Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Pandora whimpered softly, watching him go. Sitting up as she yanked her shirt back in place, tears filling her eyes as she struggled to stand up. Stumbling out of bed. Having forgotten everything for a few minutes except him, even her depression. Having never had it happen before it was freaking her out, freaking her out more because he was pulling away. Even in the good moments shed always been able to sense the depression waiting for her. Those few moments with harry, she hadn't.

Stumbling to the door she paused before shaking her head, leaving because she didn't know what else to do. Running down the hall she cursed a little, whimpering as she ran face first into Draco as he stepped out of his rooms, gripping his arms tightly to keep from falling over. Looking as emotional and depressed as harry had accused her of being. For once everything she was feeling was written on her face, for once showing the empath under the icy malfoy armor.
Harry swallowed thickly and crawled into a croenr, feeling horrid about turning her away, feeling as if he had just denied soem part of himself...feeling as if he had just givin up something important to himself. he shuddered and curled up into the Fetal position and simply laid there, waiting for her to come back and start beating him. he had done something wrong, he had denied her, and harry was never ever supposed to say no to anyone. he shuddered again and curled up tighter, waiting for the pain he was sure would come, and there he would stay until someone went and got him.

Draco gasped softly looking started as he caught her and steadied her looking startled before he shook his head and started leading her into his room, he knew what was happening, and he had to help her like she had helped him. "there there." he whispered softly gently laying her on the bed, using soft and gentle touches, using his own brief empathy abilities to pull all of his good feelings to the surface, pushing them very carefully into her. he was week at best, being that he was new to this art, but hopefully she would take the hint, and start pulling them into herself. Draco was a different kind of 'empathy'. he could push his emotions into other people, make them angry or sad or happy...or he could, if he ever practiced like Pandora told him to.
Pandora trembled harder. As a natural born empath, instead of one who had to work at it like draco, her life was a mess. More of a mess then she'd ever let anyone, even tom know. Having felt something snap inside when harry'd pulled away she was struggling to find her way back, for once not thinking of the consquences from taking from draco, taking what he offered, wrapping herself in the feelings as she shifted, crawling under the blankets of his bed, curling up as she struggled to keep ahold of what he was giving her. For once, feeling so totally out of control, that she was flashing between happy and depressed faster then she could sort it out."D-draco..."She muttered, stuttering softly."Tom...what did he do? Is everyone okay?"She muttered, because she couldn't stand the thought of someone being hurt, of needing someone, so much that even as she was falling apart she wanted to go help them if they needed her. Such a strong empathy came at a high price, a price she regularly paid with her own blood. Not that she'd ever let her cousin know just how much of a mess she was.
Draco winced as the good emotions where pulled from him, but said nothing as he gently stroked her hair, letting her 'feed' off his energy licking his lips a little. "he's not doing anything." he promised. "he let the death eaters who insulted you live, though they have a few broken bones." he admitted "they've already been healed and Tom, last i checked, was looking for you. do you want me to go and get him?" hopefully Tom could put her right. "Pan, what happened?" he demanded looking worried. "i've never seen you like this before, are you getting backwash from someone else?"
Pandora swallowed hard, curling up more."P-Potter.Was eating with potter."She muttered, blushing ever so slightly as she burrowed deeper into his blankets, glad that her cousin was always cold and had a multitude of blankets on his bed. Making herself a nest to try and recover in."...get tom."She muttered, hoping the other would balance her out, and yet even with another empath with her, and knowing tom was looking for her, wasn't enough to get her warm, or happy.
Draco grimaced a little and nodded vanishing to fetch Tom rushing through the halls, nearly running into him. "somethings wrong with Pandora." he informed the Dark lord, breathless from running, but as stoic as ever. hiding his worry for his cousin behind a mask of cold indifference. "she needs you My Lord." he admitted. "She's in my room." he knew better than to try and tell tom what to do, and he quickly turned on his heal and fled down the hall to check on Harry, who had effectively...vanished.
Tom frowned ever so slightly, because draco was probably the only other person that besides pandora, could order him to do something and have a hope that it'd be obeyed. Frowning harder as he slowly made his way to pandora he sighed, crawling into the bed with her, drawing the trembling woman into his arms, pressing a kiss to her head.

