Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Spirit gave a small cough before saying, "Right." He then motioned with his hand and said "If you'll both follow me, Shinigami-sama is quite interested to meet you, Forge." Forge nodded and followed Spirit, looking around as the trio went along. The halls were quite large here; he wondered if the school was as big as it looked. He noticed strange metal things along the walls, but decided to ask what they were later. His mind wondered to what this "Shinigami-sama" might look like.

It wasn't long before they arrived at a large set of double doors. "Here we are, the Death Room" Spirit said nonchalantly before the doors parted open to reveal.....sky? "Wha....." Forge said aloud; were they back outside? Spirit chuckled and continued, "Well, come on in. We don't bite....much" The joke completely went over Forge's head; made evident by the quizzical look he gave Spirit. Spirit sighed defeatedly, "Never mind". He however, perked himself up and said to an extremely tall and skinny figure, "Shinigami-sama, I've brought the new student." Spirit then motioned Forge to come forward, who did so reluctantly. "Well, Deathscythe, when you'd said it'd be a big surprise, you certainly weren't joking." An ironic thing to say even though Forge was nowhere near as tall as Shinigami. Forge gulped a bit; this guy was MASSIVE.

Forge didn't know what to expect, but he certainly wasn't expecting this. Especially his voice; something about this guy's voice seemed very off, like it wasn't his true voice. Forge's body quaked fearfully a bit; he could feel energy exuding from Shinigami's body, a LOT of it. Spirit picked up on this and said, "Hey, Forge. Relax, Shinigami-sama won't hurt you as long you don't cause problems." Shinigami then added, "So Forge is your name? That's rather unusual, but we'll come to that later. In any case, welcome to the DWMA."

Meanwhile, Soul, Kid and Black Star were staring at Forge. Soul shattered the silence by grinning and saying to Black Star, "So, Black Star, you sure about this guy?" Black Star retorted quickly, "Hell yeah! I don't care how big he is, I'll kick his ass up and down this whole school!" Kid then sighed and said, "Black Star, why must you challenge every new kid that comes to this Academy?"

Black Star grinned cockily and replied, "Because, if they're going to survive, I need to see how though they are! And I'll tellyou right now, this guy's a huge softie!" Soul then turned serious and said, "I don't know man" Black turned to him and said, "What? Why?" to which Soul replied, "I can't hear his soul. His pitch isn't something I can recognize". Soul then turned to Maka and said, "Maka, what's your take on this guy?"

Spirit then said, "Oh, right, Forge. There are some others I want you to meet. Everyone, if you could come over here, please." Forge then looked up a bit to see a group of seven people approach; four females, three males.

(lol, time to get this party started)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Tilting her head with an amused and endeared smile, Freya watched Spirit and nodded. Her attention wasn't focused on anything in particular, and she simply followed along, close to Forge but following behind him. When they finally got to the room, the attention would be on Forge, so she didn't mind staying in the background to assure he was given all the focus that he would need and deserve. She giggled under her breath and smiled up at him as the doors opened. Ah, and there was another phrase she'd have to explain later.

    As they entered the room, Freya lagged behind Forge, but positioned herself so she'd be able to see his face. Taking in his expressions - and making sure to explain anything later - were definitely something she wanted to see. She turned her attention from a second glance at the faces across the room, though she found herself smiling shyly and twirling a lock of hair at a particular one face before having to quickly compose herself and return to watching Forge. She had a schoolgirl crush on one person and an ever growing attachment - and possible attraction - to someone else. What a place to be.

    Watching Forge, Freya perked up, taking in his expression and reaction. Smiling warmly, she laid a hand comfortingly on his arm for reassurance. Shinigami-sama was probably jsut a little intimidating to Forge for a number of reasons. And Forge did seem quite in-tune with a number of things for one so innocent, so she wasn't surprised by any reaction he had. She wanted him to be comfortable and feel welcomed more than anything. But perhaps meeting the others would be a bit more calming on him.

    Off to the side, Maka, Tsubaki, Liz and Patty watched with varying degrees of interest and awe. While Maka was quite impressed by the new guy's size, she was more curious about his character. He seemed very different from not only many of the other students, but most other people. She couldn't pin-point the enigmatic quality though. Tsubaki on the otherhand was indeed mostly in awe of his size, and quite curious about his ability for it. Whether he was a meister or weapon was a great point of curiosity for her. On the otherhand, Patty was her usual simple and childish self. She giggled and pointed at Forge, saying something in a sing-song voice to Liz who gently swatted her sister's hand, but turned her attention back to Forge, a curious and puzzle frown on her lips as she arched a brow.

    "Hm?" Hearing her name, Maka perked up and glanced at the two before looking back at Forge, tilting her head down slightly as she tried to observe him further. "Well, it's hard to say. But, he seems... Innocent." She gave them a curious glance before hearing Shinigama-sama addressed them and she walked forward with the others. Well, they'd all be getting acquainted with him now.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"Innocent? How so?" Soul asked, but then said "Tell me later" as he followed Maka up to where the new student. It wasn't until he got closer that he realized just how tall this guy was. He smiled, revealing the characteristic jagged teeth of his being a Soul Eater and said, "Man, this guy looks like he can bench press a dump truck." Black Star said in return, "Hah! I can lift three times that without even trying!" Kid then butted in, "Black Star, cool it."

Forge calmed down a bit; Shinigami seemed quite friendly, despite his intimidating size. "Now I know how those people felt when the first saw me" Forge said, recalling the looks he got from other people. This made Shinigami chuckle, "I'm sure you turned quite a few heads. By the way, Forge, these students next to me are some of our more advanced. I asked them to help you acclimate to how things work around here; seeing as they are the ones with the most experience."

Naturally, the first to 'introduce' himself was Black Star; he walked up to Forge and poked his thumb into his own chest, saying in his normally overconfident tone, "Hey, new guy! The name's Black Star, but I'm sure you've heard all about me!" Forge paused for a second before responding as politely as possible, "No......should I have?" Black Star's jaw hit the floor; clearly Forge hit a weak spot in his ego, but he laughed it off, saying "Well, you'll hear of me soon, because I'm going to be the greatest!" This made everyone but Forge sweatdrop, and their thoughts were "Here we go again". Forge just stood there, not really sure what to say. He finally settled on simply, "My name's Forge, it's nice to meet you, Black Star." Black Star just stood there, completely dumbfounded by the guy's complete lack of caring. Forge didn't really like how Black Star was staring at him; it was making him uncomfortable and it showed in his face. Did he say something wrong?

