Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Pandora moaned as she squirmed, tugging of his shirt as she felt the bite of thorns through the blanket, it just added the perfect bite of pain to pleasure. Shifting to undo his pants, tugging them just low enough to get what she wanted, squirming out of her own. Desperate to have him now that they'd started, needing to erase the memory of him out of control from her skin, needing him."I want you more."She moaned pulling him on top of her, wrapping her legs around his waist.
he panted softly as he kissed her all over her neck, nibbling and sucking, marking her all over with hickies as he slowly pushed into her, too needy for foreplay, and he could feel her need as well, moaning as he thrust into her, kissing her hard, tangling his tongue with hers as he made furious, yet gentle love with her, moaning wildly as he panted against her ear, whimpers falling from his lips. "fuck i love you." he whispered panting hard. "fucking hell i love you."
Pandora whimpered softly, raising her hips to meet his, her breath hot and heavy against his ear as she trembled. Moanign as she came, to needy to last long, her body tightening around him hard, nails biting into his back."I love you,I love-fucking hell...."She broke off as he drove her into a second orgasm, the world blacking out for a few minutes. Heh...the man had managed to fuck her into unconsciousness. Talk about skill
he moaned as he fucked her, taking her fast and hard, gentle in his touches as he panted hard, spilling into her shortly after she had her second orgasm, moaning softly as he fell still above her, panting hard as he rested, blinking as he realized she was out cold, looking worried as he gently stroked her cheek, "Pan, you alright?" he murmured softly, nuzzling her neck as he finally took notice of the rose thorns. "oh fuck, when did those show up?"
Pandora stirred at the touch, turning her head to rest her face against his neck, laughing sotly at his question."They've been there the whole time.Though I really didn't notice until you started fuckign me on them."She said nuzzling his neck.Shivering at the touch, because her body was still so sensitive to everything.
Harry grimaced a little. "Sorry pan, i didn't notice them. did they hurt you?" he asked, worried about her as he carefully pulled her onto her side to look at her back, uncertain if the thorns had been large enough to get through the blanket or not.
Pandora smiled a little leaning into him as she glanced over her shoulder.Though some of them bled, most of them were just welts from where they'd touched her skin."No.I'm good."She said shivering a little. Shifting to cuddle into his arms she yawned."You're cuddly."She said already feeling the depression starting to take her back, but she refused to let it get to her. She wasn't going to ruin their day.
he sighed softly and gently healed her back with his wand, a small smile on his face as he was cuddled into, taking her lips to his and kissing her intently. "Your cuddly too." he murmured, smiling a little. "i like cuddly." he admitted snuggling into her. "you make me feel loved and safe."
"Good."She smiled resting her head on his shoulder.They would be fine.They would live through this.

Two months later Pandora laughed delightedly as she ran into the library, laughing happily at the sight of all the men in her life stared at her.

Tom stared at her wondering what the hell was wrong with her. Maybe she'd finally lost her mind.Looking at harry."Potter, did you give her something?"

"No!No he didn't!Watch!I'm amazing!"PAndora giggled as she shifted into her newly discovered animagus form, the small lithe girl melting into a beautiful black panther. Purring as she walked over, weaving between harry's legs, looking for cuddles.
Harry chuckled as she watched his lover bound into the room. he had only lost control of himself twice since his first time. the second time he'd raped pandora again and gotten punished by tom for it. the second time he'd tried to rape tom and had ended up getting his own ass owned for his efforts. he still had his moments of madness, but Pandora always helped him through it.

"it was only a little white pill, Lucius said it was candy." harry teased, chuckling a little as pandora turned into a sleek black panther which harry snuggled, nickering softly, pleased with her. "your amazing pan! your animagus so soon! i'm jealous." he teased chuckling a little as he kissed her forehead. "i guess this means we're going to be doing it 'kitty' style from now on." he teased chuckling at his own bad joke.
Tom paused, frowning a little.Interested." gave her something Lucius said was fine?"He asked, genuinely curious. Laughing softly at the joke.

