Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

she would get a feeling of great satisfaction as he felt her cumming growling at the rather painful yanks on his hair, but ignored his own pain and instead focused on elongating her orgasm, stroking her clut with his tongue while she writhed and moaned pulling away only when she went limp, a smug little smirk on his face as he licked his lips. "you taste amazing." he purred leaning down and snuggling into her, ignoring his own Libido to make sure she was alright. "you ok there?" he asked sounding rather amused as he watched her recover from her orgasm.
Pandora whimpered softly as she calmed down, smiling ever so softly."Y-yes."She stuttered smiling at him,biting her lip,gently stroking her fingers through his hair."S-sorry about the h-hair."She said,stuttering as nervous as she recovered.Having felt the pain coming from him, and she hadn't meant to.It'd just been to much.And hurting anyone made her extremely nervous and worried even if it was in the middle of sex. Shifting slightly, moaning as she felt his erection against her leg, squirming, trying to press more against it. Even nervous about what he'd do to her for hurting him-yes she was just as bad as he was about not knowing what others were going to do-she wanted to feel him deep inside her.
he smiled a little and nuzzled her neck with his nose. "don't worry about it." he murmured smiling a little. "i've had worse for lesser reasons." he admitted. "besides it was my own fault you know." he winked at her and ran his hands along her sides, trailing lower to her hips as he gently ground his erection against her thigh, waiting for her to recover before he removed his pants and presented his hardness, sighing with relief as his hard on was released, the head coated in his own Pre-Cum, making the Boy Who Lived shiver as the cool air struck his wet cock. "are you alright with this?" harry asked softly, needing to make sure she was ok with coupling with him, before he could continue.
Pandora sighed softly as he nuzzled her, blushing ever so slightyl as he rubbed against her. "Yes harry."She said similing, gently running her fingers through her hair panting a little as she shifted against him, wrapping her slender legs around his waist.Blushing darker as she realizzed what they were going to do. Embarassed and adorable, because she'd only ever been with tom, so having someone her own age someone everyone knew made her blush like a schoolgirl.

Shifting slightly she whimpered at the feel of him hard and wet against her hip, trembling."Yes, oh yes...harry..."She whnied, begging, not knowing for what, but wanting everything. Shifting to slide against him, reaching between them, cupping him in her hand,giving him a playful stroke before fitting him into her with a moan, whimpering loudly as he stretched her. He felt so...big, and filled her, shifting her hips a little as she wrapped her arms around him, holding onto him tightly, eyes misting over. Like in so many other things, harry was more endowed the the dark lord...not that she'd ever tell tom that. But...their joining was like puzzle pieces snapping together, a perfect fit, and utterly perfect.
Harry smiled a little and slowly, carefully lowered his hips, brushing his thick head against her lips, pressing against her clit for a moment, just to tease before slowly sinking into her with a loud moan, shivering a little as he closed his eyes at the feeling of his cock being swallowed by the tight heat of her cunt. "Pan." he moaned softly, shuddering again as he slid in, and in and in until he was buried up to his balls in her sweet, wet heat, groaning loudly and pausing to get control over himself. he didn't want it to end too soon.
Pandora moaned, whimpering softly as she squirmed under him, eyes fluttering shut in pleasure as she leaned up to kiss him, fingers delving into his hair as she held him against her, slender legs wrapping tighter around his waist."Harr..."She moaned, squirming as she held him tighter. It was so overwelming to feel this close to him. Having given up on seperating their feelings, not knowing what was who's the odd feeling of being both the one he was seathed in and the one sliding was a odd feeling, yet perfect.
Harry panted his pupils dilating widely as he froze. "holy shit." he breathed softly panting lightly. "oh my god... is this what women feel like when they have sex!?" he demanded reaching behind him to feel for the entrance he had just felt himself sliding into. nope, no pussy, that was a relief. he forgot about it and simply started enjoying the pleasure as he started pushing into her , moving against her, kissing her hard his tongue tangling against hers, moaning softly as he ran his fingers along her breasts, simply trying to give her as much pleasure as he possibly could.

