Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Hermione smiled, stroking his hair out of his face,"We could.But I want to marry you. Soon."She smiled at him, kissing him again. He was so cute, with his eagerness to please. But knowing his parents, she could understand how he'd not know what a normal relationship would be like.

Tom growled softly pushing him into the shower and turning the water on before answering."Pan doesn't understand, because she's never had to question what someone was feeling for her...never had to wonder what wasn't perfect or not."He growled kissing him harder, hands rough as he pushed him against the wall, fingers sliding into him."But you my love, are to cute to say no to."
Draco smiled at her, looking very pleased as he leaned in and kissed her hard, pressing their lips together, moving his soft lips against hers. "i always thought i was going to have an arranged marriage." he admitted softly. "finding someone that i love, and having my father alright with it.... this is the greatest thing that i could have ever thought possible." he admitted smiling at her. "i really do love you Hermione."

Harry nodded a little moaning as he was kissed, hitting the wall with a small groan, flicking his fingers at the door, throwing up a silencing spell so that they wouldn't disturb pan, panting loudly. "yes, Tom...Please." he begged spreading his legs as wide as he could get them, arching into the fingers with an eager whimper. "fuck me hard, punish me." he pouted a little. "and i'm not cute!"
Hermione blushed smiling at him, blushing softly."I love you to."She said before tilting her head, looking curious."Your...father approves?"she asked curious. That didn't sound like the lucius malfoy she knew.

Tom growled softly pulling his fingers out and sliding his cock into the man with a sigh, thrusting against him."You are definately cute."He said kissing him slowly, hands stroking over the other's body, harsh amd rough
he smiled a little. "shockingly enough." he admitted with a small snort. "he's been hearing me rant and rave about you being better than me since first year, i guess he figures anyone who can piss me off that much has every right to be my wife if i so choose." he shrugged. "or he might be worried about bloodline, i'm related to all the female wizards in Britain." he admitted chuckling. "and anyone as good as magic as you are HAS to be good for our bloodline." he teased winking at her. "maybe he knows i love you, i never know whats going through that mans head."

Lucius moaned as the cock slid in, arching against the other. "aaah fuck YES! Tom, oh god yes, Fuck me harder." he groaned, pressing back on the others cock. "and i'm not cute dammit!" he groaned, arching into the others touches, panting eagerly. "fuck yes, Tom, take me harder." he pleaded, trembling. "make me yours, all yours, only yours."
Hermione laughed kissing him softly."You purebloods do tend to be intermarried."She perked up a little, smirking as she kissed him again. "You know, harry's dad was a pureblood...oh gods, can you imagine you two being family."She teased shaking her head."The only witch besides me that you can stand that's our age is your cousin, that kind of limits the eligiable women."She teased before getting up, stretching."Cme on."She said smrking a little.

Tom growled a little ucking him harder against the wall, smiling as the man's shoulder, biting down."Potter, you can ask pan if you are."he smirked amused, and losing himself in punishing the other for scaring him so badly.
Draco looked surprised. "i guess i never realized that, i suppose it must be true, and i am related to Harry, he's on our family tree." he admitted smiling a little. "where are we going?" he asked standing up with her, taking her hand in his, holding it tightly, his head tilted. "not to check on Harry i hope? Tom would be most displeased if we interrupt him." Draco admitted, looking a little amused. Harry just couldn't help but leak when he was being fucked, fortunately the only thing anyone would feel was pleasure, and not the additional pain that Tom was granting him.

Harry moaned and groaned through everything, greatly enjoying it, loving the way Toms teeth and nails dug into his skin, and the stinging hexes muttered in the privacy of the bathroom, wailing and moaning eager for more, satisfied with the punishment when Tom let him cum. laying his head on the cool tiles of the shoulder, letting the warm water aggravate his sore muscles and open wounds, that he knew Tom would heal. "thank you, i feel much better now."
hermione laughed softly, shaking her head."No we're not going to interupt.I have other plans for you."She said blushing a little, ducking into his room, kissing him softly as she wrapped her arms around him, raising a eyebrow."That is, unless you have a thing about your bride being virginal on your wedding day."She said with a slight smirk.

Tom gasped as he came, pulling out as he held the other, resting his head against his head."Good."He muttered, wondering how long pandora would stay out of it. He could feel that she was awake, but beyond that he couldn't tell what she was feeling."We probably should heal you."He muttered running a hand over the other's back
he gasped, startled before blushing hard, yes, blushed. the great Draco Malfoy was blushing! "your a virgin?" he himself had laid with a great many women, and even a few men. there was no such thing as a Virgin Slytherin, they took care of it themselves if they couldn't find someone to do it for them. the thought of himself, so impure, sullying Hermione in that way just made him hot. "god you just made me hard and you didn't even do anything! that's not fair!" well, at least she knew he wanted her...a lot.

