Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

he groaned loudly thrusting into her hard, fast panting hard as he lavished attention to her neck and nipples, groaning and moaning as he arched and spilled, panting hard as he collapsed on top of her, holding her close. "uuuhm yeah love you." he groaned smiling a little. "i love you so much." he mumbled kissing her neck. "i was...wondering." he admitted nuzzling her. "if, maybe you might...want to carry my baby? maybe?"

Draco grimaced and nodded, flushing hard and panting softly as he closed his eyes. "Dammit Pan." he grumbled gripping the table as he hid one of his hands under the table, trying to force his hard on back down. everyone knew men where a lot more sensitive to stimulation than a woman, a woman could control herself, men usually couldn't, and now Draco was utterly horrified at being forced to sport a hard on in front of the woman he fancied himself in love with.
Pandora moaned softly, tilting her head as he nuzzled her. Smiling slightly."I would...I would like to."She said softly, longing and sadness in the words. Beause she did...but she wondered if she could stay sane enough to have a child.If she could stay in control.

Hermione blushed looking away from him, embarassed as lust flushed her face. He was attractive...dammit she had to stop thinking about him. "I...this would be hard to live with all the time."She shuddered a little."Surely she's powerful enough that she doesn't usually lose control."She said, wondering how anyone could live with the two people that sexually active.
e smiled and gently nuzzled her. "then we will, as soon as we take care of Dumbledore we'll have a baby." he decided smiling a little as he kissed her neck. "i'll keep you safe, no matter what." he promised sighing softly. "i love you so much."

He bit his lip a little. "she's usually a lot more in control but Dumbledore is messing with her just as much as he is Harry." he admitted sighing softly as the remnant feelings faded away. "sorry about that...erm..." he coughed a little pressing harder on himself, trying to force his erection away. "it's something that you get used to." he admitted clearing his throat. "usually i can throw up my shields but Pandora's talent is stripping people of their emotions so...there's not much i can do when SHE looses control." he admitted sighing with relief as his need started to fade away.
Pandora nodded a little, cuddling the other, nuzzling his shoulder as she pressed closer to him.Desperate to feel safe, to steady herself."I love you.I need and love you so much."

Hermione blushed a little, trying to keep focused on the academic side of the conversation instead of the need she felt to lean over and kiss him."That must hurt.To not to be in control."She sighed softly,"I guess she would be able to strip someone of their control."She said thoughtfully, shiting a little."When are they goign to do something about dumbledore?Surely soon.If they're this unstable...wont it just get worse?"
Harry smiled a little as he kissed and nibbled her neck. "i love you too... i need you too." he admitted nuzzling her. "don't worry, i'm going to take care of Dumbledore real soon." he promised. "come on, i'm hungry, lets get some ice-cream."

he nodded. "it's painful." he admitted shuddering a little. "it's part of why Harry hates it so much when i force him to feel a certain way, or when pan takes away one of his emotions." he admitted sipping his tea. "Harry and Tom are actually planning something to take care of Dumbledore, Harry just has to calm down long enough to do it."
Pandora smiled yawning as she walked into the kitchen, studying draco before blushing. Realizing that she'd dropped all her shields.Before looking at hermione.Snickering a little as she looked between them, wrapped in her robe she searched for ice cream."Dowe have ice cream?"

Hermione blushed as he other two came into the room,smiling slightly at harry."Hey harry."
Harry nodded. "yeah i made sure that Servant Severus picked some up." harry loved bossing Snape around, he glanced at Hermione, clearly not trusting her but he didn't act negatively this time Draco smirking a little. "this is how Harry usually is, don't worry he'll start trusting you again once he realizes that your not going to stab him in the back." "so long as she doesn't leave, talk to me, or talk to that red headed bastard i don't care what she does." Harry stated coldly grabbing a bottled water form the fridge and an apple Draco wincing a little. "Harry she didn't know..." "of course she didn't know, i didn't tell her." harry snapped glaring at Draco. "and she better not know now or your ass is being handed to Tom!" "..." "goddammit doesn't anyone care about privacy anymore!?" Harry demanded fixing both Draco and Hermione with a violent glare before shaking his head. "hey Pan, i'm going to go talk with Tom for a little bit, meet me in the..." he paused and closed his eyes, focusing on Tom. "Library ok?"
Pandora nodded waving him away as she got the ice cream, slipping under his shields just enough to steal some of his anger. But not enough for him to notice.Watching him leave, she leaned against the counter for a minute, finding her balance, before looking at draco."After I spent all that time making sure he was calm...."She sighed sounding frustrated, with a thread of sadness going into the words. She'd sacrifice about anythign to make sure harry was fine, was calm, even if it disrupted her own balance.

