Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Pandora moaned softly under his fingers, even as pain slid through her system, pleasure sang like the purest note of music. Shivering slightly. knowing whawt he was thinking, stealing some of his guilt, trying to make him feel better."Not tom. Maybe draco.lucius would."She muttered leaning her fae into his hand as he touched the bruises on her face, wincing a little.
he shivered softly, feeling her pleasure, panting softly. "you like pain?" Harry asked softly, sounding confused, as if he didn't understand why someone could like that, but honestly he understood that all too well as well. his uncle wouldn't stop, not until Harry came, so harry learned to enjoy the pain his uncle offered. harry enjoyed the sting of the belt on his beck, loved the feeling of someone pushing into him unprepared, enjoyed the sting of the bruises as they formed on his made him sick to his stomach to think that Pan had gone through horrors like that, or maybe she was just naturally a masochist?
Pandora swallowed hard, looking over at him, silver blond hair spread out around her, beautiful and silky as she looed at him."When...when i was younger tom told me the prophecy of what I'd be...when he hadn't realized what it'd mean.He still doesn't.Not really."She smiled slightly." The one who imparts suffering without compassion will find his match in the one who suffers infinity with compassion. I balance the scales....tom can't regret anything he's done, it's not in him.but fate corrected it's mistake by making a empath so strong she finds pleasure in suffering."She smiled slowly, kissing him softly.
Harry smiled a little. "Tom does too have regret." he stated simply sighing softly. "it's inside of me." he admitted looking up at her. "when he cursed me a part of his soul was lodged in me...that's his concience(sp?)." at least, that's what harry figured. "i mean it makes sense right? that's why i always feel guilty about everything, even when it's not my fault, like my Parents death, or Cedric's, or even my Godfathers." he paused and nodded and gently kissed her neck. "well let me make it up to you then." he murmured softly, running his hands along her bruises again, the marks slowly fading from view as Harry spilled his magic into her in a crude, but effective healing method.
"Mayhap.Maybe we are his consciences then."Pandora moaned, shifting a little, eyes fluttering shut at the healing, because for a moment it hurt, then healed. It felt...amazing."Harry..."She muttered softly leaning up for a kiss.
he chuckled a little and lay a gentle kiss on her neck as he healed everything that he had given her. "the madness is gone." harry admitted softly. "i think that it left after i raped you.' not quite, but it was close. after he had finished raping her the guilt had shoved everything else out, madness included. in a way Pandora had not only saved his life, but she had also saved his mind. "i love you know that right?"
pandora smiled softly,"I know.And I love you."She whispered, raising a hand to stroke his hair out of his face."Does this mean I can't expect you to do wickedly bad things to my helpless body?"She asked a teasing smile on her face.Because being healed had brought up a need for him, to reclaim part of what he'd ruined, and reestablish that they could be together.
he chuckled a little his hand settling slowly on her belly, he could feel her body's need for him, she wanted him, and for that he was intensely relieved. he was half afraid she would reject him. he slid his hand lower, purposely missing the intimate parts and settled on her inner thigh. "mm your never helpless." he teased a smirk on his lips. "but i can certainly do evil wicked things to your body." since she seamed to like pain so much, maybe he'd try that new spell he'd been working on. the one he'd used on the dursleys before he'd brutally slaughtered them. "ah..." he flinched at the memory of their faces, looking at him and before he knew what was happening he'd leaned over the side of the bed, and hurled.
Pan looked startled, sitting up and gently rubbing his bak."Harry?"She whispered, worried about him. Lust forgotten for a minute, worry on her face as she looked him over." don't have to."She whispered, worried about him so much she was willing to give up an extreme amount of pleasure.
Harry shook his head. "it wasn't you." he promised softly closing his eyes and snuggling into her, a wave of his hand had the mess, and his mouth, cleaned up. "i just remembered my family that's all." he admitted settling his hand on her belly again. "hey Pan...why does Dumbledore want you so bad anyway?" he asked looking puzzled. "why does he hate Tom so much? i mean, i have yet to see Tom loose his cool and start torturing someone...course that might just be for my sake huh?" being a physical empath, Harry would feel any torturing that Tom was doing in the house.
Pan smiled slightly, "tom has his moments. He loses his cool more then he'd like, but overall he's calmer then what he used to be."She sighed a little, resting her head on his shoulder."Dumbledore is a empath..not as strong as tom is, and the sun will shine in hell before he even approaches what Im capable of, but he wants us because if broken, we'd do his bidding. Or at least he thinks.Its how he's kept power among everyone, beccause he's like draco, and can influence others.Except... unless we allow it, me and tom are immune. He wants me because I can force the world to bend to his will...and if he can't have me, he wont let anyone else have me."