Yet, three hours later she was no better, and had in fact been reduced to babbling nonsense. Frowning as he slipped out of the bed he wrapped the freezing girl up in one of draco's blankets, before going in search of harry potter. hopefully the brunette could shed some light onto what happened.Listening to Pandora's ramblings had given him a direction to look, because it was like every other connection she'd ever made had been shattered, and reformed in ties to harry. Letting her find him, but also driving her insane because she had shattered the connection to herself, to the emotional center of her mind, that allowed her some semblance of a normal life. It was like...she'd shattered her own mind and reformed it around a man as close as he could figure, had rejected her.

Hopefully...he found the boy who lived soon, because if he didn't, he didn't know if there'd be enough left of her to save.
Harry honestly wasn't hard to find, being that he couldn't apparate he had ended up wandering in circles trying to find a way out, avoiding anyone he saw coming his way, even with several of the Death eaters activally looking for harry none of them had actually seen him, up until the boy who lived practically ran right into tom, a look of compleat terror crossing his face before it vanished, replaced with rage. Harry wanted OUT! he wanted to be FREE he wanted to be LEFT ALONE! he snarled and launched himself at Tom, Draco suddenly in the way, taking Harry's attack full force with a loud Yelp. because Draco, like pandora, was compleatly loyal to tom. Draco would even go against his own father to do what Tom asked him to do, and that was thanks to Pandora too.

"Potter listen to me!" Draco demanded, struggling to pin the completely enraged Boy who lived Down, "Pandora needs your help!" Harry snarled again but fell still at the mention of Pandora. it had only taken a few kind words and a few gentle touches, and Harry had been hers. Draco hesitantly let Harry up, being careful to stay in-between Tom and the Boy Who Lived, just in case the brunette decided to attack again. But harry was completely ignoring them now, ignoring everyone as he headed straight for Pandora. all it had taken was a few kind gestures from her, and a few gentle touches and harry had become hers. completely. Harry wanted to help her, even if he knew she was only using him he NEEDED to help her. he didn't even know how he knew how to find her, he just headed right there, bursting into the room and pausing for only half a second before rushing forward and gathering her into his arms, kissing her gently, like before. if that was what she needed, then who was Harry to deny her?
tom smiled slightly as he followed the other man back to draco's room, tilting his head as he watched the exchange. Wondering what she had done to herself. Gently closing the door to give the two some privacy. because he had a feeling what was going to happen, and pandora, like him, was a private person. They didn't need a audience. Glancing at draco he smiled ever so slightly."You might want to find another bed for the evening."

Pandora whimpered at the kiss, not kissing him back but leaning into him, snuggling against his chest. Feeling the connection between them starting to reform, the one that she'd tried ot make, to claim him as hers. Because he'd stopped in the middle, it'd left the girl without a net to fall back in, caught between tom and harry, free falling into the abyss. Trembling as she snuggled into him, pressing her face into his neck, as she slowly started to calm down, no longer babbling about anything. Just calmly reclaiming herself.
Harry never even noticed Tom, he was too fixed on Pandora. he was the type of person to become fixated on someone, he was a possessive type person, he needed to have someone to focus on, to be with. having grown up with no love, no care, and no freinds he didn't realize how unhealthy it was to become so attached to someone. then again, he didn't usually care. "Pandora." he whispered softly cuddling her, cradling her, simply holding her, letting his need to be with her grow. he didn't care if she was just using him anymore, as long as he was with her, as long as she needed him in some form or fashion. he nuzzled her neck and gently ran his fingers through her hair, kissing her forehead, trying to be helpful but not knowing what to do. he didn't care if she was already taken, already claimed, she was his, HIS! and sure he'd share if he had to, but harry would kill for her, he would rape for her, he would do anything for her...he was hers, no matter how much she didn't want it to be, harry was hers.
Pandora moaned softly as he held her, nuzzling her neck. Trembling a little as she shifted. Calming down enough to reclaim apart of herself, the part that had been drawn to him like she was tom....yet she was drawn to the elder wizard, and yet all of it paled in comparison to what she was starting to feel for harry. Harry had claimed the empath, laying his mark on her. Even the tattoo that wound its way around her forearm had shifted, from slytherin's dark serpent to a mix of the two, a dark lion curled around a snake, as if the two were friends. Showing that that the woman had been claimed by both the heir of slytherin and the heir of gryffindor.
Harry nuzzled her a little more, kissing her neck and simply holding her, letting himself bond with her even as she bonded with him, feeling rather...whole, for once in his life as he closed his eyes and nuzzled her a little more before he began to rest, feeling incredibly worn out. it had been an incredibly busy day. killing a bunch of death eaters, getting captured, Apparating a lot, almost being claimed, then claiming, trying to escape..yeah, very busy day. "mine." harry growled softly, wrapping his arms around Pandora possessively before allowing himself to drift off to sleep now that she wasn't 'sick' anymore. he never bothered to care that he was sleeping in the home of the darkest wizard that the wizarding world had ever known, and that he was sleeping with that very same man's woman. Harry was too crazy to care, but Pandora was already on her way to fixing that little problem.
Pandora smiled to herself as she cuddled back against him, going to sleep herself.

