Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Tom winced as he helped pandora stumble out of bed knowing that he wasn't going to be able to keep her in bed without harming her. Stumbling as she cursed, walking downstairs, casting a sanctuary spell, weaving on her feet as she felt the spell take hold, forcing peace onto the man, reaching for harry, taking his emotions on top of draco's. Swaying on her feet as she leaned against tom."Guys, get in here.Draco!Come ere!"She yelled, to weak to summon any of them.
Harry gasped as the slight madness, rage, and possessive protectiveness suddenly fled him, making him stagger before looking over at Pandora, looking completely confused as the twins poked their heads out walking in once they deemed it safe, Draco heading into the room anxiously the twins leering at him making Draco wince and look down, blushing hard. as Harry carefully wrapped his arms around Pandora's shoulders. 'you know, telling me to stop, would have worked just as well." he pointed out gathering her into his arms. "your doing too much, your going to pass out again..." ignoring the twins now, deciding to let tom and Draco deal with them.
pandora trembled in his arms, resting her head on his shoulder, it was nice to have someone fussing over her. Draco and tom usually gave up, since she hardly ever listened."This was faster..."

Tom sighed looking at the twins and draco, shaking his head as he looked at draco."You know if you stopped reacting, she'd stop harassing you as much as she does."
Harry nuzzled her, kissing her neck and holding her close trying to help her calm down Draco smiling a little nervously. "so, yeah Harry is, er. 'in it' with Pandora and The Dark Lord." he explained to the twins. "Harry didn't realize that your spies for Pan and that's why he attacked you." "aaah." the red heads chorused, looking much less confused now grinning at Harry. "so, the Gryffindor Golden boy..." "is shacking up with the worlds leading bad guys." "that is like." "the ultimate irony." well at least everyone had calmed down quickly. Draco was just hoping that no one mentioned his crush on the twins.
"I'm not a guy."Pandora protested weakly from her resting place. Her head resting on harry's chest raising just enough to look at the twins.

Tom snickered as he sat down at the breakfast table, intent on eating."I think we all know that.You're kindly wearing almost nothing."
the twins snickered a little and shook their heads, not commenting on anything as they looked at Draco and smirked almost viciously, making the blond wince and head into the kitchen to hide again Harry snorting a little. "be nice!" he demanded sternly to the twins glaring at them making them stare at them, startled that harry would Defend Malfoy of all people. he smirked a little at Tom. "besides, I'M not complaining about Pandora being dressed the way she is." he teased chuckling a little.
Pandora snickered a little, squirming."Of course you're not. You're holding me."She said before yelling at draco."Dray, you really should practice!I'll send them home. I promise!"

Tom smiled slightly eating, shaking his head."Anything new to report you two, since you're here?"He asked eyeing the twins.
Harry snickered a little and kissed Pandora's forehead smiling a little and shaking his head. "well that's not the ONLY reason." he admitted smiling a little glancing at the twins and smirking a little as Draco sulkily came back out. "fine i'll practice!" he bitched sulking as the twins glanced at each other and then looked at Tom looking...rather nervous. "well..." "we don't know anything for sure yet. but there is a suspicion..." "that Dumbledore has realized that Pan exists." "and that she's with you." "fortunately he still isn't sure where you are." "but you should move your base away from the Malfoy Manor." "because that's the first place that Dumbledore is going to look." Draco had gone completely pale at that his eyes wide. "oh shit..."
Pandora paled, as tom nodded getting up."Keep pandora here."He growled before apparating to the manor. Not waiting for a response, because he was willing to fight by himself, but he wasn't going to put pan in danger.

Pandora cursed, slipping out of harry's arms, wrapping her hand around dracos arm."Sorry boys."She said quickly locking the wards to make sure harry and the twins would stay put, but let her and draco out, apparating to the manor. More worried about her aunt and uncle then aobut her own life.
Harry squealed so he in rage as he found himself trapped his eyes brimming with rage, the twins stepping back quickly as harry turned to them his eyes narrowed darkly. "help me." he ordered a snarl on his lips the twins hesitating. "er... do what?" "oh never mind!" harry snapped racing out of the house, running down the paths. all Harry had to do was get out of the house wards and he would be able to apparate after her. because no one realized that Harry was an animagus, and wards didn't work on animals. he raced down the grass covered hills until he bounced off the wards, and quickly transformed into his animal form, determined to go after Pandora.