(I think Tsubaki needs to step in and relieve the tension, lol)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Maka gave Soul a small smile and a knowing look. They'd have plenty of time to discuss it later, of course. Of course, she simply rolled her eyes Black Star returned to his bragging. She was essentially used to it now. Didn't mean it didn't get old though. Tsubaki merely smiled uneasily with a sweat drop, already much too used to it to be too bothered. On the otherhand, Freya watched the Spartoi with mild amusement, glad she had told Forge of Black Star a bit. Well, at least the cockiness. However, she perked up and swooned slightly when Kid chimed in. Ever the cool one.

    Practically sighing audibly and crossing her arms, Freya leaned back in exasperation, hoping part of this could have been avoided. Black Star wasn't at all a bad kid, but he had a tendency to get carried away. Often. At least Forge was unphased as usual though. At last, Black Star's partner stepped in, trying to soothe his ego and pull him away. "Nee, Black Star-kun, lets go over here and talk about our next mission so you can reach the top." She nudging him gently to guide him away from Forge and hopefully, away from any trouble.

    Freya sighed witheringly but with a smile on her lips. Tapping Forge's arm, she stepped forward and looked up at him. "Everything okay so far?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Black Star looked at Tsubaki before giving a defeated sigh, "Fine" and then turned to the remaining Spartoi, saying "He's all yours".

Forge breathed a bit as the woman in the pale yellow outfit led Black Star away; Forge could tell that he was someone to not make mad. Forge wondered if this is what Freya meant by one of the students being cocky. He practically jumped out of his skin when he felt someone tap his arm; he then looked down to see Freya smiling up at him. "Y..yeah" Forge said, trying to quell his racing heart.

The young man in the black suit then stepped forward and looked Forge dead in the eyes; this guy made Forge even more uncomfortable than Black Star. His yellow eyes seemed to look right through Forge. The black-suit man then spoke in an even tone, "You'll have to forgive Black Star, his ego can be quite.....inflated. I'm Death the Kid, but most everyone just calls me Kid." He then held out a hand, "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Forge." Forge paused; he was still a bit freaked out by the unwavering coldness of Kid's stare. A pretty funny situation considering how big and intimidating Forge was to a lot of others. Forge eventually took Kid's hand and shook it, calming down enough to say "Nice to meet you as well, Kid."

Kid couldn't help but be slightly amused; it would seem Black Star was right to some degree. This guy may look like he could break through just about anything, but he was indeed a 'softie'. Though he attributed it to a simple lack of familiarity. He then said "Forge, was it? You're not from around here, I take it." Forge shook his head, "I don't know." to which Kid responded "Hmm? You don't know if you're from around here?" Forge replied, "I don't really know much about myself; where I came from, who my parents were if I had any." He then moved so that everyone could see Freya, "All I know is that I woke up here one day, and Miss Chtuhilin has been helping me to find out just who I might be." Kid smiled, "That's so like you, Freya-san".

Kid then straightened himself and said, "Allow me to introduce my partners, the Thompson sisters Liz and Pattie."
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Flinching back with a nervous smile, Freya felt bad about making Forge jump like that, but glad he seemed to be mostly okay. It was probably a different experience, taking in all of these different and strong, distinct personalities. But she was proud, he seemed to be adapting well. She nodded once, giving him a reassuring smile He did seem a bit nervous, but that was perfectly reasonable. As the next Spartoi member stepped up, Freya felt herself blush and her heartbeat quicken.

    Turning her attention to Forge, she watched him with wide eyes and parted lips, before looking back to Kid. They seemed to get off well at least. But Kid was a very respectful and mature young man, and Forge was sweet as could be, so she had thought that those two would get along well. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Forge moved aside though, revealing her presence. It wasn't as though she was there by secret, but she didn't expect him to put her in the mix. As Kid addressed her, her smile widened and she shyly looked away. "Uh, right..."

    As kid introduced Pattie and Liz, the two stepped forward, Liz smiling amiably and extending a hand. "It's nice to meet you." It was quite different being this close to him. She wasn't really short herself, but he still towered over her. Pattie on the otherhand took to laughing in a chipper manner and pointed up at him. "So tall~!"

    "Pattie!" Liz swatted Pattie's hand down and the youngre sister simply saluted to Forge with a cheeky grin. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Whenever you need help, we'll do our best." Well, he seemed like a nice enough guy, and if a girl like Freya was helping to take care of him, Liz felt he was safe enough and worth the time and effort. Although she did wonder how he'd blend in with everyone else. Somewhat awkwardly with his height no doubt... But his demeanor would ensure him a comfortable place with everyone.

    Watching the introductions, Maka smiled and perked up, stepping forward. "Nice to meet you, Forge-san. I'm Maka." She extended a hand, observing him carefully with a casual smile. She was interested in surveying more about him, and she was sure that she and Soul would have plenty to discuss about him later.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge began to relax as the others introduced themselves; he really felt silly for being afraid. They were all so friendly, even Black Star. "It's a pleasure to meet you both" Forge said in a more comfortable tone to the Thompson sisters. They were both....well, cute, he guessed would be the appropriate the word. Forge reddened when Patti commented on his height; though he could tell by the tone in her voice and the look in her eyes that she didn't mean anything bad by it.

It was at this point that the ash-blonde-haired female stepped forward and introduced herself as Maka; Forge shook her hand and smiled. She seemed to have the softest expression. "Good to meet you as well, Maka." Forge then saw Maka's soul; it was orange in color and seemed to have growths resembling her hairstyle. Forge then remembered something; he saw his own soul. It was formless, and had no definite form unlike the others. He wondered why his soul looked so different from the others
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Watching him redden at the mention of his height, Freya perked up curiously, wondering if the mere mention of it or simply the way Pattie had done it had made him self-conscious. She was aware of how nervous he'd occasionally been due to people's reactions concerning his height, but she didn't think it would ever make him go red slightly. Perhaps it would be something to address later in private. However, she was pleased that everything had essentially went quite smoothly.

    Even Maka felt that the introductions had progressed well, and she even took a second in her introduction to Forge to take a glimpse of his soul, but was quickly surprised. Nonetheless, she didn't let it show and instead gave him a polite smile and moved to stand with the others. Her and Soul would definitely have plenty to talk about. But at the moment? She simply sat back and let things carry on, sure that Shinigami-sama would take over from there.

