Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Tom gave a similar look back at the man, tilting his head a little."I tried. She's not letting me in the bedroom through."He said frustrated, looking at the door in front of him. Having spent the last half a hour trying to convince pandora to talk to him, yet the minute she'd walked in she'd walked in there and locked and shielded the doors. Shielded them to the point nothing was getting out, not even her emotions. Only giving the slight hum of awarenesss that she was on the other side of the door still. Struggling to figure out what had happened while she'd been at malfoy manor.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head pushing Tom carefully out of the way and gently nudging his magic against the wall of her magic, trying to get her to realize that it was him, letting his worry spread through his own shields. he'd been trying very hard to keep his own emotions under strict control for Pandora';s sake, and he'd been getting pretty good at it. " whats wrong?" he asked softly hoping she could hear him through the door scowling a little. "Draco did something, i'm certain of it." he growled, willing and ready to blame everything on the blond. "it's either that or you hurt her more than either of us expected..." he muttered softly, not sounding angry at that, just worried as he pushed his magic gently against hers again, trying to carefully spread her magic apart so he could get in.
Pandora sighed softly as she felt the magic flex, letting the wards down enough to let harry through, just that breach letting the other know just how hurt she was. Replaying the words she'd heard her uncle say as she'd been leaving the manor. Just a useful tool to our lord, means to a end. And easily fooled into thinking someone cared. That Lord Voldermort, the most powerful wizard in the world, could care for someone like her. Fool

Pandora trembled harder, resting her forehead on her knees, tears falling down as she curled up, resting her back against the edge of the bed, looking small and forelorn as she let the wizard through.
Harry smiled a little as he walked over to Pandora shaking his head. "thought so.. your upset about what Tom said." he stated softly gently crawling into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "you shouldn't beleive anything that Tom says." he muttered softly. "he only said that, because he was afraid to let you know how much he loves you. he pretty much said so himself." Harry admitted smiling at her, tapping his forehead. "want to see my memories? i can prove it to you." he admitted kissing her gently. "he loves you just as much as i do." he promised softly. "he's just afraid that you don;'t love him, so he's denying his own feelings." he admitted running his fingers through Pandora's hair sighing softly. "men like Tom, aren't very good at processing their feelings, and even more they have no idea that they can hurt other people with the words that they don't mean. hiding from him, when he's trying to apologize to you, won't accomplish anything but your own heartache."
Pandora cuddled into the other, trembling slightly as she rested her head on harry's shoulder."N-no..I...I dont need to see..."she said, her voice filled with tears, sounding stuffy."It wasn't tom...I can read him... most of the time..."She whimpered softly, sighing."Just...lucius...lucius was talking to snape how..."She shook her head trailing off, tears filling her eyes as she showed the memory to harry, it was easier then saying the words and letting them cut her apart more, the idea that she was just someone to use, someone to make him more powerful, was to much for the small empath. It hurt, so much. Especially since she didn't know how tom felt really, she just assumed because of the gentle feelings he had when she was around, that he felt the same as she did about him.
Harry scowled a little and sat up and gently leaned over her, pressing a kiss to her lips. "what does it matter what those idiot's think? their stupid fools who think they understand how things work, when their not even a little close to how their Dark Lord, or even i are thinking." he pointed out. "I'm sure Lucius is just jealous because you get to have Tom and he doesn't, he's going to be even more pissed when he realizes that i have Tom too.' he admitted snorting a little. "at least that's what their all going to assume anyway, that Tom raped me into submission and now i'm his willing little bitch. frankly i'm more than willing to let them beleive it because making them understand is so much work that it's really not worth it." he admitted nuzzling her neck.

"people like that don't matter, your better than them, your above them. hell your above me and Tom of all people, why should you care what lack witted moron's think when you have someone so smart to boss around like me and Tom?" he teased grinning at her gently running his fingers through her hair. "you KNOW what me and Tom are feeling, you can feel it yourself, so why let the words of some idiots ruin that?"
Pandora whimpered softly in pleasure as harry nuzzled her, closing her eyes as she turned her head to look at him, leaning her head into his touch. Calming as harry petted her hair."I's just I guess I've feeliing at odds with things...and worried about draco and worried dumbledore's realized I'm alive hurt to hear them talking like that."she said kissing him softly.Jumping slightly when the bed dipped, raising her head to look at the other man sitting on the edge of the bed.