Draco on the other hand, knew better than to fight against Pandora, there was no telling what that woman would do to him to to make him obey, it wouldn't be the first time she'd brow beaten him into obedience. besides, he was worried about his mom and dad too. when they got there there was already a struggle going on, several death eaters had already vanished, taking away every single 'dark arts' object with them, leaving only Lucius, Narcissa and Snape to protest the aurors, who had gotten violent, and now they where shooting hexes at each other, which had been the plan in the first place.
"STOP!"The shout rang through the frnt hallway as Pandora took in the scene around her, "Sorry Dray."She muttered, resting a hand on his arm, the only warning of what she was going to do. Reaching out to them all, ynking, pulling the emotions into her and forcing draco's budding powers to feed into the calmness, between the clash of emotions, trying to get calm. "Dray, get them out of here."She growled leaning on the stair case railing, knowing she was going to have to stay, to keep the aurors grounded until everyone was gone.
Draco gasped looking astonished and he stumbled as he felt his energy forced out of him, but unlike Pan it didn't bother him nearly as much, Draco was like an unending battery, and this wasn't the first time she'd done this to him. Draco rushed over to his parents and Snape and before any of them could protest, they where gone, the Auror's feeling too calm to really care, still under the effects of Draco's 'spell', but they where quickly coming out of it now that he wasn't there to force his emotions onto them anymore. "what the hell?" one muttered looking confused blinking stupidly as they all looked at Pandora. "the hell did you do bitch!?" "where did they go!?" "arrest her!"
Pandora shuddered as she leaned against the railing, sinking to the stairs. Knowing she was to weak to apparate out, and do weak to run. She only hoped tom, harry or draco would come for her."I forced you to be nice gentlemen."She said with a pleasant smile, to weak to even consider taking more emotions. Not without draco there to help. Cringing a little as she felt them holding her,dragging her towards god knew where.
there was a loud Crack as someone suddenly apeared, and then what sounded like a sonic boom as Harry stood there in all his glory, pure magical energy floating off of him in waves the Auror's turning to gape at him. "mi..mister potter your...your...u..under arrest." one of them stammered holding up his wand, thinking harry couldn't cast any spells. but harry looked at him, and without a word stunned the Auror, well aware that if he killed someone Pandora would never forgive him. "Let her go." Harry demanded his eyes narrowing with rage, the two who held Pandora immidiatly dropping her as Harry advanced on them, bare feet patting on the ground as harry hissed at them,flinging one of them into the wall, the others flinching and vanishing. there where only two people int he world who could take on Harry at full power, the auror's didn't even come close. strangly though, harry did not feel pissed, he just felt...still, not calm more...empty. he had hit that level of fury where you stopped feeling anything.

"Pan, can you stand?" he asked looking over at her, bending down and gently gathering her into his arms. "i am so going to punish you later for doing something so god fucking stupid." he hissed, vanishing back into the summer house without another word, gently laying Pandora in bed and snuggling into her. "rest, i'll calm down on my own, and i'll yell at you when your feeling better."
Pandora whimpered softly as his rage washed over her, to raw from ripping down at her shields, that it actually hurt to feel him."...okay..."
She muttered drifting to sleep.

Two days later, and only coming around long enough to let them feed her, pandora stirred, blinking blearily. Starting to wake. Pain in those eyes as she nuzzled the brunette's neck."Harry?"She muttered gently hugging him. Wanting to know if everyone was okay.
Harry hadn't left her side, feeling the madness trying to roach back in after the 'episode' of rage had taken him. only Pan seamed to keep it at bay, he'd attacked Draco twice, and Tom once, the twins had wisley gotten the hell out of there after Draco had tried to go after them the first time. Harry was sticking to Pan like glue, and refused to let anyone else in. they brought the madness in with them, only Pan could keep it away.

