Vanishing Acts Moon/Lady

Tom swallowed hard. He had a idea of why, but he wasn't about to say it. Not when Pandora was down the hall howling in pain. "I think you were traumatized enough that you're mind is protecting you."He said slowly, wondering if it wasn't him protecting himself, but Pandora protecting him. Running his fingers through harry's hair he sighed. Wondering how they could get help pandora. Knowing draco was helping, wouldn't be enough. Already feeling pain and sorrow pressing at him,glad he was strong enough to protect harry from the girl's suffering.

Hermione winced swallowing hard, before pulling back her hand and slapping him, "DRaco!Wake up!"she yelled wishing tom was here, or lucius. Crying and she kept trying to bring him back to himself enough to fight this.
Harry sighed a little and closed his eyes, snuggling into Tom. "will you punish me?" he asked softly, hopefully, needing the pleasurable pain of fire licking across his back from a whip, the burning splitting perfect pain of being taken unprepared. he needed to suffer for taking another person's life, for hurting Pan, for being a nuisance. "i can hear her screaming Tom..." he whispered softly. "i know what i did to her....what it took for her to make me not remember..."

Draco shrieked in surprise and jerked, his eyes flying open as he cringed away from her, seeing, for a moment a furious Harry with a wand in hand, advancing on him with a sadistic laugh. "..H..hermione?" he managed to stutter through the pain and terror still rushing through his body. "w..what?"
Tom snarled softly, "She did it because she needed to."He growled having hoped to protect the boy from it. Yanking him across the bed he pinned him there, before summoning the whip."She will be fine harry."He growled, not willing to complate what the woman was suffering. Or what it would do to her body. Even without acknowledging it, he mourned the babe-if she was pregnant- that would die because of this choice.

Hermione growled snarling as she shook him,hands gripping his shoulders tightly."Draco.Stay with me.He's not hurting you. It's not you.Stay focused!"She demanded staring at him, protective viciousness twisting her face, feeling so helpless.
Harry moaned softly as he was pinned to the bed, panting hard. "you don't beleive that." he stated simply, shivering with glee at the sight of the whip. "you don't beleive that she had to do what she did, and you certainly don't beleive that she's going to recover... i'm killing her, and i don't know how to make her stop!"

Draco shook his head. "i...can't, hermione it's ok." Draco wheezed panting softly yelping in agony as pain lashed down his back from a whip, slicing into his flesh. "you have, to let me... Fy will suffer worse if you don't! and she's already dying!" he complained panting hard. "i can survive this, i've survived worse.. and you can be there to patch me up when i come back out but you have to let me go!"
Tom snarled softlywrapping his hands around the other's throat, choking him, struggling for control.Because he could feel the girl dying under the strain."You'l have to live with the memories harry...of what she's taken.Its the only way to stop the pain."he growled moving away, snaping his wrist, and whipping the boy bloody, though careful not to over do it.

Hermione cursed,kissing him before moving back."You better come back to me malfoy."She snarled stroking his hair, knowing that if she stopped him from helping pandora, he'd never forgive her.
Harry choked, gagging against the hand that pinned him down much like Pan had choked around his own hands, the only difference was that Harry didn't even try to defend himself, taking in a large breath once it was allowed, wailing eagerly into the strikes against his back, cock hard and moans of pain and pleasure falling from his lips. "how!?" Harry demanded. "tell me how! i don't want her to suffer! tell me how to take my memories back from her!" uncaring that his own blood was shed, only caring about Pan.