    Patting his arm eagerly, Freya was pelased that all seemed to be going so well for Forge. At this rate, he'd have more friends. And she had learned not to worry and to be thankful that he was making so many acquaintances and potential friends.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

After everyone had introduced themselves, Shinigami gave a small cough and said, "Well, now that we've gotten to know each other: Forge, why don't you tell us something about yourself." Forge gave a small nod and said in a serious tone, "Well, like I told Kid, I don't know where I came from or who my parents were. I woke up yesterday here in Death City; Miss Chtuhilin has been looking out for me." Shinigami then said, "I see. How unfortunate. I assure you, Forge, that we'll do everything we can to help you out." Forge smiled and replied "Thank you, Shinigami-sama." Shinigami chuckled heartily, "It's no trouble at all. But tell me something, why are you called Forge? That's an unusual name, even around here."

Forge responded, "I'm not exactly sure of how I do it or what I'm capable of, but from what Miss Chtuhilin told me and from an experience I had, I can form weapons from my body." Shinigami tilted his head at this, "Oh? So you're a Demon Weapon!" Now Forge was confused again; he cocked his head and asked, "What's a 'Demon Weapon'?" Shinigami and nearly everyone in the room sweatdropped; Black Star overheard this and came running back, getting extremely close to Forge and practically shouting, "WHAT!?! YOU COME TO THIS SCHOOL AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A DEMON WEAPON IS? UNBELIEVABLE!"

As Black Star continued to berate Forge, Soul and Kid just kind of stood there, not really believing what they just heard. "Well, I can't say I like how Black Star's handling this, but to not know what a Demon Weapon is, is a bit absurd." Soul responded, "Oh, come on, Kid. Don't sink to Black Star's level; there has to be something else going on here."
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Listening to the exchange, Freya smiled in both content and calm, pleased that Shinigami-sama had asserted that they would do everything they could to help him. She was glad that he was already getting such a great support system. More friends and way more help in getting into his past. Maybe she should have simply taken him to the academy from the start. However, when Shinigami-sama questioned about his name, Freya began to feel a bit uncomfortable.

    She didn't know if it'd be too much information, too soon. An amnesiac who was almost like an autonomous weapon may have been suspicious. More than anything though, there was more surprise that followed when Forge didn't know what a demon weapon was directed attention way from the partial truth. Although she did feel bad about not informing him sooner about weapons and meisters. Since he didn't know much about his powers for a while and when he was finally learning it slipped her mind, she hadn't taken it into consideration.

    Before the situation got more out of hand though, Maka sought to first calm down Black Star, pulling out a dictionary.

    "MAKA CHOP!" Bam. Right on target. "Calm down already." She huffed and crossed her arms, giving him a scolding look. She too was surprised that Forge didn't know what a demon weapon was, but he was an amnesiac. But apparently, he really meant it when he said it. That just meant he would need their assistance all the more though, and she at least would be glad to offer it to him.

    Relieved that Black Star had been handled at least, Freya stepped forward with her hands raised in an appeasing manner and wearing a completely apologetic and yet nervously amused expression. "I'm sorry, that's my fault. When Forge woke up, there was a lot he didn't understand, and there's way more. But I didn't think to teach him about Demon Weapons and Meisters in the time we had. That's my fault." Dropping her head and looking away, and she clasped her hands and pouted. Forge certainly didn't deserve to earn Black Star's wrath - which was easy to do anyway - or everyone's suspicion because of her failure to inform him.

    Perhaps things wouldn't be as entirely smooth as she thought. But what would things be without an occasional bump in the road? Hopefully, all would still go just right anyway...
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(lol, Black Star just got owned XD. And to think it will be the first of many times)

Black Star was completely oblivious to Maka's impending blow; the heavy dictionary knocked him right in the top of the head. He lay on the floor, unconscious and bleeding from his head. Nothing he couldn't recover from; Forge, however, now had a second female to fear. He REALLY hoped that he never did anything to warrant one of those blows. The fear was evident on his face. Soul couldn't help but smile; he then said "That look like it hurt."

Forge calmed down a bit after he realized that Maka most likely wasn't going to hit him. However, one thing still bothered him; where did Maka get that big book? "Ummm.....excuse me, Maka? Where did that big book come from?" he asked timidly, hoping his question wouldn't make her hit him with it.

He then heard Freya explain that she never mentioned what a Demon Weapon was to Forge; Forge, however, felt no animosity towards her for it. It must've been hard on her, having to take care of someone else, so he couldn't blame her for not explaining it sooner. Forge didn't even think he would be going to this academy in the first place, until Freya brought it up yesterday.

Kid then spoke up, "It's not your fault, Freya-san. From what you've told us, your primary concern was making sure he was well." Shinigami agreed, saying "He's right. And Forge, don't be afraid to speak up if Black Star keeps giving you trouble; he has a tendency to try and prove that he's the best around here. Which usually means picking on the new students. He doesn't get violent, luckily. Just has a big mouth."

Shinigami then clapped his blocky hands together and said, "Well, it's clear that we have our work cut out for us. Now, Forge, I want to tell you something. I can tell by looking at you, and from what you and Freya have said, that you are a rather unique individual. Now, you said you could form weapons from your body, but I wonder if it is the same as other Demon Weapons. Son, would mind showing Forge what a Weapon Transformation looks like?" Kid nodded and said, "Of course, Father. Liz, Pattie, switch to your weapon forms."

Forge blinked in surprise; Kid was Shinigami's son? They looked next to nothing alike.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( I feel a little bad for him. But just a little. x'D )

  • It was quite a satisfactory moment when the Maka Chop proved highly successful, but Maka wasn't the type to gloat - not usually - and Black Star had it coming anyway. Tsubaki simply came to his side, trying to move him out of the way with a pitiable smile. How those two had bonded so well was truly an amazing feat, but at times like these, it was clear that she more than anyone could tolerate him the most and simply had to take care of him after he got himself into trouble. Freya shook her head at the young man, but looked up at Forge and quickly smiled in bemusement and yet interest. He obviously fear ever earning one of those, though she doubted he would actually do anything to earn one.

    Perking up, Maka turned to Forge and raised her hand, looking the book over. "Hm? Oh, no where." Looking back at him blankly, she casually tossed the book over her shoulder in an almost comedic effect before smiling. "More importantly, just ignore Black Star. His reactions are always too loud and too over the top. Hopefully you'll get to see his nice side yet." Her tone was as warm as it was exasperated, noting her familiarity with the boisterous youth and attachment, regardless of her obligation to take matters into her own hands at times.

    Freya simply looked at Kid when he addressed her, nodding her head once in a small manner, lips pursed together and blushing softly. She still felt bad for Forge that the lack of information had cost him... Another experience with Black Star, but at least everyone was understanding on the matter. Then again, she never expected less from any of them. She was simply going to have to try harder and remember to teach Forge even more than before. Maybe she should have kept that dictionary that Maka had tossed.

