Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Draco hissed as he pulled her close. "no! NO!! stay with me pan! STAY WITH ME!" he demanded, shaking her hard. "don't you DARE leave me!" he demanded, opening a channel and pushing his own magic into her, forcing her to keep living, he would rather die with her than go on without her. "forgive me, hermione." Draco loved Hermione beyond all belief, but he needed Pan.

Snape looked frightened as he pulled Harry's eyelids back, picking up the vial with horrified eyes. "Drought of Death... Hermione go to my room, there is a vial in the locked cupboard, it will be white, like paper. go and get it, and Hurry!" he ordered, grabbing Harry's chin and bending down. for a moment it looked like he was kissing him, then Snape pulled away, pushing on Harry's chest...CPR, forcing Harry to keep living.
hermione rushed out, running a few minutes later, panting as she shoved the vial into snape's hand, gently pushing a frantic tom back. Knowing the two were making him climb the walls. They needed harry to live.

Pandora whimpered softly, shivering as his magic supplied her with enough to keep her and harry breathing, to keep living. Though it was quickly fading because she fought to not take anything from him, afraid of killing him along with her and harry."No."she whispered blinking hard, breathing hard as she struggled to keep breathing her heart beating.
Tom grabbed the vial and slipped it into Harry's lips, trying to make the boy swallow, massaging the brat's neck, a strange sort of fury in the potions masters eyes. "SWALLOW DAMN YOU!" he demanded with a snarl. "i will NOT let you die before i can apologize!!!" he smacked harry in the chest, hard and harry suddenly swallowed, and continued to swallow, swallowing everything, coughing and sputtering as air came back into his lungs in a rush, his heart flying into wild heartbeats as it forced blood through his body once more, Harry coughing hard, whimpers falling from his lips as he managed to force his eyes open. "Pan...Pan...Pan...."

Draco snarled viciously. "Don't be stubborn! TAKE IT!" he ordered, forcing even more into her, whether she wanted it or not, forcing her to to keep living feeding her his magic until Harry's heart rose high, giving Pandora her life back, Draco sighing softly tired, but happy now that Pan was going to be alright.
Hermione gently stroked harry's hair, tears filling her eyes."She's fine.She'll be fine."She said softly, though she wasn't sure. WAsnt sure the girl hadn't damaged herself trying to do this."i'll go get draco and bring her home."She said standing, letting tom in to cuddle harry, to stressed to move off the floor.

Pandora whimpered, hurting and bleeding, blood trailing out of her nose,bleeding on draco, though she wasn't sure if he'd care. After all, it was his fault she had a bloody nose, he'd overloaded her system.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief at seeing her still breathing, before paling, realizing draco was bleeding to. Walking over she wiped it off his face, making him tilt his head back."you moron.You made her keep breathing."She scolded softly, though she understood why he'd done it. If she'd been able to do it for harry she would have.
Harry panted hard closing his eyes Snape swallowing thickly. "don't fall asleep Harry, you have to drink the rest of the Antidote." he ordered, setting the vial to Harry's lips again, the boy swallowing it all down, Snape glancing at Tom, wondering if the other had heard that comment about apologizing to Harry. he hoped not, Snape was already regretting that. "Tom.." Harry whispered softly, tears trailing down the brunettes face. "i'm sorry."

Draco panted softly, gently cleaning up pans face, trying to stop her bleeding, not even realizing that he was bleeding as well, swallowing thickly as he gently laid her back on the bed, looking up at hermione, startled. "i..i had to.." he whispered, looking scared still. so very scared. he had almost lost her. "i'm sorry..i made you worry." he hadn't meant to upset hermione, he'd just HAD to save Pan.
Tom swallowed hard, teas sliding down her face."When you're well, I'm so beating you up for making me nearly lose you both. I'm pissed at you."He growled, gently brushing the other's hair out of his face."Come on, lets get you back in bed."

Hermione nodded a little,"I know. You had to help her."She said, and she really did. She understood draco's need to save his cousin. Biting her lip as pandora drifted off again, the bleeding stopped."Think it's safe to move her back to the other house?"
Harry nodded closing his eyes a little as he leaning into Tom's touch. "i'm sorry." harry whispered, and for once...he truly sounded sorry, he truly sounded as if he regretted what he had done, closing his eyes all of the way and groaning softly as he was picked up, too weak from almost dying to move himself.

