Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Hermione laughed shaking her head, kissing him softly."Ah, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree."She smiled looking towards the house, growing serious as she shifted, resting her head against draco's shoulder."Do you think everything will be alright?"She asked. When draco had woken up, she'd hoped pandora would wake soon,but she was still out, and it was severely disturbing to see the usually emotional very present woman catatonic.

Pandora calmed as the spell took hold. And it was really to subtle for the still disoriented, still pained woman to pick up. Shivering a little she laid back down fully as ron wiped her face off, blinking at him."who are you?where am I?what can I do?"She said looking around the room, at the shabbiness, the familiar malfoy sneer curling her lips for a moment before it faded into a worried frown."I need to go out. I need to help the others."She said,her worry still tugging at her from behind the spell.
he smiled a little and nodded before glancing up at the house as well. "i'm sure it will be alright." he admitted. "it always is." he sighed a little. "i just hope Pan wakes up soon...Harry's starting to look really bad, i hate how he won't eat when she's out like that." he admitted softly. "you know the other day, i caught him huddled up in the Cupboard under our stairs crying?" he asked glancing at Hermione. "he doesn't even remember it...he was sleepwalking the entire time, i had to carry him back to bed."

Ron smiled a little. "my name is Ronald Weasley." he explained softly, wrapping the impirio around her once again ' you think Ron is very cute, he's trustworthy, your safe' planted in her mind as he smiled at her before looking startled, gently pushing her back onto the bed. "you can't, your very sick Pandora." he murmured softly. "Harry asked me to take care of you, and that's what i'm going to do, alright?" pushing another small amount of Imperio into her, making sure she believed that as truth as well. "our house might not be very nice, but my mother makes wonderfull food, and no one will think to look for you here. the others are safe while yourecover, i promise."
Hermione nodded starting to answer,"I am worried about that."She said before stopping, wincing as the wards reacted,feeling the harsh rage washing out of the house. Wondering what had happened as she looked at the house."Come on. We better go see."She said a little afraid as she helped him up, heading for the house. Afraid who had caused that backlash of rage, and knowing it had to be tom. Because pan was still out, harry was to exhausted, which only left the dark lord to light up the world like a firecraker.

Pandora smiled softly, starting to relax, smilng shyly. He was cute, and she could trust him.She knew that."Im hungry."She said closing her eyes, relaxing again as her stomach growled.Looking beautiful herself as she smiled. "You'll make sure harry's okay?"She asked, worried for the other man. "And tom?Draco to?"She said biting her lip. To worried that even the imperio didn't make her relax all the way.
Draco gasped as he felt the rolling waves of Rage, leaping to his feet grabbing Hermione's hand and dragging her after him, rushing through the path, heading back for the house feeling panic rising in his chest. "somethings happened." he hissed, breathless with terror as he rushed into the house, slamming the door to harry and Pandora's rooms open, gaping at what he saw, Harry half under the bed, completely immobilized, and Pandora missing.

Ron smiled a little and nodded. "i'll get you some food." he promised smiling at her, finding her as beautiful as a tainted angel, fallen from heaven and just waiting to be corrupted. "i'll make sure that he's alright, all of them." he promised smiling at her. "you just rest and recover, you had a bit break down." he admitted patting her arm as he got up and headed out of the room, coming back up with a plate full of food, that was slightly laced with sedatives to keep her from recovering her strength.
Tom snarled as he released the spell from harry, crouching near him, snarling as he looked up at the two."Well find her."He growled looking at harry struggling to find his balance. For once, being the out of control man so many accused him of being. Needing to find the empath that had completely disappeared from his awareness.

Pandora smiled happily, feeling safe and content eating as she yawned. Setting the plate aside she smiled at ron sleepily, settling back."Thank you."She said starting to fall asleep.


Two days later Hermione swallowed as she watched tom drag harry into the bedroom, kissing him. Looking at draco she paled a little, because she had no idea where to start looking."They're losing control."She said softly, having not understood just how much,by her mere presence pandora balanced the two.

Tom growled biting down on harry's neck, rough hands tugging at his clothes as he kissed the other again."How are you feeling?"He growled his own voice rough with need and rage. Spinning to fast between the two to be balanced.