Tom smiled softly, leaning back against the headboard, reaching out to gently brush her hair out of her face."I love you pan, don't worry about anything else."He said studying her face, his heart hurting as he saw the shy, hesitant smile that graced her face.
Harry smiled as he watched her. "you worry too much, Draco is an idiot but he'll be fine. you know he will." Harry murmured softly. "and if he isn't, well i can beat him up for you." harry promised smiling a little. "Dumbledore will never realize your alive, and even if he does he can't do shit about it. you have two of the worlds strongest wizards waiting on you hand and foot. not even Dumbledore and his entire army could get through both me and tom. right jack ass?" harry asked glancing at the Dark Lord. he enjoyed calling Tom names, it was his own little revenge. "we both love you very much." harry promised stroking Pandora's face gently. "and we will always protect you, and we will always love you. no matter what."
Tom rolled his eyes at the name calling, smiling slightly as he pressed a kiss to pandora's lips, shifting to snuggle into her side, wrapping his arms around her, ignoring the fact that he was touching harry to as he held her. It felt nice to be with them both."Dumbledore can go jump off a bridge. Between me and harry you will be safe, and if all else fails, I guess draco culd be helpful."He said teasing her for worrying over her cousin.

Pandora laughed softly, curling up against tom, her head resting on harry's chest. The bridge between the two, the heart of her two men."You two are odd together."She said smiling as she relaxed.
Harry snorted a little then. "oh yeah, is it ok if i rape tome?" Harry asked without warning. "he's really hot you know, and then we could all be together, you know, three way relationship, then Tom can stop angsting about loosing you like some idiot teenager, and you can stop worrying about me trying to kill him." Harry was a little too blunt about things sometimes. and he was giving Tom a shit eating smirk, all to ready to make Tom his botch...well, if he could, there would probably be a lot of yelling, and a ton of struggling for the both of them before they found out who was going to end up bottoming. Harry certainly wasn't one to just give up, and he highly doubted Tom was either...Pandora could be the referee!
Both of the other two looked startled at the idea, before pandora started laughing as harry's feelings washed over her. Referee indeed. Smiling as she sat up, leaning over to kiss both of them."I know he's hot."

Tom smirked a little, tilting his head as he ran his hands over the girl in his arms,"Ahhh you think you can top me?I think not."He smirked slowly, watching the girl tremble in his arms, before looking at harry."I know. Whoever makes her beg first, tops."
Harry smirked darkly. "that would be me, i'm already better than you are." he taunted licking his lips as he shoved Tom off the bed, snickering darkly. "besides, i'd rather own your ass, then point out your inadequacy by making Pandora cum again, and again, and again, and again." he taunted running his fingers along her nether lips, giving her clit a tiny pinch. "don't you think that';s better Pan?"
Pandora whimpered at the pinch, shivering as she bit her lip to keep from saying anything."N-no."She stuttered a little.

"You're not going to get her to do it over and over again."Tom laughed a little getting back up onto the bed, pulling the girl in for a kiss, stopping her from begging before shifting down, lowering his mouth to her breats. Knowing they were extremely sensitive, more then normal. Taking his time pleasuring her, smiling slightly as he felt her squirm.
Harry snickered a little and ran his tongue along Pandora's clit, giving it a small nibble as he reached over and took a firm hold of Tom's crotch, squeezing and massaging it, throwing him odd his game. hey, it wasn't cheating if they never had rules in the first place! he hummed against Pandora's cunt, giving it a strong lick and curling his tongue against the clit, smirking a bit. he loved being a parselmouth, you could do the most amazing things with your tongue.
Pandora moaned, whimpering as the men tortureed her, yelping a little when tom bit her.