(in case you couldn't tell. Harry is an Empath too, only he's a 'physical empath' he can tell what others are feeling physically.^^)
(oh gods,this is going to be interesting. XP)

Pandora moaned, squirming as she ran her hands over his body. Startled at his words, wondering what he'd meant, yet she couldn't focus long enough to figure it out. Feelng him moving into her, kissing her like he was, was to mch. Every barrier came crashing down as the two empaths made love, moaning as her eyes went wide, coming with a groan. Hands tightening on his back, feeling his muscles flex, nails digging into his skin.
Harry gasped as she came tossing his head back as he pulled out, spilling his seed across her legs and along her belly, groaning lightly trembling against her as he came down from both their sex highs groaning softly closing his eyes as he panted hard, feeling rather drained. "oooh god yes." he moaned closing his eyes. "that was amazing, that felt so good." he didn't even understand himself what had happened. being new to his abilities, actually only unlocked right at that heightened moment of simply feeling, Harry had no clue what he was. as he started to come down from his pleasure high, he could feel the madness creeping back in and he pressed himself tighter to Pandora, hoping to keep the insanity at bay for just a while longer.
Pandora smiled lazily, pressing a kiss to harry's head as she panted, closing her eyes as she ran her hand up and down his back.Feeling contentment and easiness with him, feeling more herself in his arms, more steady then she had in years, since she'd been young. Instinctively drawing away the maddess as it took harry again, swallowing hard as it slid over her skin.Pandora smiled a little, cuddling back aginst him, hoping harry would just let her help him instead of getting bent out of shape over it.Raising her head a little when she saw tom.

Tom smiled easily as he walked in, walking to the closet to get a change of clothes before looking at the two in the bed."While I dont mind this... must you enjoy my bed?"

Pandora laughed softly, cuddling against harry."Yes."she said yawning. Tired and exhausted, wanting to sleep.
Harry turned and looked at Tom, a panic filling his eyes as he saw the other, cringing away from him, expecting to be punished for sleeping with the Dark Lords woman, accidentally flooding Pandora with his panic and fear before confusion replaced it, looking up at Tom and staring at him, looking completely baffled and confused as he watched the other man getting dressed, feeling a sudden spike of lust as he caught sight of the others nude body, and before he could stop himself.

"you could join us if you like." he offered before blushing hard at his own boldness and turned burying his face in Pandora's neck to shut himself up, certain he was about to get beat now. but his emotions had calmed into the peaceful quiet they should have been, as if the three of them together stabilized harry, as if harry needed the both of them. it shocked harry, but instead of saying anything he reached out and wrapped his fingers into tom's, holding the man's hand tightly. "i'm sorry i tried to kill you." apologies where the first step to a relationship after all. "i'll probably try to kill you again but i'm not so insane right now." he admitted sleepily closing his eyes, not releasing tom from his death grip and cuddling closer to Pandora as he drifted off to sleep before the madness took him again.
Tom smiled slightly, gently freeing his hand from the other's grip, dipping down to kiss pandora's head as she looked up at him."Draco told me you wanted to get him out of here.I'm going to go get the summer house ready, and I'll meet you two there."He said gently brushing her hair out of her face as she drifted off to sleep.

The next day Pandora smiled slightly as she walked out onto the balcony, resting her hands on the railing. The southern england summer home was huge, putting malfoy manor to shame. Blond hair ruffling in the breeze she smiled, glad that it was only her, harry,tom and draco in the house. Having forced draco to come just so she could browbeat him into practicing his empathy. Glancing over her shoulder when she felt draco join her she smiled, watching him as he joined her at the railing. The first time the cousins had a chance to talk since she'd slept with harry, and with harry in the living room sleeping and tom reading somewhere, she felt steadier and more at peace. And she needed drco's help figuring out something, because she couldn't ask the other two. "I can feel him draco. Even across the house, I can tell what he's doing. Even if he's not extremely emotional like I need tom to be, I can tell what harry's doing."
Draco had been very nervous about joining them, being that both harry and tom tended to have homicidal tendencies. but Harry had calmed almost immediately, as soon as they where away from all the people and the death eaters and the pain Harry had stopped attacking things and was back to normal...mostly. he had gone for a long run the instant he had seen the spacious hills. he had been gone for hours, but had come back sweating and looking immensely happy and had proceeded to the living room to take a nap.

