Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

"She would not."Tom said smiling, rolling his eyes even as he was obienent and ate the food the other held for him.

"Would to."Pandora smiled eating herself, laying down to cuddle them both as she settled in. Half napping as they settled in.Before sighing.Getting up."I'll go take care of work."She said kissing them both before going in search of her uncle.
Harry snickered a little as he nibbled on his own breakfast, making sure that Tom ate a healthy amount before leaving the man in peace, staying in bed as he grinned at Pandora. "give snape a good taunting for me. and tell Lucius he looks like a girl!" he suggested playfully, snickering a little as he snuggled into Tom again. "mmm, your warm." he teased, smirking a little. "want a back massage?"
Tom laughed a little finishing his breakfast before looking at him."You beg me to eat, then want to rub me over?"He asked smirking a little as he stroked the other's hair.

Pandora snickered, easing into the room smirking as hermione moved away, pouncing on her sleeping cousin."Cousin!Time to get up!"She smiled tugging the blanket off his head.
Harry giggled a little and shrugged. "this is your relaxing day." he stated simply smirking at Tom. "Besides if i give you a massage then you will relax and be all mushy under my fingers." he teased smirking a little. "and you'd be so easy to molest all mushy and relaxed like a limp noodle." he teased giggling a little. he doubted Tom would let him top even if the Dark Lord was drugged.

Draco groaned softly and dragged the blankets over his head. "g'way...Hermione's sleeping..." Draco protested, unaware that Hermione had already left the bed. "jus 'nother hours..." Draco slurred, already falling back to sleep.
Tom laughed laying on his stomach, smirking a little."Oh limp will I be?You think you can top me even then?"HE said laughing pulling the other close for a kiss.

Pandora laughed, bouncing a little on his back dragging the blanket back down."Hermione's already awake, and we have paperwork to do.Come on."
Harry snickered and silently banished all of Tom's clothes, even the underwear, before summoning a bottle of special oil from somewhere hidden. it was warm, and it would make Tom's skin tingle pleasantly. he poured the oil liberally over Tom's back and ran his palms along the muscles, spreading the oil everywhere. with every pass, the oil warmed under Harry's hands, and tingled ever so Nicely, only to stop as soon as Harry's hands left that area.

Draco whined a little, his bare ass bared to the world as he slowly sat up, completely uncaring of his nudity. Draco always slept in the nude, there was no talking him out of it, besides, he hadn't felt like getting dressed after making love to Hermione last night. he got up, muttering and grumbling as he cast several cleaning charms and hair straightening, teeth brushing and all manner of grooming charms upon himself as he picked out his clothes for the day, griping the entire time about Cousins who had no sense of personal space.
Tom moaned softly as the other rubbed down his back, glancing over his shoulder at the other man."That feels amazing."He said before sighing, biting his lip."How are you doing?Really. I know your fussing over me and pandora, but how are you?And I think were going t ohave pandora fat and pregnant soon enough."He said slightly slurring the words, sighing pleased.

Pandora snickered laying back on his bed, sitting up. "Ah but if I wasn't interferring you'd think something was wrong with me."She pointed out, running her fingers through her hair as she got up."Anyways, tom's taking a day off. We get to play at being dark lords."
Harry smirked a little before he paused at Tom's question, before he continued to massage the other, determined to melt him into a puddle of goo just like he had promised. "i'm doing fine... i still feel bad about what i did but it's fading away. every time i see Pan smile it helps a little i think." he admitted massaging Tom's neck. "just seeing her still alive helps." he admitted softly smirking at Tom. "seeing you not mad at me helps too." he admitted kissing the others cheek.

Draco snorted a little as he yanked on his shirt and scowled at Pandora. "we're not doing anything until i've had my coffee." he growled sulking as he left the room and headed for the kitchen, pouting at Hermione. "i don't understand why my father and Severus can't do this instead of me."
Tom gave a dimpled smile as he looked at the other, meltng under the other's hands, sighing in pleasure."hmmm good.We need to plan the wedding to.She's not good at planning things.I plan things, I'm a dark lord.I plan murder, how much harder can a wedding be?"he muttered burying his face against the pillow, slurring a little as he started falling into a pleasure induced haze.

Hermione snickered as pandora followed him in, handing him a cup of coffee."Because they flat out refused to do it with her. Something about not wanting to plan a girly wedding." "Its not girly.Its just a wedding."Pandora protested pouting..
Draco snorted a little and rubbed his eyes. "mm i think Harry wanted to plan the wedding." Draco admitted sleepily as he sipped at his coffee, yawning a little as he laid his head on the table and groaned. "i'll start on the guest list then. lord knows i'm probably the only one insane enough to do it. i'll handle the seating arrangements too. Harry wouldn't know it, Pan and Tom would place people who hate each other right next to one another just to see them fight." he snorted a little and shook his head. "this is going to suck big time."