Elsewhere in the country, Pandora smiled sweetly as she sat up in bed, having been dozing on and off for days, she was happy to be out of bed for the first time. Curled up on the sofa, she rested her head in ron's lap as he played chess with one of the twins-she couldn't tell which."He has a plan. He's feelng a win."She said absently, mostly reaching out towards her men. The sedatives, and the impedio was cutting off more then her will to leave, it was cutting her off from tom and harry, letting the world's emotions crash onto her narrow shoulders, making her more depressed, more easily maniplative then normal. More open to ron's persuasion that he wanted her.
Harry kissed him back, clinging to him desperately, needing the pain that only tom could bring, needing to be punished for letting them take Pan, needing to be punished for not knowing who it was, simply needing to be punished just to be punished. "i'm fine." harry hissed his teeth sinking into tom's arm, licking at the blood he brought up panting hard as he squeezed the others ass tightly. "punish me you bastard." Harry whispered with an order, humping himself into the others cock, groaning softly. "punish me! i know you want to, work out that rage on my sensitive broken skin." he ordered with a growl, smirking as he lifted tom's shirt and bit at the mans nipples, biting, sucking, taunting.

"they won't last like this." Draco admitted glancing at Hermione. "we have to find Pan, Harry's spiraling back into madness and Tom is too... they'll kill each other without even realizing they've done it in a months time... who could have taken her!?" Draco demanded biting his lip hard. "and how the hell did they find her!? even more, how the hell did they get through the wards!? none of this makes any sense!" he complained sitting down on a bench and covering his face. "i'm scared..."

Fred smirked as he moved a piece, glancing at Pandora his head tilted as Draco chuckled, stroking her hair gently as she played. "mmm he does have a plan, Fred are you cheating?" "no!" Fred complained shooting his brother a glare George laughing from his position where he was watching, Ron smirking a little as he gently tickled Pandora's neck. "better think fast, once Fred finally has a plan it's hard to beat him."
Tom growled snarling as he bit down on the other's neck, shoving him away, pinning him to the desk as he called the whip in, vanishing harry's clothes. Stepping back he swallowed hard, feeling the anger eating him alive, but without his balance, he couldn't stop it. Closing his eyes as he let the first strike fall on harry's back."How's that slut?You let her go!You need punished for that."He growled.

Hermione sighed looking worried, staring at the door the others had disappeared into, before looking at draco."There can only be a few who know her existance. The death eaters, who by any accounts are loyal to tom. Dumbledore...and whoever he would have trusted."She frowned looking thoughtul. "The order of the phoenix probably knows, if only so they can be on the looked out for the 'dangerous' one."She frowned again."What if...what if they followed her when she came to get me?She doesn't leave here....but she came for me."Horror and pain filled her eyes. Hating to think that she was the one at fault for this. Shifting she sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around him, tears filling her eyes."We'll find her. We have to."

Pandora smiled smirking as she moved her king, countering fred's piece, calling checkmate."ha. Even cheating you can't win."She said giggling a little trembling as she reacted to the anger she felt in him. Shivering as ron tickled her, squirming as she cuddled into him. Her heart aching because she wanted to go home...she didn't want to be here. "Ron, when can I go home?"She said turning her head to look at him. She just wated to see harry and tom again. "When will they come to get me?"
Harry keened softly at the bite, arching into it, panting hard, assuming the position as soon as Tom released him, bending over and gripping a table, spreading his legs, giving Tom a full view of his body, back, ass, legs, all perfect places to abuse. he wailed in pleasure at the first strike, arching into the pain like a cat leaning into a hand, silently pleading for more. "yes! i need more! punish me, punish me for not protecting her! Punish me for letting them take her!" had Pan been there, she would have put a stop to this, but she was gone, and it was Harry's fault, all Harry's fault.

Draco scowled a little as he bit his lip, listening to Hermione. "alright knowing this there are only a few places where they could be hiding Pan...Hogwarts, The Order of the Phoenix, The Weasley Home, or Snape's house...and since Snape is here, well that leaves only three places..." he muttered ticking them off his fingers. "Hogwarts would be easiest to search personally, then the weasley home. if she's not there, then we're going to have to get Harry's help, because i don't know where the Order of the Phoenix is."