A few days later Pandora looked over her glass of coffee at her cousin, leaning back in her chair."Would you stop?I'm fine."She growled, feeling the emotions he was pushing at her, he wasn't trained enough to slip it past her without her noticing yet. Shivering a little as she turned her head, feeling more then hearing harry approach them from the entranceway to the garden. Relaxing in the sun, for the first time in days out of bed. having spent the last few days in bed wtih harry. though nothing had happened between them, the bond had become something solid, making her more sane then she had in years.....not that it stopped Draco from worrying about her.

Though fear made her nervous. Because as much as Harry was her's, she didn't understand why he had run. Fear gripped for a few moments before it faded away into the happiness of having her bonded. Afraid because she didn't know if dumbledore had sent him to find her, that somehow the elder wizard had discovered her existance, an existance that tom had so carefully protected by being insane, and controlling. By forcing the world to concentrate on him, and not on the woman who stood with him.

"Draco.Really.I'm fine."she said moss green eyes raising to look at harry as he approached.
Harry was still very nervous around, well, everyone. he still vanished for hours on end, searching for ways out of the house, yet when he did find a way he suddenly had an intense need to go and cuddle with Pandora. Harry had attacked Tom three times in fits of delusional rages, and Draco once, the poor blond was still suffering a bruised jaw. worse than that Harry had completely slaughtered Peter Pittegrew, and gave no reason, nor remorse when Voldemort found him amidst the blood bath that had once been the Rat. neither did harry talk about his family, or why he had murdered them and the other muggles. he growled lightly at the sight of Draco, who flinched and pulled away from Pandora, it was strange, Harry was not an empath in any way, yet he could always tell when Pandora was taking emotions from someone, or when Draco was trying to push his emotions onto her. it always upset Harry a great deal when he caught her doing it, but again he gave no explanation at fact he hadn't spoken a word since he'd left her the first time, Draco had no idea, though honestly, harry just didn't feel like talking.

the Boy Who Lived settled onto the chair closest to Pandora and reached to the tray of fruits and vegetables that always appeared when harry settled down long enough to eat, the House elves doing. all of the pesky little critters had taken a great liking to Harry, and death eaters had often discovered Harry in the kitchens, helping the little critters cook. cooking helped keep Harry calm too, but lately he had been getting more and more....fidgety, nervous and anxious. as if he felt cramped or confined. he glanced around the gardens, biting into a carrot, strange emotions boiling in those emerald green eyes. "so, potter. how are you..." "shut up Malfoy." harry demanded, not in the mood to pretend to be civil, Draco clamming up obediently, glancing at Pandora with a pout on his face, tossing her a wink when harry turned away again. hey, harry had talked, that was a plus!
Moon Struck Fox said:
Pandora smiled behind her mug, sipping her coffee. Looking tired and worn out. Because of what harry had done, slaughtered pettigrew, attacked tom...she really wasn't as calm as she was showing the others. There were reasons she avoided leaving the estate. Because out in the world the touch of those who harmed, who hurt others was killing her. To have her bonded do it while she was nearby had knocked her out for the better part of a day.

"Are you okay?"Pandora said calmly, shivering a little as she slid her powers through harry's emotions, soothing him as she took the nervous and anxiousness. Glancing at draco she sighed."How do I convince you I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself little cousin?I am older then you. You should listen to your elders."
Harry growled and fidgeted a little. "i don't like it here...everyone looks at me." he hissed softly in parseltongue. "their going to do things to me, they always do things to me... they want to hold me down and lock me up." he shuddered gripping the table tightly Draco hesitating a little as he glanced from Harry to Pandora. "i want to run and i cant because there's no where to run and Tom keeps STARING at me." he growled darkly as Draco looked at him. "what are you looking at!? you think you can take me!? HUH!?" he demanded leaping to his feet, trembling violently Draco lifting his hands in submission Harry sneering at him. "of course you can't!..." being around so many people, was really starting to get to Harry who had been living completely alone for three months.