Harry smirked as he felt Tom starting to melt running his hands lower and lower along his body until he was massaging two mounds of flesh that was the others ass, humming, pleased with himself. "mmm you like that?" he asked smiling as he leaned down and completely without warning, ran his tongue along the others puckered hole, stroking and teasing Tom's entrance.
pandora snickered."I would never do that!"Hermione laughed softly."Pan, last time you had dinner with death eaters, you made lucius and belladtrix sit together, just so you could find more to blackmail him with." "That was totally different." "How?" "They weren't fighting. Just talking."

Tom sighed softly glancing over his shoulder at the other shifting slightly against the bed."Love, you did this on purpose."He muttered, to relaxed to really protest to being topped. At least at the moment.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head as he took another long sip of his coffee. "this is going to be a god awful day, i can just tell." he muttered softly, offering Hermione a small smile. "alright lets see... Hermione, i think you would be better off with the actual decorations, your good at organization, i know that for a fact. you'll be able to find a good place to hold the wedding and set everything so that it actually works. Pan i think, should be color coordinator. she's always very good at matching colors and such." he sighed a little. "i'll handle the invitations with Hermione's help." there was a pause as Draco considered. "am i forgetting anything?"
Pandora laughed softly shaking her head."No.Though I think your dad should be in charge of food. He''s getting fat eating so much and not going on enough raids. He knows whats good to eat."She teased without turning around."Hello uncle lucius."

Hermione nearly choked on her laughter raising a eyebrow as she looked at the elder malfoy to see how he'd take his niece's teasing."Good morning lucius."
Lucius's eyes narrowed at his niece as he headed over to the coffee pot, prodding it with his wand to make it seep faster before pouring himself a cup. "i will simply hire a five star chef to make it for me." he stated simply as he poured himself two cups of coffee and turned to abandon them ."leave me out of it." he ordered sternly. "and leave Severus out of it as well." "has anyone else noticed that my father and Lucius are spending a great deal of time together?" Draco asked looking amused as Lucius went a very pale pink before he vanished completely.
Pandora smirked slowly watching her uncle disappear before getting up. "I'll be back."She said happily, bounding off to find her uncle.

Hermione paled a little snickering slightly."I think, your father's enjoying severus's company....instead of your mothers.And poor lucius...pandora's not going to leave him alone."She said sounding amused and a little sorry for the elder malfoy. Really, pandora was going to hound him until she found out what was going on...unless of course he was brave enough to go get tom and harry to make her stop
Lucius continued down the hall, two coffee cups in hand, determined to completely ignore Pandora, who he was certain was following him. she was annoying like that. "you really shouldn't follow me Pandora, don't you have a wedding to plan and a world to run?" he demanded, scowling at Pandora. "don't think i won't fetch Harry to come and get you under control."

Draco snorted a little. "please, Father has ALWAYS enjoyed Severus's attention more than mothers. just like Mother has always preferred the attention of any passing male or female she could coerce into bed." he shrugged. "they where an arranged marriage, whatever keeps them happy." he smirked at her a little. "can you see now why Father is so willing to let me date you? he knows that if he forces me to marry Pansy, as mother so wishes, i would end up miserable and she would end up hating me." he shrugged. "at least with you, we both have a chance to be happy. now... how many of Harry's freinds should we invite?"
Pandora pouted looking up at her uncle, looking cute and adorable. "But-but uncle, you wouldn't do that to me!"She laughed softly, smirking."Ah well draco's planning the wedding, and tom's busy having his world rocked, so I have no world to rule."She stated before skipping into the room in search of the potions master. More to annoy her uncle then out of curiousity.

"Yes, I can see that."Hermione said sounding amused before saddening."Well. There's me...and you."She frowned fiddling with a pen."I...I don't know who he'd want there. Some follow dumbledore surely, and I...I don't think any of them need the stress of hiding who they really are just to please friends who still hate tom."
Lucius smirked a little. "can and would." he stated simply before groaning a little and rolling his eyes. "Severus is working on a very important potion right now Pan, if you disturb him you'll get him blown up!" a lie, but she didn't need to know that. Severus was actually still asleep, he was thrice as grouchy when he first woke up until he had a cup of coffee anyway. besides, she really didn't need to see the evidence that the two had fucked last night, namely hickeys all over the potions master, and the fact that he was completely naked.

Draco bit his lip, feeling suddenly very sorry for harry. "no wonder he went insane..." he muttered softly. "everyone he ever knew abandoned him... i knew, even in school he had abandonment issues." he admitted softly, licking his lips a little. "it was easy to see the way he clung to you and... Weasely." he shook his head. "right... no one for potter.." he muttered closing his eyes. "there has to be SOMEONE!?" he demanded, looking at Hermione with worried eyes. "maybe i should do some poking around?"
Pandora looked at him before wilting. She really did love her uncle and severus, even if she wasn't good at showing it, and usually came off as annoying. Nodding she turned to leave."I'll talk to you later."She muttered before heading back to bed,cuddling into harry as he cuddled tom.