Ron smirked a little as Fred scowled, seriously pissed that she had beaten him but he said nothing, they needed her to trust them, like she trusted Ron. Ron looked a little sad. "i don't know, we haven't heard from anyone yet, i'm sure their safe." he admitted glancing up at the clock that had everyone's names on it, they had falsely added Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and Tom Riddle to the clock, all three hands permanently stuck to Traveling, since they didn't have a spell on them. "it's not so bad here right? your enjoying yourself." you are enjoying yourself, you feel nice here, safe. Ron is so kind and Mrs weasley makes the most wonderful's like having a family, one i've never had. planting the thoughts in her had become increasingly easy for Ron, who kept her steadily drugged with a variety of spells and potions. starting with impirio, and including a magic weakening potion and some tranquilizers to keep her sleepy and weak. she never seamed to suspect a thing, and that was how Draco wanted it.
Tom growled dropping the whip as he saw the blood coating the other's back, knowing he should stop.Thta pandora wouldn't want this. But...he couldn't. Snarling as he wrapped his fingers in the other's hair he jerked his head back kissing him hard as he thrust into the other, intent on abusing him for losing the girl they both loved.

Hermione nodded a little, getting up."We'll search hogwarts...and the weasley home. Then if she's not there. We'll come back for harry."She said, worried about leaving the two here alone, but there was no choice. Tom and harry weren't stable enough to go search with him. Shuddering a little, she rubbed her arms."We have to do something."

Pandora relaxed, nodding a little."Oh..."She said sadly wishing one of her lovers would come for her.She was happy here, but she missed them.Something...she felt odd. Different here. Frowning a litlte as ron's spell took hold...but I have family...I have draco!And harry! the girl mentally protested, for the first time weakly struggling against the spell that held her. But the empath was to tramatized, weak, and drugged. But she didnt know where the thought of no family came from."I want to go home.I miss everyone."She said looking at ron.Its not so bad....but I miss harry."
Harry squealed in pain as Tom gripped his hair, tears springing into his eyes as Tom thrust into his unprepared, and still sore from the last romp hole, arching into the pain, panting hard. "yes, punish me." Harry whimpered, feeling every bit of the pain that Tom offered him, loving every second of it, deserving every bit of it. "ah...more, please...Master punish me more." Harry always called tom master, he got punished more when Tom stopped associating him as 'lover' and started seeing him as a pet or a slave. something he wouldn't do if Pan was there, but Pan wasn't there, so Harry had no trouble manipulating Tom into punishing him even more.

Draco nodded and then. "you search the weasley house." he decided a small grin on his lips. "we'll even bruise you up a little with a spell, make it look like you escaped." he winked at her. "get back in their good graces, you could be our spy." he teased, joking about all of it as he offered her his hand. "lets start with Hogwarts, we can get the Slytherins to help." he decided, nodding a little.

Ron smiled a little and gently stroked her hair. "i know." he admitted sighing a little. "i miss Harry too." he lied sighing a little running a hand through his hair. Ron looks so sad, he must really miss his best friend. planted into her mind, making her trust Ron, making her beleive in Ron, maybe even making her love Ron. "the last time Harry was here, we all played quidditch, me and him, we really kicked everyone elses butts...more harry then me. Harry was always amazing at quidditch." rambling now, acting like the mopey best friend. "but now he doesn't have any more time for me..." is that your fault? did you take Harry away from his best friend? adding that touch of guilt, just for fun.
Tom growled as he pouded the other into his desk, fucking him as hard as he wanted to. Spilling himself into the other shivering as he pulled out. For once not caring if harry came or not, because that could be a punishment in and of itself.Collapsing back onto the floor with a sigh, closing his eyes. Worried about them both, and what could happen.

Hermione nodded, taking his hand, apparating them both to the school, walking up the lane with him towards the school."Do you think wherever she is, they're taking care of her?"

Pandora whimpered closing her eyes. Guilt hitting her harder, more sure then it would have before. Having been stripped of her shields, she felt everything more. And like before, it was making her more then a little sucidial. Sniffling a little she started crying, feeling the love tugging at her heart, feeling so bad."I'm sorry!I didn't mean to take him away!"She whispered rubbing at her eyes. Just wanting to go home.
Harry wailed and moaned and keened in pleasure and pain as Tom used him as roughly as he pleased, slumping with a whimper when the other came and pulled out, leaving Harry with a massive boner as he collapsed onto the floor, unable to hold himself up, panting hard, wondering if he was going to end up letting Tom kill him before all of this was was a Death that harry welcomed.