"i think Harry needs to get out of here Pan." Draco admitted, the Gryffindor Golden boy back to silence and staring blankly at the gardens. "he's too unstable to be around the Death eaters. hell he was too unstable for school for that matter. he hates being closed in, that's what the Twins said anyway." the weasley twins where spies for Voldemort, and often sent Draco letters informing him of Dumbledore's plans and whatnot. "doesn't Our Lord have that 'summer house' he goes to when being the Dark Lord gets to be too much? maybe the three of you could go there, he might calm down, and if he calms down, you'll stop feeling so bad." it was a win win. "AND he might even stop attacking Tom all the time." "i don;t like it here.." Harry mumbled softly to himself, gripping Pandora's hand in an effort to ground himself. he wanted to run, but there was no space to do so properly. not there.
Pandora shuddered as she felt harry's emotions slide over hers, "We'll go."she said getting up to go already knowing Tom would let them go. Might even go with them. standing and taking a few steps before she sank to her knees as anger and hate overpowered what she was feeling. Dragged harshly into tom's emotions, emersed so much it was like she was looking out his eyes as he faced off against the man he'd once cared for. A man he'd gone to see, to set pandora's mind at ease over her current situation.

"Ahhhh is good to see you."

"Where is she tom?I know she's been born."

"Whoever are you peaking of?I know you can't be speaking of bellatrix."

"Pandora. She's opened the box of horrors, now tell me. WHERE IS SHE!?" The elder wizard demanded, desperate to know. Having his own spies among the death eaters, he'd finally been informed of the woman who had so much control over tom, and what had shifted.

Tom studied dumbledore smiling slightly. "When you told me she was coming, you said she was my missing half. She's the conscience I never wanted, or needed. But it was just words to wanted to use me to control her. You wanted a young empath that would be honored to be tken in by such a good man, to sit at your feet and learn whatever you would teach her. Yet, the woman who she's become is the missing half of me, and she sits at no one's feet, and is awed by no one. You will never find her Albus, because you forgot something important. I'm not the one who shaped the dream." Tom said before apparating back, his anger and rage washing over him as he leaned against the wall. Well, at least he knew to things for certain. Dumbledore didn't know where pandora was, and harry wasnt helping him.

Pandora whimpered, laing on the ground as she came back to herself, her forehead pressed against her knees as she trembled hard, struggling to seperate herself from tom's anger at dumbledore's maniuplations, struggling to find herself in his emotions.
Harry Hissed softly at Draco who had moved forward to help Pandora, gathering the woman into his arms rocking her gently as Draco stayed a 'safe' distance away so that he wouldn't infuriate the overly anxious Harry who was gently nuzzling Pandora's neck, a burst of emotions from Harry that was nothing but Love. harry didn't even seam to realize what was happening as his love poured into Pandora, and through her into Tom. binding the three of them together yet again as harry held her and nuzzled her, kissing her temple and muttering soft caring things in pareseltongue as he gently picked her up and Carried her back inside, ignoring the death eaters, a few of whom leered at harry and his apparently feminine body. though it only looked that way because of all the baggy clothes. Harry kicked open Pandora's bedroom door and gently laid her on the bed and snuggled with her, feeling perfectly sane and in control of himself again, he always felt sane when he was comforting Pandora, he wondered if it was her sucking the madness out of him...but she never seemed to be affected by it, so he doubted it.
Pandora sighed softly, trembling as she turned her head to look at him. Slowly coming back. looking up at him wtih frightened eyes, truly frightened because dumbledore knew she existed.Yet...laying in harry's arms, she didn't care at the moment. Raising her head she kissed him softly, sliding her fingers through his hair, pulling him down for a kiss.With each soft caress, and every soothing word, slowly finding herself.Knowing they needed to leave, so they could both find their balance, yet...she didn't want to. Not yet.

