Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

PAndora snickered as she pulled on her shirt, getting up slowly."This, I want to see."She said setting the folder on his lap before slowly making her way to the door.While she did feel better, and draco had helped, she was still moving slower then normal.
he chuckled a little and led her into the Foyer, Lucius indeed still standing there, smiling at nothing as if he was stoned off his ass, no one bothered him, they where too freaked out. "i'd release him but i know he'll kill me if i do." Draco admitted with a small snicker as he watched his father. "besides he's happy for now." though only because Draco was forcing him to be.
Pandora snickered a little, wrapping her arm around hsi shoulder as she watched her uncle."Let him go. I'll stop him if he tries to kill you. We're freaking out everyone else."she said laughing. Really it was to much of a good sight.
Draco chuckled as she released him from the spell, watching as his father immediately went bright red with rage and glared at his son before stalking off, he knew better than to try and attack his son with Pan there. "your grounded Draco!" he growled Draco pouting a little. "For a YEAR!" Draco said nothing as his father stalked off, snickering a little watching as Harry came back in, panting hard as he grinned lightly at Pan. he was looking much, much better now that he'd had exorcise and a good punishment, even if he was completely drenched, looks like he found one of the ponds. "hey guys, whats up?"
Pandora smiled slightly as she leaned forward, kissing him lightly as he approached them."Oh, just watching draco get grounded for a year. Highly entertaining stuff."she said wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder, cuddling because she needed to.Needing to feel close to someone.
Harry snickered a little as he snuggled into Pandora smiling a little. "mmm i'm all wet." he protested, though not very much wrapping his arm around her hip. "you ok Pan? did something happen?" feeling a bit nervous because Draco had vanished without warning.
She shook her head just cuddling into him more."Just...feeling unsteady."She muttered for once being the unstable one in a relationship. Which threw her off, because she didn't know how to handle it, and she didn't know what was causing it. Even with draco's concerns, she shouldn't be feeling this needy...and yet she was. Something to ask snape when she saw him later. As a potions master, he was the closest thing they had to medic around.
he blinked and smiled a little wrapping his arms around her. "come on love, you need a bubble bath." he murmured kissing her neck as he guided her to the nearest bathroom, locking the door so they wouldn't be disturbed and drew the bath, filling it with scented bubbles, intending to lavish her with affection and love, first he'd massage her scalp while washing her hair, and then he would rub her neck and shoulders to release the stress tension he was certain she had going, and then he'd rub her sore feat, unless she interrupted him of course. but he figured he would do alright.
"This is nice."She smiled softly stripping and step into the tub, sinking down with a groan, looking at the other as he massaged shampoo into her hair. Looking contentedly at peace."...why are you doing this?"She muttered looking over at him, looking content. It felt amazing to be relaxing this much.
he smiled a little and kissed her forehead. "you took care of me when i needed it, why shouldn't i take care of you when you need it?" he asked softly his head tilted at her. "now hush and relax." he ordered still massaging her scalp as he flicked his wand, summoning some aromatic candles to help her relax even further.
Pandor purred softly relaxing under his hands, by the time he was done washing her hair and giving her a massage the small woman was moaning under his hands. Feeling warm and content and not bothered with anything.Because the twins were right, dumbledore knew she was alive,and that he could influence her enough to make her feel bad and sick, even though not as bad as draco could, she still felt shaky and edgy with the influence. Though wiht the pleasure harry was giving her it was canceling it out.
Harry smiled a little as he leaned forward and kissed her gently, a small chuckle on his lips his head tilted at her. "feeling better?" he asked softly, offering her an impish grin. "or should i find more places to massage?" he teased chuckling a little as he snapped his fingers, summoning an elf, demanding it to get Pandora's favorite foods. it came back with a tray full and Harry smiled as he gently set it at the edge of the tub, smiling a little his head tilted at her. little did either of them know that Dumbledore was also the cause of Harry's madness. he didn't even need to focus on the boy to keep the madness going, all he had to do was drag it to the surface.