Tom looked up from the book he was reading, looking startled at the sight of harry."...I thought I wouldn't see you and pan out of bed for the day."He teased a little.
Draco grimaced a little. "Harry is just trying to find balance, it's easier for him to be angry than it is for him to accept Hermione that's all. he's already calmed down." he stated standing up and gently pushing Calm, and Happy into Pandora once he was certain harry was far enough away that he wasn't going to come back and start murdering him. "he's angry that were interfering in his life...again.."

Harry scowled at Tom and closed the door. "i want Dumbledore taken care of." he admitted holding a letter in his hand. "i'm meeting with him tonight and i am putting that bastard under the impirio right now! i'm tired of hurting pan with my insanity!" Harry was clearly still being affected, but he was looking much better than he had the last couple of days. the letter was a simple 'dear Dumbledore i think Voldemort is doing something to me, i find myself slipping further and further into madness please help' bullshits that harry was getting so good at. "i don't want pan to know... not yet."
Pandora nodded,shivering as he gave her emotions, looking at him tiredly.She was so tired of everything. Even with his emotions going through her, she wanted...she just wanted it to end."This is to much dray. Something needs done soon...otherwise..."sadness filled her eyes as she sighed softly.

Tom looked startled. Before nodding.Knowing that the if given the option pandora would go with him."I'll go with you."he said getting up, "we better go now before pandora has time to regain her footing."he said frowning a little."And your not hurting her harry.Dumbledore is."He said calmly looking the man over.
Draco, for the first time, dropped his shields and let the worry stain his face as he gently pulled Pandora into his lap and held her tightly. "don't worry Pan... Harry and Tom will fix all of this." he promised, looking over at Hermione, letting the worry stain his eyes, even if it didn't show in his voice. "you just stick close to me or Harry and we'll keep you safe alright?" he had to keep Pan safe, she was as close to him as a big sister was. and besides Harry wouldn't be able to survive without her. "here, have some ice-cream." he ordered handing Pandora the tub smiling sheepishly at Hermione. "sorry about's....hectic, right now..."

Harry nodded and turned to the fire. "i told him i would arrive at his place exactly in ten minutes." he admitted staring at the fire. "as long as your with me, the wards should let you through, you should change your appearance for now, we don't want him attacking us as soon as we walk in the door."

do you mind if i play Dumbledore?)
(nope, go for it)

Hermione shook her head, worry in her eyes as she looked at the two, smiling slightly as pandora started eating the ice cream."Don't apologize. This isn't your fault."she said watching them, looking at the small woman who looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders."She'll be fine.We'll make sure she is."She muttered, reaching across the table, gently tucking his hair out of his face."Things will be fine."

"True."Tom smirked a little, raising a hand, casting a glamor, smirking a little. Making the dark features, pale and pointed. A rougher verison, a older version of draco. Though not as coldly arrogant as lucius. Somewhere between teh two.Smiling a little as he rested a hand on harry's arm, "Let's go."He said tossing some floo powder into the fire.
Draco smiled a little at her, looking rather pleased that Hermione cared. "i like you." he admitted softly. "always have." he hated his own boldness sometimes, his own self arrogant attitude that made him self assured that Hermione would like him too, even if he knew it wasn't true. "that's why Pan dragged you here, because i was too much of a PANsy to own up to it." he needed a change of topic too anyway, and he added the pun just to piss his cousin off to distract her too.