    Taking in the scene before them, Liz simply sat back, smiling in a distant manner, quite used to the situation while Pattie chuckled wildly, clearly amused - as usual. At least Black Star was quickly taken care of and the situation carried on smoothly. When Kid told them to switch to their weapon forms, they smiled and nodded, answering simultaneously in their own unique ways. They stepped forward and switched to their gun form, allowing Kid to wield them - well, hopefully not use them right now.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge saw Liz and Pattie become surrounded by a pink glow before shrinking into small orbs of light and reforming into guns; he watched as they somehow flew through the air before being caught deftly by Kid, the triggers resting on his pinky fingers. "So, Forge, can you do what Kid's partners just did?" Forge heard Shinigami ask him, to which Forge responded, "I don't know. I only remember forming a weapon once, and it was on the way here." Forge remembered just how bad it hurt; he really didn't feel like going through that again. Forge looked at his right hand as he reminisced; he remembered the gun forming and how difficult it was to get to come out.

It was then he felt the pain; he cried out as he felt something twist inside his hand. "Forge!" Kid and Spirit yelled simultaneously as they rushed to his side. "N..not again!" he grunted, completely oblivious to Kid and Spirit's presence, gritting his teeth in agony as he felt the gun trying to force its way out. It was about twenty seconds of excruciating pain before the gun finally burst from his palm, spattering the ground below with speckles of blood. "Well, that's certainly different" Kid said in an a somewhat astonished tone. "No kidding" Spirit chimed in; this boy was definitely unique. Forge breathed heavily; he really hated this right now. "Forge, you alright?" he heard Kid ask. "Y....yes, I'm OK." Forge panted breathlessly, tears of pain starting to dry up on his face. Forge looked at the gun; his own blood ran down its barrel, steadily dripping onto the floor. It also seemed to give his gun a red stripe pattern to its already brilliant total black coloration. "S..sorry about the mess" Forge said, to which Spirit replied "Don't worry. That'll clean easy. Let's take a look at your hand."

Forge nodded and opened his hand; Spirit and Kid's eyes widened in surprise at what they saw. "The handle...." Kid muttered; it was attached to him? It also seemed to serve as a clot; the bleeding had soon stopped. Spirit brought a hand to his chin in a thoughtful way; this was getting more and more interesting. Shinigami then piped up, mirroring Spirit's thoughts, "Well, you are certainly are a unique case. Clearly, though, you are not a normal Demon Weapon. There's only one man that I can think of who can handle something like this. Though I'm not sure if introducing the two of you would be the best idea at this point."

Soul saw all this transgress; he smiled and chuckled a bit, "Now that's a cool ability. Wonder if he can make anything else".
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Casting a concerned though subtle frown Forge's way, Freya glanced at his back before looking away. She wasn't sure if he could fully become a weapon. But if he didn't, maybe that made him more of an autonomous weapon. She wasn't sure how all this would go over, especially with so many mysteries surrounding him. Considering the few memories he had gleaned in the moment earlier, Freya was quite concerned and worried about his past - for his own sake. She couldn't help but feel a bit helpless. She wasn't sure how to approach anything, anymore.

    Pulled from her thoughts, her eyes widened as she she watched Forge, his cry pulling her focus back to him. She rushed up behind him, her hands, automatically resting on his back as she watched him. This was somewhat familiar. She almost felt like she knew what was going to happen next. Biting her lip, Freya kept herself from groaning warily, hoping this wouldn't become a pattern for him. She couldn't stand knowing that he was in so much pain. At least he was recovering well.

    After he showed them the gun, Freya peeked at Shinigami-sama and dashed forward, face pulled into a horrified expression - though comically. She waved her hands frantically, looking wary. "NO! No no no!" She already knew who he was talking about and had considered it herself. She felt ashamed for even having thought. She turned around and wrapped her arms protectively around Forge.

    "Do you know what he would do? It would become worse than what he did to Spirit-kun!" Considering all the secret experiment conducted on his body, Freya figure that that man wouldn't even be secretive about what he'd do to Forge. As much faith she had in his abilities and respect for him - and some twisted form of attraction that was here nor there - she did not trust him with Forge. Not at all. Not yet, not anytime soon and maybe not ever. Though she knew the meeting was inevitable...

    Pouting and looking down before looking back up at Shinigami-sama, Freya leaned away from Forge, but had yet to release him. "Uh, he won't be able to get his hands on Forge if Forge attends here, right? I won't have to worry about that...?" She turned back to look at him, her stomach knotting up at the thought of he and Stein even passing each other in a hallway one day. She was just accpeting that she couldn't always be at his side, so she didn't want to have to worry about it after finally soothing her frayed nerves. If she had to, she would drop her earlier shift just to stick by his side, even if it was suffocating and overprotective of her.

    Then again, she knew how annoying that could be and simply had to place her faith in the situation. Why did things always have to get more and more complicated anyway?
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Sorry for responding so late. Just got back from class)

Spirit's expression and head drooped as Freya reminded him of Stein's sleep-time experimentation. "Freya-chan" he said woefully, a dark cloud seemed to appear over his head. Spirit was horrified when he found out, and it still terrified him to this day of just it was Stein did. Stein never did reveal the full course of his experiments

Forge was a bit surprised when Freya embraced him; though he thought it felt rather nice. He was a bit puzzled when Freya mentioned someone doing something, then doing something else to Spirit. With how worried Freya was sounding, Forge was beginning to feel a bit nervous. "Uh.....who are we talking about, and what did he do to Spirit that has Miss Chtuhilin sounding so worried?" Forge asked, the concern and worry evident in his own voice. There was also a hint of resolve in his voice; if this person made Freya uncomfortable, he wouldn't let this person anywhere near her.

Soul spoke up this time, making dramatic gestures that would certainly draw Maka's ire, "He's this super-creepy scientist who likes to experiment on people in absolute secrecy! MUAHAHAHA!" Kid retorted, "Soul, knock it off. Professor Stein is certainly an odd case, but he's also a very knowledgeable man." He then turned to Freya and said, "And you won't have to worry about Professor Stein for a while, Freya-san. He's off on his honeymoon with Marie-san. He won't be back for a couple of months, at least."

