day."
he laughed as he helped her spread out the basket, smiling a little as he nodded. "it really is a wonderful day." he admitted smiling as he kissed her back, spilling them both out onto the blanket with a small sigh. "mm i love being with you." harry admitted smiling a little. in a way harry needed Pan. Harry had a dependent personality, he needed specific persons in his life or he didn't function in his life. Pan fit half of his needs, the need for someone to protect, and for someone to care about him. someone who he could love and be loved back, who could be intimate with him outside of sex. Tom fit the other half, the person who harry could hate just as much as he could love, a person who could, and would abuse him when harry wanted, or needed it. a person who would punish him without remorse, and offer him pleasure when he was good. harry was so fucked up it wasn't funny, but at least now, he was happy.
Pandora smiled at him as he spilled her onto the blanket, looking up at him."It is."She said cuddling against him as she started eating. Like harry, she needed harry. With tom she had to be strong, be the one that helped him find his balance and keep her control when everything was falling apart. And yet, harry asked her to be strong, but he also wanted to protect her. Someone who would allow her to be scared or pained, lost without demanding that she find something to fix it."I love you."She said kissing him slowly.
Harry smiled and kissed her back. "i love you too." he murmured softly a smirk on his lips. "which is why i'm going to show you this." he admitted nibbling on her lip before getting to his feet and stretching for a moment before winking at her and taking off into a run, his body melting effortlessly into a huge black stallion, a pure breed of some kind, long legs and beautifully slender body, he whinnied loudly and trotted back to her, nudging her in the belly with his nose.
Pandora laughed happily as he nudged her stomach, brushing a hand over his head."Oh you're a pretty boy.I'm sure you know how to give someone a good ride."She teased laughing happily as she got to her feet, leaning against his side as she ran her hands over him.He was so beautiful!And she just couldn't stop touching him/.
Harry tossed his head up and down as if agreeing with her, prancing lightly before he suddenly laid down, bumping his head into her but so that she was pushed into his back, offering her a ride. hey, harry WAS a horse, he did SO love to be ridden. shame Tom wasn't there, harry dick was a LOT bigger that tom's was now! no, harry wasn't insecure! never! he didn't care that tom was larger than he was! never! ok maybe a itty bitty teeny tiny little bit... he nickered softly and gently lipped at her ankle.
Pandora laughed as he lipped her, pressing a kiss to his head."Okay okay I'm getting on."She smiled as she slid up onto his back,wrapping her fingers in his mane, slender legs wrapping tightly around his body."Come on potter,I wnat a ride."She said with a snicker, pressing her legs into his sides, urging him to start walking.Wanting that wild abandon that came with riding recklessly and free, unburdened over everything. For once her insecurity and fears weren't plagueing her on the bright sunny day.
Harry nickered his own laughter back at her as he stood and started to trot off, letting her get used to bareback first, unsure if she'd ever ridden before or not, then when he was sure that she wasn't going to fall off, he began to run spreading his long legs along the ground in a break neck speed, whinnying brightly as he took her for the ride of her life, making very certain she didn't fall off.
Pandora laughed happily as he ran, her blond hair streaming out behind her, horse and woman the perfect picture of contentment and happiness. After a half an hour she directed him back to the blanket, pulling him to a stop as she slid off his back,resting her head on his neck,"That was a amazing ride."She said smiling before stepping back, running her fingers through her tangled hair.
he nickered lightly and folded his legs slinking back into his human form with a wide grin on his lips "i'm glad you liked it." he admitted nuzzling her neck kissing her neck and then nibbling it. he chuckled a little as he helped the other run his fingers through her hair, helping her untangle her hair smiling a little. "i love coming out here and running as fast as i can, it always makes me feel better."
Pandora moaned sofly as he nuzzled her, smiling as he helped her untangle her hair.When the tangles were out, she shifted, resting her head on his chest."I'd love that to. but I don't have a animagus form..."She said with just a touch of longing as she nuzzled his neck."Thank you.That was...exactly what I needed."She said, all shades of pain and misery gone from her for the moment.Though she knew they'd be back,for the moment she was truly happy
he smiled a little. "you don't have to be an animagus to run love." he teased smiling a little. "i don't usually transform into my animagus form, everyone always assumes i'm someones pet and try to get a rope around my neck." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i could help you learn? it's always good to have an animal form."