Harry smirked a little as he rolled his eyes and adopted a terrified, teary eyed, half mad look that was entirely too real before he stepped into the flames and stepped out into the spotless room of Dumbledore who stood as soon as Harry was in the room, opening his arms to accept the sobbing boy who had rushed forward to get comfort from the ancient wizard. 'i'll distract him, you get him under the impirio first, and then i'll come in with the second while he's distracted by yours.' Harry didn't want there to be any chance at all of Dumbledore breaking free of the spell. the very same spell he had once used to control Harry.
Hermione blushed softly, smiling as he spoke. Laughing softly as Pandora's head came up, slamming into draco's chin, snapping his teeth together with a audible click."You okay?"She asked looking at him worried, blushing because she didn't know how to take the thought of him liking her. "Not funny."Pandora said leaning back to look at him, rubbing her head.

Tom smiled slightly, casting silently, hoping that it would take hold. Because he needed it to work. Needed pandora and harry to be fine.
Draco groaned, releasing pan to clutch his mouth, half collapsing onto the table and shaking his head. "i bi mah congue!" he wailed pathetically sticking his tongue out and trying to examine it. "am ah beeding?" he felt like he was bleeding, he wasn't, but it sure looked like that had hurt.

Dumbledore's breath hitched as he felt the Impirio settle onto him, immediately fighting against him sagging as Harry cast his own Impirio, groaning a little. "i cannot beleive that actually worked!" Harry gasped pulling away from Dumbledore who swayed a little. "damn he's strong." Harry breathed shaking his head, if it wasn't for two of the impirio we wouldn't have been able to take him. Dumbledore." he stated grabbing the others chin his eyes narrowed. "release your hold on Pandora and on me!" he gasped, feeling a great deal of his madness suddenly vanish, he felt like he had before he'd killed the Dursley's, no...before Sirius had died. "damn...he's been... for THAT long!?"
"no you're not you baby."Pandora sighed, shaking her head as she got up."Now stop whining.I'm sure hermione'd kiss it better for you."Hermione blushed not looking at either of them."See, I told you she likes you."Pandora pointed out. Beore pausing, shivering a little.She felt.... strange. Out of stride. Like everything was lighter and worse all at once.

Tom nodded, wrapping a arm around harry's waist, tilting his head."Hopefully, it helps.Pandora'll be feeling better any minute.And then she's going to beat your head in."
Draco sulked at her, pausing when he felt a sudden shifting of her emotions, worry crossing his face. "pan....pan whats wrong?" he demanded setting his hand on her shoulder looking almost panicked. the last time her mood had changed so quickly like that she'd tried to leep off her balcony. "pan?"

Harry nodded. "i feel a LOT better." he admitted with a small smirk as the door snapped open and McGonagall walked in and froze, staring at the three men in the room. "er...sorry..." "no..i was just leaving." Harry stated, startled and glancing tot he fireplace. "yes...see you soon Mr. Potter." Dumbledore stated slowly, sleepily, still fighting the impirious, Harry grimacing a little as his transfiguration Professor scowled darkly and whipped out her wand. "release him, NOW!"
Pandora shivered, leaning into him, struggling to think clearly. He head felt fuzzy..."I don't know."She said looking up at him, pain in her eyes wincing as she felt hermione's hand on her arm.

"We should get her lay down."She muttered."Whatever's happening... if it knocks her feet out from under her, she wont want to be standing."She said, wondering if they were enough to keep the girl from commiting suicide if she tried again.

Tom scowled slightly, raising a hand and summoning mcgonagall's wand silently to him, handing it to harry."Harry.We have to go."he said, worry in the words. For them, and for the girl who'd probably be feeling dumbledore fighting for control.
Draco nodded and carefully picked Pandora up, panting softly. "Christ pan, lay off the icecream." he grunted, heading for the door and kicking it open, he might have been showing off to Hermione a little, carrying Pandora like she was a bride and kicking open doors, but what Hermione didn't know, only made Draco seem better. he carefully laid her down onto the bed and pulled the blankets up and over her, biting his lip hard. "dammit Dumbledore, what are you up to this time?"