"Oh, well if you want to poke something..."She smirked before sighing."Do it. There should be someone more for him, then just us. Pandora doesn't have many friends just because of how sensitive she is, and tom...well tom's tom."She shrugged."We need someone."
Lucius smirked a little at his victory as he fed Severus his coffee and explained what was so funny, Harry smiling as he snuggled into Pan, maneuvering her in-between him and tom so that they where both snuggling her, nibbling on her ear. "everything taken care of already?" he asked, amused. wondering if he aught to tell her how he had made tom beg, and how he had made the dark lord cum TWICE...naaah maybe when the older man was awake.

Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "yes, your right, i'll look into it." Draco agreed smiling a little. "i think Neville would be alright with it, the boy has always been overly loyal to harry, i might try with him first." he decided. "other than that i can't think of anyone, i'll have to scope Neville out first and if he's alright with it, see who he thinks might be as well." he sighed a little and glanced at Hermione. "can you think of anyone? anyone at all?"
"Draco and hermione are planning the wedding, and uncle luc and severus are playing hide the sausage."She muttered nuzzling his neck, snickering a little."He told me to go away so I went away.Came here.Wanted a snuggle.And to warn you that the LeStranges are stopping by later today."

"Seamus finnigan....dean thomas...maybe.We'll talk to neville first, then see what he things about them."She decided before sighing."Pandora mentioned the LeStranges were stopping by today...should we stay so tom and pandora dont have to deal with whatever they want, or go see neville now?"
Harry made a soft gagging noise at the thought of anything shagging snape and shook his head a little before smiling at her before he froze completely. "the Lestranges..." he muttered with a very dark sound. "that bitch." he hissed softly, digging his nails into the bed. instant bout of madness at the simple mention of a name. "i'll fucking rip her throat out, i'' spill her guts across the floor and make her EAT them!" he forgot that Tom was sleeping, and that this might wake him up, he didn't care, he was upset, and wanted to slaughter the woman who had taken his godfather from him.

Draco nodded before pausing, looking confused. "my uncles are coming?" he paused, hesitating. "we better stay, if aunty Bella is here Tom and Pan won't be very happy. the stupid bint isn't very clever and doesn't realize that Tom hates her guts. the only reason he hasn't killed her yet is because she's married to Rudolphus, who claims to love her despite her hating him. poor man. if she shows up all sorts of hell is going to go down."
PAndora whimpered softly at the sudden overload of feelings, wrapping her arms around him as she attempted to sooth his feelings, whimpering as she felt the depression sinking it.But better her depressed then harry mad. Tom groaned rolling on his back, raising his head to look at the two blearily."What are we yelling at?"

Hermione winced a little at the idea of anyone loving the insane woman before nodding."She must drive pandora to spare with going after tom."she said before sighing softly.Understanding just how devastating being around the insane woman had to be to pandora."We'll stay....though we probably should ask your father to join us.At least we can deal with them,cause if tom's woken up, I dont think he's going to be happy."
Harry whined slightly as Pan wrapped her arms around him, shaking his head. "no! no i have to kill her! stop it Pan!" he ordered, struggling to stay pissed as she manipulated his feelings back towards Calm, groaning when he failed, settling his head on her shoulder and kissing her neck, nuzzling her gently, falling more towards affectionate now that he wasn't angry anymore. "that's not fair." Harry complained softly to her glancing at Tom. "i'm going to kill Bellatrix Lestrange." he informed Tom simply blinking at the man. "and nothing you say or do will talk me out of it."

Draco nodded. "Bella doesn't do anything to Pan though, no one dares." he admitted. "the last time someone tried to hurt pan Tom held the man under Crucio on and off for almost five days before finally letting him die." he admitted simply shaking his head. "besides i think if harry gives them a chance he'd rather like my uncles." he admitted with a small shrug. "come on they should be here any moment. if Bell is with them i want you and my father to handle the brothers, their easy enough to get along with, and i'll deal with my aunt." he promised. "she'll be pretty pissed your here but she won't hurt you if i ask her not to." he smiled a little grimly. "i'm certain everything is going to turn out alright..."
Tom smirked a lttle before nodding."Then go for it. Pandora's been putting off doing it."He said gently stroking the woman's hair knowing why she hadn't. because to kill would have stripped the woman of something precious, and it would have killed her to lose herself. Pandora smiled as he nuzzled her, wrapping her arms around him tighter."Love, I just wanted you to be calm when they got here."She whined softly, just a hint of fear coming through.Upset at the idea that he'd be angry with her.

Hermione nodded getting up,"And wont that be a fun job?"she asked laughing, amused at the idea of draco dealing with bell. Sighing softly as she wrapped a arm around his waist, she walked out into the hall to where she could hear the lestranges talking in the front hall. Wincing a little when she heard bellatrix."We'll be fine."She said, though her voice shook a little.
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