Draco offered hermione a grim smile and shook his head. "no...but if we don't then Pan might do something stupid like try to go by herself." he admitted stroking the girls hair. "i think you'd better take her first and then come back for me, i don't have enough energy to apparate." he admitted looking sheepish. "Pan was fighting me off, i used up most of my magic."
Tom sighed softly, settling him into bed, before laying down with him,wrapping his arms around harry, smirking a little because he was so waiting for snape's apology, but he'd wait for now. "Severus, will you go get pandora?She'll not be well enough by herself to come, but she needs here."He said looking worried.

Hermione gave him a look shaking her head, gently brushing her fingers through his hair, kissing his head."She's as weak as a kitten and she'd try to go anyways.Moron."She sighed gently picking up the other, "I'll be right back."She said apparating out looking startled as she saw everyone in harry's room."Everyone okay?"She asked worriedly, shifting around to let pandora snuggle into harry, the girl herself looking sluggish and strained.
Harry nuzzled tom, muttering that he was sorry again, his eyes closed again, simply resting as Snape swallowed glancing at Tom and flushing hard, so Tom HAD heard him...oh well he'd apologize when harry was feeling better. 'yes i'll get Pa..." he paused when Hermione showed up with Pan. "we where just about to go and get her." he admitted motioning for hermione to lay Pan on the bed Harry whimpering as he snuggled into Pandora, muttering that he was sorry again, so sorry. "where's Draco?" Snape finally asked, looking worried. "he did something stupid again didn't he?"
hermione nodded, angry even though she understood why he'd done it."Of course he did, he's a malfoy."she sighed looking down at harry and pandora.

"What did he do?"

"he tried giving her his magic so she'd keep living, but she fought him, because she was afraid to kill him.So she fought and wore them both out. And he can't apparate at the moment."
Snape grimaced a little. "Malfoy's and Black's...their going to be the damn death of me." he complained gently, shaking his head as he stood up. "i'll get magic replenishing potions." he promised grumbling as he swept out of the room, making a mental note to also lock all of the life sapping potions up better.
Hermione nodded before apparating out again, looking at draco as he slouched against the headboard. "How are you feeling?"She asked worriedly, helping him up but waiting for a answer.Afraid what apparating would do to him in his current state.
he smiled a little. "i'm just tired." he admitted laying his head on her shoulder. "don't worry so much, as soon as Uncle Sev gets his potions into me and i get some rest i'll be good as new." he promised sighing a little. "it's not the first time i've magically exhausted myself. i have a bad habit of getting so absorbed in learning new spells that i forget to pay attention to my magic." he grinned sheepishly. "i was once bedridden for a week because i was doing that... one would think i'd start getting a little smarter about that, wouldn't you?" he was babbling, too tired to monitor the flow of words coming out of his mouth. "you know, i loved you the first moment i saw you." he admitted, closing his eyes and sighing a little. "you where so pretty, so sad. i wanted to hold you and wipe away your tears, but the Slytherins already hated i couldn't.."
Hermione laughed softly as she apparated them back to the house, settling them both in bed before she answered his words. Cuddling and holding him close, letting him him cuddle her as she pressed a kiss to his forehead.Finding it amusing he was babbling."Oh they hated you?"
he smiled as she laughed and he nodded a little. "yeah, because i was on such good terms with Pan and Tom they where jealous, they did everything the could to make my life hell. the only ones who didn't where Pansy, and she's a crazy stalker. and Crabbe and Goyle, but that's only because they where too stupid to know better." he admitted smiling a little. but that's ok, because i was smarter than everyone. everyone sept you i mean."
Hermione snickered, kissing his forehead."I wouldn't let Pandora hear you say that. she might smack you."She teased amused that he was so tired that he was just babbling about whatever he wanted. Deciding that it was just mean to ask him things while hhe was out of it, she kissed his forehead."Go to sleep love."
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "she'll smack me anyway, she likes to smack me, i'm like her personal Pinata." he admitted yawning at Hermione's order, snuggling into her and going to sleep as Snape strode in and handed Hermione two large vials of a dark green potion. "he's to drink both of those and then go right back to sleep once he wakes up." he ordered shaking his head. "stupid boy." he grumbled stalking out of the room, though it was said with affection that one rarley heard from Snape.