"I do."Pandora smiled softly as she ate the food he was fed her, to content to work to pick up the food herself. Yawning once all the food was gone. Standing up and drying off as she stepped out of the tub."Hmmm you might find other places to massage."She said with a playful smile as she leaned down to kiss him softly.
he snickered a little as he followed her shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around her hips kissing the back of her neck, pausing for a moment to inhale her pretty bath covered scent a small smile on his lips. "mm i love you." he murmured softly nibbling at her ear. "i was wondering." he admitted softly. "if you wanted to go on a picnic with me?"
Pandora jumped startled, twisting to look up at him, a vulnerable look in her eyes. No one, not even tom had wanted to do the cute romantic things with her before."I....really?"She said slowly looking up at him.
Harry smiled and nodded to her. "yeah, i think it would be fun." he admitted smiling at her. "and, i can show you my Animagus form while we're out there too." he admitted smiling as he tipped her face up and kissed her gently. "i'll even cook everything myself." he decided grinning. "i like to cook."
She smiled at him, leaning into his hold kissing him back before pulling away,"Go cook.I'll go visit with lucius. See if I can convince him not to be angry at draco."She said with a snicker, heading downstairs with her lover.She loved him so much....and it made her more vulnerable then she'd ever count on.
Harry smiled at her, looking happy for once as he headed off to the kitchens, Snape striding down the hall towards him, a wicked gleam in the potions master eyes. looked like the first step of therapy was about to begin.

Draco and Lucius where sitting in the library, running through hogwarts lessons and tests Draco scowling and Lucius looking close to laughter. "DAMN THAT MUDBLOOD!" Draco finally roared, his father laughing a little. Hermione was always going to be the smartest girl in school, no matter how hard Draco tried to top her.
Pandora laughed softly as she walked in, sitting down next to draco,"If you keep trying to top her like this, you might want to try and top her in another matter."She said with a snirk that left no question on what she meant.
Draco blushed hard and Lucius dissolved into silent laughter, because everyone saw what Draco refused to beleive. Draco malfoy was in love with a mudblood, a SMART HE just had to realize it. "shut up Pan." he ordered glaring at her. "i was supposed to be the top of the grade! THE TOP! i was supposed to be the BEST!" Draco was a good person, but he was overly Anal about many things, and school was one of them.
Pandora smiled looking at him.because she loved teasing her cousin more then she loved doing anything else in the world."You can still be the top.And the best. You'll just have to discuss the position with hermione."She said, tolerant enough to let him love whoever he wanted.After all he supported her wanting harry, the least she could do was support this
he glared at her. "the day i talk to that mudblood is the day i fucking slaughter myself!" he spat stalking out of the room, Lucius smirking. "that poor boy is so in denial." Lucius admitted shaking his head. "normally i would be pleased with his refusal to listen to his own emotions, but Hermione Granger is a very powerful witch, despite her bad bloodline even purebloods need new blood once and a while. my own great grandfather married a mudblood."
Pandora nodded slightly smiling at her uncle."Maybe I'll have harry talk to him.After all, he is friends with hermione."She smiled a little getting up."Me and harry are going on a picnic. We'll be nearby should anything happen."She said before walking out, going in search of harry.
Harry was still int he kitchen, amazingly he was talking rather calmly with Snape, who looked...horrified. "your own uncle?" Sev asked softly harry nodding. "yeah, sometimes my cousin and his freinds too, they'd catch me in the park and hold me down, take turns." he didn't sound upset, in fact he sounded as if he had put it all behind him. if Pandora where to ask, he would probably answer with the same respectful but uncaring tone. "your acting very calm about all of this..." "well yeah, what else am i going to do? scream and cry and yell and pound my silly little head against the floor? that won't change what happened and it won't make me feel better either." harry shrugged and glanced up and smiled at pan. "do you want me to pack apple juice or orange?"
"Orange."She smiled as she walked over, wrapping her arms around him as she nuzzled his neck.Despite everthing, even loving tom, she was more cuddly, more touhcy feely with harry then anyone else."So, the picnic's ready?"She smiled looking at him with a smile.Trying not to concentrate on what she'd heard.Otherwise she was really going to kill someone.
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