(Freya doesn't trust Stein at all, does she? Not that I blame her XD)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( It's fine! Sorry it took me forever to post. x'); / vuv; )

  • Making a small sound, Freya turned an apologetic face to Spirit. She sympathized for him. She actually wasn't sure how he managed to last so long with Stein as his partner. But he was strong for it. Maybe those experiments helped... No, better not to think of those. "Sorry, Spirit-kun..." She felt bad for bringing it up, but it emphasized the point. Even Spirit was sitll haunted by the things - known and yet mysteries unravelled - that Stein had done to him.

    Looking back to Forge with her lips pursed, her brow twitched but her own lips remained sealed. She didn't want to worry him more, though making a big deal out of it certainly hadn't helped no doubt. When Soul took the chance to speak up, teasing and silly as ever, she gave him a wry smile, considering it ironic how spot on he was. Even the exaggeration was somewhat appropriate. But it had made things sillier and creepier all at once. Nonetheless, she completely agreed with Kid as well. Which why was she hated the situation so much. Stein would be perfect for this job. And yet, oh so horrible...

    Watching the events with shock and then interest, Maka took in the new information, but thought it best to think over it more later. She and Soul could exchange ideas and thoughts on the matter later. More importantly, once the topic of Stein came into effect, the shift in certain people's demeanors was reasonable. She gave her father a dry smile, not feeling too bad for him, but she really wouldn't wish that fate on anyone. Stein had tormented her in his own ways after all. Well, she assumed he had tormented most people at least once. However, she pouted and clicked her tongue as Soul spoke and gently bopped him on the head. "Oi oi, that's enough. Behave yourself." She couldn't take her eyes off him for a second.

    At the least, Freya's reluctance, to put it lightly, on the matter was calmed, as would her's be. Stein wouldn't be around at all could easily be a breath of fresh air. She felt at aease for Forge herself even. She too trusted Stein's knowledge and abilities, but she doubted he would resist experimenting or testing Forge to his heart's content rather than Forge's need at the first chance. Dealing with him could be tricky. She turned her attention back to Freya and Forge, relating well to the hint of calm that came over Freya.

    "O-oh. I see."

    'Then he can stay gone...' Was what she somewhat wished. But maybe it was better for Forge to see him at some point. More importantly, she couldn't get over his actually being married. She couldn't blame Marie-san, although she certainly wished her the best. Even at his best, Freya only had so much trust for Stein. Slowly releasing her hold of Forge, Freya focused her attention on the ground intently and nodded with a quiet 'hm'. Clasping her hands and lying them on her stomach, she glanced at Forge, a pout on her lips before smiling.

    "Well, everything seems like it'll work out well for the most part. The person who could maybe help you the most isn't here, but that might be better. Either way, you still get to come here and learn. I know you'll do fine." Closing her eyes as she gave him a warm smile, she reached over to ruffle his hair affectionaly before letting her hands fall to her sides and finally clasping them behind her back.

  • ( Haha, not much, no. Lol, yea. x'D )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Spirit was still somewhat mopey, but considerably brighter as Freya spoke to him. "It's alright, Freya-chan. I'm slowly coming to terms with it." And this was true to some extent; though he sometimes still had nightmares about some of the experiments that Stein had revealed to him after they were done. Overall, he was getting over it.

Soul winced as Maka bopped him on the head. He rubbed the spot gingerly and said with a playful scowl, "Hey, I was just teasing him, Maka." He then gave a her a playful grin and replied, "You know I'm always on my best behaviour." Kid piped up, "There's a difference between teasing and trying to scare people, Soul. You were a bit on the border there."

Shinigami then responded to Freya's words, "Freya, while I understand where you're coming from, there is no real need to fear Stein. He wouldn't dare harm a student unless they openly challenged him." He chuckled a bit before continuing, "More often than not, I see many students harm themselves when attempting to combat him." There were quite a few students who were just as hot-headed as Black Star who thought Stein would be an easy victory. However, they were quickly by Stein's athletic mastery and exceptional combat techniques.

It was at this point Black Star finally woke up; he rubbed a bump on his head in obvious pain. "Ow, Maka, what the hell was that for?" he said angrily before looking at Tsubaki and asking "How long was I out?"

Shinigami then clapped his hands together and said, "Well, I think that's enough for today. Forge, I think it would be best if you joined the general orientation. However, that won't until tomorrow afternoon. After that, I think you should come back here so that we may better determine exactly what you are."

Forge cocked his head quizically, "What I am?" to which Shinigami responded, "Yes, it is quite clear you are not an ordinary Weapon, Though, it seems to me you also have some Meister capability as well. But we can discuss that in a couple of days. Well, see you later everyone"

And with that, everyone started to file out of the Death Room.
Black Star was traveling with Tsubaki back to his place. He clearly wasn't happy about the way things went down; he also didn't trust this new guy. What kind of name was Forge anyway? "Tsubaki, what's your take on this Forge guy? I don't like him; he feels....off. I think we need to keep an eye on him."
Death the Kid was also heading back to his mansion with his Weapon partners; he was curious to see just what it was Forge could do. If he could form a firearm, logic dictated that he could do more. He looked over his shoulder at Liz and Pattie and asked, "So, what do you two think of this new guy? An interesting case in my opinion. His symmetry is quite astounding, though I wish he would comb his hair. It threw everything off."
Soul was walking back to their apartment with Maka; he prayed to God Blair wouldn't try anything. The Maka Chop she did on Black Star looked especially painful. However, there was something he wanted to talk about; it was the way Maka reacted. He could tell when she was examining someone's soul. "Maka, you seemed a bit surprised when you looked at Forge's soul. Care to talk about it?" he said.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Quirking further, her lips tugged wider as Freya nodded slowly. She wasn't sure if there were anymore comforts to be given to Spirit on the matter. She was happy for him that he was coming to terms with it more. At the very least, even if it was a scary thought, his body really didn't seem in at all bad condition for it. Nor did his mind. All things considered.

    "Well be more gentle with the teasing, you're creepy as it is." She gave him a playful smile, taking a soft jab at him as only a joke that could be shared between the two of them. He was the opposite of creepy to her, though his teeth could certainly be intimidating to some. She admittedly thought they were charming and was sure she wasn't the only one who felt that way. But that was neither here nor there! "Kid has a point. You have to consider who you're teasing." Smiling bemusedly, she tilted her head. Actually, she wasn't sure if much they did could scare someone like Forge, but better safe than sorry. Nonetheless, they let the moment slide as Shinigami-sama spoke up again.

    Pouting and nodding her head, Freya looked back to the floor again. "Yessir. I just get nervous..." But she was certain that Shinigami and the others probably understood her place and point well enough. When the time came, she would be sure to trust Stein as well. Mostly. One wouldn't be able to blame her if she sat in whenever the two were alone, right? Looking back to Forge, something struck her, but she wouldn't bother mentioning it there. Not in the moment or amongst everyone.