Distantly Tom shuddered as he made his way to his rooms, collapsing on the bed as he raise his shields to keep the other two out. He cared about pandora, and he knew he could block her from taking from him more then she already had. Smiling slightly, because he knew the truth...but he'd let them figure it out. Even if he did try to tell them, they'd never believe him.
Harry mumbled something as she ran her fingers through his hair and he leaned forward, catching her lips in his, kissing her deeply running his hands down her sides running his tongue along her lips, helping her to recover as he pulled away from the kiss so he could lay tender little kisses down her neck, feeling strange suddenly, jerking lightly and looking around wildly, trying to figure out why it felt as if some part of him had just vanished. "...riddle?" Harry demanded scowling a little his head tilted, reaching out through their mental link, only to slam into a barrier, ketting out a displeased growl. he hadn't realized before but being cut off from tom....was upsetting. but instead of pressing the issue or storming out of the room be bent back down and nuzzled Pandora, calming himself in her soft skin and wonderful scent.
Pandora sighed softly as she leaned her head back to let harry nuzzle her, shuddering as she reached out for tom. Having been startled at harry's words, sge was even more startled to find herself blocked out from the man who she'd always been able to read. Shifting a little she ran her hands over harry's body, gently tugging off his shirt, whining disappointed as the action forced away from her for a moment.

Shifting to solely focus on the man laying with her she smiled softly and shyly. Gently running her fingers through his hair. Her relation to the malfoy's never more obvious then now when she was pinned under the larger man. Where Draco was tall and slender, pandora was dainty and lithe, and for all she was a powerful empath, just a glance at her showed just how easily breakable she was.

"Harry..."She muttered moaning softly under him.
Harry stripped off her shirt as well, ok so he more ripped it off her but it was the same difference, he could fix it later. he bent down and ran tiny kisses all down her shoulders, to the collar bone, to the soft mounds of flesh that where hidden by her bra, panting softly his eyes flicking up to hers, making sure that it was alright for him to be doing this, insecurity shining in his emerald green eyes as he leaned into hte fingers stroking through his hair, groaning lightly as he lifted her gently, unhooking her bra and moving the 'in the way' piece of material kissing each nipple before gently scraping his tongue against it, sighing softly giving it a tiny little suckle his fingers running down the flat of her belly, pausing at her pants, hesitating again, looking up at her once more for an ok, making sure that he wasn't overstepping boundaries, worried that he was doing something wrong.
Pandora whimpered in need as she squirmed against him, hips flexing instinctively against the hand touching her. Resting a arm over her eyes in the effort to not lose control and shove him down and take what she wanted, she couldn't look at him. She didn't want to hurt him like that, trembling softly as she whined."If you don't touch me potter, I might kill you."She growled softly, sounding so much like draco when he was in a mood that it would have been funny if they werent being so serious.

Panting as she trembled, she struggled to focus on the man touching her, tried to not pull the feelings from him, even though she just kept getting good feelings from him. Finally just basking in it under his hands, because she couldn't sort out what he was feeling and what she was feeling. It just felt so good to be with him...feeling momentary guilt for it, because it was better then what she felt with tom. This...this was so different from anything she'd felt before.
he moaned softly and then smirked a little as she threaghtened him. "oh you won't do that." he teased softly, slowly tugging her pants out of the way. "now stop wining." he ordered playfully, feeling much more bold now that he had been reassured that he wasn't going to get in trouble as he ran his fingers along her nether lips, teasing the soft lips before giving the Clitoris a firm, but pleasurable pinch, his lips falling onto her nipples again, licking and sucking, teasing her flesh as his emerald Green eyes flicked up to hers, looking startled.

"i can feel you." he whispered softly looking amazed rubbing his scar. "i can feel you like i can feel Tom." somehow that only seamed to reassure him that everything was alright, because somehow that meant that she had accepted him as hers. he grinned lightly at her and leaned forward, kissing her hard again stroking his tongue with hers. "mine." he growled possessively. "your all mine." he promised before bending down and doing something he was certain Tom never had. he began to lick her cunt, stroking his tongue all over focusing on the Clit, like a random female had instructed once, a long time ago. his tongue slowly slipping deep inside of Pandora, stroking, licking, tasting, feeling, and just all around being a tease.
Pandora let out a choked scream, that trailed off into a moan as she shifted her hips against him, fingers tangling in his hair, knuckles wite as she squirmed under his instrations. He was right, tom hadn't done this. This was almost to much for the empath, her emotions raw and exposed, vulnerable in a way she'd never been before. Whimpering softly, pleasure almost becoming pain. To exposed to both their emotions, it was making her body painfully aware of what he was doing to her. Whimpering as he plunged his tongue into her, the world shattered.

Trembling shaking as she tugged on his hair, whimpering as she came. IT was to much to last long, the dainty empath was lost in everything."h-harry..."She whimpered, her hands going limp as she panted, her chest raising and falling quickly as she tried to stay focused.
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