Draco snarled a little his eyes blazing with Fury. "they better be, or their going to suffer FAR worse than what Tom could have EVER done to them." he hissed, an intense protectiveness in his eyes. "and they better not try to hurt you either or i'll make them wish they'd never been born."

Ron smirked a little when she started to cry but quickly consoled her, pulling her into his lap and holding her closely kissing her forehead. "shhh, shh you didn't take him from anyone." he whispered softly kissing her cheek. "i don't blame you, never you." he paused and then kissed her on the lips, pressing their lips together. oh my, he has such nice lips, he's so sweet and kind and i falling in love with him? "Pan...i think i might be falling in love with you." Draco whispered softly, sounding hesitant, unsure, laughing inside because she was just so easy to manipulate.
Tom panted, rubbing his eyes."We need to find pan."He growled, shoving against the magic that was blockng him from the other. He wanted to feel something, anything besides the rage that was eating him alive.

Hermione smiled a little as they walked inside, pausing before heading for the slytherin dorms. Knowing dumbledore was under control so they could start the search without checking in."They probably wish they weren't now. Pandora's probably raising hell about being locked away."

Pandora calmed, jerking back from the kiss. The spell snapping around her. Despite believing that he loved her, he couldn't force her to love him. She was the worlds most powerful empath, and while it made her more vulnerable to things, to emotions ,she already had her consort. Her perfect reflection, that wouldn't allow anyone else room in her heart. Harry protected her from being able to accept ron, because Harry didn't accept ron. Getting up out of his lap she stumbled a little, finding her feet."I want to go outside."She said looking towards the windows, a yearning under the words a desperate wish to go home. Sending without realizing she was doing it, reaching for the one heart that was twinned with her own,harry's. Shoving that longing, that need for him to him.Because they could keep her drugged, manipulate her, but they couldn't stop a heart's wish from one soul mate to another.
Harry nodded, closing his eyes, ignoring the long drips of blood rolling down his back to drip onto the floor from the whip mark. he would stop bleeding soon enough. he closed his eyes a little and ran a hand through his hair sighing a little. "i'm tired...i can't feel anything..." he complained. "i just...i'm all blank..."

Draco smirked as he stated the password and headed inside the room freezing as they caught sight of Draco and Hermione everyone staring at them. "we all have a problem. a girl has gone missing, she's been kidnapped by the Order, or someone within the Order. and this, is causing Voldemort to go rather...insane..." most of the room flinched. "i need everyone to search the castle for her, everything." he admitted. "common rooms as well, get the teachers involved. move it people!" there was a flurry of activity, and everyone vanished.

Ron blinked looking a little upset sighing a little. "you don't like me then?" he asked softly nodding a little. "i kind of figured." he admitted getting to his feet as well. "come on, we'll go out back, the sun will do you some good." he agreed. "but you have to take it easy, don't forget your still getting dizzy, we don't want you passing out again." he admitted helping her to the door, one of the twins muttering a spell under their breaths that would make her legs weak so she'd collapse, Ron gasping as he caught her, frowning with worry. "pan, you o...kay..." there was a crack and a roll of what sounded like thunder, someone suddenly standing in the middle of their living room.

Miles upon Miles away Harry jerked violently and leaped to his feet, a snarl falling from his lips as the connection was made, Harry feeling Pandora's weakness. "PAN!" he snarled violently, all his repressed fury bursting out as he tore his way through the wards, vanishing in an instant, following the link directly into the Weasley's house, tearing through Dumbledore's weak wards effortlessly his emerald eyes blazing with utter Fury as he advanced on Ron who dropped pan and started backing up. "now...harry calm down..." "!" Harry snarled baring his teeth in fury, most of the family too frozen in terror to move.
Hermione searched with draco, panting after awhile, looking over at him. Looking frustrated that no one was finding anything. "There has to be more we can do!"She said looking over at him. Running her hands through her hair, not knowing what to do.

Pandora whimpered a little blinking slowly as she looked up at him." came..."she whispered struggling to stay awake fighting off what the wealsey's had done to her. Looking so confused, looking so very vulnerable surrounded by people who wanted to use her.

Molly swallowed hard as she looked at the man in front of them, raising a hand."Harry... we were trying to protect her."she said calmly, "She was hurt and needed help."
Draco nodded, panting softly himself, covered in dust and dirt. when he had said everything, he'd meant everything, they'd even checked the abandoned parts of the castle, even where the sorcerers stone had been kept, which thankfully, had been cleared of all the traps. "i don't think she's here." Draco admitted, knocking cobwebs out of his hair.