    As Black Star woke up, they all directed their attention on him, and Maka simply gave him a silly frown. "You should figure it out. Really, you should be ashamed of yourself." Well, tha was Black Star for you. Maka held no remorse either way. Tsubaki smiled lop-sidededly at the two before turning to Black Star fully. "Just a few minutes. Don't worry, you didn't miss too much." Except for the best part. Then again, he would see Forge's abilities soon enough anyway.

    Turning back to Shinigami-sama, Freya watched him then glanced at Forge before turning to head off. She was going to need a long, long sleep after this. And a very long, long bath. And a good meal. She really needed to destress. Smiling up at Forge as they departed the office and the academy, she leaned into him gently. "Did you still want to go out some place and eat dinner? Or are you ready to go home?" She could understand either way. She felt ready to retire for the day herself, but it was hard to pass up a good meal. Thus, she left it to him to decide. Turning her gaze ahead, she smiled shyly and blushed. "It was nice to see Kid-kun. He's as handsome as ever. I wonder between the two of yo-. ...Oh." Blushing even more, she dropped the thought, trying not to think of Forge or Kid that way at all. "A-ah... You must be excited, huh?"

  • "Well... I suppose you'll see for yourself soon, Black Star. But he is different. But I understand there are things that are odd. Well, I don't think he's really threatening himself, but there's a potential there that is. More importantly, we should try to be friends with him." Smiling enrvously, she hoped Forge would earn a place in Black Star's heart eventually. Her partner was loud and obnoxious, but he could prove to be a good friend. Supposing you were his friend already. Otherwise, you were in that territory of someone he had to challenge more than usual. She could tell there was going to be a long road ahead of them all. And she already felt a bit bad for Forge.

  • Travelling just behind Kid, Pattie swayed her arms and walked as enthusiastically as ever, looking perky and simply too carefree. Her sister watched her with amusement, affection and exasperation all mixed together. "Hm? Ehhh. You would focus on his symmetry. Who has better symmetry between him and Freya do you think?" She was teasing him now, seeing as he would indeed seriously compare symmetry between them. She could ask him about people's symmetry all night just to keep him occupied. "How to put it... He was surprising. But he's so innocent, it's going to be interesting. He's a different kind of innocent than Pattie, so I wouldn't put them on the same scale." Chuckling wryly, she scratched her cheek absently.

  • Coming out of her thoughts and turning to her partner, Maka grinned before looking contemplative. Soul knew her well. But it was also why they were able to share things so readily and exchange thoughts between the two of them. Cupping her chin as her gaze focused on the ground, she frowned throughtfully. "It was weird. When I looked at his soul... It was static. Just... A blob of static." Turning from the ground, she looked up at Soul with a concerned frown, obviously quite confused and lost.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(lol, Freya can't destress just yet. I have one last little occurence before this day is over)

After bidding good-bye to everyone, Forge followed Freya out of the Death Room. "If it's alright with you, Miss Chtuhilin, I'd like to see more of the city. Maybe we could try one of those eating places you told me about?" Even after the events in the Death Room, Forge felt strangely energetic. Maybe it was the adrenaline from his system still working, who knows. Forge looked at Freya inquisitively as she seemed to cut herself and change the subject. He nodded before asking in an innocently curious tone, "Yes, I am excited, but what were you going to say? 'I wonder between the two of yo-'? What is it you wonder?"

Black Star clicked his tongue and replied, "I don't see him as a true threat, either. But something about him.....it just doesn't feel right. Call it a warrior's intuition, but something's wrong with that guy. Seriously wrong." While Black Star realized that this might be misconstrued as an unfair judgment, his gut kept telling him Forge could be serious trouble down the line; that was something he just couldn't shake, no matter what anyone told him.

Kid could think of a million different people who would be symmetrical with one of Forge's build; though given his amnesia, it was best to have someone like Freya watching over him. "Yes, it will be interesting. Definitely a curious one he is; I'm curious to see how this plays out."

Soul chuckled and made a jab at Maka's perfectionist personality, "Oh, so the straight-A mistress with a Soul Perception on the level of Joe Buttataki finally met her match?" When he saw the look of loss and confusion on her face, he then spoke in a more serious tone, "Static? Like, static as in when the TV stops working? That's bizarre?" His bright red eyes trailed off as he said "Wonder what that could mean?"
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Lol, poor Freya, she's just gonna have to tough it out then. x') )

  • Her lips pulled further into a soft smile and she nodded as she leaned her head against his arm. "Sure, that's fine. I'm actually a little surprised." She didn't expect for him to want to stay out longer and explore, but she'd gladly oblige. "We can wander around a bit, and if you see a place you like, we can stop by there." She was tempted to wrap her arms around his arm as well, but she simply leaned away, smiling with a blush before looking panicked.

    "U-uh! F-Forge! In a way, you're really dangerous!" Cupping her cheeks with a sheepish pout and looking away, she looked disoriented before slowly looking up at him. "I wonder w-which of you... B-between... Ah. Who's more handso- ...." Pouting more, she finally wrapped her arms around his and pressed her face into his arm, clearly too shy and quite embarassed. She knew he wouldn't be able to udnerstand why, or at least, she thought he wouldn't, but it didn't change the fact that the thought had struck her. She had started comparing her crush - her girlish attraction and affection toward Kid - to Forge. She was certainly putting herself in a difficult place. Surely when they got back home tonight, she'd have more to explain, no matter what.

  • She wasn't sure if that was his cockiness speaking or spot on intuition, but Tsubaki was amused with Black Star agreed that Forge wasn't a true threat. "There is a bit off. But I don't think it's anything he's conscious of himself. Which... Actually might make it worse." Tapping her chin with a small smile and a small sweatdrop, she looked away, seeming puzzled before returning her attention. Giggling at Black Star, Tsubaki considered her thoughts and his point. "Even if others agree, if you say it like that, it's hard to believe you." Or his intentions, anyway.

  • Liz was surprised that Kid hadn't went on about one being more symmetrical than the other, or went down a list of their traits and how symmetrical they were... But it was definitely better that way. But perhaps he was so taken in the thoughts, it simply hadn't phased him. "Well, we already know he has an official rival. I think we know what the most interesting part is going to be here." That went without saying. Certainly Forge's skill would prove to be the main point of interest, but it was clear that his reactions to Black Star would be very amusing and very telling.

