Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry nodded. "closing his eyes. "i think i'm beyond help." he admitted softly sighing softly as he lay his head on her shoulder, simply enjoying being close to her. "i wish Tom would have just killed me." he admitted softly, pain in his voice. "it hurts, loving him,a nd wanting to kill him at the same time." he admitted his voice thick with emotion. "and i'm scared it will be the same with you one of these days, i'm scared that i'll go completely mad, and i'll try to hurt you too."
Pandora sighed softly, wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head."If you try to hurt me, tom really will kill you."she promised."And no, because I need you. Whatever's coming...I can taste the war in the air, like a storm on the horizon, dumbledore's looking for me."She shuddered, truly afraid of what the older man would do.
Harry sighed back and nodded. "i know." he admitted softly. "but Dumbledore will never find you, i'll kill him myself before i EVER let that bastard get his hands on you." he promised closing his eyes a little, suddenly tensing up as three sets of feet went past the door, Lucius Tom and Snape, heading tot he kitchen. once they where a good distance away Harry started to calm again. "i wish i knew...why i am so broken inside..." but he knew, he knew very well what had broken him, and he was going to make damned sure no one else found out.
"Me to."Pandora said, longing in the words. Because she really did want to help him, and to do it, she had to know what was wrong first."Sleep harry. We'll deal with everyone else later."She smiled settling in to go to sleep, trusting that everything was perfect in her world....or at least as perfect as it could be.
Harry sighed softly, snuggling tighter into her, closing his eyes. "i'm sorry." he whispered softly. "i'm sorry i'm so broken." sorry he was lying, sorry he was hiding....sorry he was dirty.

when she woke, it was because of his own screaming as he struggled against an assailant unknown to Pandora, fighting against invisible enemies as he tangled himself up in the blankets and begged someone to let him be, to leave him alone, probably scaring the shit out of Pandora, who couldn't get close enough to shake him awake without getting punched. the return of his madness, had brought back the nightmares.
"Shit."pandora snarled softly, having been trying to get close, and gotten punched for his efforts. Wincing as she rubbed her cheek going in search of tom and draco, her lip already getting puffy even as she tried to draw the madness away, the feeling of fear and insanity making her tremble.

"hey what's wrong?"tom slid out of his seat, gripping her arm as she stumbled into the dining room where everyone was eating.

"H-harry."She shuddered, blinking hard."Dray, I need your help.I can't force him to be calm."She said, regretting that she couldn't. Hating ot ask him to help her.
Draco gasped, startled by this new development and nodded. "i'll help, i can at least get him calmed down long enough for Pan to get close to him." he admitted grabbing both their wrists and rushing to the room, immediately pushing his emotions into Harry, but this time, it did not have the desired affect. "NOOO!" Harry screamed, jerking hard and suddenly Draco was screaming as well, collapsing onto the floor and jerking as well as he was forced to feel the pain that Harry was feeling in his dream. "a..aaah in...inside me!" Draco whimpered, laying across the ground shuddering hard. "Ha..Harry." Draco pleaded, groaning as the pain suddenly left him, leaving the blond panting, hard on the floor shaking his head. "ok, i won't be doing that again..."
Pan winced resting her hand on draco's back, gently taking teh hurt feelings. Soothing the injured man."No, no more doing that."she muttered looking at the bed."How can I wake him?"She said struggling not to panic.Harry didnt need that, sheh had to stay calm
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "Harry used to have these at school." he admitted slowly getting to his feet. "i overheard the mudblood telling that red headed blood traitor the only way to wake him up was to smack him around." he admitted glancing at Pan and Tom. "sorry about this." he admitted grimacing as he flicked his wad at Harry, sending the boy flying through the air and into the wall, Harry groaning as he fell limp on the floor his eyes fluttering open.