Tom growled softly, raising his head to look at the man groping him, thrusting into the touch, rolling his eyes. Before looking at the girl enjoying their attentions, smiling at the sight of her flushed and panting, a perfect ring of his teeth in the swell of her breast. Hissing softly he reached out, sliding a hand along the other man's cock."Brave harry, very brave." he hissed, laughing softly as pandora moaned, knowing hearing parseltongue drove her insane faster then anything else.
Harry chuckled a little leaning his crotch away from the others grip sucking hard on her clit, her fingers stroking along her sensitive nether lips before slowly slipping inside of her panting lightly. "not so brave. your a snake after all, but you know what? i'm a stallion, and stallions always stomp snakes flat. he growled laughing a little as his tongue suddenly delved deep into Pandora's cunt, wiggling and working, his hand squeezing Tom harder as he suddenly muttered a small spell, Vines wrapping tightly around tom, forcing the older man's wrists behind his back and immobilizing him as much as possible, Harry snickering. "also. i cheat. a lot." he admitted snickering as he looked up to see Tom's reaction.
Tom laughed softly because it was a move he'd pull, settling for curling up against pandora, resting his head on her chest as she squirmed against him, so lost in pleasure she wasn't aware enough to translate what they were saying, just enjoying the sounds."So I see.He hissed smiling as he licked pandora's skin.

"please please harry please do something!Harry please fuck me! Pandora begged, switching between english and parseltongue without realizing it.
Harry snickered darkly at Tom looking highly p[leased. "HA! i win twice." he growled gripping the back of Tom's head and kissing him furiously his tongue tangling with the elders as he lined himself up with Pandora, deciding to ease her out of her misery, groaning loudly as he pierced her, checking behind him to make sure he hadn't suddenly grown female parts again, panting softly his nostrils flaring wide. "oooh fuck that's good." he growled shuddering a little. "oh yeah, now i have TWO women." he teased snickering a little as his hand wrapped tightly around Tom's cock as he thrust tightly into Pan, deciding to bring her to completion first before focusing on Tom.
PAndora moaned, slender legs wrapping around harry's waist, meeting his thrust as she closed her eyes, leaning her head into tom's touch as he stroked her hair.

Tom moaned, as he thrust into the brunette's hair, kissing pandora slowly, whining because he was getting feelings from them both. It was a very odd thing to be feeling.
Harry moaned shivering a little, feeling himself being kissed, even though he wasn't kissing anyone, groaning as he felt a hand around his cock, even though he was buried to the hilt in pandora. normally these strange occurrences would have freaked him out, but he was in too much pleasure to give a damn what was happening, panting hard as he soddenly grabbed hold of Tom and pulled his hips over, so that he was kneeling above Pandora's face, his tongue stroking along Tom's ass, making the brunette whimper as he felt a tongue on his as well, he ignored it and instead focused on eating Tom out, while driving his cock as deep into Pandora as he could manage.
Pandora whimpered as she squirmed under the two, looking up at athe man hovering over her as she stretched her neck up, running her tongue over tom's cock.

"Shit."Tom moaned thrusting into the tongue licking him and back a gainst harry's mouth, whimpering because it was a very odd feeling to be feeling everyone, gasping as he felt pandora's tighten around his cock, trembling a little as she came, clinging to both the men holding her.
Harry snickered a little as he continued to thrust into Pan, riding out her orgasm before slowly pulling out and driving his tongue deeper into Tom panting softly, not in the least bit worn out yet as he nibbled and sucked, gripping his balls with one hand as his second molested her nipples a smirk on his lips as he pulled away from tom and slowly, carefully slipped a finger deep inside the man he had once considered an enemy a smirk laying on his lips. "i'm gonna make you my bitch." he growled to Tom snickering a little. "and then you can make me yours after, if your up to it old man."
Tom moaned softly resting his forehead on pandora's shoulder, glancing back at the brunette."I'm not that old golden boy."He growled shifting back against the man's hand, laughing softly, because he felt like it. Frowning. Pausing.Taking a moment to realize pandora was laughing at them mentally, though not a look or breath betrayed it.
Harry laughed as well running his tongue along the underside of Tom's cock snickering a little as he suddenly bit Tom's ass, leaving a ring of red marks on Tom's pale flesh before licking it better snickering a little before he slipped a second finger deep inside Tom, giving him a firm thrust with his fingers. "you talk too much Old man."
Tom moaned softly before twisting at the waist to push harry down into the bed squirming over and pinning him down to the bed."oh really?"He asked pinning the brunette down against the dainty woman.
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