  • "Haha, very fun." Maka gave Soul a rueful smile, wondering when he would give her one back for the shot she took at him earlier. "Well, it is something like that." It wasn't that Forge was her match, well not yet, but he was a challenge. But somehow, she suspected he would also become a match to take on. Not in the way Black Star had challenged him obviously. His soul certainly provided a match for her ability, but Maka felt that they had yet to see the greatest of surprises from Forge. "Yeah, it was just like that. I suppose that's the worrisome part though. What does it mean..."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Don't worry, it'll work out. For the most part, lol. Time for Forge's evening outing to be cut short.)

Forge was a bit taken aback by Freya's reaction to his query; he froze as she pressed her head to his arm. "Is everything alright?" he asked her, completely oblivious to the quandary she was facing. Forge wondered if he would ever be able to figure these things. There was so much of it that he had seen; all these phrases and hidden meanings, the little quirks of the spoken language. He secretly wished he would wake up one day and understand these things. It was very interesting, but also quite confusing at times. And he felt it in his gut that there was so much more to learn.

And then Freya called him 'dangerous'; this made his face fall. "I'm...dangerous?" he asked in a mopy tone; he quickly pulled a Spirit and started sulking.

However, Forge's little downer moment would be cut short; a faint scream was soon heard to Forge, cutting through the evening air like a knife. For some reason, the scream sounded muffled and pretty far away. "What the........?" Forge said, immediately perking up before breaking away from Freya to go investigate.

Black Star grimaced, "I don't care what others think, Tsubaki. This guy Forge, he's not normal. Even by our standards, surely you can see it also." Black Star wouldn't let this go; when he got back he'd give Forge a little test. But he grinned, wondering when Kid would notice the little 'modification' he made to his mansion. He and Tsubaki finally arrived home; Black Star was leaving for his mission tomorrow in Southeast Asia. He was going to leave today, but only stayed behind because Shinigami wanted to introduce him to a new student.

The moment Kid entered Gallows Mansion, he noticed something off; the portraits in the entrance hall were slightly crooked. "GAH!! WHY ARE THEY CROOKED!?!? NO NO NO!" he shouted as he frantically ran around the house, trying to align each portrait perfectly, only to find others that were even more misaligned deeper inside the mansion.

Soul walked into their apartment, to see that Blair wasn't snoozing on the couch like she normally did. "Huh, wonder where she could be. She's usually back by now." he said aloud before thinking to himself, "Oh well, at least now Maka can't hit me with one of those heavy-ass dictionaries."

For Forge, it would appear that he was the only one who heard the scream

(Sorry if this portion of Forge/Freya seems cut off, but I want it to be you to set the scene of whatever it may be that Forge encounters)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Sorry this took forever! TTuTT I hope I didn't bring in the part about Maka finding out too soon. If so, I shall edit right away! )

  • Whimpering against his arm, Freya mumbled something before pulling her face back, lips pursed together and still blushing madly. "Yes..." It was alright, but it didn't make her disposition easier. She was probably confusing him too. Maybe there were dictionaries and movies they could pick up to help him get the hang of things. And maybe she could be more clear and stop being so darn spontaneous. "I'm sorry Forge. I guess you could say this is new for me too. I always felt so safe in my feelings before, but now I went and muddled things up..." Smiling awkwardly, she looked at his arm, but hadn't really focused on it. It wasn't as though she had actually started to become that affectionate on purpose or anything, but she got comfortable. And she was having a hard time figuring out whether or not it was bad. Well, she certainly couldn't burden him with her feelings, that was for sure.

    Apparently she had only made it worse. She wanted to hit herself for being so vague about everything with him. "I'm sorry to worry you! It's not like that!" Her smile had warmed considerably, and she reached up to touch his cheek. "It's a good kind of dangerous actually. I guess there's two types of good dangerous. One is... Hm. Like a handsome type, but for personality. And the other is dangerous because someone is very charming, and you... Don't realize how... Special they are." She was having a hard time explaining it without giving herself away. "Well, you're a good dangerous because people will get attached to you before they know it. In a way, you 'steal their heart!'. Which is a good thing, figuratively." Pulling her hand back, she gave him a cheeky smile, pressing a finger to her lips in a personable manner. She hoped that was clear, but she could always explain it more later.

    It only took a second for another odd stroke of fate to work around them. Hearing the scream, both of them perked up, but Forge acted way faster than Freya had. "Forge! Wait! Ahh. I should get help first, but I better make sure I can even find him..." Following behind him, she tried to pay attention to where they were going and trying to keep track of a way to ensure they wouldn't be unable to call for assistance. Then again, with the way Forge's power worked, maybe they wouldn't need assistance anyway.

    They went around businesses and houses around short streets and even through a couple of alleys before arriving on the scene. Immediately Freya grimaced and took a step back, trying to observe and survey the situation. It wasn't as bad as she initially thought it would be, compared to one of their earlier encounters, but it sure beat a simple robber or jerk at the club. Before them was a group of four youths, well, three technically. One was already dead it seemed like and another was bleeding heavily. The one lying in a pool of his blood looked to have just suffered his injuries, and the other was cradling her arm while her friends hovered closely around her.

    Fairly a grim situation, on top of the axe-wielding weirdo that was in front of them. The figure was so perfectly slender and intimidating in its lengthy black cloak, and Freya almost wasn't certain whether or not it was a human. But no, anyone sick enough to do that wasn't human anyway - no matter how messed up humans got. Nervously, Freya looked to Forge and back to the scene, torn about what to do. Obviously, the girl was going to need medical attention, but she wasn't sure about leaving Forge alone in this situation. Or not watching over him if another of those moments happened... 'We have the best and worst luck ever.'

  • Chewing at her lip nervously and yet trying to keep her generally calm demeanor, Tsubaki glanced at Black Star before looking away. When he finally saw Forge's abilities, she was sure he was going to flip. Forge wasn't normal in any way, shape or form. Almost literally even. He was a fairly intimidating presence as far as appearance, but his personality was such a contrast. But he's still an amnesiac with weird powers. There was no way of calling it normal. But Tsubaki felt as though everything would be okay. Supposing everything would be okay. But knowing their luck? Maybe she should be cautious of the circumstances around him and make sure everything around him goes smoothly... She really didn't have much of that sort of a sixth sense, but considering the circumstances? Much better to be safe than sorry. She just hoped Black Star wouldn't make things complicated.