Draco nodded, panting hard as he kissed her back just as needfully. "i'll be back." he whispered in promise. "it's almost over, not much longer now." he groaned closing his eyes and screaming again, arching off the bed as Harry continued to whip him. continued to taunt him, continued to make him suffer for trying to take what was not his.
Tom swallowed hard, "You'll have to submit. And do this."He swallowed hard, knowing what they were about to do was what amounted to rape, but it was the only thing that could get through the pain the girl was feeling...and they only way to shatter her shields enough to take back what belonged to harry. Snarling in frustration and rage he picked the other up and rushing to Lucius's room, ignoring the malfoy as he tried to keep pandora from injuring herself to much."You're going to have to have sex potter. You have to bring down her shields.Then take your memories back."He snarled grabbing pandora's face making her look at him an kissing her hard, desperate before raising his head. Looking at lucius. As strong as he was, he wouldn't be able to hold Pandora down long enough for harry to do what needed done."Hold her wrist."He snarled at lucius as his hand closed around one of pandora's wrists, looking at harry."Put that hard on to good use, you're only going to have one chance before the end of this."He said, wondering what would give first. Harry's will to not do any harm even if it was needful or pandora's body.
Harry whimpered a little and bit his lip hard swallowing thickly. "i.. i have to....rape her?" he asked staring from Lucius to Tom, looking utterly panicked. "i...this will save her?" he demanded softly, biting his lip harder, drawing beads of Blood that fell from his lip onto her face as he nodded. "anything to save her." Harry whispered softly, bending down and kissing her hard, his hand stroking her breast as he rubbed his length against her cunt, trying to pleasure her enough to make her drop her wards, prying with his mind to try and get in the second they fell. he would take his memories back, they where his to handle, his to deal with, and they where driving her insane. Harry was already insane, he could handle a little bit more insanity.
Tom closed is eyes, pain filling his face. Knowing the only thing thta bring her shields down far enough would be pleasure. Swallowing hard as he watche Pandora's face, saw confusion and pain flickering through her eyes. Pandora whimpered shivering a she squirmed a little, blinking stupidly as she trembled. Caught between the memory and what was happening. Not enough to drop her shields, but it was getting there. IT wouldn't be rape not in the classic sense of it. Because pandora always wanted him,it was just going to do some damage if they had to force her to drop her shields instead of pleasuring her into dropping them. Knowing she was fighting it, because she knew harry was hurtin.
Harry sighed softly as he nuzzled her ear. "it's ok Pan." he whispered softly, running his fingers in her slit, stroking her clit and playing with her breasts. "i love you...let me help..let me in." he murmured softly. "it's ok if i'm hurting a little, because i know you'll be right there to kiss it all better, ok?" he whispered softly, slipping his fingers into her. "i'm going to tease you for hours, and never let you cum, unless you let me in."
Pandora whimpered softly, squirming shivering as she looke up at him.Hips rocking back against the other's hand,"H-harry?"She stuttered a little, blinking slowly moaning in pleasure as her shields lowered. Ready to snap them back up, not understanding, not thinking clearly enough to understand why he wanted them lowered. Her body and mind hurt to much to think."help me."She whispered.
Harry kissed along her neck. "i will." he promised softly, driving his mind into her;s before she could snap her shields back up, wrapping his mind around the stolen memories and pulling them back into himself, shrieking in agony as a migraine slammed into his skull, causing him to arch his back and toss his head back, groaning as he swayed and fell sideways, passing out under the sudden return of his memories, sliding off the bed and hitting the ground before anyone could even think yo catch him, small whimpers falling from his lips, but it was better than the screaming that Pan and Draco had been doing. and even more, Harry had raised his own shields, so that Pan couldn't reach in and take them back.
Tom winced a little letting the girl go as he got up, settling harrry in bed as pandora cuddled around him, small whimpers escaping. Knowing she had to hurt. Looking at lucius he smirked slightly, kicking the man out of his own bedroom before climbing into bed with harry and pandora, cuddling against them.Needing to be close if they needed him.Smirking slightly when he felt pandora's breathing steadying out to sleeping.

Hermione winced as draco thrashed, nearly panicking when he stopped, gently stroking his hair."Draco?Draco!?"She whispered panic in her voice as she looked at him, really afraid.
Harry's whimpers too slowly faded away, some inner part of him calming as he remembered the horrors he had done, some part of him settling as the pain of having chunks of his memory ripped out faded away, breathing softly as he rested with Pandora and Tom.