Harry smiled at her and reached down, gently picking her up, kissing her forehead. "i will always come." he whispered gently nuzzling her, Ron snarling possessively, harry whipping around to snarl right back. "MINE!" Harry practically roared. "MY mate, MINE!" he hissed his eyes still blazing with fury as he advanced on Molly, looking to do some Damage, distracted by the twins who shot a Jelly Leg Hex at him, the two too scared to think of anything better, Harry turned, intending to leap on them instead but Ron quickly through an Impirio over Harry, trying to take control of the Brunette again, Harry hissing profanities in Parseltongue as he tried to shake off the spell, Ron was one of the only people who had been able to cast one on harry and have it work, and now it was almost working again. "LEGGO!" Harry demanded, dropping to his knees unable to stand anymore as the Jelly legs brought him down, shaking his head harder, trying to clear it, hissing in parseltongue, reaching through the Curse connection to Tom. HELP ME! he didn't want to be a mindless puppet again! he didn't want to belong to Ron, harry wanted to belong to Tom and Pan. TOM! HELP ME!!!! "Soemone restrain him!" Ron ordered breathlessly, trying to hold Harry's mind, to break it like he had once before.
Hermione nodded, "Let's go then.We'll go to the-"She stopped, raising her head as she felt emotions shudder over her. Like someone had brushed a hand down her back.It felt...odd.A calling, to somewhere, a demand for help."did you feel that?"she asked softly, rushing for the door, knowing they had to help.

Molly and arthur wrapped their arms around the fighting brunette, holding him still as ron fought with him."Not yours. Ours."Molly said calmly, trying to keep him there. Pandora whimpered a little as she felt tom apparate in felt his rage crash over hers, bowing her back as she struggled to keep her shields up...then realized she could fight. Dropping her shields she let tom take care of getting harry, let tom fight off the spell, she focused on ron, dragging every emotion everything out of the red head, trapping it behind her own heart, using it to try and break the spell even as she searched for the other person she needed.Sending the call for Draco, she needed draco, and his talent for forcing emotions. She could do it to a extent but not enough to control everyone in the rom.Help me!/i] She raged, aiming for draco, not realizing she was spilling over onto anyone around him.
Harry wailed in agony as Molly and Arther grabbed hold of him, feeling the Impirio take hold, falling limp in Molly and Arthur's arms, succumbing to Ron's will, his eyes blank as he lay there in their arms, blinking slowly, Ron grinning victoriously, a victory that was short lived. "It's Voldemort!" the twins squealed in terror as Ron gagged as he felt all of the emotions draining out of him, he wasn't worried, Harry was already under the impirio. the blank eyed boy reached out and grabbed Pan, tightly around the neck, squeezing the air from her, ruining her concentration, hopefully saving Ron as the twins leaped forward, one wand at Harry's temple, the other at Pandora's. "that's Enough Voldy!" they chorused. "Back off or they die!" Harry didn't resist, didn't stop squeezing Pans neck, even as tears welled up in those green eyes and spilled over.

Draco had frozen from the force in which Pan called out to him, grabbing Hermione's hand and apparating with a CRACK into the middle of the fight, yelping as he barley ducked a spell sent by only Merlin knew. "what the hell!?" Draco demanded looking amazed, then looking horrified. "Harry what are you doing!?" he demanded moving to stop him, the twins hissing in warning, pressing the wands tighter tot he two temples, Ron cackling darkly. "shit..." Draco hissed closing his eyes and raising his hands. not giving up, but certainly looking like it.
Tom froze, watching the two, snarling in rage because he couldn't do anything. Struggling to think around the anger that was choking him, sliding to his knees as he felt pandora through harry, felt both his hands surrounding her neck and that he was choking. Looking up when he saw draco, struggling to think clearly. To get to pandora.

Pandora stared up at harry, tears filling her eyes, closing her eyes. Realizing she was going to do some damage to harry, and probably kill herself in the process.But...she could do this. Seeing the world starting to fade she lashed out, not at the weasley's or the others, but at harry. Surrounding the spell with her own shields, she cut it off from ron's will, surrounding it with her own. Her own command to fight, even as she went limp in hsi hands.