Draco smiled as he stepped over to Pandora nudging her shoulder with his. "is that such a bad thing? considering Potter's track record it's a good idea for someone to have tabs on him." he admitted sighing a little as he watched the rolling hills and clear grass. "and he's starting to gather his sanity back together too...i think you and him are connected emotionally. and i think he's starting to form a bond with Our Lord as well." he admitted smiling a little. "i think the three of you are good for each other. you can keep Harry sane, and you can take Tom's fury, but have you noticed that Harry keeps tom calm in the first place, and help's you ground when you've taken on more than you can handle." he paused. "i think you three are destined for each other."
Pandora smiled slightly nudging his shoulder back."No, not a bad thing, just odd."She said sighing a little resting her elbows on the railing, resting her chin in her hands as she looked at him"He's bonding with me and tom, and I don't understand it. He does ground me, and he's more sane...yet he has his moments..."She frowned struggling to say it."Remeber when I fell last night?He was across the house and knew I'd hurt myself. Not because he was yelling, or because I'd emotionally reacted to it. But he physically knew I'd hurt myself.He's a empath somehow...and I don't understand."She sighed looking over at him."Just think, I'll have my own happy little threesome, and you don't get laid at all.Do I need to invite the twins to join us?"She teased, knowing he hadn't done anything with their spies....yet anyways. But she knew fred and george were constantly after him when they visited.
he nodded a little. "i'll look it up." he promised smiling a little. "it almost sounds as if he can feel what you feel...but i don't know if that's possible..." he scowled a little. "i want to try something for a moment...just a test, and you leave my love life out of this." he growled shooting her an embarrassed glare blushing hard as he turned to her and hesitated. "lets see, alright i'm going to push some emotions into you, and see if harry reacts..." he had his suspicions that Harry would, the Boy Who Lived had before hand. he pushed some emotions into her, Happiness, and bafflement and there was a loud THUD from the living room. "GODDAMN IT DRACO LEAVE PANDORA ALONE!" Harry demanded Draco shaking his head. "thought so, alright i'll be a week or so." he chirped smirking at her, happy to find an excuse to getting out of practicing, before vanishing completely as Harry moved into the room glaring as he tried to find Draco. "little shrimp." he grumbled rubbing his eyes, tired still.
Pandora snarled, looking at the sky."Draco Lucius Malfoy!You are a coward!"She yelled, feeling better even if she knew he couldn't hear her. "Just for that I'm meddling."she said grinning, amused at the idea of getting the twins to try and own draco's ass for leaving her with this mess. Walking towards harry she smiled, wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder, looking tiny and dainty against his broad chest."feel better?"she said smiling.
Harry blinked a little at Pandora looking adorably sleepy. "whats he do anyway?" he demanded his head tilted. "every time he does it it makes my chest itch." he complained scratching at his solar plexus. "only really deep inside." he grumbled laying his head on Pandora's shoulder sighing softly. "i like it here." he admitted smiling a little. "it's quiet here. and there's lots of room. and my head is all quiet." he admitted smiling a little. "whats wrong Pan?" he asked. "i mean, you don't usually yell... Draco said something stupid?"
Pandora whined cuddling against him. Because yelling usually made her itchy and she didn't need to raise her voice to get her point across."Drao forced me to feel what he was feeling to see if you could tell.Then ran away so I wouldn't make him practice."she sighed resting her head on harry's shoulder, running her fingers through harry's hair."I'm sorry harry."She muttered sighing softly, leaning into him further, closing her eyes.

"If you intend on punishing Draco, you can make him come back Pan."Tom said as he stepped into the room, having come to investigate why they were yelling, knowing that if she tried, no matter how far he was away from her, she could summon any of her bloodline to her side. Though it would hurt and cost her something, she could do it. Which, when he'd been injured by dumbledore and on the verge of dying when he'd attacked the elder wizard, was how pandora had summoned draco out of hogwarts. Yet, even though he'd known the blond had bugged her about how they'd gotten him out, she kept making up things, and never would tell him the truth, because she didn't want him feeling guilty for getting in trouble and needing her to get him out of it. Though apparating draco and dragging him out of the hogwarts wards without phyiscaly being there had knocked the empath out for days on end. Smiling slightly, he shook his head thoughtfully, knowing she couldn't help but fuss about draco."He tells you not to get involved, and yet keeps reacting if you tease him.Moron."He said, looking more at ease then he had before.
Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "if Draco forced you to do anything i'm sure there was a reason for it." he admitted. "i'll beat him up no matter what the reason is though, just to make sure he never does it again." he promised kissing her forehead, flinching when tom spoke suddenly behind him, relaxing when he realized who it was watching Tom cautiously before groaning. "alright! dammit i gotta ask!" he complained stalking over to Tom. "is there....something not screwed right in your head!? i screwed your woman and you don't even care! i have been sworn to be your murderer and you bring me to your...summer home! are you Crazy or just stupid!?" Harry demanded staring at him, glaring more like as he waited for Tom to explain.
Tom frowned studying the angry man. Amazed it'd taken him this long to confront him. Not seeing the hurt look on pandora's face when he didn't respond the the accustation he did'n't care. Not realizing he'd hurt her, put a seed of doubt in a heart that loved him. "Neither.Pandora, go find draco and bring him back."He ordered, leaving no question that he wanted left alone. Snickering a little as she sulked not realizing the sulking hid hurt feelings, apparating back to track down draco. Before he looked at harry again.