"u..uuh go away, go away YOUR BRINGING IT IN!" he screamed wildly shaking his head hard, trying to clear out the madness that was crowding his brain, letting out a low, insane snarl as he got to his feet and lunged, not at Draco this time, but at Tom, hissing in parseltongue that he was going to kill them, kill them all and then the madness would go away, landing on Tom from a mid Air leap teeth bared, looking as if he was about to sink his teeth into the others neck, but Draco was quicker, yanking Harry off the Dark lord, struggling to restrain him as the Golden boy struggled and screamed in rage and fear, trying to get out from under Draco. "Pan! restrain him!" Draco demanded panting hard, his wand having been slid across the floor by a furious Harry. "if you can get him restrained Tom and i can leave and you can get him calmed down!"
PAndora nodded, casting, wincing as the brunette was restrained. Sighing relieved when draco and tom left, letting harry go, bending down to touch his face with gentle fingers, taking what emotion she could. "harry?"She whispered trying to calm the raging man down, hoping she wasn't going to get attacked herself. Shivering a little...wondering if this would be a violent round of sex.Wondering if it would help.The mentally smacking herself for thinking of it. though she smiled a little, letting the physical empath feel her body tighten,her body readying itself for him.Hoping to distract him.
Harry shrieked and screamed and cussed and cursed, flailing against his restraints as best as he could, but not once did he try to attack Pandora,he didn't know why he wasn't attacking Pandora, but he wasn't. he flinched away from her touch as the madness started to recede a little, tears trickling down his face. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry i'll be a good boy, don't hit me...please don't hit me." he wasn't fully aware of Pandora, fear flowing from him in a steady stream as he trembled violently against his restraints. "please...please i'll be a good boy!" he did notice however when her body tightened, Gasping loudly as he trembled groaning softly, his own cock starting to fill. " please...please i'll be good. i'll be good uncle Vernon please!!!"
Pandora growled softly, rage burning white hot along the empath's nerves, reaching out for draco, stealing calm. She needed that icy calm even as she took more of harry's madness."Potter!It's me."Pandora snarled trying to reach him, though she refrained from touching him,even as her body tingled with need."I opened a box of nightmares, and you have returned hope. Light in a world of darkness, reach for me."Pandora snarled softly leaning over him as she let the restraints go, her lips a breath away from his. Knowing she was frail enough, small enough not to be a threat to him.Yet...if he needed a victim, she could be the perfect victim. Because that was a truth that she shared with no one... that not even tom knew.

She was a harp to be played. A rare instrument, that most missed because they were incapable of sounding all the notes. Pain and pleasure, but there were other notes to sound in the song. Cruelty, humiliation, dominance...compassion and kindness. It took all the notes, to make exquisite music.And she'd met no one who understood what a perfect victim fate had been given in the form of Pandora Calcanti. That in tom fate had given a man with no conscience, who would impart suffering without compassion. Thus destiny had created his match, a woman to suffer tenfold, with compassion. She was the perfect victim to harry's madness. A mirror to show both life and death.And she would do what she must to save him.

"I am yours."She whispered, the whisper sounding like bells through the room, a almost sin against his screams.
he snarled darkly at her voice, jerking and writhing against his bonds, immediately grabbing two handfuls of her hair as soon as she released him, yanking her onto the floor and pinning her down, madness in his eyes as he stared down at her, a sneer on his lips. "who's on bottom now!?" he demanded, a snarl in his voice as he forced their lips together, kissing her without mercy as he pressed his hard cock against her tightened cunt, rocking his hips into her. "you'll never fucking hurt me again." he hissed, still not truly seeing her, stuck in his own nightmares. it almost looked as if he was going to rape her, maybe he was. "your going to be my little bitch." he hissed using magic to hold her wrists in place over her head.

"i'm going to make you beg and scream, i'm going to make you LIKE it." he snarled, ripping open her shirt and gripping her breasts with both hands, massaging, kneading, teasing. "that will teach you won't it you little bitch!?" if Tom where there, he'd already have attacked Harry, Draco too. but there was no one there to stop harry, no one there to get in Harry's way "i'm going to make you mine." Harry snarled, biting at her neck, leaving tiny red dots of blood as he vented his rage and revenge out onto her. she was in for a long night.
Pandora whimpered, because pain and pleasure were intertwined for her, her body responding even as she shifted against him, soft pliant body a willing victim to his rage.Closing her eyes as she let him do as he wanted.