"No!Pandora!"Hermione snarled before looking at the twins and ron "Let them go!She's no use to you if she's dead!"she said hoping that they'd get the girl breathing. That they could stop this.
amazingly, everyone else was feeling Pandora through harry as well, Draco fell to the floor clutching his neck, the twins gasped for air, trying to breath, Ron and his parents where unaffected, and so too was Hermione, but Draco struggling for air, clawing at his own neck, trying to get air Harry sobbing softly as his fingers tightened around her neck, Ron literally trying to kill her up until her sheilds wrapped around the spell, causing a cry of pain to fall from Harry's lips as her magic took control of the Impirio, his fingers releasing her neck, simply sitting there, raging against the spell that held him as useless as a babe.

Pandora had control of it, but only Ron, or Ron's death would free him. Draco took a large gasp of air, the twins doing the same, all of them struggling to breath, the twins too lost in their own pain to remember that they where using Harry and Pandora as hostages, giving Hermione the chance she needed to attack, since everyone else was down for the count. the only thing harry was worried about, was if Pan was breathing or not.
hermione snarled as she cast, freezing the twins where they were, freeing tom, letting him scramble over to where pandora was, gently shaking her trying to see if she was breathing. Hermione growled freezing the eldest weasley's before turning her wand on ron, glaring athim, "Release him."she said tilting her head towards the brunette."Draco help tom."

Tom winced a little as he didn't feel her chest rising with a breath, didn't feel her heart pounding under his hand. Cursing he started CPR, snarling slightly as she coughed, before going still again, barely breathing, her heart slowly beating, barely there. Just enough to keep her alive. She needed more....needed back the magic she'd poured into harry. She needed harry. But at the moment, they had to end this.Raising his head he growled at ron,"Release the spell and I'm make your death quick."
the Twins shrieked in rage as they found themselves frozen in place, Harry whimpering as he watched helplessly as Tom and Draco struggled to make her Breath, Draco feeding Pandora his magic, as much of it as he could spare, Draco gulping loudly as he stood up, Harry reaching over and grabbing a knife, pressing it to his own throat.

"Stay back or he dies!" Ron growled his eyes narrowed dangerously, terrified. "re..release my family or i'll kill him!" "Impirio!" Draco hissed, pushing the spell into Ron before the red head could even think to fight it off, Ron's wand clattering to the floor as the red head went slack like harry, Harry jerking to life, taking in great gulps of air as he dropped the knife, all of Pandora's magic spilling back into pan as Harry collapsed into the fetal position sobbing furiously. traumatized about trying to kill Pan.
Pandora choked on the sudden magic giving back to her rolling on her side cringing as she curled up.Tom swallowed, picking her up, in one arm holding her close before getting harry in the other."Can you two deal with them, or do you want me to come back?"

Hermione snarled in rage looking at the frozen weasley ffamily,"I'm good.Draco?"She asked looking over at him, wondering what they should do with them.
Harry whimpered, pressing himself tightly into Tom, feeling the need to be punished again, he had hurt Pandora, he needed to be punished. but, he had a feeling Tom wouldn't, now that Pan was back. "Tom." Harry whimpered softly, clinging to her. "di...did i..d..did i..." he had tears streaming down his face, afraid that he hadn't just hurt her, but that he had killed her.

Draco snarled viciously as he raised his wand. "i'm good." he growled advancing on Ron, a hissed Crucio had the boy screaming violently as he jerked and writhed on the floor, punishing the boy for trying to hurt Harry and pan, one of the twins whimpering in terror as the rest of the frozen family where forced to watch their youngest suffering under the Crucio.
Tom apparated them both back to the manor house, laying pandora down, tucking harry in bed next to her. Curling up next to them both."No. Feel?"He said resting harry's hand on his chest so he could feel the beating heart, the rising chest."She's alive."He said, leaving off that she really had died.After all, that might have been more suicide to save harry then harry killing her. Which he was going to yell about, when she was up and moving.

Hermione watched, making sure the family stayed put to watch, before pushing draco's wand down. A vicious smirk on her face as she looked at him."You can force him to feel things right?Force him to deal with what pandora does all the time. Set the spell for 24 hours, and let him feel what damage he did to her for doing this."She said, more wanting to get home to see what she could do for pandora. She didn't like the stillness, didn't like it so close on the heels of her coma.
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