Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Harry blinked as he turned to look in the library, his head tilted as he watched Tom and instantly Guilt flooded him once more. it hadn't just been Pan he had hurt, but tom as well. "sorry.." harry muttered in a tone that Tom had never heard before, an almost...submissive tone to it, before a smirk crossed the brunettes lips. "maybe i can help with that stress level of yours." he stepped into the library, kicked anyone in there out, and shit the door tossing up a silencing spell. "you look like you could use a nice blow job." sore muscles forgotten, Harry's new goal was to help Tom the only way he knew how.
Tom laughed softly leaning back in his chair looking at the man in front of him."Hmm do I?"He asked scooting his chair back to give harry access, having every intention of getting the brunette on his knees.
Harry smirked at Tom and dropped to his knee's and scooted forward licking his lips. "mmm poor tom, i've been ignoring him for far too long." he teased smirking a little running his chin along the others inner thigh. "i'll have to treat him especially good now." he teased a small smirk on his lips.he took the edge of the others robes in his teeth and gave a tug, looking almost playful as he nudged all of the others clothes out of the way and pulled his cock free. "mm yummy."
Tom laughed softly as he ran his fingers through the man's hair, resting his head back on the hair."Hmmm you have given me the worst headache. Not only dealing with pan,but draco's drunk, and he's a mean drunk."he muttered shifting his hips up.
Harry offered the other a small grimace at the remembrance at what he had done to Pan, running his nose along the others cock, inhaling the spicy musk that was Tom's unique scent panting softly. "well then, i guess i aught to pay for that shouldn't i?" he purred a smirk on his lips. offering Tom the chance to punish him, the chance that Pan had refused he was certain Tom would take. "Punish me for what i've done." Harry hissed dragging his tongue along the underside of Tom's cock.
Tom moaned, wrapping his fingers into his hair, shoving his mouth down onto his cock."I will.After you pleasure me."He growled angry for this, that his head was hurting so much.And for scaring him so badly over the girl.
harry gasped at the shove and moaned softly, enjoying the pain as he wrapped his mouth around Tom and obediently began to pleasure him, sucking him off, eager and willing to pleasure his male lover as he slurped and sucked running his fingers down the Dark Lords inner thighs and caressing the balls, wanting Tom to feel as good as he could possible feel.
Tom moaned as his hedache was replaced with pleasure, shivering a little as he wrapped his fingers in the other's hair, closing his eyes.After a few minutes coming hard into the other's mouth.It wasn't a long time,but dammit he'd been so worried and frustrated that it was a short release that he needed
Harry groaned into he others cock, sucking faster and harder swallowing everything that Tom had to offer, pulling away with a small sigh and a glance up at the other, hoping that the man would honestly punish him, harry had a need, a need that only punishment and pain could fulfill. and Harry didn't want anyone but Tom or Pandora to do it.
Tom growled glaring at him as he stood, pushing the man roughly to the ground."Hands and knees.You made me worry.I am going to push you."he said summoning the whip from the wall,absently snapping it in the air."Now."he ordered.
Harry fell to the ground, startled but pleased and he quickly got to his hands and knee's, a bolt of physical pleasure running through him, and then Tom and Pan at the realization that he was going to get whipped. he pulled his shirt over his head, baring scarred back flesh to Voldemort. it already had what looked like belt marks running across the tanned skin, but harry said nothing and only shivered with glee at the sound of the whip snapping in the air.
Tom smirked slightyl, shivering at the feeling as he swallowed hard. Feeling pandora's startlement before gently shutting her off from them. Not wanting to hurt the already strained girl."You made me worry."He said laying the whip across harry's skin. Punishing but not brutally. Taking his time to make sure harry was also enjoying it.
Harry panted softly, jumping as he suddenly didn't 'feel' Pandora anymore but he said nothing, letting out a long low moan at the first lick of whip on his flesh, making him groan in pleasure and pain, Tom could feel Harry's pain, almost dwarfed by the intense pleasure he felt at it, the arousal the pain gave him. lick after lick he moaned and groaned and wiggled, loving the pain that Tom laid on him, panting hard even as the whips laid long red welts across his back.
Tom smirked a little as he took out his bad mood and worry on the man in front of him.Nto stopping until his back was bloody with it."Get out.And don't see pan until you get that cleaned up.She'll take a strip out of my hide if she knew."He said sighing as he sat back down in his chair.
Harry panted softly looking almost Euphoric as he slowly stood up, smiling at Tom. "thanks." he stated simply heading out of the room, uncaring that his blood was leaking down his back and down his legs as he headed out to find Snape, or maybe Draco who could heal him, Harry was too muddled to do it himself. not that he cared, the pain was still filtering so pleasantly through his system.