Harry snarled as McGonagall's wand flew through the air, his madness sparking in his eyes as he flicked his wand, McGonagall screaming in pain as the sectumsempra tore through her, red blood splashing the ground as Dumbledore reached into Harry's mind, trying to force harry to let him go. Harry turned to Dumbledore and PUSHED, his mind against the old mans, snarling as they tried to force their minds to obey, Dumbledore or Harry, one of them, was going to end up willing and obedient, and harry was VERY determined that it wasn't going to be him.
Pandora laughed softly."You're just a weak little kid dray. It's not me who's fat."She said whimpering a little, curling up. things felt out of place, whimpering as darkness ate at her sight."...Find harry...and tom..."she whispered, passing out.

Hermione bit her lip as she walked in. Very much impressed that he'd carried her upstairs. Smiling a little before it faded."They're not here."She said, having gone in search of them as soon as she'd realized something was wrong.

Tom grimaced breaking mcgonagall's wand, but not doing anything else, because to do anything would break harry's concentration, and he didn't want to see what the older man would do if he won. Harry's safety would be the least of their problems.
Draco swallowed thickly as Pandora passed out, pure panic blanching his face as he grabbed her shoulder and tried to shake her awake. "fuck!" he hissed, teas in his voice. "please don't die pan, your the only family i have that i don't hate!" he pleaded pathetically pulling her into a hug, holding her tightly, feeling close to tears for the first time since he was three! "please Pan don't die..."

Harry hissed in parseltongue, the words too garbled to understand, but harry slammed his mind into Toms, grabbing the core of the man's magic before he fully understood what he was doing, and borrowed it, leaving Tom with a breathless, warm feeling, almost the same as when harry sucked him him. Tom could feel the war going on in Harry's head, the sliding and writhing of magic as Harry pushed his mind, and Toms simultaneously against Dumbledore's. pushing the man's mind back, forcing it out, a low snarl falling from his lips as Harry slammed forward with both their minds, creating a light migraine for the both of them as Dumbledore sagged, the Impirio taking hold as Harry swayed in place, and collapsed, the mental strain on his mind leaving him unconscious. but Dumbledore was under the spell, completely. he just stood there, lackluster and limp, confused and awaiting orders from Harry or Tom.
Hermione winced a little as she watched the two, moving over, and sitting down next to draco, wrapping her arms around him as she gently stroked pandora's hair."She's alive. Passed out, but alive."She whispered, wiping his tears away.

Tom panted softly, rubbing his head.His head hurt. Stumbling a little as he got harry out of the place. Knowing they had to get home. There was to much dnager staying here.Stumbling into the flames he carried the other into the bedroom, looking shocked at the sight of pandora, draco and hermione."What happened?"He growled laying harry down next to pandora, making sure the other was comfortable, before looking at draco's tearful face and the to still woman in his arms.
Draco leaned back into Hermione, enjoying the attention jumping when Tom burst in, carrying Harry. "she said that she was feeling strange and her emotions took a sudden turn, i carried her up here and she passed out! Tom what's going on? what happened to harry!?" he demanded looking terrified as he gently shifted Pandora to Hermione's grip to move over and check on Harry, examining his eyes. "his scar is bleeding." draco muttered sounding amazed as he wiped the blood free of Harry's scar.
Tom nodded a little, gently stroking harry's hair, looking down at the two."Dumbledore's under control.But he fought back."He said, before looking at pandora. A thought occuring to him, a bad one. If dumbledore fought back, was fighting for his control, then a woman who's shields had been down probably hadn't been prepared for the onslaught. And once it started..."Go get some food you two. I'll watch over them until they wake up."
Draco hesitated at the order, biting his lip as he looked from Pan to Harry, biting his lip hard before standing up and grabbing Hermione';s hand. if anyone could keep harry calm upon waking it was Tom, and Tom would be able to help Pan far more that Draco could as well. "c'mon Hermione." he muttered softly. "i have a bad feeling things are about to get....'intimate' again, we'll have a picnic outside, Harry's abilities can't reach that far."
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