Hours later Pandora panted as she hung from her wrists in her bindings, her wrists aching, her body hurting, her mind and emotions breaking under the man's abuse, and yet as he touched her she responded, body tightening, whimpering as he touched her. Legs wrapping around his waist as he took her roughly once again.For hours he'd vented his rage on her skin, and still it hadn't been enough to outrun the rage. Shivering she whimpered in pleasure as she came, her body tightening around his. "Harry..."She muttered osftly, still trying to coax him back to himself.
he panted spilling inside her again and then, he fell still, panting hard, the madness taking an intense dip downwards, as if Harry had sprung a leek and the madness was flowing out of him, Harry whimpering softly as he callapsed onto the ground and dissolved into sobs, the magic that had held her in place vanishing as harry shook his head hard. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry i'm sorry." he sobbed gathering her into his arms. "i'm so sorry, i hurt you, i hurt you i'm so sorry." he had done such horrible things to her, he'd even taken a belt to her back, demanding she admit she liked it when he beat her, and only beat her harder when she finally did, making her admit she liked it when he raped her, again and again making herself admit to being a slut, to being a whore...and even worse he had made her like it, he had felt her orgasm around him time and time again, no matter how hard he took her, all of her holes held his seed, all of her holes had been taken roughly and without mercy. he had bitten her, and clawed her... he had raped the person he loved most. "i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry." Harry didn't know how to make it better, he didn't know how to fix what he had done...he didn't know anything, so all he could do was sit there and cradle the exhausted Pandora. not caring that Tom was pacing downstairs, worried out of his skull for Pandora, feeling the things that Harry was doing to her in a soft echo. uncaring that Draco was drowning himself in alcohol so that she could borrow emotions from him, without throwing him into a coma. caring only that he had hurt his Pan...had defiled her...had broken her.
Pan whimpered softly, cuddling into his arms exhaustedly, closing her eyes as she drifted into sleep. It was beyond the broken and battered empath to comfort him when she was hurting so badly.

Tom shuddered as he paced, ignoring the looks from narcissa and lucius, looking at draco."Can you keep him calm?If I walk in, can you do it?"He asked the semi drunk one, needing in there, not able to feel pan anymore. Needing to make sure harry hadn't actually killed the dream that they both loved.
Draco looked up at tom and nodded, staggering to his feet and tripping over the chair with a small groan before getting to his feet again. Alcohol enhanced Draco's abilities to the point that Pan couldn't even fight him off. the Drunker Draco was, the stronger he was, and he was pretty smashed right then. he carefully slid the door open and pushed Calm into Harry, making the Brunette groan and slump limply to the floor, still stammering that he was sorry, he was so sorry rather weekly as Draco pushed his emotions into the other forcefully, not even panting from the effort, letting Tom slip into the room without Harry even twitching, Harry had worn himself out too much to react to the madness anyway. Harry groaned again his emerald green eyes staring up at Tom, calmness swirling with madness in those emerald green depths, not even seeing who it was, too lost in his own insanity to care.
Tom swallowed picking him up, heading into one of the other rooms, knowing the emotional stains in the master bedroom was going to not fade overnight, and that pandora or harry wouldn't be comfortable. Struggling to remain calm as he looked at the broken doll of a woman. This was going to be bad.Siging softly as he set harry in the bed, letting pandora lay against him, her cheek pillowed on harry's chest. The fact that she'd been a willing victim the only reason harry was still breathing.