"I care you slept with her, but..."He sighed trying to decide who to explain, before settling on the simplest."You see, I fell in love with a dream....except she was never my dream."He said sadly.Despite loving her, despite everything having known the prophecy predicted that she wasn't his, tom riddle, the most powerful wizard in centuries, had fallen in love with his missing half. Studying the man in front of him. Having known it'd come to this, to having to say goodbye, or share. Because she made him sane, and she needed more then he could ever offer her.
Harry glared furiously at Tom seeing her sulking and before he could say anything Tom was explaining. Harry's glare only intensified. "so you had to hurt Pandora just so she wouldn't hear you admit that you love her!? your a fucking jackass!" he spat poking Tom in the chest. "when she comes back you had better be ready to apologize to her you insensitive ass hole!" he ordered before groaning a little setting a hand on his head, feeling dizzy all of a sudden. he always got dizzy when he got pissed those days, rubbing his eyes. "i'm going for a run." he grumbled stripping off his shirt, revealing his scarred, but slender, and firm body to Tom, pausing for a moment, glancing at the other looking him over, feeling rather horny again, licking his lips a little before shaking his head. "unless you had another idea for burning off some of my energy?" he asked, looking rather seductively at him, a plan in his head. after all, he liked Pandora, and he liked Tom. Pandora liked them both... if Harry could get Tom to accept a three way relationship they all won.
Tom laughed softly, smirking a little. Pulling the other man against him, kissing him hard, trapping the slender man against him."I don't think I want you anywhere near my cock. You're liable to injure me."He snickered, knowing he had to ask pandora, because while she loved them both, she might not want to be with them both at once. Gently easing the other way from him,"Go for a run.She'll be back in a few minutes, with a sulking draco."He said stealing another kiss, before stepping away.

Back at malfoy manor pandora gave her cousin a look, smirking a little as she watched him."You can't run that easily little cousin, you have to practice."She said calmly, though she was starting to get frustrated with him never practicing. She knew it was important, and probably make him feel better, but she couldn't explain well enough to get him to practice.
Harry groaned a little as he kissed back, feeling a deep need throb deep inside his belly gasping softly as he heard the mention of injuring the other. "i would only damage you as much as you would enjoy." he teased flashing him a smirk kissing him again before groaning and shaking his head., "and you better apologize to Pandora for being an ass hole too jerk." he demanded glaring at him. "or your going to end up missing a few important pieces, rather than just having them damaged." he promised smirking a little as he headed out onto the lawn to vanish into the rolling hills once more.

Draco had his nose buried in a few books when she came to get him, and he looked up and pouted at her looking as pathetic as he could manage. "but i was looking up what harry is." he pointed out. "he said that when you got hurt yesterday he knew, because he could feel your pain. and not just yours, Tom's too. when Tom stubbed his toe, Harry knew it. i just have to figure out how it is that he knows...and then i'll practice i promise! i've already figured out that he has to be a type of empath. i just have to figure out what kind."
Pandora sighed, shaking her head,"Fine.You will return to the summer house as soon as you find out."He said walking over, dropping a kiss onto his platinum blond hair."If you don't find anything after a few days, come back anyways and practice."She said looking concerned, not that she'd ever tell him she was actually afraid for him. She hated knowing that he could be more powerful, more in control, able to influence others. Hating not being able to protect him from everyone.but for now willing to indulge him, because like tom and her, she loved her cousin, so she was willing to let him slide on things that she'd never let anyone else do.
Draco smiled a little. "i'll practice in between studying." he promised kissing her forehead. "now you better get back, before Harry decides to take your emotions into his own hands." he teased smiling a little. "he tends to do stupid things you know." Draco admitted chuckling a little as he turned back to his books biting his lip as he scowled. "i cannot beleive how many different types, and levels of empathetic abilities their are.." he grumbled scowling at his book. when Pandora got back to Tom's summer home Harry was already gone, and did not return for at least an hour and a half, giving Voldemort and Pandora plenty of time to talk. The-Boy-Who-Lived walked in looking tired, but sated, drenched in sweat from running and a pleased smile on his face as he moved over to the sink to get a nice long drink of water. "did you apologize yet jackass?" harry demanded to Tom fixing him with a stern look.
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