Harry growled darkly and wrapped his arms tightly around Pandora holding her close. "i'll kill him myself before i ever let him get his nasty hands on you." he promised kissing her forehead. everything made so much more sense now, Dumbledore had been using his Empathy on harry from the beginning, making harry into something he was not, using Harry like a pawn. "you know what, i think i might just kill him anyway, just for shits and giggles." he decided a smirk on his lips as he gently kissed her neck. "do you know where i might get a Pensive?" it wouldn't erase his memories, but they would at least stop floating willy nilly around his head, making him remember them at the worst possible moments.
"I'll see what tom can do."He said shifting to look at him, shivering as he kissed her neck. Leaning down to kiss him slowly."For now...let's forget everything else."She said sliding her hands over his chest.
he chuckled softly and nodded, pressing his lips tightly to hers as he ran his hands down her sides again a small smile on his lips as he began to kiss all over her neck, offering her nibbles now and again as he pressed his cock against her, grinding it into her exposed sex, but not entering. teasing her.
Pandora whimpered squirming, sliding a leg over his hips, trying to pull him closer, wanting everything he could offer. "Harry.'She whined tilting her head back as he nibbled at her neck, the oversensitive skin almost painfully sensitive.
he moaned softly smirking a little. "hush." he whispered, a dominant tone to his voice as he took her hands and pinned them to the bed. "don't move them." he ordered a smirk on his lips, but a playful one as he started kissing down her body, kissing there, sucking on that, nibbling just for the sake of nibbling as he covered her breasts in hisses, purposely avoiding the nipples, traveling slowly downward to her groin, teasing her relentlessly.
Pandora whimpered, squirming a little. Biting her lip to keep quiet, struggling to obey the order as she fisted her hands, trying not to ove. "Harry,more..."She growled beggingly, wondering just how far he'd take this.
he chuckled a little and slowly, ever so slowly ran his tongue along her clit, teasing the sensitive flesh before offering it a small kiss, his tongue traveling at just the edge of her lips before diving in without any hesitation, eating her out almost ruthlessly, muffled grunts and moans falling from his lips as he felt her pleasure, uncaring if Tom could feel it as well or not, he was too focused on pleasuring Pandora, to make up for raping her.
Pandora whimpered in pleasure, shivering an flushed as she wrapped her fingers in his hair, gently tugging as he pleasured her.It was a slow torture, and to much for the small woman as the world shattered in a haze, her orgasm dragging down all her barriers, feeling ever so sensitive and satisfied.
he moaned hard into her as she came, continuing to eat her out as she did, dragging it on even longer before he smiled and snuggled into her. "mm do you feel better now?" he teased smiling a little as he kissed her cheek. " he wasn't sure if she was ready for actual sex yet, so he was playing it safe.
She smiled slowly, looking up at him."Yes, yes I do."She said blushing ever so softly as she loked him over.Not sure if she was ready for sex, and glad that he seemed content to not push it yet.
he smiled a little and kissed the back of her neck. "good, i'm glad." he murmured, sounding tired but sitting up anyway and stretching. "i need to go for a jog." he groaned. "my muscles are all tense." he grumbled before smirking. "maybe i can make tom give me a full body massage?"
Pandora smiled slightly, "He probably would. Go ask. if not you can go for a run."She said yawning as she settled back on the bed.
he chuckled a little and nodded, heading out to look for tom, humming softly s he passed Snape, who fixed him with a furious glare, Harry simply staring back, completely uncaring of the man who hated him so much. "where's tom?" "i don;t know, do you think your so special already, to order me about? just because you warm The Dark Lords bed!?" "i do more than warm it you insufferable bastard. now tell me where he is." "your not worthy of him." "like i care, according to two thirds of the wizarding world i'm not worthy to live, since when do i give a shit what people think!?" he demanded shoving past Snape, ignoring the fact that a headache was starting to bloom behind his eyes. he would torture snape later, he wanted to find Tom and talk to him about a pensive.
"Stop it both of you before I torute both of you!"tom's voice yelled from the library, already suffering from a headache. Between dealing with what harry had done to pandora, and dealing with a drunk draco, he was in no mood to put up with the two of the arguing over this, when the decision of who deserved who didn't belong to anyone but the pale blond woman upstairs.
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