  • As soon as Kid went into his rampage of fixing everything straight, Liz simply sighed, resting a hand against her hip while pressing the other to her forehead. There was no helping his reaction or calming him down. Especially not at this point. Pattie simply went into a git of laughter, pointing at Kid and holding her stomach as she burst out in her stream of giggles and cackling. "Pattie, that's enough, we have to calm him down once he gets through going all of the pictures." All of them. "Hahaha, okay!" Another sigh. It was a long day and still a long night.

  • Smirking at her partner before leaning forward with a stern but playful face, Maka pulled out a dictionary, lifting it just at eye level. "Hey you, I always know what you're thinking, ya know." She didn't have a clue as to what he was thinking, nor did she pull out the dictionary on a wild guess. She simply thought it'd be amusing to tease him with the innocent turned deadly weapon. Especially since he wasn't in trouble for once. But right on time-

    "Oh, you're here~!" Jumping from who knows where, Blair pounced on Soul's head and landed perfectly on her feet, turning to look at them. "I want to tease you, but I guess I had enough fun for today! Well, for now." She went about chuckling mischieviously while Maka simply sighed. "You sure are a trouble maker."

    "But Freya left herself so open~!"

    "Eh? Freya-chan?"

    "Cuddling all over Forge like that got her so riled up. I bet she's tormenting herself now over realizing what I caused."

    "Wha-? Wait! How did you meet Forge!?"

    "Nyaa~? Oh, well she brought him by to meet Boss and everyone, but he works with us now."

    I that second, it was as though as a dam had been destroyed or a levy opened. There hadn't been a sound made by Maka, but it was as though there were. Forge-! Working at ChupaCabra!? What could he possibly do there!? No! It was best not to think about it. But this changed everything!
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(lol, don't worry about it. Probably better that she found out now. Should create some interesting friction between the two of them. And after this post, I think we should return to just Forge, Freya and the psycho)

Forge arrived on the scene to find a gruesome occurrence; four people were either heavily injured or dead. On top of that there was a slender figure standing with what Forge recognized as a large battle-axe; its bladed edge dripping with fresh blood. Forge couldn't believe that someone would do something like this. It didn't take a genius to figure out what transpired, but Forge couldn't feeling shocked and angry.

One of the men who was injured looked up and saw the new arrivals; he weakly looked up and said, "Y...you fools! R...run before he ge..." before the figure with the axe beheaded his victim. The poor man's head rolled near the feet of the female with the cut arm, causing her to scream and faint in fright. Forge froze; how could he have done that? "Why did you just do that?" Forge roared, his anger quickly surfacing. His massive fists clenched; the figure would pay for hurting these people. He also instinctively stepped in front of Freya, in case this person tried to hurt her, too.

Black Star didn't want to think about the new guy anymore. When he got back, he'd see just what was up with him. "One way or another" Black Star mumbled before climbing into bed. He turned to Tsubaki and said, "Hey, Tsubaki. We have to leave early tomorrow. Let's get some rest."

Kid was still running around like a maniac; he found out that several other things were misaligned as well. "Black Star, I'll get you for this" he grumbled; he knew it was Black Star the moment he laid on how through it was. Patti was obviously having a good time; he heard her tell-tale chuckle in the background.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Haha, I wonder how that's going to go. She'll probably accept it well later and maybe make him watch over Spirit with Freya, but I can see her being very unhappy at first. x'D )

  • As soon as one of the injured tried to warn them, he was silenced without hesitation. Freya frowned sharply, her eyes burning a hole through the killer as her lips set in a firm line. The sicko deserved whatever he got. She wasn't surprised to see Forge get angry. At first, she had worried that he might tap into that other side and she wasn't sure if it would promise anything good for him, but she wasn't sure she'd entirely regret him doing so now. She couldn't help but give him a stern and concerned look when he stepped in front of her, no doubt without a second thought.

    His protectiveness was part of the jarring matter concerning him. She expected it out of others and of him, but when he did it so instictively, she wasn't sure what to make of things. But she had her own worries about him, but he was the one who forged weapons and had a much greater defense. She wouldn't be able to protect him as it were. But she wouldn't sit back helpless. If she could, she'd do whatever was possible to take of the freak, but for now, maybe she could focus on tending to the two remaining youth, especially since one had fainted and looked on the verge of it. She could probably lift the girl, but making sure the guy was able to walk might be tedious.

    "Mmm. More delicious morsels have come my way. Do you enjoy the taste of steel? I'll make sure you thoroughly enjoy the taste of my axe. Here, eat up." Turning his crooked, sick smile on Forge and Freya, the psycho hunched over and dashed toward them with his axe drawn back, ready to pull it forwward at them in a strike when close enough. His intent was clearly to kill, but he looked ready to savor the moment and draw it out.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Oh, definitely. And nice dialogue with the psycho, very fitting. Also, I think it's time Freya got better introduced to Forge's 'darker' side XD)

Forge's eyes never left the killer. "How dare you" he growled, too angry; his eyes widened a bit in surprise as the man charged Forge and Freya. Forge matched the man's movements dashing forward to intercept. This man may have wanted to kill; unfortunately Forge was starting to feel the same way. Instinctively Forge formed the gun that his body abosrbed; he froze because he didn't know how to use it.

Needless to say, this made the man with the axe and his potential victims stop dead and stare at him. "Wha....." the guy wallowing in his own blood weakly choked out. Forge's mind then flashed back to the criminal in the clothing store; Forge raised the gun and pointed it at the killer; the killer however, had other plans. Suddenly moving with surprising speed, he caught Forge off-guard and slammed the blade of his axe into the freshly-formed weapon; the gun shattered like a porcelain vase. It was silent for a few seconds; however, Forge's right arm then erupted into a bloody fountain. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Forge cried out as he fell to a knee, clutching his arm. The pain was excruciating; however, the killer then delivered a powerful kick into Forge's jaw, sending him crashing into a wall. Forge collapsed; the pain of having his arm shredded open was unbearable. He could barely hold onto his consciousness.

"Feh. How pathetic. Beaten by a weakling like him" Forge heard someone say in his head. Forge froze, still laying on the ground. The voice continued, its tone dark and menacing "You want the pain to go away? You want to help these pathetic mortals? Let me handle this, and I'll make this look like just a bad dream."

"Who are you?" Forge inquired mentally; the voice replied with a hint of glee, "Who aren't I? I am you. And you are me. We are each other, two separate entities inhabiting one vessel. Let me take you over; I'll get what I want and you'll be the hero of the evening. Everybody wins." Forge didn't trust whoever this was; however, he was still completely unresponsive. His body lay there, doing absolutely nothing due to being crippled from the pain and injury.

(Ladies and gentlemen, the first of Forge's numerous weaknesses.)
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