A day later pandora stirred, whimpering in pain as she closed her eyes again, tightening her hold on the brunette in her arms, pressing her face in his neck.Hoping to keep calm, and hope that whatever harry was planning next, wouldn't hurt so badly."Harry..."She whispered, her voice broken and cracked from so many screams, so much begging, and so many pleas that had fallen on deaf ears.
Harry whimpered when he was picked up, struggling weakly against the other. " please i'll be good, i won't do it again..i'm sorry, i'm sorry i'll be a good boy." he pleaded, his voice soft, broken, but alive, because Tom was right, Harry would have died if she hadn't done what she had done, if not from the strain, than from him clawing at himself.

Harry tensed next to her, his entire body going rigid, but he said nothing for a long moment then. "p..punish me?" he pleaded softly. "i hurt you....i hurt you so bad." harry wanted to hurt like he had hurt her..maybe it was the madness, maybe it was the guilt, but he wanted to feel what he had put her through, she had begged, and he had ignored her. he was a horrible person, a dirty rapist...a monster. if he'd had the energy he would have gotten up and tried to kill himself, but he didn't have the energy, didn't want to get up, even if it was to end his own miserable existence.
"What?"Pandora looked startled, raising her head to look at him. Wincing as the movement made her head ache she laid back down. "Stop...I could have stopped anytime harry."she said shuddering at the memory. because it was her secret, a shame that she didn't voice, that some part of her, the part that was a perfect mirror of the darkness within, found pleasure in the horror, in the pain, in the humilation of being his victim."I will heal."She whispered shifting, whimpering as she did, curling up. Trying to hide how badly her body still ached....forgetting that he could tell.
Harry let out a small sob of pain as she moved, feeling her pain and feeling even worse that se was lying to him. "i raped you...i'm no b..better than him" Harry hissed softly, tears and terror in his voice. "i'm a monster, a horrible monster..." he whispered softly, trembling against her, wishing that she could just be mad at him and not damn understanding! he wanted her to be mad at him, he wanted her to yell at him and beat him and punish him! he knew she wouldn't though, she never would, and that too made harry feel terrible.
"You're not a monster.It was a mistake love."She muttered, raising a hand to touch his face she hurt so bad. Struggling to keep the pain from showing because she didn't want him to feel worse then he already did. Wraping her arms around him, laying her head on his chest."I will heal harry.I am fine."She whispered, trying to make him feel better.needing to stop his pain, feeling it like a kiss of a razor on her skin, a scent she was choking on. his pain and her own almost to much for the fragile empath.Reaching for draco, needing some of his control.
Harry shook his head. "it wasn't a mistake! i was doing it and i wanted to do it and you where SCREAMING and i was enjoying it!" he protested, breaking down into sobs. "and i...i.." he shuddered hard. "i c..can't beleive i w..w..would DO something to someone like that when i KNOW what it's like to have someone h..h..hold you d..down a..a..and..." he broke off bursting into tears again, finally admitting to one part of the reason why he was so insane...he had been raped, and from the sounds of it, a great many times. "h..he wo..would ma..make me a..admit that i w..was his bitch a..all the time and he w..would make me c..cum and i..if i d..d..didn't he...he'd beat the s..shit out of me and i...i j..just stopped s..struggling be..because it was d..done faster t..that way b..because he'd get b..bored and i d..DID that to you and i'm so..sorry!"
pAndora sighed softly, wining s she shifted, sitting up, wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head."I now you're sorry..."She muttered stroking his hair."Harry,I can feel your pain and sorrow like a kiss on my skin, and with everything I am, I wanted to help. I was begging for you to come back to yourself, to understand what you were doing, not because I wanted you to stop."
Harry sniffled a little and leaned back into her, sighing softly as he realized that she was right, she could have stopped him ay any time. "i don't know what i was doing." he admitted softly closing his eyes again swallowing thickly. "you where there...and i was so angry...and i'd dreamed about....him...and i guess i just...had to not be the victim anymore." he admitted softly rolling over so that he was facing her, so he could see the damage he had done to her, gently tracing the bruises with his fingers, looking incredibly guilty. "i wish you would punish me for it..." maybe he could get Tom to punish probably not.
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