Draco groaned a little his eyes opening a little. "something happened..." he muttered softly. "Pan stopped experiencing the memory..." he explained softly. "i think Harry took his memories back..." he admitted calmly looking over at Hermione and smiling, stroking her chin. "i'm sorry you had to worry about me again."
Hermione smiled still looking worried before shifting to lay down with him, wrapping her arms around him as she rested her head on his chest."I'm fine.As long as your fine."she muttered worried about the others, but settling in to sleep next to him. Not about to let him up out of bed yet. He'd been hurting to much, he was in no condition to get up out of bed, no matter what he said.
Draco sighed a little and curled up next to her, sleeping peacefully before she'd even laid down, not yet ready to get out of bed himself.

in the morning, Harry was the first one out of bed, and was back in Tom and Pan's room before they even woke up with a huge tray of food, enough for all three of them. worried that he might have damaged Pan when he'd taken the memories, which hadn't affected him yet, but he hadn't tried to remember yet either. he didn't want to deal with the memories until Pan wasn't there, she would try to take them away again, and she couldn't handle memories like that...never like that.
Pandora stirred at the smell of food, raising her head to look at him sleepily, smiling slightly."Food?You brought me something?"She smiled sitting up slowly. Whimpering softly. her body ached from fighting to get free of the memory, of where lucius had pinned her down. Smiling slightly she studied the man, looking worried. Amused as she sat up and tom just curled around her, exhausted and not wanting to get up just yet.
Harry smiled and nodded as he stroked her hair. "how are you feeling? you had me worried." he admitted softly gently stroking her hair gently nuzzling her neck again. "really Pan." he gently scolded. "you should have known better." he complained softly. "don't you know it's bad to steal people's memories?" he teased smiling at her kissing her forehead. "you get so wrapped up in making me feel better that you forget to take care of yourself." he accused kissing her neck pulling her tightly into a hug. "don't do it anymore ok? please? scared me so bad..."
Pandora shuddered leaning into him, closing her eyes nibbling on the food as she cuddled against him."I wont.And I feel...sore.But I think that's just were lucius held me to make sure I wouldn't hurt myself."She muttered blushing slightly, holding him close. blushing because he was right, she took care of everyone else more then she took care of herself.
he smiled a little as he nibbled on a carrot. "yeah, he was having trouble holding you down." he admitted snuggling into her. "i think we both need to work on caring for ourselves a little more." he admitted, "i think we should set ourselves up with shock collars and give the triggers to Draco. when we start overdoing it he just zaps the hell out of us."
Pandora laughed softly shaking her head."Can't.He'd probably go nuts trying to correct all the things he considers wrong."She smiled eating."Maybe tom.Or hermione."She said amused as she tilted her hea to look at him,gently touchign his face. Having fried her ablities for the moment, she was headblind."I...are you okay?"She said looking at him worried.
he smiled a little. "no not Tom, he loves us too much to punish s too much." he admitted munching on a grape. "hermione would do it any time she thought we weren't studying enough." he admitted with a small chuckle before blinking at Pan and smiling softly. "i'm fine love." he promised kissing her cheek. "with my memories back in place i don't feel so...." he paused trying to find the word. "unsettled... i don't like not knowing myself." he admitted. "when you took the memories, you took parts of myself and it left me off center." he admitted. "i know you didn't mean to, most people wouldn't even have noticed i think.. i'm just weird that way."
Pandora looked stricken, hunching her shoulders as she looked down."I...I'm sorry."She sniffled rubbing her eyes. "I jusut wanted to maek you better."She whispered, pain in her voice. Because she couldnt make it better, an her heart hurt at the idea. But slowly, she knew, they'd recover from this.They had to.She was pregnant....with that thought she jerked up looking slightly panicked."I need to see snape."She said looking away moving to get out of bed
Harry gently nuzzled her. "shh love." he murmured gently. "i know you where trying to help." he promised. "i was just letting you know so you didn't do it again." he promised kissing her cheek, her forehead, her neck, and then her lips. "but! your hurt!..Pan lay down! i'll go bring Snape here!" he promised laying her back down. "just rest love... your not ready to get out of bed yet...okay?"
She frowned at him before nodding, laying back on the bed, wincing as Tom's arm closed over her hips,pinning her in place."Go get him."Tom grumbled holding the girl down to make sure she wouldn't be going anywhere till Severus looked at her.
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