Harry moaned softly, smiling a little as relaxed against the slick walls of the shower. "mm. yeah, healing would be good, or Pan might get angry at me." they both knew it was Harry's fault this kept happening, no one could resist Harry. even Lucius, who still hated Harry with a passion, had agreed to help harry in some way or another on several occasions.
Hermione nodded blushing, laughing softly as she looked up at the other.Gently running her fingers trhough his hair."Hmmm its perfectly fair.You make me want you by just being cute."She said blushing more,wrapping her arms around him.Wondering what he'd thought of that had made him this hard already.Sighing softly as his hardened cock pressed against her hip.

Tom nodded a little, turning off the water after ehe washed off the blood, before getting out."Pandora's going to be made she was excluded from the shower."He said drying off. Even though harry needed it, he knew it was only a matter of time before pandora figured out what was going on
Draco smirked a little as he watched the other his eyes narrowing a little as he kissed her neck, rubbing himself against her, panting lightly in her ear. "are you sure your ready? i can wait." he would hate it, but he could wait if she needed to. he smelled her neck and her hair, sighing softly. "you always smell so good, like apples."

he nodded a little. "we'll have to make it up to he." he offered smirking a little, still eager for more sex, but his need to be punished had been satisfied for now. "hey Tom... i was wondering." he admitted turning to the other. "what are you going to do to the weasleys?" he had this sudden morbid curiosity to know how the family was going to be dealt with.
Hermione sputtered a laugh, turning her head to look at him."Apples?And yes, I'm sure."She said laughing, gently tugging at his shirt. Touched that he was sow worried about her. Smiling easily.

Tom looked at him, "THought about killing them but decided I'd wait and see what you and pandora wanted to do."He said opening the bedroom door, smiling at the sight of a reading pandora. Who did look put out at not being invited to join in.
he chuckled a little. "apples are good, you don't like apples?" he asked his head titled a little his eyes narrowed playfully at her as he kissed her cheek, and then her neck, and then her shoulder, moaning softly. "alright then." he mumbled softly. "if you need to stop at any time, just tell me."

Harry nodded, swallowing hard. "i think Pan better decide." he admitted sighing a little, swallowing hard. "i'm still... emotionally attached." he admitted closing his eyes as before grinning impishly at Pan. "aaw don't look like that Pan, it makes me want to kiss it off of you." he teased giggling a little as he crawled onto the bed with her, kissing her eagerly running his hand along her sides. "mmm who's up for a three way?"
Hermione nodded a little moaning as he kissed her, shivering as she leaned forward to run her lips over his skin."I do like apples.You smell like green apples.."She muttered blushing.

Pandora shivered a little, moaning as she kissed him back,drawing away."You didn't invite me in the shower."She pouted snickering a little as tom joined them,biting her lip to keep from moaning as tom's lips found her skin.

Tom smirked lips running over the curve of her breast, looking up at harry."I think we need to make sure she's very happy with us."
Draco moaned softly, licking along her neck as he tasted her flesh, panting softly. "you smell like sweet apples, red and gold Fuji." he murmured softly, gently nipping along her neck as his hands slid up her shirt, gathering two mounds of flesh in his hand and gently massaging them, panting against her lips. "you smell, almost like baked apples, with a little bit of brown sugar syrup on them."

Harry chuckled a little. "sorry love, you where sleeping." harry murmured as he kissed her biting her lip for her, being gentle about it as his fingers danced little patterns all over her skin. "mmm, we're going to have to make her VERY happy with us." he purred chuckling a little as he kissed down her neck. "mmm Pan, i think today, i'll let you tell me what to do." a rare honer, normally, when he was told what to do, harry wouldn't listen, he'd just keep going on with what he was doing, completely ignoring his partner, be it Pan or Tom.
Hermioen moaned as his hands brushed over her breasts, shivering as she ran her hands down his chest. Smiling a little as she kissed him, "Hmmm I might have to buy you apples now."She teased undoing his belt, taking her time undoing his pants.

Pandora looked startled, laughing softly as she kissed him,"Hmm I do like that."She said laughing, shifting around and laying back against tom as he cradled in his arms. Shifting,sighing softly as she felt his prick rubbing against her ass."Hmm first thing I want....hmmm"She smiled gently strokign harry's hair, "Kiss me all over."she purred, "And make me come without touching breasts or clit."She smirked.Having every intention of making him work for it
he laughed a little and nodded as he tugged her shirt off, pausing for a moment then simply making it vanish, the shirt reappearing , folded, on a chair. "yes i am impatient." he admitted smirking as he kissed each of her breasts before working his way up, along her collar bones and along her neck before kissing her mouth, pressing his tongue against her lips in a desperate need for an intimate kiss, his fingers slyly rubbing her inner thighs the entire time while she struggled with the hidden buttons on his pants.