Pandora blushed ever so softly."I know you don't but tom and draco usually worry I'll hurt myself if I go out and work out."She smiled as she cuddled in close to him,starting to eat."I would like that....if you could help me.."She said blushing even more, embarassed that there was something she wasn't good at.
he blinked and then chuckled. "how about you come jogging with me in the mornings then?" he offered his head tilted. "then you can exorcise and not be alone." he promised grinning at her. "and we could stick close to the house even." he promised grinning a little. "and i could totally teach you your animagus form. it takes a lot of effort though, it's not hard it's just..." he paused trying to think of how to explain it. "you have to be able to think of nothing, and for some people it's harder than it is for others. it took me almost a year to get my mind to shut up."
Pandora nodded slightly looking over at him,leaning into kiss him."Thank you."She said kissing him happily, wrapping her arms around him,cuddling close."We'll work on it.But not now.Now we're going to eat."She said grinning as she stole a kiss before feeding him a piece of food."Love..."she started, biting her lip.Not used to being the one who needed to talk to someone, so she wasnt sure how to start.
Harry chuckled a little as he snuggled into her kissing her neck sighing softly as he accepted the food, nipping her fingers playfully as he reached to grab some more food pausing when she called him love, tipping his head tot he side. "Pan? something wrong?" he asked looking worried before he paused. "this is about what i said to Snape isn't it?"
She looked confused before shaking her head, closing her eyes as she laid down,resting her head in his lap as he ate."no.I..I don't know what's wrong.I feel so out of balance most someone hit me and I haven't recovered yet."she frowned"This isn't making sense...I...I don't understand.I'm better around you, but everyone leaves me feeling antsy and anxious."She said, not realizing it was dumbledore.That dumbledore had figured out that as powerful as she was, she had a achilles' heel. She couldn't level her own emotions easily. She could take from others to make them calm, but when she had to calm herself...she was pretty useless.
he scowled a little looking confused. "no i get it...that's exactly how i feel when i start going all crazy, it's like something drags it out and then i can't shove it back down." he admitted sighing a little kissing her neck. "it's alright, you feel alright when i'm with you right?" he asked his head tilted. "so, i'll help keep you stable, you'll keep me stable, and tom will.. uhm." he paused biting his lip. "Tom will be useful somehow." tom was already very useful. him punishing harry was what had snapped him back into harry, fully into harry. "i'm sure we'll get everything figured out. until then we're just going to have to pay very close attention to each other." he teased chuckling a little.
She laughed softly running her hands over his chest, smirking a little."Ohhh so you want me to pay close attention to you?"Pandora said, kissing him. Believing that they truly would be able to help each other. After all, she was better with him, hopefully that'll be enough to keep her from losing her hold on sanity.
Harry laughed a little and nodded nibbling on the others neck a smirk on his lips as he chuckled softly. "i wanna play VERY close attention to you." he growled playfully chuckling a little kissing her all over her face playfully.
Pandora giggled delightedly as the other kissed her face, squirming as she settled against him, cuddling against him as she did the same, planting light kisses all over his face, delving her fingers into his hair holding him close."Just how close?"She said tugging off his shirt.
he chuckled a little as kissed her neck, nipping on her flesh gently. "how close do you want to get?" he teased smirking a little as he sniffed at her hairline, running his fingers along her belly a small chuckle on his lips as he tugged on her hair, making sure to be as gentle as possible.
Pandora moaned softly as she leaned her head back, whimpering softly as she tugged at his hair just as gently."As close as you want to be."She growled, lust in the words as she squirmed. Moaning louder as she felt the crushed roses under the blanket, felt the thorns biting into her skin
he moaned back biting and nibbling her skin, never noticing any thorns, but then he never noticed anything those days unless it was Pan's skin. groaning at the hair tug a smirk on his lips as he started to pull her shirt up. "so horny." he whispered smiling softly, dragging his tongue along her belly button playfully. "i want you." harry whispered softly.
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