Pandora smacked her tail against his leg before squirming away, crouching in front of him, ass in the air.The human pandora there as she looked back at him, and if the cat's face could have pulled it off, she'd been smirking.

Tom snickered a little."I think you just got propositioned by a cat."He smiled leaning over to run his fingers through her hair smirking as she purred, rollign on her back to get her stomach rubbed.
Harry snickered and pulled down his zipper, making sure the noise filled the air, just to tease pandora as he snickered a little, shaking his head. "and i think your going to spoil her rotten." he admitted lounging on the couch as he stared up at the ceiling again. he'd been having heavy thoughts the last few weeks, thoughts that he thought he would never have. "i want to help." he stated suddenly. "i...i want to help...with the war...i want to kill Dumbledore."
"Wha?"Tom looked startled his hand resting on pandora's stomach as she purred. The cat herself shifting back to human, startling the dark lord at suddenly having flesh under his fingers instead of fur.

"Don't do it just for me."She said, panting ever so softly. Whining softly, because the tease had worked, she was almost completely distracted by the sound."I can take care of myself."She said, worry in those eyes, worried that he was choosing this fight just because she was the one being hurt.
Harry smiled a little. "it's not just for you." he promised, determination in his eyes. "it's also for me...that man, has done the most horrid things to me...he's been silently trying to murder me since i was eleven... he left me in the hands of muggles, who got paid to let people rape me in my own bedroom. i was handed over to a red headed family who ended up using me to make their own fame. he made me, insane, he made me try to kill myself. he made me suffer, and i'm going to kill him for it. slowly, very slowly, i'm going to torture him as i kill him, and i'm going to make sure he knows why he's dying."
She nodded slowly,getting up, walking over to him, and pressing a kiss to his lips."I'll help."She swallowed. because the idea of killing would scar her, destroy her.As a empath,as one so pushed into another's emotions, she wouldn't be able to seperate herself from them. Shivering a little, but she would do it. Pressing a kiss to his lips, pulling away. Hoping that her increasing depression was well hidden from the other two. She didn't want to worry them, not when they had other things to worry about. Though she had her good days and bad, the bad were slowly becoming worse, and more frequent. Not realizing that dumbledore was pulling her under hard, that she was being killed by degrees.

Straightening she brushed her hand over her hair,"I'm going to go lay down.I'm tired."She yawned stretching looking out at the setting sun.
he shook his head. "no you won't." he stated simply, yet sternly. "you can't handle that, i'm not going to physically be involved, i'm going to help in other ways." he admitted smirking darkly. "starting with converting all of Dumbledore's followers. i have some intense connections being who i am. if i suddenly declare that Dumbledore is an abusive old badger, their going to beleive me. especially with all the proof that Madam Pomfry has. all i have to do is get a copy from her send it to the nearest newspaper and Tom is suddenly the good guy." he smirked a little. "not only that but i can silently take out several people without ever exposing myself."
"Draco already retrieved your folder from pomfry."She said sighing softly, crawling into his lap,cuddling close, falling asleep without a word more.