"hey." he whispered back running his fingers gently through her hair. "how are you feeling, better?" he asked softly his head tilted at her offering her a small smile. "everyone is fine, Lucius and Narcissa are here now, so is Snape." he said their names with as much loathing venom as he could muster, it was quite a bit. Harry had avoided all three of them, knowing he would try and kill them if they got too close, and he couldn't do that to Draco. "Lucius had a small slash but other than that everyone was unhurt, you where the only casualty."
Pandora smiled slightly, pushing up off the bed and looking at him, leanin over to cuddle into his arms."Good."She sihed a little before responding again." come I'm back here?"She asked, having expected to wake in dubledore's arms, not harry's. When she'd gone out, she had sent everyone away...this was a nice startlement."I'm feeling...better. Hungry though."
he smiled a little. "honestly Pan, did you really think some silly wall was going to keep me away from you, magical or not? i broke through the Wards and went after you." he admitted smiling a little. "pushed the Auror's back and took you home." he admitted sighing softly. "you've been asleep for two days, i was worried." he admitted running his fingers through her hair looking peaceful. "i'll get Tom to bring us something." Harry had no intention of leaving the room, the madness was out there, Tom would bring it in a little, but Harry could handle it as long as he was with Pan. 'Hey Tom. Pan's awake and she's hungry, could you bring some food?' Harry asked through their mental link, resisting the urge to flinch when he touched the others mind, it still made his scar ache a little.
Tom smiled relieved getting some food before letting the others were awake. Before walking up to bring her the tray of food, walking in and setting it on the bed, leaning over to give her a kiss."Welcome back."He said before smacking her arm lightly."Never again do something so reckless pan. I don't care who you're saving."

Pan blushed a little starting to eat, before shaking her head."I can't promise that."
Harry had shifted to the other side of Pandora, keeping her in-between him and Tom, trying to stay as far away from tom as possible, while still keeping in contact of Pandora, closing his eyes tightly as he felt his madness slipping in again, but he kept himself tight, under control. he didn't want to hurt Tom, he loved Tom. Pandora would keep him safe, he just had to keep his eyes shut and pretend no one else was there...he knew he was probably worrying Tom and Draco, but it was better than Harry trying to kill them. he reached out while Pan was distracted by Tom and swiped the apple on her plate, munching on it. hey, he needed to eat too you know.
Pandora smiled softly as she ate, absently taking the feelings harry was feeling,siphoning off the maddess before looking at tom."Can you get draco?"

Tom nodded, getting up and leaving. Going in search of draco. Knowing better then to question what she wanted.

Pandora sighed softly, brushing her fingers over harry's arm, biting her lip."I know you don't like him, but I need to make sure I didn't do any damage...I forced him to help me control the aurors...I need to know he's fine."She swallowed hard.Even knowing draco was probaby fine, she just couldn't stand the thought of not checking for herself.
Harry shuddered at the thought of Draco coming in there, resisting the urge to whimper. Tom only brought in a little madness, Draco brought in a whole bunch, but Harry understood the need to see him. Draco had spent the first half day back in bed, too week to even move, though he was better now.

the blond slipped into the room and offered Pan a small smile, but didn't move into the room all the way, not wanting to upset Harry more than the brunette already was. "hey Pan, i'm fine." he promised smiling at her. "you should really warn a person before you do that though." he admitted, a sense of calm and peace suddenly filling both Pan and Harry, the brunette boy groaning rather pathetically as he felt Draco's emotions forcing himself to calm down. Harry wasn't sure if he appreciated it or not. "and i've even been practicing." Draco stated with a smug little grin. "ok, he's fine, get the hell out!" Harry demanded a low snarl in his voice, Draco wincing and nodding vanishing out the door. he knew better than to ignore Harry's orders when he was that unstable.
Pandora smiled softly looking over at him, reaching out and gently running her fingers along his arms.Wishing she could take more, but to do it she'd knock herself out again."How are you doing?"She said watching him, because while she worried about draco, she knew he'd be fine. Then again, it might have just been the calmness he'd given her. No matter, ,she worried more about her lover then her cousin.
Harry shook his head a little when she asked him how he was doing. he knew she knew what was going on. "they bring it in with them." he muttered softly. "some people are worse than others...Draco brings in a lot, and then he makes me feel all calm and happy and it pisses me off." he admitted baring his teeth in an animalistic rage. "Snape has even more, he doesn't even have to come in, he just passes the door and it slips in underneath he door cracks." he admitted swallowing thickly, wondering if he wasn't already mad, and only thought that the others where bringing it in with them. "you help push it away though, it isn't near as bad when i'm with you."
Pandora nodded a little shifting to curl up in his arms, resting her head on his chest smiling."I'm glad. You're....I don't know. The maddness when I'm near you is like standing near a bonfire and holding my hand out to feel the flame lick my palm. It feels good for that moment, and then it hurts."She sighed frustrated."I'm not explaining it well...its like... posioned honey.Sweet and deadly."She gently touched his cheek."I'll help you. I will."
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