about an hour later Draco strode through the halls of Voldemort's Mansion with a worried look on his face as he looked through a thick file heading straight for Pandora's room, knocking on the door before opening up. "hey Pan, i think you should look at this..." he admitted lifting the manila folder, thick with papers. "it's Harry's medical record from school... The Twins knicked it from Pomfry's office..." The look on his face said it wasn’t good.
Pandora frowned as she sat up,keeping the blanket up around her as she reached for the folder, setting it on her knees as she leaned back on her pillows."Wha's in it?"She asked, starting to read it, but wanting the highlights.Knowing draco wouldn't have brought it to her without having read it.
Draco bit his lip. "Harry's medical list of course, and...some psychological profiles." he had highlighted some of the words and paragraphs for her. "most of it is common school injuries but others..." ' broken ribs, severe bruising, internal bleeding, torn prostate, severe emaciation.' that was just Harry's first day at school. as the years progressed the injuries he came back to school with got worse, and so did the psychological. 'intense depression, suicidal habits, severe dependency on other people, extreme guilt, extreme anxiety, personality disorders, a need to feel pain, need to be punished.' "he's tried to kill himself before." Draco admitted pointing to some of the pages. three times harry had tried, and failed, to kill himself. once after cedric's death, he'd slit his wrists. once after Sirius died, he'd swallowed a poison that Snape had left unguarded. and once before he was to go back home, he'd jumped from a high tower at Hogwarts. one paragraph stood out more than others written in Pomphry's neat handwriting. 'Harry has an intense need to be punished for things that are not even his fault. he blames himself for a great many things and seeks out to cause himself pain, or for others to give him pain as penance to help ease the severe guilt that haunts him. "Harry's been heading towards insanity since his first year, and Dumbledore has only been speeding things up. from what i can tell, Harry's uncle has been raping and beating him since he was at LEAST ten. probably before that...he needs a lot of help Pan..."
Pan sighed softly resting her head in her hands as she struggled with the anger that threatened to send her out after dumbledore and his uncle. swallowing she looked up at the blond,"Draco..I'm trying."She growled, taking the words as a accusation she wasn't doing enough, even though she knew he didn't mean them like that.She was just feeling unbalanced."I'll figure something out."She said knowing she couldn't do anythng, but she'd be damned if she didn't try
Draco set his hand on her shoulder gently comforting her, carefully spreading Calm waves about the room. "i know your trying Pan, but i don't think Harry Harry can be helped until he admits that he has a problem." he admitted softly swallowing thickly. "i mean Christ Pan, Dumbledore has been driving Harry into madness since he first got his claws in him, i don't know if harry CAN be fixed completely."
Pandora sighed softly, shivering as she felt the calm wrap around her, raising her head enough to give him a half hearted glare for forcing her to be calm."I'll try. he went to see tom earlier.When he comes back,I'll talk to him. And if he can't be fixed.....well he'll fit in with the rest of us here."
Draco just offered her a small smirk at her half-hearted glare and shrugged his shoulders. "yeah i was kicked out when Harry went in there, he was going to suck Tom off as far as i saw." he admitted, not mentioning the state that harry had been in when he'd left. he knew better than to upset Pan. "i was, letting Uncle Sev know." he admitted indicating the Files. "i mean, they hate each other but that might be what harry needs, someone to scream at...and Uncle Sev knows how to deal with the psychologically damaged... he did fix my dad, and he helped my dad too, and several of the Slytherin Students are abused at home and he helps them all the time. he might be useful in helping Harry heal too." but he wanted to make sure it was alright with Pandora first.
PAndora frowned as she thought about it before nodding."Talk to him.Just for the first time he tries, make sure he knows to have one of us nearby.I don't want to be picking up itty bitty severus pieces off the floor."She said before laying back,looking tired. It'd been a long few days, and the empath still wasn't at full health, though she'd never let harry know that.he felt guilty as it was.
Draco smiled and gently offered her a tendril of his own energy, Draco had amazing recovering abilities, he was already at complete full health after his intense draining yesterday. he was like an energizer bunny. "i'll make sure to talk to him." he promised nodding a little, "if Harry get's too out of hand i'll force my Calm on him." he promised chuckling a little. "i'm getting really good at it. i brought my own father to a complete stand still not two hours ago."
Pandora stared at him as she leaned over the edge of the bed to get her clothes, dressing slowly."WAs there a reason to bring him to a standstill?"She asked, impressed. Because usually the only way to stop lucius was to beat him into teh ground or batter him so much emotionally he couldn't stay on his feet.
Draco smirked a little. "yeah, Harry pissed him off and they where about to slaughter each other." he admitted with a small chuckle. "Harry never did forgive father for trying to kill him, several times in fact. malicious attempts. Harry left and went jogging and as far as i know my father is still standing in the Foyer smiling at nothing."
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