Tom frowned looking at the girl before sighing."We'll see to starting to converting them.Theyll turn on him."He sighed softly studying the small woman,"She's getting worse isn't she?"He asked. Hoping harry would say no, that he was being paranoid and overreacting.Surely pandora was fine, if she wasn't, she would have said something....and the sun would rise in the west.HE knew better, he knew pandora would never say anything but he needed her to be fine.
harry scowled a little. "don't remind me." he growled darkly. "i fully intend on punishing him for prying into my private life." he admitted stroking her hair as she fell asleep looking up at tom. "she's not getting worse...she IS worse." he stated softly, making sure not to wake up his lover biting his lip. "she's getting more and more depressed. she doesn't think i notice but i do..." he admitted softly swallowing thickly. "i'm getting worse too, even now, it's clinging to the back of my mind like some rabid monkey working at the lock..." he shuddered a little. "it feels like someone's in my head."
Tom frowned,"Someone might be."He turned the idea over in his mind, "Dumbledore's a empath, if he's strong enough to reach out.... and she's not strong enough to block him out of both of you..."He sighed."I'll try and figure out what's going on."he said getting up."You'll watch her while I'm gne?"
Harry scowled a little. "Dumbledore's in my...our heads!?" he demanded with a small snarl on his lips. "well fucking hell! isn't there a spell of something to keep him out?" he demanded wrapping his arms around Pandora biting his lip, looking worried. he was more concerned about him being in her head, than he was about someone being in his. "i'll watch her." he promised softly kissing her temple. "just be careful tom...i love you." he murmured softly, gently setting Pandora down and giving Tom a Good Luck kiss. "don't take any unnecessary risks."
"I wont."Tom smiled softly, kissng him, dipping his head to kiss the girl's head before leaving. Truly worried about what would happen if they couldn't stop dumbledore from screwing with pandora.

Two days later PAndora sighed softly, sitting on her bedroom balcony railing, her legs hanging over the edge as she balanced unsteadily on it. Depressed enough that she was considering jumpng. After all, all this was her fault. If she hadn't been born tom would have had a normal life, dumbledore wouldn't consider harry a danger because he wouldn't be able to find her and tom. If she hadn't been born...if she wasn't here, everything would go back to normal. Loosening her grip as she weaved slightly, wondering if harry would mourn that long.He had tom. And draco wouldn't mourn...he had the others. There were other teachers to help him.Getting to her feet she balanced on the railing, weaving with the wind. Not realizing that inside both harry and draco had come into the room.
Harry Gasped, horrified and they both sprang forward, Draco grabbing the back of her shirt as Harry wrapped his arms around her hips, both yanking her back, tossing the three of them to the floor, harry trembling with Terror, Draco gasping in horror as they both realized what it was Pan had been planning to do. "Pan, you can't leave me, i need you!" Harry choked out, tears in his voice as he held her tightly, and refused to let go. he wouldn't release her, not for anything she could stab him repeatedly and he wouldn't let go until he was dead.
Pandora trembled in their arms,curled up between them.Tears sliding down her face as she buried her face in his chest."No you don't. No one needs me.Not anymore."She cried, holding tightly onto harry's shirt. Coming completely undone, her madness taking form as severe depression, in sucidial tendencies.Until things were resolved...well she'd need someone with her.She couldn't keep her balance anymore, nothing was keeping her balanced enough.
Draco bent down and gently settled his hand on her shoulder, yelping as harry snarled and slapped him hard across the face, the blond looking wounded and startled as Harry gathered her into his arms, kissing her all over her face. "no, i NEED you pan." he whispered softly nibbling on her neck gently, holding her close and kissing her and stroking her back and her hair, Draco nursing his bruising face as he exited the room., Harry was being possessive again, there was nothing to do but let harry be and let him comfort Pan, Tom was the only other person Harry would let even go near Pandora right then. it was better for Draco to just wait for tom. "i love you Pandora, your the only reason why i'm alive right now, the only reason why i haven't committed suicide myself, your the only reason i have to live. if you die, i won't have the will to live. your my very important person, your my lover, one of two people. the only people i love, that i have EVER loved, that i ever WILL love.. your mine, all mine and i'm never letting you go."
Pandora whined softly, pressing close to him, struggling to focus on the words. Warmed at the words, finding herslef again even as she struggled to shake the depression that pulled at her."What's wrong with me?"She said tears filling her eyes.

Tom gave the blond a look as he came down the stairs, pausing in the front hallway, having just returned. Looking tired and upset. Having not gotten close to dumbledore, he had no idea how to stop the other from affecting his lovers."what happened to you?"He growled, anger in the words. Just as protective of draco as pandora was.
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