Harry purred, eager for the challenge as he did as instructed, kissing her all over, everywhere that wasn't cunt or breasts, even her ass was not safe from his onslaught of kisses, a smirk on his lips as he kissed her slender feet and toes, dragging his tongue everywhere once he had finished with that, then his fingers stroked everywhere else, never once touching her more private area's. but he was moving too slowly to make her cum from that alone, teasing her with small pleasures without mercy until she cracked and gave in.
Hermione smiled a little whining when she couldnt get his pants undone. Gently shoving at his shoulder as she stole a kiss."Undo your pants yourself."She growled,stepping away so that she could strip. Blushing a little as the rest of her clothes it the floor.

Pandora was whimpering by the time he got everywhere, squirming as tom held her fast, not letting her move closer, to not get the friction she wanted.Snickering as she begged harry to take her. The dark lord smirked, sliding his fingers down,gripping her ass as he thrust against her."Hmmm she does beg so pretty."He smirked looking at harry. Knowing the man had been working on making her beg.
he laughed a little at her inability, undoing his pants so quickly that she couldn't see how he had done it, stripping himself down for her, kneeling completely nude in front of her, graceful muscles rippling on his pale skin as he watched her closley, licking his lips. "now how should i start?" he asked smirking as he stroked her face gently. "i bet you'd love to tell me what to do, wouldn't you?"

Harry snickered as well, licking his lips eagerly as she begged. "mmm you want me to take you?" he asked, removing his cock from his pants and running it along her cunt, teasing her wanting flesh, panting softly. "and what will poor Tom do while i have my way with you? you'll have to give him something to do as well."
Hermione smiled a little, leaning into the touch,"I would if I knew what felt good."She muttered blushing as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him close.

pandora whimpered."Please!PLease take me!"she whimpered squirming around, turning her head making tom moan as he shifted enough to let her give him a blow job, while harry still had acess for what he was doing. The angle, and the twisting was going to make for a interesting time.
he chuckled a little as he kissed her intently. "well then." he purred softly. "allow me to show you my innocent little Angel." he whispered before he began to stroke her everywhere, lingering over her nipples and neck, looking for all those secrete hidden places that women had, stroking her clit with his thumb the entire time.

Harry snickered as he gently thrust into her, moaning eagerly at how tight she always was, panting as he carefully angled her so that she could be a little more comfortable as he started to thrust into her, moaning happily as he made sure to angle himself that his cock dragged against her sensitive clit with every stroke out.
Hermione whimpered, squirming as she shivered against him, resting her head on his shoulder,hands running over his body."Oh...draco..."She muttered softly, leaning into him as her legs threatened to give out. Nudging him towards the bed.

PAndora moaned whimpering, moaning,squirming as she lost herself in what they both were feeling, eyes going wide as tom came, forcing her own orgasm as she swallowed his. Trembling and shaking as she spasmed around harry.
Draco chuckled a little. "it feels so wonderful to taint you." he teased, grinning as she touched him, allowing her to guide them both to the bed, gently spilling her out onto it. "my own darkness marring your perfect beauty, making to mine, making me yours." he tongue came down, stroking one of her nipples. "Merlin your just so perfect."

Harry moaned eagerly as she came, forcing himself to hold back as he continued to thrust, riding her through her orgasm before he finally spilled himself into her, moaning happily as he Came, arching hard as he filled her cunt with his seed, panting hard. "oh fuck yes." he moaned smirking a little. "mmm Pan i love you." he purred kissing her eagerly before he dragged Tom over. "i love you too." he murmured, kissing his other lover.
Hermione blushed smiling as she moaned, tangling her hands in his hair, drawing him up for a kiss.Hands running his body."Hmmm you're such a slytherin....only you would want to taint me..."She teased kissing him.

Pandora muttered contentedly, snuggling into them both as she started going back to sleep. Her hurt feelings at being left out of the shower gone. tom smirked kissing harry, shifting them around so they both cuddled harry."You only say that cause you want to be pregnant."He teased."But I love you to."
he smirked a little as he kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. "mmm yess." he purred happily. "there is nothing i would love more than to taint you. after all, it's not fair if your prettier than i am." he teased chuckling a little as he nipped and nibbled along her neck and chest, panting softly his fingers stroking and touching her more sensitive place, stroking her clit with his thumb, panting eagerly. "i'm going to make you Cum." he decided. "and then i'm going to make you mine."

Harry smiled as he nibbled her flesh, giggling a little. "can boys even get pregnant?" he asked, his ignorance of the wizarding world showing through. "besides that's not the ONLY reason." he teased grinning impishly. "your also VERY good in bed."
Hermione moaned shivering as her hand closed around his cock stroking slowly."Hmmm I want to be yours."she muttered nuzzling his neck. liking the idea more then she'd ever admit to

"Yes they can, and of course I am.I share a bed with a empath. Id be remiss if I didn't listen to what she wanted."he said snickering as he stole a kiss, shifting, getting comfortable."Now,lets get pandora through a pregnancy before you start.I'll have enough issies with her cravins without adding yours."He teased
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