he was sitting next to The bed when Harry woke up, groggy and confused, a potion pushed into his hands Harry didn't argue, he just drank it, swallowing it down before snuggling into Pan again. "Mister Potter." Snape stated suddenly,Harry looking up at the potions master. "i wanted to say that i was sorry, for the way i treated you in school." "..." harry wasn't sure what to say to that,. "i was immoral and i was immature treating you the way i did, i should never have taken my rage at your father out on you like that. i am sorry." "...oh, uh...okay?" Harry asked, still half asleep, which was the only reason why Snape was actually apologizing. "go back to sleep Harry...we can talk more later." "yeah..okay." Harry murmured slipping back to sleep with a small happy little sigh, a small smile curled on his lips as he half laid on Pandora and Tom. pinning them both to the bed.
Tom snickered a little as he stroked the brunette's hair, raising his head to look at the potions master."You know, thats so not cool to apologize when he's not awake. You should do it again."He teased, wincing as Pandora squirmed, waking up.

Pandora whined raising her head, blinking stupidly as she looked at the man pinning her, before at the potions master."He's...okay...?"She said groggily. Needing a answer before she drifted off again."Draco?"
Tom huffed. "he'll remember." Snape growled, annoyed. "he always does." he complained sighing a little as Pan woke up. "Harry is fine, a little tired, and very week but he'll be back on his feat in no time. Draco is also fine, though he's suffering from magical exhaustion, not for the first time." he admitted with a whine. "that boy is almost more trouble than he's worth, if he where anyone else i'd have given him up for a lost cause years ago." they all knew Snape was only bitching to hide his own affection and concern over Draco, but that too was a good sign. it meant Draco would recover soon too. "you should rest Pandora. Tom make sure they don't get out of this bed!"
"I wont."Tom smiled laughing softly as pandora settled back into sleep. Relaxed at the potions master's assurance that the ones she cared about where going to be fine.

Hermione frowned at the door way at the woman standing there, nudging the dozing Draco as she read to him."You got a visitor."She said smiling slightly, moving her legs so pandora could sit down.

Pandora smiled thankfully, glad to see her cousin well, and knowing she only had a few minutes before someone realized she was missing.But she'd needed to see him, so even getting yelled at was going to be worth it.
Draco let out a small whine when he was nudged, his eyes fluttering open as he blinked a little, rubbing his eyes. "uuh?" he asked before smiling at Pan. "you snuck out of bed." he accused sounding amused. "Harry's going to panic if he wakes up and realizes you not in bed." he teased smiling at her. "hows harry doing? all better?" no, but his color had returned and he wasn't having nightmares anymore. he was just sleeping a lot, of course harry often slept a lot...of course, Harry was always in trouble, so maybe that was it.
"A little. He looks better even though he sleeps alot."She said blushing a little."And I had to make sure you recovered from your idiotic attempt to save me."

Hermione laughed softly, "I told you he had."She said resting her head on dracos shoulder.

Pandora pouted looking at the both."I know.But I still had to see if he was feeling okay."
Draco grinned a little. "if you hadn't fought me, then it wouldn't have been idiotic." he stated simply, yawning a little. "as it is, i already made a complete fool of myself last night, i can only be thankful Hermione made me shit up before i really said something stupid." he admitted, sounding highly amused at his own ability to shut up when he was tired. "i'm feeling fine, honest Pan." he promised offering her a smile. "go back to bed before Harry has a heart attack and attacks Tom for taking you away again."
Pandora snickered as she got up, kissing his forehead."Good.And I want to heat these stupid things you say. Later."She snickered heading back into the room, wincing when she saw both her men awake.

Tom gave her a look, pulling her back into the bed."Now what are you doing up?"

"I went and saw Draco."
Draco snorted a little and shook his head as he leaned into Hermione. "i didn't say anything in my sleep that i should worry about did i?" he asked smiling at her a little, taking her hand. "i'm sorry i worried you." he muttered softly, sighing a little. "i just didn't know what else to do." he scowled a little. "i can't imagine why harry would try and kill himself... he should have known better..."

Harry relaxed as soon as he saw her, collapsing onto the bed, sighing lightly. "you scared me." harry admitted softly, reaching for her. "come back to bed." he muttered, needing them to be alright. "i'm so sorry Pan, i didn't know it would kill you too...honest... i don't...even know why i did it to myself..." he sighed a little. "i think...i might still be a little mad..."
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